The Most Powerful (The Wrath)

By WarrKatstud231

272 25 257

Book 6: Everything is falling apart. Life as a Chosen One is becoming an everyday struggle to live. While God... More

Chapter 1 (The Act Of Carelessness)
Characters Looks (Book 6)
Chapter 2 (A Whole New World)
Chapter 3 (The Silence Of My Good Deeds)
Chapter 4 (Missed The Heart)
Chapter 5 (Betrayal Is Not A Friend)
Chapter 6 (The Shaky Grounds We Walk On)
Chapter 7 (The Final Peace Offering)
Chapter 8 (Hidden Beneath The Surface)
Chapter 9 (Proposal Of A Lifetime)
Chapter 10 (The Hated One)
Chapter 11 (The Enemy In The Mirror)
Chapter 12 (Hopeless In The Eye Of The Enemy)
Chapter 13 (The Fallen)
Chapter 14 (To Hell Willingly)
Chapter 15 (The Spark From One)
Chapter 17 (Enemy Looking In)
Chapter 18 (Mark Me Once)
Chapter 19 (Work Towards The Run)
Chapter 20 (Up In Flames)
Chapter 21 (The End Of A Legend)
Chapter 22 (Destiny Comes In Unfimiliar Forms)
Chapter 23 (From Low To High)
Chapter 24 (The Wrath)

Chapter 16 (Your One And Only)

10 1 20
By WarrKatstud231


I returned to the altar where the Spirit wanted to grant me a commission. I left the miserable pack of wolves that claimed to be legendary off to the creator, hopefully receiving word that I am granted with the option to put the foul Chosen Ones out of their misery. At that moment, the world would find peace when those rotten, filthy little beings are executed.

"Father," I called out to him as though he was, the Lord's bright gates opening, his holy face gazing down at me. I patiently waited for his next command.

"My next mission for you is not one of the ordinary," he stated, his voice echoing within the walls of the chapel beside where I stood.

"Whatever it is that you ask, I will do so," I confirmed, my hands formally folded.

"I want you to find a demon. He ranks as number twelve. He is one that appears as a human, yet he is impossible to mistake."

"I will find him immediately."

My mission began from that moment on, as I transported to where my instincts urged me to go. As always, it wasn't hard to find my target. Simply find him, the Spirit had said. Observe him.

But I was not led to a place of the ordinary, or at least great sorrow from the realm below. I approached Carrie's house with ridicule and swiftness.

And that is when I witnessed the most horrific sight I had ever saw... The scariest feeling I would ever feel. The only feeling I felt in a long time.

I pieced it together within myself when I found the demon. He approached me from behind, the front door still waiting to be knocked on. I turned my body to face him, watching him in an obvious confrontation. His icy blue, glacier-like eyes fell on me. He walked with a careless yet stealthy strut. He used his head to sway his black, wavy hair to the side, which was impossible to miss on his paper-white complexion. The left eyebrow piercing on his perfectly angled face made me all the more uncomfortable. He owned baggy clothes with many holes and stains, his dark jeans slightly baggy as well, considering his body was on the verge of disintegrating from lack of nutrition. His smirk made my body freeze up, as he rudely brushed past me to open the door without any greeting.

He touched me. No being can ever touch me unless I allow it, considering my form.

I followed him inside to gather more information, to confirm that I was wrong on my accusations. Chambers greeted us at the door, my emotions only spinning more out of control as I came to realization.

I was led to the Chosen Ones, both this demon and I a newcomer. And if he could make physical contact, it was meant to be. Meaning I was now deemed as one of them, and he was my destiny companion, as well as I his. Once you step into Carrie's territory, there was no going back.

"Chambers, isn't it?" His voice strung with an obnoxious tone, like he was prepared to place humor into any situation, quick to be right, and strong to always get his way. Loud, he could be, and it was obvious. The crackle in his voice appeared to be teasing, but it would only make others enraged.

"Yes," Chambers confirmed slowly, as he came to the realization as well. His green eyes looked to me, and he would choose to keep his mouth shut if he knew best.

"Chambers!' Candice's voice sprung to action as she stomped her way to the front door. "Parker has been in the shower for almost an hour," she complained. "I don't have all day." I could see the temper Chambers used to suppress so well emerge from the surface. Parker suddenly appeared beside Candice, his naked body covered in suds, dripping with water. "Finally," Candice went to shove past him, to which he gripped a hold of her arm, his body close to hers. I watched to see if she wavered, but I kept in mind that Candice had the will of the best of them. And so, she easily threw him aside like he was nothing.

"I'm going to go get dressed," Parker spoke with slight hesitation after being denied, but no shame as he scurried off, flashing us with his pale back side.

"Repulsive," I commented. The demon watched him walk away with a grin, almost like he would fit in well here. Which shouldn't be a surprise. He already looked like a goth, freakish teenage boy with parental issues, besides the serious starvation.

"The name's Nixon," he grinned, pronouncing the "o" with punctuation. He held out a hand for Chambers to shake, Chambers' facial expression growing more irritable by the second. "What? I don't bite," Nixon bit his lip playfully, almost face to face as he spoke to Chambers.

"Why are you here?" Chambers eyed him, for once letting someone be that close to contact. I don't know why if Nixon looked to be a homeless bum anyhow.

"I was sent," Nixon whispered, their lips literally almost touching. "By Satan."

"You obviously don't know your place here then."

"Oh? You mean the fact that I'm a Chosen One?" Nixon questioned, now walking into the kitchen to search for food, which he severely needed. Chambers followed him as he rampaged the fridge.

"And let me guess. You think you can escape," Chambers suggested with a dramatic eye roll.

"No," Nixon answered honestly, Chambers furrowing his eyebrows in confusion. "I know that there's no escaping it. I'm actually here because I'm curious."

"On who your True Love is?" I questioned calmly, Nixon now forced to acknowledge me.

"No," he stated as though it was obvious, holding up a package of Bologna. "About what kind of food you got." He turned his attention back to the fridge. Low-life scoundrel.

"And you're not afraid?" Chambers pruded in on his personal life.

"Why should I be?" Nixon spoke in between chewing food, shoveling it in like a vacuum. "She's more scared than I am."

"Excuse me?"

"Yeah. You should of seen the look on your face," he laughed joyously, taking another bite from his hideous creation. "This tastes like shit," he commented loudly, yet still ate the rest of it.

"Then why eat it?"

"Ever been homeless?" He asked, cocking his head to one side. "There's things I've eaten that are worse. Believe me." He laughed at everything, even if it was serious. His life was just one big joke, which was so frustrating to people like Chambers and I, who are actually worth something.

"You're a demon. You can literally appear food in your hand," I started, waiting patiently for his response as he gulped down a glass of water, which spilled over the corners of his mouth. Slob.

"True. But I don't take the easy road. I'd rather scavenge around, make the things I receive worth while. It's more humbling that way."

"But you steal," Chambers joined in.

"At least I work for it. Can't say the same for any of you." He looked for a napkin, (couldn't find one) and used the kitchen towel rag instead. "Anything's better than shit."

"You've eating fecal matter?" I growled, completely repulsed by the pitiful scumbag.

"Yep. Tried it all. Human, rat, dog, you name it. If it's all I could find," he shrugged his shoulders as if it was nothing.

"This is a mistake," I spat, Chambers raising his brows at my rage that never escaped my lips. "He is a disease."

"No I'm not," Nixon spoke up after bursting into a fit of loud laughter. "I probably have many, but I'm not. Hey! You guys want to see something?" I watched the parasite crawl his way on all fours down the hall, scurrying demonically into a room, sending a Chosen One screaming at the sight.

"That, Chambers? That one is mine? I'd rather go to Hell than be with that!"

"Boo!" Nixon shouted from behind me, my body having no urge to jump. It only made me grow more enraged. "Gregor!" Nixon spotted him coming up from the basement staircase, gasping as though he's seen him before.

"You," Gregor spoke with horror.

"Me!" Nixon shouted gleefully, jumping onto Gregor in a straddle and kissed him on the lips. Gregory threw him to the floor quickly afterwards, insulted by the gesture. "Ouch. I feel rejected," Nixon pretended to pout, quickly getting over it as he lept to his feet.

"You killed my parents!" Gregory accused, swiping at his mouth in disdain.

"Yeah, well, they killed mine. So I guess we're even. And it's kind of my job." After saying so, Nixon rushed back into the kitchen for more food.

"You do realize he's eaten fecal matter, correct?" Chambers tried to hold in his laughter, yet Gregor saw no humor in it. I was simply amused.

"I'm going to go sterilize my mouth."

"Have fun with that," Nixon waved him goodbye. "So," he spoke through his food. "Gregor runs this 'establishment'?" Chambers' face grew with what almost looked to be sympathy, making my nick for curiosity only grow.

"Guess again," Carrie growled after appearing behind him, Nixon growing motionless, his eyes widening in terror. Nixon was one you would never see hurt, afraid, or even angry, at that. This was a much different look, but it was much more comforting knowing that he had a weakness. He slowly swallowed the last of his food, frozen in fear. "Did you miss me?" She breathed, hungry for her next victim.

"Leave him alone," Chambers shooed her way, Nixon shakily avoiding eye contact, turning his stool to face Carrie, yet he wouldn't even look at her. And he said nothing more. He walked straight out the door, and all it took was Carrie's presence. Which means I know his greatest weakness, and maybe I can sell his soul to his worst nightmare. The collector of all souls sold to Satan. Carrie.

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