Betrayal Of the Demon King(E...

By One_Intense_Shipper

108K 1.9K 669

When Natsu runs into Zeref on a solo mission he finds out he is E.N.D. When he's back at the Guild he hides t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 17

2.2K 52 25
By One_Intense_Shipper

3rd POV
Natsu woke up first. He groaned and slowly sat up, yawning tiredly. Once Natsu took in his surroundings of the guild, a smile grew on his face. The fact that Lucy was sleeping next to him as well made that smile to grow even wider.

After a while of Natsu contemplating what to do, he laid back down next to Lucy, facing her. He brushed back a strand of hair behind her ear and admired her face. After about 10 minutes, he dozed back off to sleep.

Around 3 hours after that, Natsu woke up again, but this time he wasn't the only one up. In fact most of the guild had woken up by then, including Lucy. As soon as she saw Natsu was awake she smiled and greeted him, "Heya Natsu, had a nice nap?" Natsu weakly smiled and nodded at this.
"Mhm.. it was great.." This was in fact a lie. He had a nightmare, a bad one. It took all his wIlL power to not scream at the top of his lungs when he woke up. The dream involved him, E.N.D and torture.

Lucy noticed his nervousness but decided not to pry. She just smiled in response to him. Since the nightmare Natsu experienced took place, Natsu was extra tired. So he rested his head on Lucy's shoulder and closed his eyes. Lucy smiled at this and pat Natsu's salmon coloured hair.

The other guild members that were around that area mostly couldn't remember Natsu and Lucy being this close, since they were all too drunk to remember last night. The only people that could remember were Team Natsu, Makarov, Mira, the exceeds, Romeo and Wendy. So when the guild saw this they all crowded around the two asking many questions and once they got the answers congratulating the two. Natsu and Lucy were embarrassed to say the least but smiling either way. Though Natsu was extremely nervous having this many people surround him.

About an hour later the guild had settled down to usual and team natsu were all sat together. Erza was eating her cake, Gray was trying to pry Juvia off himself but failing miserably, Happy was sat between them and Natsu and Lucy were snuggling. They aren't particularly a clingy couple but since Natsu had woken up from the nightmare he'd been on edge and overly nervous, so he needed a hug off of someone.

"You're so warm Natsu.." Lucy said while looking up at him. Natsu just smiled.
"It's a fire thing," he stated. Lucy nodded in response.
"I love you Natsu.."
"I love you too princess." At that, Natsu and Lucy's faces paled. Natsu had never called Lucy that, only E.N.D had.

Lucy looked up at Natsu nervously, "N-Natsu what was that?" Natsu's face looked mortified, "I-I don't-" he was interrupted by Erza.
"Why what happened?" She asked.
Lucy gulped before answering, "Natsu just called me princess.." The rest of Team Natsu froze and turned to look at Natsu. "Flame brain?" Gray asked, seeing the stress and panic clear in Natsu's face.
"I-I- Just give me a minute.." an with that, Natsu got up and ran out of the guild hall to the nearest empty room he could, the infirmary. He ran in there and immediately slammed the door shut behind him.

Team Natsu was extremely confused and worried, Erza ran off to get Makarov while Lucy, Gray and Happy went to the infirmary. Lucy went first and opened the door.

Natsu was on the floor, on his knees and hyperventilating. His back was facing the group so they couldn't see his face but they could feel the dread coming from Natsu. As soon as they walked through the door they heard muttering too, Natsu's muttering. He was speaking to himself. He was saying things like "shut up" and "you don't know what you're talking about".

The group didn't know what to do and just did the first thing that came to their minds. "..Natsu?" Lucy asked. At that Natsu's head whipped around to show his face, his hand was loosely covering one eye, though it was still visible. And it was red. His face was drenched in sweat and he looked extremely pale. Lucy gasped and stepped backwards. Gray, on the other hand, stepped forwards. "Natsu?" He asked.
"GET AWAY FROM ME!" Natsu yelled back.
"We're here to help Natsu, what's wrong, is it E.N.D?"
Natsu just nodded vigorously. Gray nodded back.
"Alright, well first thing you need to do is calm down and stop hyperventilating, you'll pass out and you don't want that.."
Natsu nodded, trying to control his breathing. Not a second later Erza and Makarov slowly came into the room. Makarov and Erza both gasped at the scene, having a similar reaction to Lucy when she first entered the room.

Gray carried on with what he was saying, "you ok now?" He asked. Natsu slowly nodded.
"Okay now you need to—" but before Gray could finish Natsu's hands darted to his mouth, covering it. Lucy was about to ask what was wrong before she was interrupted by Natsu's coughing violently and blood seeping through the fingers that covered his mouth. The group looked horrified at that.

"N-Natsu?!" Lucy shouted at him, confusion and worry taking over her. After that, Natsu swayed and fell sideways, his eyes rolling to the back of his head. Erza quickly ran over and caught him, followed quickly by the others, Lucy and Happy holding back tears in their eyes.

The group were quick to move Natsu into an infirmary bed, taking turns watching over him, Lucy was first. She and Natsu were alone in the room and an hour had passed. Lucy said she'd watch over Natsu for as long as needed which everyone else's opinion would be 4 hours.

3 hours passed.

Lucy was holding Natsu's hand tightly, tears finally stopping after 2 hours of worry and anxiety.

Lucy got up and was about to leave but was stopped.


(1006 words)

Sorry it's a little shorter then normal but I did get one out yesterday :3

I thought even though this book includes Nalu there hasn't been much of it, so that explains last chapter as well as this one.

Anyways see you next chapter :)

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