Opposites Attract (Harry Styl...

By terrible-

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“The one in the middle looks the most obnoxious. I mean, I'm sure they all are at some point but he just look... More

Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four

Chapter one

381 14 4
By terrible-

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Mackenzie's POV

“Your hair looks fine.” I slightly sighed at my best friend's fidgeting.

“Sh! Look.” She gave her hair one last flick and leaned against her locker, her eyes gawking at them.

I glanced at them strolling down the hallway, grabbing the attention of every girl in sight as per usual. Marley, my best friend, paid attention to them just like any other girl in the school. But she, however, only had eyes for one guy and that was the blonde one, ever since last year. What was his name again? Neel, was it?

I shook my head at her as she twirled a light brown strand of her hair, staring at him. I wasn't facing them, because I simply didn't care. The curly haired one was the only one I actually knew because one, he's in my history class, and two, he's my neighbor and his drumming would piss the entire neighborhood off, not that it stopped him. I guess I knew of Neel but that was only because Marley would never shut up about him. I stopped having 'study sessions' with her because if I brought up anything that had to do with Ireland, she'd go on and on about him. It was frustrating but I always overlooked them because Marley meant a lot to me. She's an awesome friend and I have 7 years of proof for you.

“Oh my god, Niall winked at me.” She whisper shouted, jumping up and down.

“Oh, is that his name? I thought it was Neel.”

“He winked at me.” She emphasized.

“Congrats. Now can we get to class?”

Marley looped her arm through mine and grunned the whole way there.

“You know, I think I saw Harry checking you out.” She cooed.

“Gross. Not my type.” I grimaced, causing her to laugh, though she tried to muffle the sound by using her hands.

“Mackenzie Autumn Blake, I think you are the only girl in this entire school that isn't attracted to any of them.” She squeezed my arm and laid her head on my shoulder.

I shrugged. “Not true, the light brown haired guy is pretty cute.” I defended.

“Liam? You're kidding.” She scoffed, shocked as we walked into the classroom. I dropped my bag down and sat on my regular seat in the front of the class.

“I'm not interested Marley. We've established this before. They're all so...”


“Uneducated.” I answered.

“You probaby find Liam cute because he was the only one wearing plaid...” She took a seat behind me. I searched through my bag before taking out a pen for her, because she alway forgot her own. Sighing, I handed her the pen.

“I know what guys in flannel shirts do to you.” She winked.

“Not true, he has a cute smile.” I explained, turning myself around to look at her.

“Yeah, his girlfriend probably agrees.” Marley jerked her head at the skimpy brunette, who was walking in, two other girls on her side.

“Hey, I said I wasn't interested.” I pointed out and turned myself back around when I heard the teacher, otherwise known as my dad walk in.

“Take a seat, class.” He called out, grabbing a new piece of chalk from his desk to write down the topic.

“Class has begun and we will be disccussing the--” he quickly wrote own;

“Renaissance. Turn to page 445 in your textbook and start reading the first four pages.” The class groaned in annoyance, but I obediently did as told.

After I finished before evryone, which didn't take that long because I've had a passion for reading ever since I was seven, I sat there quietly, taking notes of everything I remembered.

“Mr. Styles, is there a reason why you are late to my class?” My dad asked Harry as he tried to make an attempt to sneak in and sit.

“I was in the bathroom, Mr. B. I had Mexican food for dinner yesterday!” He patted his stomach with a fake guilty smile. The class laughed and I eyed his now messy clothes. Everything from his messed messed up collars to his zipper, whcih was open. I rolled my eyes, assuming the obvious.

My dad and Harrry had a horrible relationship. Harry was the typical failing, disrespectful, always late student and my dad was the typical teacher that was always up Harry's rear end. They had a mutual disliking.

“Have a seat.” Dad told Harry, and got back to his grading. When he saw that Harry was grabbing a seat next to a pretty girl he would easily be disracted by, he shook his head and pointed to the seat next to me. I caught my dad's eyes and pleaded no by shaking my head vigorously, trying to be as subtle as possible. My dad ignored my plead and Harry sat, annoyed.

For the whole period, I sat there with my eyes either focused on the board or my book. When the bell rang, I slammed my book shut and quickly picked up my bag to rush out, but, of course, my dad had to call me.

“Yeah, dad?”

“I want you to tutor Harry.”

“Daaaaaaaad.” I whined, knowing he would ask that sooner or later.

“Just until his grade goes into at least a C minus.”


“Honey, you're my best student. There's no one else that could help. You helped Marley and she's passing with a B plus from when it used to be a D. That takes a lot of knowledge.

“Sorry, dad. Merly's my best friend, it's different.” I shrugged.

“I'll give you extra credit.”

I breathed out and narrowed my eyes, glaring at the man in front of me.

“Tell him yourself. Our house, six thirty.”

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