My Love

By LoveLukey3426

16.6K 673 51

Charlotte Matthews is a nice, beautiful, loyal girl. but when she goes to see her The Vamps perform with her... More

The first look
Things change
Come back to me
First Dates
Not a Happy Ending
Saying Goodbye
New beginnings
New school
Golden Moments
New Roomates
Welcoming Party
Somebody to You
Last Night
New Semester
Mr Brightside
She Was The One
Fix You
Long Way Home
Out of my Limit
Try Hard
She looks so Perfect
You and I
High Hopes
Pretty Brown Eyes
Beside You
HeartBreak Girl
End up Here
Social Casualty
Love is Easy
Gotta Get Out
Let her go
I Lived
Story of my life

Saying Hello Again

366 17 1
By LoveLukey3426

I ran down the hall, not looking where I was going, I had to get to class, I was already late so I needed no distractions, I kept dropping my english papers, so I had to stop and pick them up, a lot. I continued to ran down the halls then BANG! I hit someone again, my papers flew everywhere, my head was in a daze, and my heart was racing, I opened my eyes only to see him, he helped me up and i stumbled into his arms, there they were those big brown eyes I once again got lost in. I felt whole again being in his arms, I can't remember how I ever lived without him.

"Charlotte" he said, it took me out of my trance, and i noticed it was the love of my life Bradley Simpson

"Bradley" i replied, we were both starring into each others eyes untill i said "umm... i have to get to class" then i turned aound and picked up my papers then i walked away. i couldn't believe it, once the love of my life was standing in front of me and i decided to head to class.

"Charlotte wait" Brad yelled as he ran up behind me,

"where are you heading" he asked, "ummm... singing room 357" i replied, he smiled showing his perfectly white teeth,

"I'm heading there too" he said, as we walked towards our classroom.

"Your both late" the teacher yelled "detention" she demanded, i turned my head to Brad who had a cheeky grin on his face,

"oh and welcome to London university for performing arts, Charlotte" she said, as i was taking my seat next to Brad.

I got nudged in the back and turned around to see James sitting right behind me,

"what are you doing here" he whispered,

"long story, i will tell you later" i replied,

"James Mcvey, do you want a dentention too" the teacher yelled, james nodded and then we both went back to our work. "Now class you assignment for this term is to write a song and then perform it infront of the whole class" i started to smile, then i turned to Brad, still smiling then he grabbed my hand and entwined our fingers.

Once i was out of class, Brad grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me in close

"I've missed you" he said, i started to blush

"ive missed you too" i replied, he pulled me in closer, we were about to kiss, when i heard a farmilar voice shout

"hey Charlotte" i pulled away from Brad, only to see India and Austin walking towards us,

"hey guys" i said, and suddenly felt Brad grab my hand, then start to entwine our fingers,

"so whos this" Austin asked, i smiled then turned to Brad "well... Austin this is Brad, and Brad this is Austin... Brad is my Boyfriend" i replied still smiling,

"Hi I'm Brad". Both of thier faces lit up with amazement, "well, i dont know about, you guys but, I'm hungry so, shall we head to the cafeteria" Brad said, i nodded, then we all headed towards the cafeteria.

"I don't ever want to loose you again" Brad whispered, I stopped walking and turned to face him,

"me next time take me with you" I replied, he smile, then took one of his bracelets off, I swear he wears more then me in my entire life

"here wear this" he said as he placed his bracelet on my wrist, I looked at him confused

"why?" I asked,

"so that whenever I'm away at work..or..or overseas doing a concert, just remember that I will love you...always" he replied, I felt my cheeks burn up and he kissed me on the cheek.

"Charlotte, Brad... hurry up" India shouted, "coming" I replied, then we walked hand in hand to the cafeteria

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