The Perfect Love Story

By VictoryaSchneider01

1.7K 39 5

Max Schneider and Laura Quinn have been friends since they were 6 and they are now 16. One day, a simple visi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 3

229 4 0
By VictoryaSchneider01

Sight of my dad!

“Dad!!! What are you doing here? You’re not allowed in the house or near any of us.” I haven’t seen my dad since I was seven because he was taken to jail for abusing me and my mom. Leila is 4, her dad had left my mom after she got pregnant and Leila thinks my dad is her dad too. She has always wanted to meet him but she doesn’t know what he did. I couldn’t live with myself if she got hurt. “Leila!! Go hide now. Don’t say anything just hide!!!” I scream at the top of my lungs. ‘She better listen ‘ I think to myself.

“Hi there baby girl what are you doing? Hiding another little punching bag?” he gets this disgusting smirk on his face.

“You won’t touch her. How did you get in here? Mom would never let you in.”

“Your mom went on a little trip so I’m in charge. Who are you boy? Why are you kissing that thing?” he points to me. A tear falls down my face. This time it isn’t a tear of happiness or sadness. Its anger. I cant take it anymore.

“That is Max! You better bring my mom back! And then you will leave before I make you into a punching bag! You got it?! NOW WHERE IS MY MOM?!” I am in his face yelling at the top of my lungs.

“Your mom is downstairs, unconscious and you can’t do anything about it.”

“I will do something about it!” I punch him in the jaw as hard as I can and he does the same in return. I fall down and everything turns black…..


I stop kissing Laura, and I stare at the door. There is a man there watching us. I freeze. Laura starts yelling and they get into an argument. When I feel things start to heat up I scoot off the bed and call 911 and tell them about what’s going on. When I sit on the bed again she punches him in the face and he punches back she falls to the ground and isn’t moving. I jump up as quickly as possible and then I see the man, who I find out is her dad, fall down too with four police officers standing at the door with a tazer. They quickly handcuff him and take him down to the car. I rush over to Laura. “Laur? Please, please answer.” I begin to cry. 

The medic comes up and kneels down. “The mom is awake and sitting in the kitchen. We will need you to explain what happened. Okay? Good.” She starts to feel Laura’s wrists and neck. “No pulse.” She finally says. “WE NEED TO GET THIS GIRL TO THE HOSPITAL! NO PULSE!” Before I know it there are about 5 paramedics rushing in and taking her to the ambulance.

“Can I go please she’s my best friend!! Please” I get on my knees and start to beg. She just nods her head and helps me into the ambulance and we head into the hospital. When we get there they make me sit in the waiting room, I sit there with her mom. I start to freak out. “Why haven’t they told us anything? Where is she? How is she? I n-need to see h-her.” Tears rush down my face and her mom tries her best to comfort me. 

“It’ll all be okay. I promise.” She runs her hand up and down my back. For some reason that has always calmed me down. Then I see the nurse come out. From what it looks like she has tears building up in her eyes.

“Ms. Quinn, Mr. um, Schneider?” her voice is shaking. “I am so sorry, but Laura, she,” A tears falls down her cheek. “She has passed.”

What do you think will happen?? Keep reading to find out! :)


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