Cure To Bloodlust (Tododeku)

By Xiariadragneel

293K 11.4K 6.4K

Its just the normal My Hero Academia fun but with a twist, Tododeku twist and just another teensy-weensy twi... More

(30) Awaited explanation
(37) "It's about Izuku"
(38) Blushing
(39) He's Fine
(40) Fangs
(41) Useful
(42) hugs make everything better
(43) Was it that obvious?
(44) Struggling
(45) Not Me
(46) close
(47) breaking biche
(48) Trust
(49) Epilogue: Dorks in Love
(50) Bonus

(33) Unknown

4.6K 173 130
By Xiariadragneel

Normal POV

Todoroki tried and successfully manage to fall asleep easy last night, not wishing to let his mind run eith the events of the day to much, he was disappointed in himself enough, his demons probing hos conscience, but then the whole thing with Midoriya just awoke and fueled his feelings even more.

Waking and getting ready for school he went down stair only for him to find out while he was having a fight with his heart and head, The object of his affection was having a fight with their resident explosion of angsty.

Yes Bakugou.

For what ever reason they didn't entirely know, never got a straight answer but since it was Midoriya and Bakugou and he hates Midoriya for no known (or good) reason they just accepted.

They were apparently now on house arrest for a few days for their fight And breaking curfew.

Todoroki didn't have time to personally talk to Midoriya before he left to with the others for school.

He just ate his breakfast not wanting to bother the other since it looks like he was also tasked with cleaning as punishment, Iida didn't seem to care as he gave Midoriya an ear full.

He left shortly after trailing behind Iida as he hurried everyone out since this morning was assembly, though he himself wasted like 10 minutes alone scolding Midoriya.


"Would you fucking stop that?!" Bakugou barked at him. He didn't even realize he was staring.

"L-like what?"Midoriya stuttered trying to go back to sweeping, playing it off.

"The fuck do mean like what!? Your looking me all sad and shit, i didn't what your pitying me about but I don't fucking need your pity."

"R-right." deciding not to get into an altercation with Kachan since it's almost nice he's been more mellow since their fight and finding out about All Might's secret ..but he wasn't taking his chances.

He didn't realize he was staring but he knew what face he might have been making and it definitely wasn't one of pity.

It's twice now he's almost attached kachan out of Hunger and it's not like he specifically targets him, he just was unfortunate enough to always being there at the time.

Fighting down thoughts, he went up to his room after cleaning, today was his last day of house arrest and he would finally be able to participate in class again.


...........     ........
"Mirio Senpai is awsome isn't he!?"

Midoriya beamed the air around him just oozing the urge to learn.

"Yes, he insanely strong, he will make boisterous hero, he's also one that will be hard to beat." reply dual quirk user.

"mmmm ..yes your right- Anyway  hows Provisional License training going." Midoriya asks munching on a riceball. They were currently just out back of the school lazing in the sun on a park bench a few other out here as well. Todoroki sat next to him strawberry milk in hand.

"fine i your," he paused glance at some his classmates not to far away from them. "diet going?"

Midoriya seemes confused a few seconds before he realized what Todoroki meant.

"oh um fine, fine no urges of hunger or anything I'm just fine."

Todoroki just hummed in return both teens falling back into a comfortable silence. Todoroki had manager to calm his heart around Midoriya but the ache was still there, especially when Uraraka was present and close to him, he wouldn't have noticed if he himself didn't feel something for the boy and its save yo assume nobody else has noticed her behavior towards Midoriya either. He likes Uraraka, he really does but he couldn't help that bitter feeling he had when he knew her real intent and the fact she probably had a way better shot them.

He sighed, 'Feelings were confusing and awful.'


(Time Skip past the whole Overhoe *cough* Overhaul Situation cuz it's not really necessary though I was gonna pretend like it didn't happen but ..big three action?)


Normal POV

A bunch of the students stayed in the common room waiting fir their classmates to come back to them. They didn't know all of the details but knew it was horrible, they heard about the passing of Sir Night eye
(A/N cries), even people who didn't exactly know who he was felt the hit, The death of a hero much less the death of a person is tragic.

1-A were inform of the well being of their classmates but still waited up patiently to see them themselves especially since they weren't allowed to leave the school and visit the hospital.

One person sat in the corner face  neutral as ever, board even but they held some of the most angst right now.

As soon as Todoroki heard the news he was tempted to run to the hospital and check on Midoriya himself, he was so worried, kept worrying about whether or not bones were fines, arms in intact. And he's not sure how vampire anatomy works but he thought 'what if Midoriya used a lot if enery and was 'hungry and didn't have any blood to drink and he knew the green head would never steal any.

His Mind was frantic with the possible negative even when they were over the phone, assure that they were fine.

When Shouto finally msnage to calm down about Midoriya his mind wondered to Kirishima, he heard he might have gotten the worst of it and instantly felt bad for not worrying about him or the girls before. He wasn't especially close to any of them mostly Kirishima, but he liked Kirishima he was a strong and optimistic spirit. Having the health of the red head linger on his mind Todoroki glanced towards Bakugou since he was seemingly closed to Kirishima. But just like Todoroki he sat criss-crossed on the couch wear an expression that was normal for him in Bakugou's case it's what Kaminari might describe as an frowning-resting bitch face, his attention totally or seemingly absorbed by his phone in hand.

About Ten Minutes later the sound of the door opening drawned everyone attention, Midoriya, Kirishima, Asui and Uraraka stepping into the clearing, some nervously laughing, trying to assure they were ok.

Todoroki and Bakugou were the only ones who didn't move from their spots and crowded them. He didn't know Bakugou's reason but he knew he couldn't, his breath hitched in his throat when he saw Midoriya, he looked completely fine no bandes of anything. But the blatant fact was Midoriya and the other's (A/N lol "and other's" Todo has priorities) could have died and he couldn't be their protect them. Trying to shake the thought away to stop worrying and also because trying always protect might come off as disrespectful in belief of their abilities, he wasn't in no way trying to under-mind them just wants them to be safe.

Sucking it up, he made his way to Midoriya since they all seem to back off some what, only a few gathered around them, one on them being Aoyama — who was stuffing cheese in Midoriya's mouth?

Midoriya noticed him before he could deuce situation. "Todoroki, hi... I'm back!" The green head chirped.

"I'm glad your back and okay— " they was so much more he wanted to say wanted to do but he felt like everyone's eyes were on him, he should go. .

"I want to stay with you guys but I have to get to bed... License Training in the morning...and uh-"

"no no no it's fine, you all didn't have to wait uo for us anyway." Midoriya said in understanding.

"then. uh good Night Midoriya."

"Good Night Todoroki and Good Luck to you and Kachan tomorrow." Smile bright and earnest as ever.

"Thank you." the air was weird but he dismissed it heading to the stairs. He paused and called to Bakugou who didn't move form his spot, up till now, since they did have to leave together tomorrow. He was expecting to be shouted at as usual but all he got was a few seconds of silence as he stared into the crowd of classmate then he got up with a grumble and wordlessly follwed him towards their rooms but not before sending a glace at a certain red head's direction.


"Are you positive." a board and scratchy voice asked, he was answer with a peppy tone.

"Ofcourse it will, I've got way more this time, I even got a few other samples too, it's enough to get in learn some stuff, probably cause some damage while I'm at it then get out, no sweat!"

".... fine, but we're not doing this right away, we need some Intel first, once we get that, your up."

"Roger that!"


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