Nobody Else: A Niall Horan Fa...

By LouieenT

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What is love exactly? Niall's heart has been broken many times but the last one left him scarred. It seems th... More

Nobody Else: A Niall Horan Fan Fiction
Welcome Home
Day 1: Getting Acquainted
Day 5: Day Off
Day 6: Break Ups and Heart Drops
Day 6: The Couple's Milkshake
Day 6: New Found Feelings
Day 6: What Just Happened?
Day 7: New Couples
Day 8: Bang!
Day 8: Results
Day: 16 - Another Passenger and A Day Out
Day 22: America
Day 23: Bank Atlantic Center (Florida) - Dark Intentions
Day 23: Bank Atlantic Center (Florida) - Concert & A Dirty Little Secret

Day 2: Gals

216 5 1
By LouieenT

I woke up curled up in the warmth of the white fluffy hotel duvet. I noticed that my roommate wasn't lying next to me. Curiously, I crawled to the edge of the bed, peeking over just in case he had fallen off. 

"Niall?" I muttered in a whisper. 

There was no answer. I sat up properly in bed stretching my arms above my head hearing a light crack from my back. I then got off the bed and noticed there was a piece of paper on the dresser.


The lads and I went to rehearsals early this morning, we didn't want to wake you. You can do what ever you want, call in room service, swim in the pool, go shopping, anything you want. I left my credit card with you but don't go crazy and go car shopping x) Anyway's the lads and I will be back around 4pm. Sorry we couldn't hang out much today, but we got a whole 2 months! Call me if you need anything.

Nialler xx"

I smiled at the letter and decided I'd call in room service since it was already 12: 45pm and I was starving. I decided on ordering some french toast and a tall glass of milk. I called in my order and turned on the TV while I waited. I also had Niall's laptop with me so I turned that on as well and logged onto my twitter account. Just by the look of my home feed, there were a lot of people on so I decided to do a random twit cam. I logged on to twit cam and tweeted the link. Straight off the bat, I got 354 viewers. It wasn't as much as what Niall could get, but I had a few followers that enjoyed talking with me. 

I was currently telling random stories of Niall and me when we were younger and followers were actually asking questions about me instead of Niall and the other boys. They were trying to get me to sing a One Direction song or a Justin Bieber song. Last twit cam I did, I did a 'That Should Be Me' cover by Biebster himself. I noticed a girl ask me where I was at the moment and where were the rest of the boys. I explained how Niall had abandoned me and now I was waiting for my french toast to come in. Soon enough there was a knock on my door so I bid the tweeters farewell and logged off. I walked over to the door and the service guy came in and set my food down on the counter. He handed me a receipt to sign, which I did and I handed it back after, and he left. 

I was sitting on the bed watching Big Time Movie. I thought the boys of Big Time Rush were pretty cute- especially that Kendall guy. He was a looker and a great singer. And from what Niall has told me, he is a real funny guy. I continued to watch as I munched on my syrupy brunch. Once in a while I'd burst into laughter at the funny parts of the movie. I finished my food a while back and set it outside the room door so someone could take it away. I watched the rest of the movie and went on Facebook for a good hour. It was now 2:34pm and I was bored, so I thought I'd go to the pool. I slipped into my royal purple bandeau swim top which had a little bow in the front, and white bottoms that were laced at the hips. I grabbed my phone along with the room key and Niall's credit card with me and stashed it into my wallet which I hid under my towel. 

There wasn't much people around, but there were a few good looking guys chilling by the pool. Although they were around, they were more like wallpaper than anything because I had a boyfriend- and I'm a loyal girlfriend. I set my things down on one of the pool chairs and pulled Niall's tank, that I took, over my head. I let my hair down and walked to the edge of the pool where the steps were. I stepped into the water, and the water was freezing cold. I took in a sharp breath laughing at myself. I must have looked really weird to the onlookers. I took another step as the cold zipped through my body.

"Hey, why don't we both jump in together?" I heard a female's voice ask.

I turned to look at the mystery girl and my eyes went big in surprise. It was Danielle Peazer and beside her stood Eleanor Calder! I was left speechless as I stared at the two girls in awe. They both let out a giggle which caused me to snap out of my rude staring. 

"OH! Um, I am so sorry for staring." I apologized with a nervous laugh.

"It's okay, you must have been shocked to see us." Eleanor chimed. 

"More than shocked actually. I think the correct term would be stunned." I corrected them. They both giggled.

"So you're Cole right?" Danielle asked.

"Yeah, I am. How did you know?" I questioned back. 

"Niall and the others told us a lot about you. Nialler showed us a picture so we could find you. We went to yours and Niall's room, but no one answered so we thought we'd go to the pool hoping you would be here, and look at this, we found you!" Danielle explained with an enthusiastic tone.

I couldn't help but laugh. This was an amazing moment to be meeting two of the most adored girls in the world- well, the One Direction world. I felt a bit self-conscious standing next to them. They were gorgeous and fit. I was pretty in shape as well considering I was always out playing futball or volleyball with the gang once in a while.

"Wow Cole, you have a really nice figure." Eleanor complimented.

"Thanks, but I'm nothing compared to you two." I blushed as I returned the compliment. They both smiled at me and I smiled back.

"Well then my beautiful ladies. Let's charge this ice cold water!" Danielle beamed. 

"Yes! Let's do this!" Eleanor agreed.

"On the count of three! 1… 2… 3!" Danielle counted down. We all yelled three un unison as we jumped in.

We all came up for air and the water was freezing. I brushed my fringes out of my eyes and I saw Danielle and Eleanor hugging themselves underwater. Laughter was the only thing escaping our lips at the moment. Even when wet, Danielle's curls still had volume. It always made me wonder how I'd look with her hair. 

"The water is freezing! The sun is up, the day has been hot, and yet the pool is like ice cold!" Eleanor squealed.

After some time swimming around in the pool, our bodies got used to the temperature of the water and we were now moving about comfortably. We had a lot of fun splashing around and racing in the water. Danielle always came in first, followed by me, then Eleanor constantly in last. It was a lot of fun. After spending some time in the water, we all decided to get out and tan a bit.

We walked up to the pool lounge chairs and laid down to get a tan. Danielle and I were lying on our stomach, while Eleanor laid on her back with her aviators covering her eyes. I decided to check my cell phone and saw that I had gotten a few text messages and missed calls from Niall. 

Niya<3: Hey, where you?

Niya<3: Cole are you out shopping? Get back to me.

Niya<3: WHERE ARE YOU WOMAN?! :) xx

Niya<3: Cole, where did you go?

Niya<3: We got out of rehearsals early today. Did you meet up with the other girls? They're not picking up either!

I laughed at all the messages. When I checked the time it was already 4pm. 

"What's so funny?" Danielle asked. 

"The boys finished rehearsals early today. They tried to contact us." I explained.

"Really?" Danielle and Eleanor said in unison as they both reached for their phone. 

"Whoa, I got 2 messages and 3 missed calls from Louis." Eleanor was surprised.

"Yeah, I got 5 missed calls and 3 messages." Danielle giggled.

"Niya sent me 5 messages and 2 missed calls." I chucked. 

"Niya?" The two girls cooed in confusion.

"OH! It's kind of an inside joke between Niall and I. He was the one who made up my nickname, Cole. He thought it was funny because it was a boy name so I decided to call him Niya as a girl name. My nickname stuck, but I'm the only one that calls him Niya." I disclosed.

"Aw, that's cute!" Eleanor chirped.

"Well, you can call me Dani." Danielle told me.

"And you can call me El!" Eleanor beamed.

"Thanks. You can call me Cole, or Nic, which ever you prefer." I smiled at the girls. 

"THEY THEY ARE!" We heard someone yell. 

We looked at the direction of where the obnoxious voice came from. It was oddly familiar, but it all came clear when Louis popped up beside us. 

"LOUIS?!" We all yelled in unison- surprised to see him here. 

"Hello there ladies. Looking fit in those bikinis." Louis complimented while taking his seat next to El.

"COLE!" I heard Niall call my name. Before I could comprehend what was happening, Niall was already scooting me over on the pool lounge chair so he could lay beside me.

"Ah, Niall! There is not enough room for the both of us." I groaned as he wrapped an arm around me so I wouldn't fall off. 

"You two really don't seem like 'just good friends.' You two look like you're actually dating." Liam commented as he sat on the ground next to Dani. Zayn was lying on a the lounge chair next to me while Harry and Louis was sharing a lounge chair next to El, listening in to the conversation.

"Really? You two aren't dating? When Niall called you his friend, I thought he was just being shy. So Nialler here was telling the truth?" Eleanor seemed more surprised than expected.

"Right? We all thought they were dating when Niall called to inform us that she was coming. He had a lot of good things to say about her, so we all kinda assumed." Zayn explained.

Listening to the conversation that was going back and forth made me blush. I loved Niall, but not like that. He was literally my best guy friend in the world, plus I had a boyfriend. I glanced over at Niall whose face was as red as a tomato. He was trying to clarify everything about our relationship. We were just friends and I actually came along on the trip with a goal of my own, or a mission of my own. Mission: Get Niall A Nice Girlfriend.

The rest of the day, we spent it at the pool. We ordered dinner to be delivered to the pool and we just had a laugh. I didn't even think that the hotel would actually have room service deliver to the pool side. Unless, One Direction were just so famous that they could have room service deliver to them anywhere. It must be nice to live like this, minus the millions of screaming fans that have the potential to make you go permanently deaf. If I must say so myself, today was an awesome day! I got to meet the girls, and this was the perfect end to the perfect second day with One Direction.

----------YAY! Another chapter down! What you think? Comment below. Fan to show some love, and vote for support. It'll make me very happy!!! Thanks for reading Babes!  :) xx

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