My Guardian Angel

By KharringtonMelody67

9.8K 468 285

Everyone has a guardian angel assigned to protect them as much as possible. The Angels have specific rules to... More

The Call
South Korea
What Goes On...
Sick Pt. 1
Sick Pt. 2
Books and Rescue
Dangerous Ground
Shots Fired
This is insane! (A/N)
If Our Love...

Stand Off

318 19 6
By KharringtonMelody67

Your POV
I hear a voice call my name. I hadn't fallen completely asleep, but it still startles me. I open my eyes and I see someone coming at me Witt a gun. My eyes widen, being in my sick state I was absolutely terrified. It felt different than at the store, I was in my own home. I was about to scream when Jimin comes barreling into the room and tackled the guy to the ground. Jimin's hand searches for the gun until he finds it. He holds it and puts his finger on the trigger pointing it at the thief. I start hyperventilating. I see a concerned glance from a blind Jimin before he turns back to the robber. His wings were gorgeous, he was covered in sweat, he was gorgeous. I shake the thoughts away. You can't fall for him you know what will happen. I see the robber reaching down for another gun, Jimin must've sensed it because his hand grabs the other gun faster. As soon as he does I hear other foot steps rush up the stairs. I Jimin slowly backs up until he's right in front of me. I shakily stand behind him and clutch the fabric of his shirt that is between his wings. I was terrified. His arms are held apart, parallel to the floor and forty-five degrees apart. There were three robbers up in my room. Jimin had two out of the total six guns. He was also blind so his shot would've been off. "Stay away from her!" He says his voice showing pure dominance and protectiveness. I hid my face in his shirt, I started shaking. I felt his muscles tense. "Leave. Now." He says sternly. He clicks off the safety, ready to shoot. I clutch his shirt harder. "Why should we?" He asks. "I said. LEAVE. HER. ALONE." Jimin says raising his voice, even if I can't see his face. I know he's glaring, a fierce glare. "Please... Don't let them hurt me." I whisper into his shirt, I had never been so scared in my entire life. "DON'T COME NEAR HER!" He shouts. I hadn't heard any footsteps move, but he was making his point clear. Any movement closer, he would shoot. No hesitation. I hear first eps rush up the stairs. "(Yn) are--" Cordelia's voice starts but stops when she sees. I peek out and see her, one robber now has one gun pointed at her. No, no no no. I hide my face again, and tears start to fall from my eyes.

Cordelia's POV
I hear silent sounds f crying coming behind the mystery man that's protecting my friend. His glare hardens. "Let. Her. Go. NOW!" He shouts. His voice full of authority. His eyes were a pale color, indicating he's blind. He was mad, but doing everything he could to protect her. Her sobs became slightly louder. I say a tear slip from his eye, he's still glaring but his eyes have grown softer knowing she's scared. No, terrified. "If you leave now, no one will come to harm. If you don't listen to me, I will kill you myself." He says, his voice strong. The robbers look at each other. They nod and advance forward. He mutters something before pulling the trigger killing two of them before pointing both at the last one, some how. They underestimated him because he can't see. But he can hear extremely well. I see the last one put down his weapons and run. He puts down his guns, puts the safety back on. His face relaxes. He tosses the guns on the bed and turns around wrapping his arms around her as she continues to cry. He was different. Something about him was different, he didn't say anything he just hugged her. He pulls away slightly and grabs her ace his pale eyes scanning her face, she nods in his hands. He nods back and moves away. "Thank you Jimin." She tells him as she shakily as she sits on the bed. He nods. He turns to me, well my general direction at least. "Are you okay?" He asks. "I'm fine, you should be asking her that." I respond, a little upset that he doesn't seem so concerned about her. His face shifts into hurt, he looks away. "It's fine Cordy, really. I know how concerned he is." (Yn) responds. "But he could at least check with you!" I said, getting upset. "He can't." (Yn) replies. His head turns to her, eyes wide. "Why not he's right there, and he can talk!" I replied. "He can't talk to ME." She restated. I tilt my head in confusion. "Cordy, meet Jimin. My Guardian Angel." She says. My jaw drops and turn to look at him. He gives a shy smile and wave.

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