The Tears I Shed For Him...

By Cyn_happiness77

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For the first time, I saw him hesitate. Just the slightest bit. Then it was gone and his handsome face smooth... More

Chapter 1~There is no place like home
Chapter 2~ The runaway
Chapter 3~Payback My Friend
Chapter 4~ Give it up for plan...C?
Chapter 5~ Fast and Furious
Chapter 6~ A Sorrowful Good-Bye
Chapter 7~ Heights make me Hyperventilate
Chapter 8~First day in hell-I mean school...
Chapter 9~What are the odds?
Chapter 10~It's for the best...
Chapter 11~Wrong Place at the Wrong Time
Chapter 12~My Lips Are Sealed
Chapter 13~Say Yes...Hell No!
Chapter 14~Why explain when I can show you?
Chapter 15~The Confession Game!
Chapter 16~Pep Pep Preppy Prep
Chapter 17~Unknown POV
Chapter 19~Enough is Enough
Chapter 20~ Nahuel's POV
Chapter 21~ Freedom Came With Its Price
Chapter 22~ Torture
Chapter 23~ Nahuel's POV
Chapter 24~ Life or Death...
Chapter 25~ In Loving Memory of...
Chapter 26~ Nahuel's POV
Chapter 27~ What Happened To Innocent 'Til Proven Guilty
Chapter 28~ Just Stop While You're Ahead

Chapter 18~First Date...

214 9 0
By Cyn_happiness77

This chapter is dedicated to my dearest pal Blueskylover. Welcome Back! We've missed you LOL or well, I have ;)

Song=="Bewitched" by Blood On The Dance Floor

Picture==Elaine <3

"You got me bewitched, cause I'm under your spell~ Wooohhh! ~ You must be a witch, 'cause I am living in hell ~ Now is the time, now is the hour, I to take back my heart, to take back my power ~ This is the moment to break your spell ~ I see right through you, now burn in hell."

    Chapter 18~ First date…

            There was a loud rapping at the door. Rolling over in my bed, I folded my pillow around my head to mute out the ruckus emanating from the front door. Finding tranquility once again, I found myself dozing off again, whoever it was at the knocking this early in the morning will probably take the hint and beat it. With a gentle sigh, I forced my brain to unwind and plunge me once again into the heavenly clouds of blissful dreams. Yes, I felt it now, my body detaching itself from the bed, taking flight out in the unknown as the rush of wind caresses my back and thighs like a silken blanket. I smiled in my sleep, welcoming in all the glorious sensation. In fact, I was in such ecstasy that I let a moan slip past my moan as I spread my arms out on my warm bed, sinking deeper under my covers…going deeper…

My body was now falling, no, it was sliding across my bed’s cushioned surface, then the gravity took over, slamming my body against the—rather thin and rough—carpet, hard. My eyes snapped open in horror as I choked on a scream. Just as I scrambled to get back on my feet, the mattress to my bed flipped over and clashed with brutal force onto my body.

            “Wakey, Wakey!” trilled a deep, snarky, voice. I grunted in return, making feeble attempts to wiggle free from the cushiony prison I was currently trapped in.

Finally giving up, I ceased all movement and slumped down on the floor with raspy breaths.

            “How did you get in my house, Nahuel?” I demanded between pants, “I’m seriously tempted to call the cops on you for B and E right now. Don’t think I won’t do it.”

I heard the shuffling of his feet against the furry carpet as he took slow steps toward me. From a thin crack between the floor and the mattress as saw as he tapped his foot as he mused over his answer.

            “Is that the thanks you give to your knight in shining armor?” He went down on his knees and propped up the mattress by a corner, just enough for him to meet my eyes. Unsurprisingly, he met a loaded daggered glare.

            “Usually the knight doesn’t dump the damsel onto the ground and throw a fifty ton mattress over her!” I snapped, internally grateful to have some of the mattress’s weight off of my chest; my breathing began to regulate.

            He chuckled to himself, shaking his head “You exaggerate this mattress only weighs about a hundred pounds, give or take.”

            “Stop being a smart ass and get me out!”

            He pursed his lips as he deliberated, “Will you call the cops if I do?”

            “I’ll call the cops no matter what!” I blurted, immediately regretting it because as soon as the last syllable slipped my tongue he had dropped the mattress back down on me. “Nahuel! Get this off me, I’m serious!”

            He was walking away, I could clearly hear him, and all at once I felt myself panic. I began to squirm again, but it all resulted in vain. I was definitely too weak to lift up the mattress a mere inch. Note to self: Start working out, ASAP.

            “Oh well,” Nahuel’s distant voice sighed, “I guess I’ll just have to play Yu-Gi-Oh with your brother while I pass the time.”

            “You stay away from     Bryan!” I warned, feeling hyperventilation creep up in cold sweat through my pores. “Wait a second, did he let you in?”

            “What was that?” he taunted, I swear I could literally hear the smirk in his voice, “To have fun? Oh I plan to, nena,”

            I was stubborn, I was well aware of that, and when it came to resigning against Nahuel’s arrogant strategies, I’d rather jump into a pit of angry Rattlesnakes. Only in the position I’m currently in, options open up. Life quenching options. Apologizing to Nahuel and pretend to be ok with the fact that he is in my home happens to be the more alluring option of them all.

            “Alright,” I sighed, mortified, “I won’t call the police, just, get this mattress off of me.”

All was eerily silent that I feared I was talking to myself the entire time. “Nahuel?”

            “Still here, nena” his voice was barely audible but it was there. Relief washed through me. “But, unfortunately, I couldn’t hear you well. It’s just that…under that mattress, your voice muffles out, and you mumble too much. Also, considering that I am partially deaf…”

            “Quit pretending Nahuel! Just get this mattress off of me and lets call it a day!” I screeched, fuming in irritation, “I won’t call the cops, Ok! Just get this—”

            The mattress lifted slightly, and once again I was facing him. Only this time his face held hard seriousness, as oppose to the time before when the planes around his mouth were quirked playfully in a smirk.

            “If I get this mattress off of you,” he spoke softly, slow, letting each word soak momentarily in my brain so I would comprehend him exactly, “will you be nice to me today and not be a joy-kill for once?”

            I scowled, “I’m not a joy-kill.”

            That earned me a small smile, “I should record you one time, and then show you the video so you can take a long agonizing look at how horrible your sense of humor is.”

Why must he be such a bully?

            “Whatever,” I muttered, snaking my arms together in a pitiful attempt to cross them over my chest. “And the reason I’m so mean is because you never give me a reason to actually be nice to you. You’re manipulative, arrogant, self-centered—” he began to lower the mattress again with a groan, effectively shutting me up. “No, no wait! What I meant to say was, that you give that vibe but really I see a kind gentle person and I’d love to get to know him…maybe even right now if you’d be so kind…you know to lift the mattress off of me. Please.”

            One would expect him to play along, but not Nahuel. No, he burst out in booming laughter, letting go of the mattress all together so that its crushing weight rested over my petite body once again.

            “Uhmmph!” I grunted as the air was knocked out of me with the impact. I struggled to get oxygen back into my lungs as Nahuel began to roll on the ground just beside me in a fit of ceaseless laughter, clutching on to his stomach.

            “Oh god that’s too much—” he wheezed out between laughter, “—I CAN’T BREATHE!”

            “I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself,” I shot sarcastically, struggling with shaky arm to lift the mattress. Well I suppose this is what I get for purchasing a king sized mattress with strict orders that it’d be Tempurpedic. This stuff is way too heavy; I was still dwelling over the fact that Nahuel was able to tip it over with the addition of my 120 pounds. “Nahuel, help me!”

            “Alright…” Nahuel rolled over on his knees, still giggling, “hold up.”

Much too effortlessly, he lifted the mattress, and just as I was half-way out, Nahuel dropped it again, trapping my legs.

            “What the—?”

            “I’ll get you out if you agree to my terms,” he said a little too seriously that it had me wondering if his laughing scene was merely just an act. “Com’n nena, drop your hard-to-get act for one day. Let me show you a good time, honest, no more tricks. I swear. Let’s just...” his eyes roamed away from my face, resting on the ground beside me, seeming to search for the right words to say, “let’s just act like a normal teenage couple for once.”

            Wow, I was not expecting that. Taken aback, I swallowed hard; my mind blanking out on me. Noticing my hesitation, Nahuel sliced his gaze back over to lock it tightly with mine. A collision of emotions played out behind his eyes, but I could decipher any of them. Was that urgency? Or was it nervousness? Reluctance, perhaps?

He cleared his throat, averting his eyes once again, maybe in fear that his emotions might deceive him.

            I swallowed hard again, tilting my chin slightly with defiance, “I thought the whole couple thing was just a show to keep me out of danger with that other gang.”

            His dark eyes flashed, “Yes, I know, but we aren’t being so realistic when we fight every time we are together. I thought for once, let’s give them some proof that we are together. They might be street people but they sure as hell aren’t stupid.” He snapped, rocking back on his heels.

            I held up my hands, “Ok, sorry, geez.”

His long fingers wrapped tightly around my wrists, and a wicked smile twisted his lips. “I accept your apology. Now, I am going to steal you for a day, whether you like it or not.” He stood in one deft movement, yanking me by the wrists as well. It effectively managed pop my legs out from under the heavy mattress, although it was slightly painful in my part. I teetered slightly but Nahuel’s arms kept me steady until I found my balance.

            “You’re such a jerk,” I muttered, recoiling from his grasp. I pivot my attention to my mattress splayed awkwardly on the ground beside the frame. I let out a long exasperated breath as I shot my leg out and kicked it.

            “You’re Welcome,” he chuckled, snaking an arm around my waist and bringing me close to his body. “Now, why don’t you go freshen up? Your breath smells like cheese.” He whispered into my ear.

            With a gasp, I slapped a palm over my mouth as my face flushed red hot. I took a step away from him. “That’s because you just rudely woke me up! I still got morning breath!”

Dramatically rolling his eyes, he pried my hand from my mouth, leaning his face very close to mine. I held my breath, not wanting him to smell anything he shouldn’t. Great! Now he made me self-conscious!

            “Do you sleep with your contacts on? Or are your eyes naturally that ugly?” he suddenly asked, cocking his head to the side.

            My eyes widened, “What?!” I pushed him aside and sprinted to the bathroom. That explains why my sight has miraculously clarified since I woke.

             Screeching to a stop, I peered at myself in the mirror. Unsurprisingly, two green coated orbs stared back at me, the whites surrounding them protested as vivid red vessels pulsed out in threat that they might explode. Immediately, I washed my hands and twisted the caps of my contact container open, I poured in the solution and gingerly worked on getting my contacts out without damaging my retinas.

            “Elaine, are you ok?” my little brother asked softly from the door way. I turned to meet his concerned gaze briskly before pivoting back to my eye massacre.

            “Uhm, yeah I’m good, Bry. But can you do me a favor? Get my glasses from the night table beside my bed. Thanks” Adding a mental note to severely scold him for letting Nahuel into the house without my permission. I carefully put my contacts away and splashed some cool water on my face. This wasn’t good, I was legally blind as it is, and this might just drag me down to complete blindness. Drying my eyes out with a towel, I prodded around for my toothpaste and brush; let me tell you it wasn’t easy, everything around me appeared to be nothing but fuzzy blotches of color with no definite shape. I was rendered haplessly incompetent when it came to performing any physical task when it came to not wearing glasses and/or contacts. My glasses poked at my arm as I finished out rinsing my mouth. Gratefully I received them and squinted as I struggled to slip them on the proper way.

            “Thanks bro,” I smiled, finally running them up the bridge of my nose, “can you believe I slept with my contacts on! Now I’m going to have to let my eyes rest for twenty-four hours before being able to wear my contacts again.” I looked over and my eyes met nothing but a light-gray cotton T-shirt exquisitely overlaid on a broad torso. Blinking twice, my eyes roamed up until I reached his face; the typical cocky smirk greeted me.

            “You’re welcome, nerd,” he snickered, giving me a once over then halting his greedy eyes on my legs, “Nice boxers by the way, I didn’t know they had a size large enough to fit your ass, but I gotta say, Ninja Turtles are the shit.” He reached down to hook his thumbs on the waistband of my boxer-shorts. Tugging at the material he peaked down, “Pink? Is that Victoria Secret?”

            I slapped his hand away, wrapping protective arms around myself. I’ve had just about enough of his witty retorts. “Get out!”

            He crossed his bulging arms over his chest. The sleeves of his shirt strained against the steel-like flesh that made up his biceps. I’ve never seen him without his leather jacket on before—or any jacket in general. “No.”

            I jabbed a finger in the direction of the exit, “Get. Out. Nahuel.”

            “Get. Changed.” He coolly mimicked my terse tone, his menacing body looming closer, “I’m taking you and your brother out today so make yourself look good. You got five minutes.”

            Without letting me utter out a single breath, he turned and sauntered out the bathroom, closing it shut behind him. I remained still, staring wide-eyed at that pealing, ivory door while my brain made fruitless attempts to process the situation at hand. Nahuel was taking my brother and me out. And he didn’t seem to be doing it for his own personal satisfaction—if that were the case, he wouldn’t have bothered in taking my little brother—he was actually being genuinely generous. I burst out in a fit of laughter, ok that was too much. Nahuel? Being nice, and on his own accord?

            The possibility of that was like me having a possibility of carrying Royal Blood in my veins. Totally and unequivocally impossible. Although, it would be really cool that I be some great-great-great-great lost granddaughter of a Queen, heck, I’d still be happy if it were merely a Duchess—

            The door burst open again, and Nahuel entered nonchalantly with a bundle of cloth—that looked rather miniscule in his enormous arms. He looked at me disapprovingly as he tossed the bundle at me. I caught it awkwardly, as I wimped under his palpable stare.

            “You haven’t moved from the spot you were in when I left,” he pointed out in a heavy sardonic tone, “You could have at least gotten halfway through a shower by now.”

            “Oh so you can have the opportunity to see me naked? I don’t think so.” I retorted, setting the bundle roughly down by the sink.

            Nahuel’s lips twitched, “If you don’t hurry up, I’ll strip you down and scrub you clean myself.”

The threat was well received, with a side of aching fear. I knew for a fact that Nahuel kept to his words, and this was no different. Swallowing down the mint residue of my toothpaste I took a tremulous step back from his daunting body.

            His eyes glimmered with amusement, “Hurry up and shower. Your brother was kind enough to give me a very thorough tour of your room so I can find you some decent clothes.”

I didn’t like the way that he said ‘decent’, there was a sly threat hidden somewhere in there that made me turn warily to the bundle resting beside me. Briskly, I pawed through the material and nearly fell over. He had assembled my attire at his own taste that was for sure, putting together my denim mini skirt that had assorted rips and tears on the upper crease by my thigh, two for each cheek on my buttocks and one by the zipper over my crotch (don’t ask why I even had these, just remember that Izzy and I snuck into a club one night and let’s just leave it at that). The next thing was a ruby red halter top blouse that was a little too short for me—I had bought it over a year ago when I was convinced I wanted a belly-ring, only I changed my mind quickly soon after. In addition to that, he added my fishnet leggings and—oh god, he got into my underwear drawer—my black laced lingerie. If my face could get any hotter, I think it would have at the sight of my undergarment. I got that as a gift from my aunt when she very disapprovingly looked over my undergarments when I turned fifteen. She accused my mother of treating me like a child instead of the young adult I was, and so she took me to Victoria Secret and bought me a life’s worth of Thongs, Lingerie, Bras etc. Coming home, it all nearly gave my parents heart attacks, and in their defense my aunt did go too far that time. All the clothes were just too kinky that it took me an entire year to truly get used to the feel of it. I sighed, tossing my lingerie back at Nahuel along with the rest of the clothes.

            “I am not going out looking like a slut,” I shook my head with defiance.

            He groaned in protest, dangling the clothes in front of my face, “Come’n nena, you’ll look hot in these. And with those glasses it’ll give you that sexy librarian look. Talk about major turn on.”

            “If you like them so much, why don’t you wear them?”

Playing along, Nahuel stretched out my lingerie over his crotch then glanced over at me with a lifted brow, “I think my balls are a bit too big for this. They might just—”

            “I don’t want to hear it!” I cut him off, my face twisted in a grimace while I reached over to snatch my lingerie from his dangerous hands. “My brother is in the other room and I definitely don’t want him hearing your profanities so please Nahuel, if you want me to play along with the little façade for today, keep a filter on the mouth of yours. Got it?”

            Nodding, Nahuel did a little pantomime of zipping up his lips, locking them, and throwing away the key, “No cussing, got it.”

            Pressing my lips, I glared at the clothes pointedly, “That also means, I am not going to look like a prostitute in front of Bryan either. He’s just a little boy, he doesn’t need his only role model to appear like a bad influence, so I’m not wearing this. Pick out something more appropriate or our deal is off.”

He didn’t like the idea anymore, because his smile disintegrated from his lips, his face falling slack. He opened his mouth to protest and I lifted a brow, daring him to continue, and just as quickly he shut it back up.

            “Fine,” he grumbled, “we’ll do this your way. But only because your brother is growing on me.”

            He shambled out the door with droopy shoulders, head hung low. I closed the door behind him with a satisfied smirk, then turned the bolts on the lock. So maybe this day might not end up like a wreck after all. All I must do is push Nahuel over the edge slightly with a little coaxing and I’ll have him eating out of my palm in no time. Talk about turning the table around. Renewing my joy, I got ready for a nice, long, hot shower.


            Stepping out of the hot steam residue from my shower, I wrapped a towel gingerly around me. Through the entire vapor I scavenge for something to wear—only, I just remembered Nahuel took my clothes back. Cursing under my breath, I wipe back the perspiration that began to gather in dew drops above my eyebrows while I brainstorm on my next move. I could always call my little brother and ask him to get me something to wear but last time I did that, the little traitor allowed Nahuel to take over the job. Nibbling on my bottom lip I gingerly picked up my glasses and brought them up to my face. It was embarrassing having to wear them with Nahuel around. They had a thick black, plastic, frame that ran in a solid square with rounded corners. They were quite big as well, each lens was a centimeter thick, 1 ½ inches horizontally, and two inches vertically. Unappealing, I know.

            Taking a deep breath, I tentatively got hold of the moist door handle and unbolted the lock. My breath hitched as I propped it open and frigid air came rushing in. there was no one outside, and the door to my room was closed, so I wasn’t completely sure if they were in there…

            “Hey!” my brother’s distant voice giggled, and immediately my body tensed, “You cheater! My Black Rose Dragon totally defeats your Blue-eyes White Dragon!”

            Nahuel’s soft chuckle follows soon after, “I don’t think so, not when I have this as my facedown card!”

My brother let out a groan in realization that Nahuel just one the round. I shook my head softly, and then tiptoed out the bathroom more confidently. By the sound of their voices, my guess was that they were in the living room.

            Once inside the safety of my own room I hastily began to rummage through the drawers of my bureau, hoping to find a decent T-shirt and jeans so I can get this little date over with. My soaked hair continued to fall over my eyes and dripped a trail of water on the carpet—hopefully not enough to gather mole—with my every move. Finally I tugged on my favorite Band T-shirt and ripped jeans, pulled back my hair in a pony-tail and dashed out the door. Nahuel was playing Yu-Gi-Oh as promised with my little brother. He held seven cards up to his nose as his squinting eyes assessed each before settling them down carefully on the table.

            “Ok, I’m done,” I announced, when neither looked up to greet me. My little brother was the first to break his concentration, scrutinizing me with large brown orbs.

            “Nahuel said he was taking us for ice-cream,” he smiled excitedly, “and I want chocolate!”

             “Yeah well you aren’t getting chocolate,” I stated, remembering that I needed to scold him for letting Nahuel into the apartment. “You know better than to open the door without permission Bryan. Why did you disobey?”

            Bryan’s lips swelled in a pout, his eyes flowing with dismal emotions, “But…Nahuel said he was your friend. He’s really nice.”

            “Well you’re lucky it was Nahuel outside that door and not a mean stranger that could have taken you away and hurt you—”

            “Nena, cut him some slack,” Nahuel intervened, rising to his feet, “I told him to open the door, and that I was just your friend. After that, he opened the door. If you are going to yell then yell at me, but leave the kid alone.”

            My glare snapped towards Nahuel, “He is my brother. Don’t come in here like you know us Nahuel. If it was that easy for you to make him open that door by just telling him you knew me then imagine if it were a real threat. All it’ll take is a lie and we’d all be screwed!”

            “I’m sorry, Elaine, I didn’t mean to disobey, honest.” Bryan began to sob, “He just said he was your friend. He didn’t look mean. Please, don’t yell at me.”

            I was just about to open my mouth to protest again when Nahuel struck out and pinched my lips together, muffling out my incoming yells. He turned to Bryan with a small smile, “Why don’t you go get changed, so we can go get you that chocolate ice-cream.”

            Bryan sniffed, his eyes flashing from Nahuel’s face to my—mildly infuriate—face, “Can I get sprinkles and gummy worms?”

            Nahuel’s smile widened, as he craftily coiled his free arm tightly around my waist, “Sure, just go get ready. We’ll wait for you here.”

            Bryan’s tear glistening eyes brightened and he scurried to his room. As soon as the bolts of the lock clicked, Nahuel removed his hand from my mouth.

            “What the hell—?” I got cut off again as Nahuel’s palm clamped back over my mouth.

            “Can you go five seconds without yelling?” he hissed, “It’s like you find pleasure from making little kids cry. We were having fun and you just barge in like a hurricane and mess everything up.”

            I rolled my eyes in response. I was not like that. The reason I was strict was because Bryan had to be well disciplined for his own safety as well as everyone else’s in this apartment.

            “Now, I am going to take my hand away from your mouth and when I do, you are going to stay quiet and be nice.” He watched me warily as if waiting for some sort of violent protest, which I didn’t give, instead I stared back blankly. Slowly, Nahuel’s hand lifted from my lips, all while his lips stretched into an amused smile.

            “See? Now was that so hard?”

            “Whatever,” I turned away, not really succeeding in the act since he had a strong hold on my waist, keeping me captive at his side. “Can you let go, I need to put on some make-up.”

            Nahuel’s arm didn’t loosen, instead he placed a finger under my chin and steered my face back to him, “No make-up. I want to see the real you for once. And take down your hair, I hate how it looks up.”

            “You can’t tell me what to do!”

            “Well I just did, now take off that rubber band.” He began to reach for my head but I beat him to it and tugged out the band that held up my hair. Smiling in satisfaction, Nahuel let me go.

            “Much better,” he dignified, soaking me all in with his lusty eyes, “I didn’t know you had curly hair. Why do you straighten it?”

            I shrugged, “it frizzes in the humidity.”

            “We are in Dallas, it isn’t humid here,” he pointed out, helping himself to the loveseat, patting the empty space beside him in invitation for me to join him. I shook my head and shifted my body weight from foot to foot. Nahuel lifted a brow, “would you prefer to sit on my lap?”

            “I don’t want to sit,” I muttered, crossing my arms over my chest, staring at the direction of my brother’s bedroom. How long does it take for a little boy to change into a new set of clothes?

            Nahuel’s arms reached out and slithered around my waist, pulling my body toward his until I was straddling him. “Oh I like this. I like this a lot.”

            “You’re disgusting,” I groaned, pushing against his shoulders to get as much distance between as I could. It was—unsurprisingly—useless of course. Nahuel’s hands slid from my waist up my spine, smooth and adroitly, taking his time to familiarize himself with every soft curve that formed my torso. I shuddered as his curious fingers coaxed at every bone that linked up my spinal cord, adding pressure so I’d be forced to lean into him; our faces inching closer.

            “Are you going to kiss?” my brother’s musing voice snapped us out of the world we had plunged ourselves in and immediately, Nahuel let me go so I can jump back on my feet. I turned to my brother with a wild expression.

            “No, we were just…uh…we were…” I stuttered, turning to Nahuel urgently, in hope that he could assist me. He looked just as stunned, shrugging slightly as if to say, ‘don’t-look-at-me-you-fix-this’.

            “Yeah you were going to kiss!” my little brother surmised, clapping his hands and giggling. “He’s your boyfriend! You’re boyfriend! Elaine’s got a boyfriend!”

            Nahuel’s lips twitched, “Elaine’s a lucky girl isn’t she?”

            I shot him a daggered glare while my brother continued to laugh, “Why don’t we get going,” I spat out through gritted teeth.

            “Yeah!” Bryan crowed, sprinting for the door. Sighing, Nahuel stood and followed Bryan without another word, I followed soon after, grabbing my purse and house keys from the hook beside the door. They waited for me as I locked up; Bryan jabbering in excitement the entire time.

            An hour later, we were seated in one of the empty tables inside the Ice-cream parlor. I’m going to be honest, I was actually having fun. Nahuel behaved the entire time and for some reason he fell into a brotherly role with Bryan. Playing with him and treating him tenderly. It was definitely a side of Nahuel I haven’t seen before, and I didn’t want it to change.

            “Can I have a quarter, Elaine?” Bryan asked, tapping my arm, his small chubby fingers were coated in glutinous residue of the cloying chocolate ice-cream he so messily finished. I reached for a napkin and instinctively wiped his fingers clean, then moving on to his mouth.

            “Why do you need a quarter?” I queried, setting the used napkin back on the table. Bryan frowned, pointing toward a pinball machine by the east wall of the parlor. Pursing my lips I was about to decline when Nahuel’s hand nudged Bryan’s side, a quarter wedged between his thumb and forefinger.

            “Go have fun kido,” he encouraged with a broad grin, nodding toward the machine. Bryan eagerly took the quarter and muttered quick thanks before skipping over to the pinball machine.

            “You didn’t have to do that,” I murmured, playing with the strap of my purse. Nahuel lifted a shoulder in a half shrug as he settled back in his chair, lacing his fingers behind his head languidly.

            “Like I said before,” he said, “the kid is growing on me.”

            “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say he is bringing out the soft side of you.” I commented, taking a spoonful of my strawberry ice-cream and plopping it in my mouth. The sweetness sent bliss coursing through my taste buds.

            Nahuel lifted a brow, “Luckily you don’t know any better.”


            “I try” he shrugged. The doors to the parlor burst open and a group of teenage boys’ barge in, all laughing like maniacs and thrashing each other around playfully. They all shared the same deep coffee bean hued skin, with tall afros. Even their attire was similar, from black gym shorts—hanging loosely below their buttock—to baggy black t-shirts. One of them looked over at us and began to nudge one of his fellow companions. For some reason, I begin to feel uncomfortable in their presence and I glance over to my little brother, who continues to play—untroubled—with the machine. I take another spoonful of ice-cream and swallow it down more forcefully this time. Even though these guys looked about my age, they all are inhumanly bulky and tall. Was that normal?

            “Don’t stare,” Nahuel hissed into my ear, I gave a little frightened yelp. During my distraction, he must have switched seats and slipped into the empty chair beside me. His arm was hugging my shoulders as he pulled me toward him. “I think it’s time to go.”

            He didn’t have to tell me twice. I immediately shot up from my seat and clutched my purse to my side, going for my brother that was standing just to the side of the group of guys. Nahuel restrained me though, grasping onto my upper arm and pressing a set of keys into my palm with his other hand.

            His lips returned to my ear, “Go to the car, I’ll get Bryan.”


            “Just trust me, and do it,” he snapped, giving my temple a light peck then shoving me toward the exit. I threw my brother one last worried glance before pushing the door open and staggering into chilly outdoors.

            I tapped my fingers impatiently inside the car. Nahuel hasn’t exit the parlor and it has been fifteen minutes since I got out. My brother was in there and I swear if he got hurt I’m going to murder someone, I’ll do it!

            The door opened and out sauntered Nahuel, carrying a very stunned Bryan in his arms. My brother looked so small and feeble in his arms that he appeared like nothing but an infant, even though he was just five years old. Hot on their heels were the guys from the parlor. My heart jumped into my mouth with every pulse when I saw that they were getting closer. Nahuel must have sensed them too because he picked up his pace, just a few feet away from the car he lowered Bryan to the ground and muttered instructions to him, pointing in the direction of the car before turning to face the threat. Bryan was hesitant at first but then his little legs scurrying toward the car. I opened my door and took him in my arms, feeling his tremulous body hug me.

            “Elaine, they were going to hit Nahuel!” he exclaimed in a near sob, “Help him sis, help him!”

            “Shh now, shh” I cooed in his ear, smoothing down his hair while I closed the door and locked it. Tears were trickling down Bryan’s round cheeks and he rubbed at his eyes.

            “I’m scared,” he admitted, burying his weeping face into the crook of my neck. Tightening my hold on him, I began to rock us back and forth, hoping to calm him down.

            “Don’t be scared, Nahuel is just going to talk to them nicely and ask if they could leave us alone.”

            “They were meanies, they called him bad names and pushed him,” Bryan mumbled into my throat, “I don’t like them. Nahuel is nice; I don’t want them to hurt him. He my friend!”

            “I know, shh,” I patted his back, glancing over to where Nahuel still stood, surrounded by those menacing guys. He had his hands up in peace offering, but aside from that, his body appeared relaxed. The guy standing in front of him let out a bark of laughter and reached for something at the waistband of his boxers. My heart faltered as he pulled out a pocket knife and aimed the tip at Nahuel. To my surprise, Nahuel didn’t seem fazed; instead he too reached for him pocket and pulled out a pistol. I gasped at the sight and turned away, fear was gripping my tight by now, to tight that I couldn’t seem to breathe evenly anymore.

            “Ok, Bryan, go to the back seat and stay low ok?” I instructed in a quivering voice. Bryan eyed me curiously but nodded nonetheless. He crawled into the back seat and laid on his belly. “That’s a good boy, be brave. Just like Nahuel.” I dignified, hoping I could seep some courage into my brother’s mind, seeing I had none within myself.

            “I’m brave.” He declared in a hush tone.

            Nahuel was beginning to back away, his aim unwavering as he pointed the gun to each individual. They all backed away and the one that had currently jabbing his pocket knife out at Nahuel growled out something that could only be a threat. A threat that this wasn’t over. His chin thrusted in our direction and I couldn’t help but feel trepidation for what that possibly meant.

If Nahuel answered, I didn’t see, only just his swift, fast movements as he neared the car. He opened the door and slipped inside, tucking the gun back in the waistband of his jeans. The keys were already in the ignition so all he did was put the car in drive and revved away. I held my breath the entire way until we were far from there.

            “Bryan, do you have your seatbelt on?” he asked, peering to the back seat from his rearview mirror. From my peripheral vision I saw as Bryan’s little head popped up and he gave a light nod.

            “Yeah,” he said, “Nahuel, are you ok? Did the meanies hurt you?”

            Nahuel chuckled, “No, I’m ok. How about you, kido? Are you doing good?”

            “I was scared, but not anymore. You’re not hurt.” Bryan reported, and then he fell into silence while we continued to ride home. I didn’t speak either, not even move a muscle, just remained pensive. Nahuel glanced at me a few times, I guess to assure himself I wasn’t in shock or anything. He even gripped my clammy hand blandly as he drove with one hand, his thumb tracing circles on my pallid skin. Once home, I willed my muscles to relax as the engine died out. Nahuel turned to me again.

            “Elaine, I need to talk to you.” It wasn’t an option; he didn’t have to add that line for me to know.

            I sighed, opening my purse and extracting the keys to the apartment. “Just let me get Bryan inside, and then we’ll talk.” I might as well. I needed answers, or better yet and assurance that we were going to be safe.

            “Ok,” he nodded, stepping out of the car and opening the door for Bryan. Sweeping him back up in his arms he carried him up the stairs to our apartment door. The entire time he was cooing and chuckling with Bryan. I cracked a smile when I saw a Nahuel nuzzled his face mirthfully into Bryan’s rounded stomach, sending him into a fit of gleeful laughter. Perhaps I was too quick in judging Nahuel, sure he was a conceded jerk, but even he had his soft side—that gentle, loving, protective side that was deeply buried away for the sake of his reputation.

            I opened the door to the apartment, letting Nahuel amble in swinging Bryan around jestingly before plopping him down on the couch. He tickled his sides and made silly faces while Bryan cried uncle, his face flushed from laughing so hard.

            “Ok,” I interrupted with a gentle laugh in my part, “Bryan go play with your Nintendo while I talk with Nahuel.”

            They both groaned in unison as I called their fun to an end. Bryan straightened up on the couch and looked up expectantly at Nahuel, “Are you leaving?”

            “Well I can’t really sleep over,” Nahuel glanced back at me with a smirk and winked, “but I’ll visit soon, before your parents come back so your sister doesn’t get in trouble for bringing guys home.”

            “Yeah yeah, shh” Bryan brought a finger to his lips and giggled, “I like secrets.”

            “I bet you do kido,” Nahuel chuckled, bringing his hand up and disheveled Bryan’s hair, “Alright, now go on and play, I’ll see you later.”

            “Ok,” Bryan opened his little arms as wide as he could stretch them and hugged Nahuel by the legs. Seeming to be caught off guard, Nahuel tensed, but slowly—and rather awkwardly—he patted his head lightly then pried him away. Bryan hopped off the couch them and sprinted to his room, pausing once to wave a final farewell to Nahuel.

            “You made a new friend,” I mused, staring after my brother who disappeared behind the door of his room.

            “He’s a good kid,” Nahuel nodded, momentarily clearing his throat and sauntering over to me, “Speaking of good kids, today didn’t really go as planned.”

            “No kidding,” I let out a long breath, shuddering as I remembered the guy holding out his pocket knife inches away from Nahuel’s face. “So what did happen? Who were they? Are they in a gang too? Do you know them--?”

            Nahuel held up a hand to stop me, “I can’t say much, but I will talk to Ian about this later, in the mean while, I’ll get Lucas to check on you when I’m not around, along with others I trust…which aren’t many.” He scratched the back of his head as a sign of uncertainty. I didn’t answer, just waited patiently as he assessed the situation.

            His eyes met mine and he smiled crookedly, “I’ll figure something out, just trust me and you ought to be safe.”

            “But, what if--?”

            Nahuel shook his head, cradling my face in his hands so his sincere gaze was at level with mine, “stop worrying about ‘what if’ and start embracing what would be. You’ve got me; I think that’s more than generous.”

            I rolled my eyes, “gee, I’m so lucky.”

            Nahuel kissed my forehead, and then trailed his lips down to my nose, my jaw, and finally my mouth. The kiss started out slow, sensual, but gradually grew more urgent and hungry. He was a really good kisser, I never wanted to admit it before but Nahuel’s mouth was talented when it came to bringing me over the edge with his teasing tongue. Tentatively, he broke the kiss and rested his forehead over mine.

            “You know,” I panted, “if you keep this up, I’m going to have to expose you for who you really are.”

            He cocked an eyebrow, straightening up, “And what would that be?”

            “A little kid, loving machine” I smirked. Nahuel groaned and took a step back.

            “There goes the moment. Maybe I should refrain from treating you kindly and go back to my more dominating ways with you. Seems to turn you on more.” He began to thrust his hips inappropriately at me, causing me to step back with every thrust he took, getting closer, to the point that he had me cornered by the loveseat.

            “Stop that.” I snapped, losing my balance and falling down on the cushioned leather.

            Nahuel continued with his hip movements, “Do my pelvic thrusts turn you on?”

            “Oh lord, just go,” I pointed toward the door. So much for him having a lovable side, he just always seems to manage and ruining it for my high hopes.

Nahuel chuckled, halting his disturbing moves and looming in so he could brush his lips lightly over mine one final time.

            “I’ll see you Monday, nena,” he did a small salute in replacement of a wave, “try not to get yourself killed the rest of this weekend. Leave all that to me.”

            I scoffed, “You are the reason my life is even in danger in the first place!”

By now he was at the door, pausing he chuckled darkly, “I guess that’s what you get for hanging out with the devil,” the words were meant to be playful but instead they sent an icy shiver down the length of my spine. He was right, perhaps I wouldn’t even be in this situation if I’d followed my gut and avoided Nahuel 24/7 like my friends had told me to do so. Yet, I couldn’t come to regret it now, not when I have finally managed to unlock a side of Nahuel that proved everyone wrong. A side that makes me feel safe. So utterly safe.

            Anyone have the number to a psychologist? I think I just popped my cap and have fallen deep into the hole of Loony-Ville.

Copyright © 2012 Cynthia Montoya

All rights reserved



I'll upload soon, promise ;)


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