Far Away | A Lost Fanfiction

بواسطة onelesswriter

21.7K 907 389

"You can't run forever." The survivors of Oceanic 815 crash on a deserted tropical island. They are forced t... المزيد

twenty one.
twenty two.
twenty three.
twenty four.
twenty five.
twenty six.


1.5K 58 28
بواسطة onelesswriter

Robyn and one of the survivors named Jack Shephard where roaming around the deep jungle looking for the cockpit. This might be there last source of rescue because they are still on the island.

After a few hours of walking, Robyn choses to stop, lays her hand down on the nearest three and slowly breathes in and out. She feels a bit light headed and nauseous. Heavy steps were coming closer to her.

"How are you feeling? Do you want to take a break?" He lays his hand down on her shoulder and offers her his water bottle.

Robyn takes the water bottle from Jack and takes a small sip. "I'm feeling a little light headed that is all. We need to get going."

"No." Robyn rolls her eyes. "I'm not going to carry you on my back."

Robyn drops her hand and slowly took a few steps away from the tree. "Don't worry, Jack. I'm fine. See, I c-" Robyn loses her balance and drops knees first into the mud. Jack rushes to her side.

"Why are you so stubborn? All I am asking is for you to take a five minute break." He wraps his hand around her upper arm, ready to help her up but, she quickly pushes her arm back.

Her small fingers slowly dug into the warm mud. Robyn turns her head towards Jack. "That damm cockpit might be our last chance. What about survivors? If we wait five more minutes they could be dead, Jack!"

Her voice is filled with anger and exhaustion. Robyn is tired of waiting for her memory to come back. She wants to get off this island as soon as possible. How faster, the better. A wave of light shocks are creeping over her back, leaving tiny goosebumps behind. "I want to go home, Jack."

Thick droplets of tears are streaming down her cheeks. Jack wraps his arms around her tiny shaking body and brings her head to his chest. This time Robyn didn't hold back her tears and for once it feels good to let it go.

"I know." He whispers in her ear.

Robyn lifts her head off his chest, she didn't look Jack in the eye. "I'm sorry." She pushes her body a few inches away from his and slowly raises up to stand.

Jack quickly helps her up. "I think you are having trouble accepting the fact that it might take a bit longer for your memory to come back."

Robyn sighs softly. "I guess."

She really hates it that Jack is right. He's almost right about everything that she is feeling. Robyn couldn't explain why she is so stubborn around him.

"We really should be going. We won't be back before dark at this pace." Jack drops his hand from her upper arm and watches her walk away.


An hour and thirty minutes later, Jack demanded Robyn to stop. Normally she wouldn't listen to him but, a long thick tree is laying in their way blocking them from passing through.

"Shit," Robyn sighs deeply. "There must be another way around."

"There isn't. We need to climb it."

Her eyes travels up and down the thick tree and shakes her head. "No, I'm not going to climb that three. I'm not Tarzan."

"Don't tell me you are afraid now? It is just a tree." Jack turns around to face Robyn. Her heart is beating faster at the thought of climbing this tree without any ropes. "Wait. You are afraid?"

"Heights and I aren't the biggest friends." She wants to run away, all the way back to the beach but, she knew that she couldn't arrive without a transceiver.

"How are you able to fly?" Robyn sees it in his face. Jack wants to laugh about her apparently weird fear. Her eyes are welling up with hot tears. She wasn't going to cry in front of him, she can't. There must be a reason why it hurts her more than hearing it from someone else. His face expression quickly changes once Robyn didn't react.

Robyn brushes it off and quickly walks to the fallen tree. "You better catch me if I fall." Robyn places her foot on the tree and pulled herself up.

"I'm right behind you." She pulled herself up once again and silently prays that she isn't going to fall.

"Yeah, you better be!" Robyn raises her voice as she kept looking up towards the sky. "Don't look down. You can't quit now, Smith." She whispers to herself.

Jack climbed up after her. "You're doing great, Robyn. We are almost there."

Robyn pulls herself up for the last time and quickly crawls away from the edge. She slowly raises up, her eyes travel to a big white thing, the cockpit. "We're here."

Robyn strode towards the crashed cockpit. The front window is broken and the back of the cockpit is almost gone. She wraps her hand around one off the airplane seats and pulled herself up into the front section of the plane. Slowly she took a few steps closer to the cockpit door. As she puts her foot down, something broke beneath her. Robyn looked down, "Look out, glass everywhere."

He didn't react to her warning but, made sure not to step in any glass. They both pulled themself up towards the door, which was closed. Robyn moves to the left and kneeled down to let Jack go first. He looks at her, grabbed with his hand the door handle and said, "Ready?"

Robyn nods, "Open it."

The door flew open, one of the pilots comes flying at them. Robyn ducked her head towards her knees. "You OK?" Jack asks her.

Robyn lifted her head up to look at Jack's terrified face expression. "Yeah, You?"

"Yeah," Jack nodded, his chest was moving up and down quicker than normal. "I'm fine."

Robyn pulled herself back up, she lost her balance when they got jump scared by a death body. Her body is shaking softly. "Hey, you don't have to come up here."

"No, I'm good." She lets out a small breath before climbing after Jack into the cockpit.

Robyn raises her body and looked around the cockpit. It is a mess, this whole situation is a mess. Robyn is to busy looking around to notice that one of the pilots is actually still alive.

"Hey, can you hear me?" Jack lifted the guy's eyelits up to see any movement in them. The guy let's out a soft groan. "Give me your water bottle, Robyn."

Robyn dropped her bag pack, opens it and gives his water bottle back to Jack. "Here."

"H-How many survived?" Jack presses the water bottle to the guys lip and made a gesture for him to take a sip.

"At least 48." Jack says. Robyn steps a side and let her body rest on the wall behind her. "Does anything feel broken?"

"No, no. Just my head's is a little dizzy, that's all." He tells while Jack takes a better look at the bleeding wound on the guy's forehead.

"It's probably a concussion," Jack says. "It's deep, you need stitches."

"Seth. The name is Seth Norris." Seth tries to move in his seat but as he tries to he grunts and reaches for his leg. "How long has it been?"

"Sixteen hours." Robyn replies. She was still sitting in the same position, not wanting to be in Jack's way.

"Sixteen? Has anybody come?" Jack looks at Robyn, who looks back at Jack unsure what to tell Seth.

"Not yet." Jack lifts himself into the seat next to Seth.

"Six hours in our radio went out. No one could see us. We turned back to land in Fuji. By the time we hit turbulence, we were a thousand miles off course," Seth tells them. He takes a deep breath. "They're looking for us in the wrong place."

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