The Best Friend

By Believeeexoxo

85.4K 3.3K 1.8K

Falling in love with someone while trying to hide your feelings seems almost impossible, but when those feeli... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two.
Chapter Three.
Chapter Four.
Chapter Five.
Chapter Seven.
Chapter Eight.
Chapter Nine.
Chapter Ten.
Chapter Eleven.
Chapter Twelve.
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen.
Chapter Fifteen.
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Six.

3.6K 160 96
By Believeeexoxo

 I can't help but feel blessed as I stare into her eyes. It's like all of those fights in the past didn't matter. Everything felt perfect with her right on my lap, right where she should be. It's been too damn long since I've touched her. Since I've held her.

"I don't know what I'm going to tell Abel..." She sighs, nuzzling her head into my chest. "What is everyone going to think? I mean, we haven't been together in so long Justin. So much has happened between us. Once this goes viral...I don't know what will happen. People are going to think I'm such a whore."

"Baby..." I plead, tilting her chin up to look at me. "We are going to be just fine after you tell Abel. Who cares what anybody thinks? The bottom line is that we were young and didn't know what we were doing. Now that we're older there's nothing getting in our way. I'm serious. It's going to work out this time, Sel."

"If it's going to work out then things have to change Justin. If it weren't for me getting in that fight with Abel then I wouldn't have even come over last night. Now I'm just confused. I don't want there to be other girls in the picture. I don't want it to be like last-"

"There won't be any other girls." I immediately say. "I promise that there won't be."

"What about Hailey?" She asks.

I pause for a minute, taken back by her question. I haven't seen or spoken to Hailey in about two months. Her and Shawn are the new couple to talk about, so I guess she's pretty final in her decision to cut me out of her life.

"You don't have to worry about her anymore. We haven't been friends for awhile now."

Standing up to stretch my legs, I go over to the kitchen to get something to eat. She seems to be staring off into space on the couch until she slowly nods her head and goes to step out onto the patio.

"Paparazzi." I warn her. "They're everywhere. Just be careful."

"You're right." She sighs again, closing the patio door. "I should probably go and call Abel to explain everything before pictures of us get leaked. I just feel horrible."

"Don't feel horrible. Honestly he should have seen this coming anyway. You and I have always been a thing, Sel. Whether we've been official or not, people just know. You and I are always going to mean something to each other."

That causes her to smile as she walks over to me, wrapping her arms around my neck. The smell of her hair comes into my nose, a smell I've missed for so long. Selena is the only girl I will ever be in love with. The only one that can make my heart feel like it's not in two.

"I feel like it's really going to work this time." She murmurs, pressing her lips against mine. I lean into her and can't help myself, my hands running down her body to get to the ends of her dress. I want her so badly. After last night I need more. I need all of her.

"Justin..." She giggles, pulling away slightly. "I need to go and call Abel. Then we can continue this after, alright?"

"Alright." I smirk. "I'll be waiting."

After she goes off into another room to make the call, I pull out my phone to check my Instagram. The first post I see is of Hailey and Shawn. I roll my eyes in frustration, clenching my jaw slightly. The fact that he destroyed our friendship entirely made my blood want to boil. We've been friends for years. It's almost as if I meant nothing to her at all.

Opening up my messages, I go to create a new one and stare at the blinking line as I think of what to type to her. Selena just told me to stay away from her. I should stay away from her. After I made her cry I can't imagine that she'd even want to talk to me anyways.

"Fuck." I mutter, locking my phone.

"Well that could have gone better." She sniffles, wiping away some tears.

I look at my phone again to check the time, looking back up at her in confusion. "That was extremely fast. I thought it would take longer than that."

Opening up my arms, I wrap them around her and let her head fall onto my shoulder.

"He hung up on me halfway through me trying to explain everything. I should have done it in person."

"Well at least he knows now." I shrug.

"Yeah." She sniffles. "Now we can finally be together. Nothing is standing in our way now babe."

"Right..." I trail off, letting her snuggle into my chest more. "Nothing at all."


"This way!" The photographer shouts. "Hailey, look over here."

I tilt my body a different way to appease him so he'll stop shouting at me, letting out a sigh from how tired I am. I've had such a long day today at this shoot that all I want to do is just go home and drop.

After another twenty minutes or so, everyone finally decides to wrap up, so I excuse myself and head off into the dressing room. To my surprise Kendall is waiting for me with Starbucks in hand, causing me to let out a huge sigh of relief.

"Oh my gosh!" I exclaim, grabbing the cup gratefully from her. "I thought you were in Paris!"

"I decided to take an early flight back." She shrugged, a smile immediately coming onto her face. "I'm assuming you want to go out tonight?"

"Why would I want to go out tonight?" I ask as I pull a sweatshirt over my head.

"You didn't see the pictures? That's the whole reason I took an early flight back. No wonder you're in such a good mood."

She takes her phone out of her back pocket and scrolls to a picture of Justin and Selena at his house all over each other. I want to say that I'm surprised, but I'm really not. This is the cycle that I'm all too familiar with. The only difference is that I won't be there when she does something to fuck it up again and hurts his feelings.

"I don't care." I shrug, grabbing my purse off of the chair. "It doesn't matter to me."

"Please." She laughs. "Hails, you're not fooling anyone. Just because you've got Shawn doesn't mean you don't miss Justin."

"Shawn and I haven't seen each other in weeks. He's been doing tons of concerts lately. I mean we text all the time, but it's just not the same. Justin hasn't been on my mind lately, Shawn has. I miss him more than Justin at this point."

"Okay...." Kendall trails off, clearly not believing me. "Well whatever boy is on your mind I vote that we get totally hot tonight and make them both jealous as hell."


We haven't even gotten out of the car yet and there's already paparazzi surrounding us. I'm starting to feel anxious, my palms beginning to sweat as all of my nerves begin to stand on end. I honestly don't think I want to do this tonight.

"Kendall we should just go." I plead. "Let's just go back to my place and have a girls night."

"Hailey, no. We just spent two hours getting ready and you look drop dead gorgeous. I gave you my blank mini that gives you legs for days. There's no way we're turning back now. Just come on!"

She tugs me out of the car and the lights begin to blind me. I wrap my arm around her side until I hear this man shouting above everyone else.

"Hailey, where's Justin? Why haven't you been with him?"

I immediately become irritated, rolling my eyes at him. Why is it that now somehow Justin is all they care about? Why can't I be important enough to be talked about? I feel like Justin is more important than my career at this point and it does nothing but upset me.

"I don't care about him!" I shout, laughing it off with Kendall. "He's not important to me anymore!"

The doors to the club close and we are finally surrounded with music instead of screaming people. The VIP section is waiting for us, and as we take a seat our waiter immediately asks what we'd like to drink. We both order Vodka and watch him scurry away to get it. I don't feel like being out tonight. I feel like staying in and watching a movie.

Our vodka gets delivered almost instantly, Kendall and I both taking a shot together. The alcohol floods through my veins, making my body grow extremely hot.

"Look!" Kendall shouts. "It's Bella!"

Kendall sprints out of her seat to go to another table where Bella Hadid is at, my phone going off at the same time. I pull it out and see a message from Justin staring back at me. I almost think I'm too drunk, so I blink a couple of times to see if that's really what I'm seeing. We haven't spoken in months. Why is he talking to me now?

New Message From: Justin

Oh, so I'm not important to you now? It's like that?

New Message To: Justin

Stalker much? That happened minutes ago. What does it matter?

New Message From: Justin

Yeah, and I'm getting tagged all over social media with the video. Kind of hard not to notice?

New Message To: Justin

Again... what does it matter?

New Message From: Justin

You act like I'm nothing when we both know that we're just in a fight right now.

New Message To: Justin

Almost three months is a long time to be in a fight... don't you think?

New Message From: Justin

Exactly. So.... come over.

New Message To: Justin

Eh, not the best idea.

New Message From: Justin

Because of Shawn?

New Message To: Justin

More like... because of Selena?

New Message From: Justin

Oh... guessing you saw the pics.

New Message To: Justin


New Message From: Justin

Well she doesn't have to know. Just come over.

New Message To: Justin

If you want your relationship to work out I highly suggest that I don't go over there. You were just saying how badly you miss her, yet you're asking me to come over. You know she doesn't like me. I'm always not allowed in your life whenever you're with her.

New Message From: Justin

Hails.... It doesn't have to be like that.

New Message To: Justin

Because of your girlfriend it does have to be like that. You got what you wanted Justin. Go spend time with Selena and spend less time texting me. I'm not your girlfriend. She is.

New Message From: Justin

I got what I wanted, but I'm still missing something. You aren't in my life and it doesn't feel right.

New Message To: Justin

I don't know what to tell you then. There's nothing I can do about this situation.

New Message From: Justin

You can say fuck it and come over.

New Message To: Justin

Goodnight Justin.

New Message From: Justin

Hailey come on, don't be like that.

New Message From: Justin


I immediately lock my phone and tuck it away in my purse, desperately wanting to get out of here. All I can think about is sleeping over with him like I did a couple months ago. I wanted to roll on top of him, to kiss down his neck. I wanted to feel his hands run up my back and let his nails sink in going back down. I wanted to feel him inside of me. I wanted to feel his sweaty body on mine when he finally would tell me that he loves me. He would tell me that I haven't been crazy this whole time.

Snapping out of my thoughts, I see Kendall and Bella dancing away on the dance floor. Their arms flailing up in the air as they laugh hysterically. They are so happy. I want more than anything to have that kind of happiness.

My phone buzzes again when I slide out of the booth.

"Oh my god." I mutter, pulling it out once more.

New Message From: Shawn <3

The way you look in that dress tonight... wow.

New Message To: Shawn <3

Well luckily I belong to you... right? You can have me whenever you want me.

New Message From: Shawn <3

You're right... I wish I could have you right now.

New Message To: Shawn <3

I could catch a flight out tonight to come and see you... I can't stand being away from you this long.

New Message From: Shawn <3

I wish you could Hailey, but it's not the right time. There's just a lot going on right now... I'm sorry. My schedule is just hectic right now.

I leave the message read and put my phone away, silently cursing myself when I realize that I'm crying. I shouldn't be so depressed right now. I should feel so blessed to live the life that I live. But having this much money with nobody to share it with isn't the greatest feeling. It actually kind of sucks.

"Hailey!" Kendall screams, pushing people out of her way to come over to me. "Where are you going? We just got here!"

"I'm going home." I reply. "I just don't want to be here right now."


So... as most of you know I started writing this when I was sad that Justin and Hailey weren't together anymore and well NOW I'm kind of freaking out about how realistic this book is becoming lmao. I am very excited though to continue writing this! Vote & comment if you want another chapter please. Thank you for reading! <3

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