By World_Of_Champions

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WOCA 1st Edition - Chapters 1-18 WOCA 2nd Edition - Chapters 19 - 37 WOCA 3rd Edition - Chapters 38 - 54 ☆ He... More

● WOCA's 1st Edition finally closed!
Action/ Adventure Category WINNERS
Chick-Lit Category WINNERS
Fan fiction Category WINNERS
Fantasy Category WINNERS
General/ Historical Fiction Category WINNERS
Horror/ Paranormal Category WINNERS
Humour Category WINNERS
Mystery/Thriller Category WINNERS
Poetry Category WINNERS
Romance Category WINNERS
Science Fiction Category WINNERS
Short Story Category WINNERS
Teen Fiction Category WINNERS
Vampire/ Werewolf Category WINNERS
Original Titles WINNERS
Creative Covers WINNERS
Mind-blowingSummary WINNERS
● WOCA's 2nd Edition finally closed!
Chick-Lit Category WINNERS
Fan Fiction Category WINNERS
Fantasy Category WINNERS
General Fiction Category WINNERS
Historical Fiction Category WINNERS
Horror/Paranormal Category WINNERS
Humour Category WINNERS
Mystery/Thriller Category WINNERS
Poetry Category WINNERS
Romance Category WINNERS
Science Fiction Category WINNERS
Short-Story Category WINNERS
Spiritual Category WINNERS
Teen Fiction Category WINNERS
Vampire/ Werewolf Category WINNERS
Original Title WINNERS
Creative Covers WINNERS
● WOCA's 3rd Edition finally closed!
Action/ Adventure Winners&Participants
Chick-Lit Winners&Participants
Fantasy Winners&Participants
General Fiction Winners&Participants
Historical Fiction Winners&Participants
Horror/ Paranormal Winners&Participants
Mystery/ Thriller Winners&Participants
Poetry Winners&Participants
Romance Winners&Participants
Sci-Fi Winners&Participants
Short Story Winners & Participants
Teen Fiction Winners&Participants
Vampire/ Werewolf Winners&Participants
Original Title WINNERS
Creative Cover WINNERS
Mind-blowing summary WINNERS

Action/Adventure Category WINNERS

350 35 28
By World_Of_Champions

And so we got to our first winners! Let's see which groups have the scores:

Group 1 

Judge: Real_Magic

Participants: BlazingAna17 ; kndlntsva ; TheNorthernEagle ; KozmicKookieDxD ; sarcastic_sarah417 ; Nico610 ; PedanticAndGrumpy ; xkalopsia ; HannahWidenmaier ; Witto150

🏆 Winners:

The winners of the 2nd Edition are..


*Clouds rule*

*Cinnamon rolls*


FIRST PLACE (Genre Winner)

🥇 Wolf Child by TheNorthernEagle - Total: 91/100🥇


Title: 4/5

Cover: 4/5

Summary: 2.5/5

Grammatical/Spelling/ punctuation precision: 10/10

Page arrangement and aesthetics: 9/10

Originality: 9/10

Interest: 10/10

Main character development and interaction: 10/10

Side character and development: 10/10

Continuity: 3.5/5

Plot development: 19/20

Review: A great book and I won't be surprised if it wins. Seems like some bestseller novel. Again, as usual, I read up more than five chapters (around ten in this case). While the other books have plot alright, this one has plot AND the grammar...which means beauty with brains in case of books. This book is amazing and trying to say anything more will be kind of insulting this book. Even I cannot nitpick so much... #sweatingfromcornerofyellowface emoji...


SECOND PLACE (Runner-up)

🥈Secret Silver by xkalopsia - Total: 80/100 🥈


Title: 3.5/5

Cover: 4/5

Summary: 3/5

Grammatical/ Spelling/ Punctuation precision: 7.5/10

Page arrangement and aesthetics: 8/10

Originality: 6.5/10

Interest: 7/10

Main character development and interaction: 9/10

Side character development and interaction: 9/10

Continuity: 5/5

Plot development: 17.5/20

Review:- FINALLY! This book is one of those rare books of its kind where the writing style did not make it seem haphazard. Nice aesthetics lended to the book and written picturesquely in parts. Good language and should strike well with Grammar Nazis too. Side characters have depth and there is a subtle touch of reality through the plot, often ignored in books of this genre. Well written. It is evident that the book has been given a lot of thought by the author and as a reader I appreciate it, so..  for this book! :-)


Group 2

Judge: Elizabeth_Helena

Participants: Pritika1106 ; Mirha5 ; AksesMundi ; Artistic_Keys ; b00ksareapartoflife ; skittles18x ; tridobie ; Moskii ; JLGibson 

🏆 Winners:

Next round of winners are..



*Bread rolls*


FIRST PLACE (Genre Winner)

🥇Alibata by AksesMundi - Total: 96/100 🥇


Title: 5/5

Fits very well with adventure/ action category. Unique.

Cover: 5/5

Cover is interesting and eye-catching which is always a plus. More readers...

Summary: 5/5

I love the summary as it is catching and extremely well thought-out. Great job to writer.

Grammar/spelling/punctuation: 10/10

I could hardly find any errors in grammar, perfect!

Page arrangement: 9/10

I love how the writer did a preface and prologue. I have never read a book with both, it really fascinated me. Paragraphs and chapters where not too short or long and perfectly arranged.

Originality: 10/10

This book is one of a kind and I would really recommend it to others. Thumbs up to the writer and his ideas.

Interest: 10/10

I loved this book. It was full of adventure and action and clearly fits it category.

Main character: 9/10

Main characters where well thought-out and well developed. There was a clear difference between the side and main character. The main characters really came to life.

Side characters: 9/10

Side characters where well placed in the book and their influences where well-divined.

Continuity/reality check: 5/5

The writer wrote the books universe so good, I could imagine myself in it.

Plot development: 19/20

Plot development was almost perfect, it was one of the best I have read so far and therefore I tip my hat to the writer. Good job!

Review: I really love this book, I haven't read such a good and unique book in a long time. This book I truly hope wins it category for it stood out the most for me. Writer really wrote it with a lot of planning and editing, by carefully planning characters, events and the unique universe it plays off in.


SECOND PLACE (Runner-up)

🥈Destiny by Mirha5 - Total: 91/100 🥈


Title: 4/5

The title is a bit boring, but it fits the story.

Cover: 5/5

Cover is eye-catching with bold colours and fits with story.

Summary: 5/5

Summary leaves you wanting to read further, which is always a good sign.

Grammar/spelling/punctuation: 10/10

There were hardly any mistakes, perfect!

Page arrangement: 8/10

Paragraphs are too long and there needed to be spaces between sentences and phrases (when someone new spoke). Long paragraphs make it harder to read for the reader, you can always begin a new paragraph for new topics, when someone spoke and/or new day or week.

Originality: 9/10

There are a lot of strong female characters from books out in the world, but this main character was different. The setting and storyline of the book were also unique.

Interest: 9/10

The chapters ending was so written that you just wanted to read more or find out what was going to happen next. That way it kept my interest and I believe would keep other readers interest too. It was a bit hard to read, for my culture differ from the main characters and had too google what some of the words meanings where, but I still enjoyed it.

Main character: 9/10

Main character develops from a flat character to a strong well-rounded character. There are sometimes a bit flaws in her development, but they are minor.

Side characters: 9/10

There is a lot of characters in book, which can sometimes be confusing, but there is a clear line between the characters that matter to the development of the main character and those who do not.

Continuity/reality check: 5/5

There is a lot of emotion written in this book, which gives it a very real feeling. The book is also very detailed which contribute to it too.

Plot development: 18/20

Plot developed a bit slow in the beginning of book, but later it became better. The plot developed around and with the character and was pretty good. Writer could maybe work on it a little bit.

Review: Destiny is a very detailed book especially on emotions and events that are or where taking place. Writer wrote a beautiful setting for book and felt so real when I read it. This book was really inspiring especially the main character. Writer should keep going, this book really is unique, and I believe could get far.


Group 3

Judge: luciferspinkwings

Participants: ShaanaG ; SpeedySmall ; smocat324 ; MarloPolo ; avadel ; jlluther


FIRST PLACE (Genre Winner)

Of Caverns and Casters by avadel - Total: 88/100


Title: 4/5

Cover: 4/5

Summary: 5/5

Grammar/spelling: 9/10

Page arrangement & aesthetics: 8/10

Originality: 9/10

Interest: 8/10

Main character development/interaction: 10/10

Side character development/interaction: 9/10

Continuity: 4/5

Plot development: 18/20

Review: I have to say that the summary is very fascinating and gripping, it immediately got me hooked and interested in the story, so great job on that one. I also liked the way that you started with a poem; this poem itself is well written and to be honest, I don't see many authors do this so bonus points on the originality. Overall, I really liked this story. It has me mesmerized in it and I honestly love it. I really don't have much else to say about it.


 Lost in Blue by MarloPolo - Total: 77/100


Title: 3/5

Cover: 4/5

Summary: 3/5

Grammar/spelling: 8/10

Page arrangement & aesthetics: 9/10

Originality: 7/10

Interest: 8/10

Main character development/interaction: 7/10

Side character development/interaction: 7/10

Continuity: 4/5

Plot development: 17/20

Review: While I don't generally like it that when I open a story and the first 'paragraph' starts with a literal single word, I do like it in this case. You started relatively simply but then slowly build it up. I also liked the immediate relation to the title - 'lost in blue', when put in that way it sounds almost philosophical. Something I do like to point out to you is that instead of using something like 'haha', just describe the sound. Overall, I really enjoyed this story. Great job.


Thank you very much for judging! We wouldn't have succeeded without you!


Many congratulations to the winners and to everyone who participated in the contest! You are a.w.e.s.o.m.e.!


Don't forget to claim your prizes (through private message)! Winners and Judges!


NOTE: If anyone wants the review and score, then message me and I will pm them to you, on the condition that you will respect the judge's opinnion! Thank you!


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