The Game Is On - (Sequel To...


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***previously titled Catch Me If You Can*** James Moriarty Jr. lost his father at the tender age of three... More

Catch Me If You Can - (New Sequel To Triple Threat)
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Eleven

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Donovan led me out of the small room, despite my protests. Once she had shut the door, she apologised.

"Your time was up, I'm sorry." She began to explain but I cut her off.

"Did you not hear what he said?" I asked her, dumbfounded.

"Yes I did, and I think it's best to keep both you and Greg as far away from him as possible." She told me calmly. This made me scoff.

"HE'S NOT THE PROBLEM!" I shouted at her, attracting many looks from those walking by. "He is locked away in a police station, how is he going to get to us? It's his siblings, the girl and the boy. Find them." I hissed, turned on my heel and walked out onto the street. Why was I the only person with the slightest bit of sense?

I flagged down a taxi and went straight to Lestrade's flat, but when I got there it was completely empty. The door had been locked so I did what any normal person with a brain would do; climbed up the fire escape and dropped down onto his balcony. Technically I wasn't 'breaking and entering' because the balcony door was unlocked. But he was not in his flat. I sighed and searched his flat for clues of where he might have gone, but I found nothing. Where on earth had he disappearred to?


The darkness oppressed me, isolation was overpowering. I was awake, or at least I felt awake. But all around me was black. Occasionally reality would leak through into my unconscious - I'd hear the sound of my mum's voice, or Sherlock and John. But that's all it ever was, sounds. Time was meaningless in my state of mind; seconds flowed to minutes which flowed to hours. Days must have passed, possibly weeks. I had no way of knowing until I could wake up. As time went on, I could feel myself getting stronger. The voices I could hear would be louder, clearer, yet I still couldn't make out what they were saying. Just when I felt enough strength to open my eyes, I would fall back into darkness.

I wasn't sure how much time had passed, but I could hear people moving around. There was a small murmer of voices before the sound of shuffling feet, a door closing and then silence. I wanted to shout for whoever had left to return, I was alone enough as it is. I willed my body to wake up from its slumber, to move, but to no avail. Then I heard the door open again, and footsteps rush to my bed. A voice appeared but I couldn't distinguish the words that were being said. I focused harder, and the noise became a coherent sentence.
"Lana? Can you hear me? Give me a sign to show me you can hear." It was a female voice, I felt like I recognised it but I couldn't place it. I willed myself to do as she asked, I tried to move my use. I decided to use the only thing I had any control over, my breathing. I held my breath as much as I could, which was a pitiful six seconds, but my exhalation was enough for my visitor to know I could hear her.
"Good. Now, Lana you're not safe. Joshua isn't going to come after you again, his focus is now on Lestrade. But if his plans fail then I fear that he will resort to getting you again. I'm so sorry, there's nothing I can do to help you. He has too big of a hold over me and my brother. And I'm sorry, but I will always put my family first." Her voice fell to a whisper at the end. What did she mean by 'family first'? Who was she? I wanted to ask so many questions, but I felt her rush away. Once again I was alone, and the darkness dragged me down.


I made my way back to Lana's room with a tepid coffee from a poor excuse for a vending machine in my hand. As i walked down the hallway, a young girl with deep black hair strode past me, her eyes fixed to the ground. I got a glimpse of her face, which was stricken with fear and panic. If I wasn't so sad, or worried about my daughter, I might have stopped and asked her if she was alright. But right now, my focus was on my girl, and with every passing second I felt she was slipping farther away from me.
I stepped into her room, with the vain hope deep in my heart that I'd walk in and see her sitting up in bed, smiling at me. Of course, that is not the sight I was met with. My girl was still as a statue, unmoved from the position I left her in not ten minutes ago. I sighed deeply and sat in the chair beside her bed, and sipped at my tasteless coffee.
"Jo!" I glanced up to see Sherlock marching in the room and scanning it like a predator. "Have you seen Lestrade?" He asked me plainly, as if we were simply discussing the weather. I bit back my tongue from snapping at him.
"You sure?"
Sherlock was not satisfied with my response, sighing in frustration as he moved to the window.
"He's in danger, I need to find him."
"Uh huh."
Sherlock frowned at me, before marching out again. How could he act so normal? After everything thats happened?


Sorry its been so long guys, and this chapter isn't very long but I really wanted to just get it published. I'm up to my neck in A-levels because I'm retaking one subject so updates will be slow - sorry but college has to come first. Vote and comment if you liked this chapter :)

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