The Risen [John Seed]

By lxurente

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》they call her an angel. then she met him... 《 More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 9

689 19 64
By lxurente

Around 4 pm the young woman was home. She entered the building and froze as she heard the sounds of quarrel upstairs. She could recognize Joseph and Jacob's voices. The girl quickly ran there and headed to the room from where sounds came. Suddenly, the door opened. Jacob pushed them so hard that it hit the girl. She catched her arm, because of pain. The pissed man didn't even stop myself or looked at her. He just left. Angelina widened her mouth, as she walked into the Joseph's room, where Father in himself stood. He had one hand on his hip and other on a drawer.

"Can you explain to me what just happened?" she cried, still holding her arm.

"Were you at John's house?" he asked, avoiding the question.

"Joseph, don't change the topic. Just tell me"

"There's nothing to tell"

"You sure? It was a first time when I saw Jacob that pissed, and I have seen his anger many times"

He sighed and took his head in his hands. The man sat at the end of the bed. After that, the girl sat beside him.

"I called him to come over, so he did. I wanted to speak about his way of treating people. Many of them died recently, so it seemed strange. He kept saying that he knows what he is doing. The last his sentence was "I don't know, if I believe in any of this what you say" "

"Joseph, he is your big brother, right? You know him, and he knows you. During having quarrel, Jacob hits your weak sides. He didn't mean to say that. After all, God has you and Jacob under his wing, yeah? Just relax and try to forget. The better days will come and Jake just need some time"

"I wouldn't be surprised, if you were a real angel" he admitted and hugged her. She smiled, having her head on his shoulder.

"Love you" he said quietly.

"Love you too"

Then many thoughts ran through her mind. She wanted to talk about her move, but on the other hand it wasn't the best moment. She wasn't even sure about his reaction, so she just knew that waiting till tomorrow is rather necessary. Soon, the girl left Joseph and layed on the bed in her room. She didn't feel that comfortable as in John's house. He wasn't next to her, so she couldn't just lay on his chest. Couldn't feel his touch or presence. The girl sighed and suddenly, she felt vibration in her pocket. She pulled out her phone.

I'm sorry, pup. I didn't mean to hurt you.

It's OK, really

I'm sorry, once again. How's a thing with that little annoying idiot, btw?

If we are talking about John, then good, hahah. I'm about to move.

From one bastard to another. If they both will annoy you, you can come here, always.

Thanks, Jake ;)

She was about to put it down when someone called. It was John. On a girl's face appeared huge smile, as she picked it up.

Hi, honey

Hey, Johnny. What's up?

I've just missed you

Aww, I missed you too

So, have you talked with Joseph already?

My Lord! You are so impatient.

I would love to have you here, next to me. You don't even know how alone I feel.

OH, believe me. I know.

They spoke at least two hours about everything and nothing. From topic how alone they feel, to pineapple on pizza. John was so talkative and she loved that.


The young woman woke up with the sun. It was around 7 am as she grabbed her phone.

One unread message from Johnny
Good morning, babe. Have a good day! ❤️

The girl smiled as she put her leg on the floor and put the phone back. The mornings were so quiet. The only sound she heard was bird's singing or moving trees outside. She sighed and ran down the stairs in her pajamas. Joseph was already at his church. The girl took the pan and decided to make scrambled eggs. She crashed the eggs while listening to radio. She adored music. Every kind of it. As she almost finished, she took the plate.

"What an amazing smell!" she heard a voice behind her what made her almost crash the plate. It was Faith. She approached her and have a hug. The soft woman was smiling all the time. She was on her way to Jacob, so she decided to visit her favorite girl.

"Hi, Faith. Just in time! I made breakfast, you want some?" Angelina asked at what Faith nodded and sat beside the table.

"I saw really beautiful wedding dress in the catalog" she admitted as the girl put the plate in front of her. Angel shooked her head with laugh and sat next to her.

"I told you that we are barely month together"

"I know, but you both seem like barely 10 years old long couple" both of them laughed and continued to eat.

"But I have good news for you. I'm about to move to his house" the girl told her, smiling. Faith choked and smiled.

"OH my dear Lord!!! I'm so happy for you!" she almost cried as she took her hands in hers.


"Listen, Joseph and Jacob had quarrel yesterday. So, big brother can be not in a good mood today. Try to cheer him up somehow, he needs it" An told her when they walked outside.

"Quarrel? About what?" Faith widened her eyes.

"Something totally not important and silly, but they're really upset about it." she calmed down her. Faith nodded and hugged her thanking for meal, after what she left.

Angelina stood outside for a while enjoying the fresh air. The wind was delicate as the sun. She took a deep breathe and walked upstairs to change her clothes. Soon, she was outside again and walked to Joseph's church. She decided to tell him about the move. In her mind, appeared stress which made chills running through her body. The thing was that the girl didn't know why she was like that. She was almost sure that it will be okay. The young woman sighed before pushing the door. She walked quietly in. Full of uncertainty she corrected her hair and cleaned her throat. She frowned when she noticed that the temple was empty. The only eyes that saw her they were in the pictures. She turned to return and then saw Joseph standing in front of her. Automatically her eyes widened and she grabbed her heart, taking a step back. Joseph laughed, catching her by the shoulders.

"I didn't mean to scare you, Angie" he responded with a big smile.

"Yeah, uh.. why are you so early here?" she said back, and then Joseph saw some weird. She was definitely nervous.

"I wanted to clean a little bit. And why are YOU here? You don't come here really often. At least you pray, thanks God."

"Are you good with Jacob?" she replied with nervous smile. The girl knew already that she messed up. She was terrible in hiding her emotions.

"I've talked with him two hours ago. I think that we're okay. Anyway, I feel that it isn't your main reason." he responded with questioning gaze.

"Well, ekhm... firstly, don't get mad, okay?" she said at what he frowned.

"I'm gonna move to Holland Valley, to John" she spoke really quickly, and sighed after. The young woman gave him gaze full of hope.

"Okay, when you wanna do this? I will help you" he responded without hesitantion. She opened her mouth wider.

"Wait... okay? What's the catch?"

"There's no catch, sweetheart. If my brother makes you feel happy, I see no obstacles. With the rest, I feel that it was God's will" he admitted, holding her hands. She looked down with tears in her eyes and big smile, then she again gazed at him.

"You are the best, Joseph" she whispered, kissing his right cheek.

The girl decided to tell about it face-to-face to John. So, as fast as she could, she went to her car. Everything was unbelievably beautiful. She felt that she found her happiness and perfect life. A life beside wonderful man. A life she always wanted, dreamt of.


When she was already under the wooden villa, she left the car. She went to the door to open it but it was closed. The girl had the key but it was pointless. John wasn't there, nor around it. She frowned and approached one of the people.

"Hey, I'm-"

"Looking for John? He is in his bunker right now, working" he stepped on her moment and said.

"His bunker? Where is it?" the girl had no idea about his bunker. In the book of Joseph they were mentioned, but she didn't pay attention to it.

"It's behind the local church. There are many of ours, I don't think they are gonna let you in" he spoke. Everything with every sentence seemed stranger to the young woman.

"I'm his girlfriend" she responded bravely.

"That's why they won't"

She gave him a questioning look and got into the car. Why would they not let her in? Why did not John mention anything? She did not like secrets, especially when it came to him. She passed the church and arrived at something like a border. She could not even focus for the moment. The girl wanted to talk with him, right now. She got out the car and approached her some man.

"Sorry, but you can't come further. John ad-" he started but she hit him with a fist in the face. The man fell, touching his cheek, from which ran blood.

She sighed and looked at her bloody hand. The girl scanned it, then she grabbed his coat to pull him closer. She had that cold and angry gaze.

"I don't care what John told you. Tell your buddies, that they better won't piss me off" she whispered and threw him back on the ground. Others looked at her with a shocked face and when she got up, they pretend to do their job. They thought that she was the nicest from them all. Everyone was afraid to tell anything. They knew if they will mess with her, they can be killed by Father in himself or be tortured by John.

She took her hair away from her face and walk through the whole place, avoiding scared cultists. Soon, she saw a little grey building and John's car opposite. She felt curiosity. Angelina had no idea what to expect. The young woman pushed the door to it and saw another bigger, stronger door. Some cultist stood next to it.

"You ca-" he started, when he saw her trying to open the door.

"Do you see my hand? I guess it's one of your bitches" she spoke, showing him her bloody fist. Immediately, he opened the door and a long corridor appeared in front of her. A dingy corridor. Full of people. She entered the room with uncertainty, and the iron door closed behind her. She took a step by step avoiding people's sight. Her head was full of unanswered questions. She was curious what she would see at the end of this bunker, but she was also scared that it might changed something. Suddenly, she heard woman's scream. Like begging for help. She widened her eyes, but no one reacted. It was like a normal situation there, what made her open her eyes wider. She followed the screams. This bunker was huge and she was here for a first time. Honestly? She had no idea where in all of this is her John, except the fact that she heard his voice in the radio, which was in the whole place. She passed by many people praying to the book of Joseph or just walking everywhere. She felt chills running through her body. This place and whole secret made her feel uncomfortable. The girl felt like someone is pushing her chest. Every her step made brang her closer to the screaming woman.

She turn into the corridor, which was ended by door. It had to be there. She pushed the door and saw brunette woman in her thirties sitting on the middle of the red room. She was sobbing and kept repeating "Yes". Angelina walked to the woman and kneeled in front of her.

"It's okay, it's okay. I'm here and I'm gonna help you" she spoke, solving her with delicate smile. Her clothes were in the blood and on her collar bone she had "PRIDE". The woman nodded. Unexpectedly the door opened and Angelina with the woman got up with anxiety.

"He is here" she whispered to Angel, hiding behind her and began to sob.

"It wasn't so bad, right?" the man walked in, wiping his hands. Angelina knew this voice. Perfectly. It was hard to admit it in her mind, but it was John. He raised his head and froze as he saw his love, so did she. To her eyes came tears and she holded her gaze on his bloody blue shirt. The woman looked at them both with a shook and fear.

"Leave us alone... NOW!!" he screamed at what the woman left and closed the door.

Angelina looked down as her tears ran through her cheeks. After a moment, she quickly went towards the door also, but he took her arm.

"Don't... touch me" she spoke as she ran from his grip and gazed at him. Tear by tear fell from her eyes. John heard in her voice this cold tone. The tone he never heard from her mouth.

"Angelina, I can explain everything" he told really quiet, but enough loud to hear that. He had tears in his eyes. He knew he messed up.

"Explain? How can you explain for this what you did to that woman?" she responded as her tears kept on falling. She couldn't control this. He holded his gaze on her eyes. He wanted so bad to hug her. To say I'm sorry. But it wasn't enough.

"Have you seen the sin on her collar bone? It is my job, Angelina. That's what I do. That's what Joseph made me do" he spoke with total honesty. He knew it was wrong, but it was his purpose.

"Don't you dare to blame Joseph for this. I need a time" she replied with such an anger, and left.

She felt guilty also. The girl was protecting him and saying that it is good, without even knowing what exactly is he doing. Now, everything had sense. People looked at him with a fear, everybody called him sadistic. One thing was truth - it wasn't because of him, but the people who abused him. He hated the society. He wanted to repay. She couldn't hate him for that. She still loved him. Joseph never told her what exactly every of his siblings is doing. She just couldn't understand why. For now, the girl didn't want to talk with anyone. She just felt that she need to put it all together. At final, to accept this. She didn't want to have another quarrel. She was too weak for it.

The hard content is on AYYYYY 😣
sorry if you hoped for cute one
the ending is horrific ikk...

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