
By TashanaAnn

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Balei has always yearned for a bit of normalcy in her life. Whether it be school, her work, or romantic relat... More

FIRST Impressions...
"...Jimmy TWO Times..."
"...the THIRD time's the charm..."
"five, FOUR, three, two, one."
"Is this step three or step FIVE?"
"SEVEN years. Why seven?
"I'm the midnight-to-EIGHT man."
"The dog says, "NINE."
"TEN it is."
"ELEVEN rubles?"
TWELVE months, yeah?
THIRTEEN curtain calls.
FIFTEEN and no husband.
"SIXTEEN parties, sixteen thefts?"
And SEVENTEEN magazine.
"EIGHTEEN. Blackjack!"
"NINETEEN. So close."
Happy TWENTY-ONE, Will.
TWENTY-TWO cars...
TWENTY-THREE district championships
TWENTY-FOUR minutes to go.
TWENTY-SIX seconds

"five, SIX, gonna get your kicks."

112 7 11
By TashanaAnn

I close the door of my locker after applying the finishing touches to my makeup. "Um, excuse me?" 

I smile as I look over at Samantha who happens to be laying sideways on a bench. "What business do you have looking so hot?"

I laugh at that then strike a playful pose. Today's choice for an outfit has me in a black jumpsuit, it's nothing fancy, except for the cut-out in the back. Not much thought went into my choice of clothing since the invitation came a little too late, hence I couldn't plan the intricacies of my attire before going to bed.

"Have fun." She sits up. "Where are you going anyway?"

I sling my small bag over my right shoulder with a sigh. "A friend of mine invited me to lunch with his other friends."

Samantha nods with a hum. "So, this friend is a male, who's already introducing you to those close to him."

I roll my eyes as I can tell what it is she truly wants to say. "Forget it, it's nothing like that." I feel my phone vibrate and that's all I need to know that Emilio's here.

She gets off the bench in a rush. "Whatever you say Smith. Hey why don't I walk you out?"

I shake my head vigorously. "Please, don't."

My plea goes unnoticed as she puts her arm around my shoulder and leads me out of the locker room. "I can do what I want since I'm still on my break. Besides I need to see this guy for myself, and maybe give him a piece of my mind."

I groan as we head to the elevator. "Promise me that you'll just look from the emergency doors."

The nurse lets out a sinister chuckle. "Look Balei. This friend of yours has paid attention to your schedule, and so it works out well that you get to eat something after a rather grueling shift."

"He's just being nice."

She ignores me. "Trust me, you only introduce a newcomer to your group of long-time friends when you've already made up your mind to keep said newcomer in your life, for a long while."

The elevator's ding drowns out my sigh. We get on the skywalk which is strangely empty. "He has a girlfriend."

Samantha flashes her hand at that. "She's inconsequential." I shake my head at her comment. "Girlfriend or not, I think he likes you."

Not that I would be able to tell. 

"Well, I disagree." I giggle as she shakes her head in disagreement. "And what's so wrong in taking your friend out for food after a long shift?"

I turn to look at her as we get on the escalator. "Love, that's a thing preserved for married health care workers."

I throw my head back with a deep laugh. "You're funny."

She tuts at me as the escalator ride comes to an end. "Does Ben take you out after your shifts?" I make a face. "And he's supposedly your best friend. What about your dad and step-bro? Do they take the time out of their own day to make sure you're fed?"

I cross my arms against my chest as we glide across the lobby. "You should've been a fiction writer."

The sliding doors open and we step outside into the late summer air. A quick glance of the empty pick-up and drop-off spots tells me that Emilio hasn't arrived yet. I quickly reach for my phone, but I can only frown when I spot the notification on the lock screen.

"Seriously?" Samantha steps closer to me as I tap the new follower request from Instagram.

"He looks familiar." I nod my head at that and she looks away.

"Yeah, he was at your party." I scroll through his pictures mindlessly. I'm not really interested in his outfits, or where he has been over the past few weeks. 

It's just that his reaction to me walking in on him doing drugs has left quite the impression on me. Samantha's low whistle catches my attention, and so I follow her gaze.

"How many years do you think I'll have to work for the government before I can afford one of those?" I remain silent as the car's quite familiar. "Wait, why is it slowing down?"

I clear my throat awkwardly as Emilio's sleek Aston Martin pulls up to the curb. Samantha eyes the car with both hands stuffed in the pockets of her deep blue scrubs. "How much does a liver go for on the black market?"

I can't even react to her fawning over the luxury car as Emilio has already opened his passenger door. I smile at him as our eyes meet, his presence catches Samantha's attention and she pulls her eyes away from his car.

"Hello." He outstretches his hand to Samantha. "I'm Emilio."

Samantha flashes me a look then quickly shakes his hand. "Samantha, nice to meet you."

Emilio gets the passenger door for me and I cringe as I know Samantha is currently analyzing his every move. I offer her a small wave as I get in and Emilio closes the door behind me. 

As soon as his back's turned Samantha mouths the words call me as I look at her. I sigh softly as I know that won't be an easy conversation. 

The engine rumbles, and we drive away from the curb.

Don't worry, my friends are pretty normal.

Those are the words Emilio muttered to me once we pulled up at this fancy-looking bistro close to the Spitalfields Market. Of course, there are no words that could be said to deter me from being a nervous wreck.

Like I said, Emilio sprang this lunch thing on me last minute, and by last minute I mean a few minutes before I left the apartment for my overnight shift. I didn't really get to sit and think about the fact that I would be sitting at a table with people worth a couple billions combined.

But the footballer was right, his friends are indeed normal. They crack jokes, talk smack about their colleagues, and bitch about having to put in the necessary training that comes with their jobs. 

One unique thing about this group of friends, is that they're all foreigners like Emilio. The quintet consists of a Croatian, an Argentinian, a German, an Egyptian, a Japanese and Emilio the Catalan.

"...yeah, whenever we get together people say the United Nations has gathered." 

I giggle at that as Jost the German explains the group's dynamic to me. "That's an interesting way to put it."

Emilio shrugs at me with a small smile on his face as I look over at him. "Homura's on a probationary period though."

I shake my head at him then look back at the Japanese seated before me. "Last one to join the group?"

He nods. "Now I'm beginning to question my decision."

The others disapprove of his choice of words by booing at him. Homura flashes me a look which translates to see what I mean?

"What's it like..." I look over at Stjepan the Croatian as he utters the beginning of a question. "...working at a hospital?"

I cast my eyes to the ceiling as I try to find an appropriate answer. "There are a lot of challenges." I look back at him. "And of course every job comes with a challenge, but being a doctor means that I'm responsible for someone's life. So, it's pretty serious work."

"Emilio mentioned that you have exams coming up?" I look over at Vicente the Argentinian. "Are you ready?"

I shake my head and the group laughs. "Well, I've been studying. It's just a routine exam to check what we've learnt so far. St. Andrew's likes to keep their students on edge."

"Then you'll be a doctor, yes?" Lapis the Egyptian claps happily at his own question.

I chuckle at his enthusiasm. "No, not really." He frowns playfully. "The training that I'm doing now lasts for two years, and I just started my first year back in June."

Emilio flashes me a lopsided smile. "Why do I feel like there's more?"

I laugh along with the group. "That's because there is. I have something called Internal Medicine Training and that's another three years of my life."

The group groans in unison, but I can only giggle at their reactions. "Doctors deserve it all." I smile softly at Stjepan's comment.

"So that's five years from now?" I turn to Emilio with a nod. "And then I can start calling you Dr. Smith?"

I blink. "Technically, I'm a junior doctor but yeah. I'll still be training though, for another four years I think."

Vicente throws his hands up to the ceiling dramatically. "Balei my dear, that's nine years of your life training and working. Is there a specific branch of medicine you're interested in?"

I nod. "Yeah, pediatric oncology."

Lapis raises his glass of beer. "Here's to Balei's nine-year journey, and the start of a friendship that will last more than nine years!"

The conversation shifts from my new journey as a doctor to all sorts of topics under the sun. I even surprised myself with all the talking I did, it seemed as if the nervousness I was feeling vanished the moment I opened my mouth.

"Did you have a nice time?" I nod my head at Emilio's question as he pulls up outside my apartment.

"Thanks for inviting me, your friends are great company."

He chuckles. "Yeah, they really like you. Well, I won't take up anymore of your time, your yawns tell me just how tired you are."

I groan at that. "I'm just going to head straight to bed." I look back at him as I reach for the door. "Keep in touch."

Emilio's nod with a smile is the last thing I see before heading inside and throwing myself on the couch.


Three days pass by without a peep from Emilio the Catalan. I'm not mad at him though. It can't be easy being a footballer with a status such as his. I'm pretty sure it's hard maintaining any relationships he may have.

As for myself, I can hardly find the time to make it to my father's house for dinner. So now we've resorted to Face Time calls on my valued days off. 

Speaking of which, today is one such day, and the only plan I have is to lay in bed and sleep until a voice says sleep no more. However, that's not possible since everyone I know feels the need to get in touch with me today.

I've played with the thought of blocking my cousins' number for the entire week, it wouldn't be the first time I've done something like this anyway. I sigh roughly after washing my hands, I hear my phone buzz once more from its spot on my bed and I roll my eyes at whatever notification that may be.

I yawn naturally while simultaneously scratching the itch under my right breast as I drag my feet back to the bed. A short, but sharp sound leaves my mouth as I execute a perfected kiss-teeth.

I stand before my bed with phone in hand as I wait for Instagram to load, the interface takes me to my direct message in an instant and I read the text with a frown. 

Hi. Sorry to bother you, but I want to apologize for how I behaved at that house party. I swear that's not who I am, I would like to apologize formally.

I scoff while quickly typing a reply that expresses my disinterest in his apology. I place the phone on the night-stand beside my bed then throw my body on the mattress as I open my laptop. The phone buzzes once more and with an eye-roll I reach for the device.

Please, I don't want to leave a bad impression on you. You don't seem like the type to judge a book by the cover. I really want to apologize face-to-face.

"He's never gonna stop is he?"

The bit about judging a book by its cover softens my resolve, and so I reply with the answer that's favourable to him. The next forty-five minutes saw me getting dressed to meet this guy at a cat cafe somewhere in Myatt's Field Park.

I must admit, I questioned this guy's motive on the entire journey. For one, he must've gone through Samantha's many Instagram stories from that night at the party to find my profile. I mean, who even has that much time on their hands?

Two. I did walk in on this guy snorting coke off a girl's bare chest. I don't know if he's the type who likes to live it up at parties, or likes sniffing illegal powder a little too much.

I decide it was too late for me to even return to the apartment, so with a deep breath and a short prayer, I walk up to the entrance of Daisy's Furry Cafe. I make a mental note to verbally shit on the cafe's name with Ben later, but as for now, I just want to get this over with.

A bell chimes as I enter, I look around the interior skeptically as I immediately notice how scanty it is. There's an open space with long ottomans on either side, the hardwood floor is however littered with kittens of all shapes and colours. 

I look to my right just in time to see the somewhat familiar face emerging through a swing-door. I take a good look at him, the first thing I notice is his very normal-looking eyes.

His hair is also styled neatly as well, and the green sweatshirt he's wearing has kittens all over it. This look of his is quite the contrast when compared to the first time that I saw him.

"Hi." I give a small wave of the hand as I watch him step around the counter. "Did you have any trouble finding the cafe?"

"No." I clear my throat awkwardly. "I'm guessing you really like cats."

He rubs the back of his neck shyly at my comment. "Well, I've spent my entire childhood hanging out here."

I furrow my eyebrows at his answer, and the entire exchange overall. The man I'm looking at is an entirely different person from the man who was pointing his index finger at me outside Samantha's house.

"We should sit."

Kittens immediately gravitate to our feet as we sit on opposite ends of the hardwood floor. My eyes meet the small body of a gray kitten with white paws. I don't think much of my actions as I reach down and hold the feline in my hands.

"Her name is Paws." I look back at him with raised eyebrows. "And I'm David."

"Balei." I utter my name awkwardly. Even though I already knew his from his Instagram handle. "So, you wanted to apologize?"

He clears his throat with a nod. "I didn't mean to talk to you like that." I remain silent as the kitten settles comfortably in my lap. "It's just that I didn't expect anyone to walk in, and I was scared it would get out what I was doing in the bathroom."

I nod my head urging him to continue. "I know I must have looked and sounded like I was threatening you, but I meant no harm."

His words linger around for a few seconds as I think back to that night. "You panicked." He nods his head but doesn't comment. "Let me guess, it would've been some kind of scandal if people knew you're into hard drugs."

A scowl appears on his face but I ignore the look as I continue with my analysis. "You said that you've been coming here since you were a kid?"

He nods his head. "Yeah, that's right."

"This cafe's owned by your family, am I right?" He nods without saying a word. "So, I'm guessing you're the prized son or grandson of a very nice family, who happens to own some kind of company in the city."

He chuckles humorlessly. "Okay then, Sherlock."

I roll my eyes. "Look David, most people within our age-range have meddled with drugs at some point. The problem presents itself when the constant use of drugs results in some form of damage to the body." I give him a serious look. "I'm really not the type to judge, and I could give a fuck about your family's reputation, but I hope you're not getting addicted to that stuff."

I watch as he shakes his head. "I'm not an addict, I swear." 

A small part of me doesn't believe him, but I decide to give him the benefit of the doubt. The guy hangs around cats in his free time for Heaven's sake, I don't think there's much to worry about.

"And to show how deeply sorry I am, I'll let you take Paws home." I look up at him and he smiles softly. "She likes you, you're the first person she has willingly let hold her since being here."

I stand outside the cafe with a box in my hands, I can hear Paws' meows from within and I sigh softly. "Would it be too much if we kept in touch?"

I look back at David, I chuckle softly with nod. "As long as you never wear that hideous sweater again."

He laughs as he looks down at the top. "You have a deal. I'll text you."

I nod with a soft smile. "Thanks for the kitten."

Paws and I spend the rest of the day in my apartment, the said apartment that doesn't allow its tenants to have any pets. And of course, it's Ben who had to remind me of that fact once he got home.

"Uh, what the hell is that?" I roll my eyes at him as I rub Paw's fur. "Did something happen?"

"He's my kitten, Iglesias."* I sigh softly, "and yes, something did happen, but it's nothing to write home about."

My phone buzzes from the table before me, but since Ben's standing, he's able to spot the caller ID before I can. "Why is Emilio Casemiro calling you on Face Time?"

I don't answer his question as I swiftly remove the buzzing device from the table, and with Paws in my arms I scurry to bedroom. I lock the door behind me then answer his call while moving to my bed.

"Well, hello there stranger!" Emilio's face breaks out into a small smile at my greeting.

"Hola," I watch as he shuffles around on what seems to be like his bed. 

"I haven't heard from you in a while." He nods. "Are you good?"

He sighs and I take that as a sign that he's probably having a shit week. I focus my eyes as I take his facial appearance through the screen, the evident stubble on his normally clean-shaven face speaks volumes. 

"I'm alright, just been busy with training." 

I immediately notice how thick his accent sounds and so I take a look at his eyes. "I figured. You look really tired. We could always talk some other time."

I catch the subtle shake of his head. "That's alright. This is the least I can do after not keeping in touch like I said I would."

For some reason I can tell that something's bothering him. I almost bring up his girlfriend but decide against it. "Okay, I watched your match yesterday."

His eyebrows raise. "Really?"

I laugh at his tone of disbelief. "Yeah, it was just for fifteen minutes though. My friend, the nurse that you met the other day, didn't believe you're some big shot football player."

"Ah." His voice deepens. "So, you weren't watching to support, just to confirm my identity?"

I roll my eyes. "Something like that." Paws meows softly and I look over to see her settling down on my bed.

"Did I just hear a cat?" With a tap of my finger the camera switches so he can get a good view of my new friend. "It's so small."

I switch the camera once more. "It's a baby Emilio." He smiles. "And I need to find a new home for her soon since it's against the rules to keep her here."

"I'll take her." I furrow my eyebrows at the offer. "I'm being serious, I'll send my driver for her tomorrow."

I blink at that. "Do you even have time to take care of her?"

He scoffs. "Of course I do." I hum. "Alright, I'll give her a place to live, and you can visit when you have time."

I sigh in defeat. "Okay, fine."

The footballer smiles triumphantly. "Look at us, co-parenting and all."

I laugh at that. "I'm pretty sure little humans are involved when it comes to co-parenting."

His thick laughter fills the room and I smile naturally at the sound of it. "Oh, before I forget, Homura asked me for you today."

That catches me off-guard and so I begin to think of the Japanese. I find it a bit weird that he's mentioned me since he didn't really say much to me during that lunch. 

"What did he say?"

I watch as Emilio smiles softly. "He asked me to invite you an open training session."

I frown. "Why would he do that?"

"I think he has taken a liking to you." I make a face, "I'm being serious. You should come, it'll be fun."

"Ha." I sit up with my back against the headboard. "Right. I won't even know anyone there."

He frowns playfully through the screen. "Of course you do. You know me, Homura, and Timothy will be there."

The mention of Timothy's attendance is the thing that kicks my worries to the curb. Even though we have been texting on and off, I would rather look at his very, pretty face.

"Fine." Emilio smiles widely. "Text me the details and I'll check my schedule. I'll let Ben know that he should expect your driver tomorrow."

"Cool." A yawn escapes me. "Get some rest. You're working tomorrow, right?" 

I nod. "Yeah, fun times." He chuckles. "I'll talk to you later, thanks for calling, and thanks for taking Paws."

He smiles. "You're welcome, Balei."

We say our goodbyes then the call ends with a click. I switch the light off then lay flat on my back as I stare into the darkness of my room.

As usual, thoughts float around my head and I entertain them all before drifting off to sleep.


This chapter's title is a quote from the movie Pulp Fiction.

*Quote from the movie Keanu

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