Making a choice

By AddedOC

230 0 0

707: Fine. 707: You have an hour. Zen: Demanding isn't he? MC gets caught in a power struggle between the RF... More

A text from a stranger
Happy(?) to Help
A Stranger in the Chat
Prank Call
Where are my Things!?
Seven Zero Seven, Defender of Justice!
Meeting Ray
A gift from the RFA
Wrong Number
PhD Pepper and Honey Buddha Chips
A Run-In with Zen
Take me Home
Bringing up the Past
Sowing the Seeds

Saeran Choi

16 0 0
By AddedOC

"Feel free to accidentally call me anytime MC." Saeran smirked as he moved the phone away from his ear and pressed the button to end the call. He turned to the door of her apartment, letting his lips sink into a deep frown before he turned away quickly and made his way to the elevator. She was calling someone, from him listening in to her cctv feeds he knew she had to tell Saeyoung whenever she wanted to leave the apartment, and if she had his name saved under Ray then it was only natural that he would be the next name on her contact list.

He stood against the far side of the elevator, his arms crossed over his chest as he stared down at his crossed ankles. Thoughts of what he would have to do when he returned raced through his mind. He was dropping off another bag of her things after carefully going through each item and hiding bugging devices inside her clothes. They were small, the wires used to weave them through the fabric and the actual battery and bug of each looking like any other button on her jacket, or like they were apart of an embroidered design on any of her large sweaters she seemed to enjoy wearing. He would of course have his own stream of her cctv feed going on one monitor while he worked to delete any trace of him interacting with her. Traffic cameras had to be tampered with last time, while he was away. He didn't trust the others to do as good of a job as he would but they somehow pulled it off. He didn't like having to trust them like that, but in order to get closer to their goal he would have to make the girl think they were friends.

As soon as the elevator doors opened he stepped out quickly and took the stairs two at a time. If she was leaving soon then he would have to get as far from the building as possible to avoid running into her before he planned. He moved out of the building swiftly and slipped into the backseat of a waiting car, with one short hand motion the driver was off. Taking them out of the city itself and towards the waiting mass of trees that led into mountains beyond. Saeran pulled out his phone and quickly added her to his contacts. It was a burner, simply one for him to hand her if she had asked to put her number into it with nothing on it to tie him to either the RFA or to his own organization, Mint Eye.

With her name saved in the phone, Searan tossed it beside him on the backseat. He ran his fingers through his hair, mussing it until the locks poked out at odd angles, and turned his attention to the world outside the window. Trees and buildings passed him by swiftly. Their blurry image only broken by large rocks now and again. Soon there would be no buildings, he closed his eyes as the last one passed by. The car drove down a steep incline that wound around the edge of a mountain before going up just as steeply. Headquarters was close.

"Sir." The driver said simply as they pulled up to what appeared to be a large church of some kind. Saeran sighed softly as he noticed a few fellow members walking the grounds in their dark purple black robes.

"Take the sub level entrance." He muttered out. His voice flat and firm, lacking the soft tones that he used when around MC.

"Sir." The driver nodded as he turned the car towards the path leading to the side of a mountain that surrounded the compound. The rocks moved upward as they drew nearer and soon they were once more driving down an incline. The cars headlights lit the area ahead of them while pale green lights line the path on either side. They turned sharply once and pulled into a large underground parking lot. Saeran snatched up the phone from the seat and shoved it into his pocket as the car pulled to a stop and, without a word to his driver, stepped out slamming the door behind him.

His hands were running through his hair again as he made his way up a winding set of cold stone steps. Everything about this place was cold. It made goosebumps rise on his skin whenever he returned. His medicine would help. He had to get to his quarters and take it as soon as possible. The dark thoughts would be pushed away as well. Thoughts of the why's behind the saviors plans. The bad thoughts. He couldn't have them.

"Saeran?" He paused in the middle of the hallway, the hairs on the back of his neck rising at the sound of the woman's voice. It was sickly sweet and the headache he was gaining from not taking his dose at the right time was intensified at the sound. He gritted his teeth. His right hand gripping his fringe as he attempted to get his face under control before he turned to face her.

"Savior." He said simply, still refusing to look back.

"I was worried. I saw you arrive but you went through here instead of coming directly to me. Did your mission not go well?" She sounded genuinely concerned for him in that moment, but the bad thoughts were screaming in his head that it wasn't true. That she was playing with him, toying with him like some sort of doll. His hand fell to his side as he struggled to push them away.

"The mission is going fine. Everything according to plan." He had to leave, quickly. He had to take his medicine.

"You look pale, Saeran."

"I'm fine." His tone had sharpened. He winced at the sound of it, knowing that if the Savior caught it then he would be in trouble.

"You should be sure to take your medicine after being gone for so long." He allowed his tended shoulders to relax at that, perhaps she didn't catch it.

"Yes ma'am." He said, lowering his head slightly. He could hear her heels clicking on the marble tile as she turned away from him. He felt his body relax more at the sound, his mind telling him that he was clear, his mistake hadn't been caught.

"Oh, and Saeran?"

"Yes ma'am?" He allowed himself to turn and face her, taking in the golden curled locks that cascaded down her back in waves.

"Come to me when you are done." Somehow her tone was both sickly sweet and dark all at once. He felt as if a heavy stone fell straight to the pit of his stomach. She had caught his mistake.

He was in deep trouble. 

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