
By -CrazySobtian-

17.8K 1.3K 295

Not everyone is blessed with everything in life. Nothing is perfect in this universe; everyone has their own... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 7
Hiatus Notice
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Announcement + Part 12

Part 6

1K 101 15
By -CrazySobtian-

Khushi promised herself that she'd actually try to enjoy her time with her siblings instead of sulking in a corner. She had suffered enough without doing anything.

"Enough of being depressed. Time to enjoy life!"

Khushi's birthday fell during their vacation period. Thus, they decided to surprise her with something special. They will make sure their little sister had the time of her life here. That's the least they could do after all the hardships she had gone through.

They reached their hotel at midnight and went straight to their rooms as they were tired. Normally, Payal and Khushi always shared one room, but this time Khushi decided to take a separate one since she didn't trust herself. Just in case she had a relapse, she didn't want to cry in front of her sister and ruin her time here. Payal knew the reason behind her taking a different room and decided not to question her about it. Khushi's room was on a different floor from her siblings' one. As it was holiday season; almost every other hotels were booked completely they settled for whatever they got.

Khushi instantly fell asleep as she was jet-lagged. She woke up the next morning, still tired, but oddly enough she felt like this was the first time in a while she slept in peace.

"You'll get through this Khushi! You got this!"

She thought with a genuine smile on her face. She quickly got dressed and went downstairs to have breakfast with her siblings. Shyam and Payal were happy to see her all bubbly. Their Khushi was slowly coming back to life. After finishing their breakfast, Khushi realized that she left her phone in her room so she quickly ran to her room to get it. Shyam planned all sorts of crazy outdoor activities for tomorrow thus he decided to keep their first day a bit low-key. They decided to roam around near the beach for a while and later on at night they'd go out for clubbing.

"I mean it kinda makes sense why your mom doesn't want you to marry her. She does have a valid reason here. The girl you love can't give you an heir or heiress. So what's the point? Sorry man I can't help in this matter. You are on your own!" 

"Come on bro! You were my last hope. Please convince her somehow. I love her a lot."

Khushi overheard their conversation and she was disgusted by the first guy's remarks but felt bad for the other guy as well. Without thinking twice she decided to intervene in their conversation.

"Gentlemen I am so sorry to interrupt your conversation. But do you really think women as a baby breeding machine? If so, then you should definitely upgrade your shitty backdated mentality. And you Mr. if you really love that girl, then don't rely on other people to have your back. Man up and convince your mother on your own. If she says no a 1000 times then try again. In life nothing comes easy. You gotta work hard for it. Goodbye!"

Saying that she stormed off! She just had to knock in some sense in that rude guy's head.

Both the guys were dumbfounded. One was undoubtedly pissed off by her "unwanted" opinion where as the other one was grateful for the advice he received from a stranger where as his own cousin failed to help him out. 

"To be honest bro, yeah she was a bit rude but she was more helpful than you have ever been in this situation. She's my hero! Ugh I couldn't even thank her." The cousin honestly confessed while the other one scowled. 

"What an insolent girl! Who the hell was she?" 


Hey everyone! I am so sorry for the late and short update. I actually had my wisdom tooth surgery a few days ago and I am still recovering. But, I am back and I shall post more often from now on!

Thank you so much for being patient. As always, if you liked this chapter then please hit the vote button and comment down below. 

For more updates follow me ^_^

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