Wrong Impressions

By PeachesAndReam

10K 339 45

Sequel of "First Impressions" I strongly recommend to read the first part before reading this. It's bee... More

Prologue: Now we are here
Never Ending


1K 27 0
By PeachesAndReam


You are right" 

    Shadow said nothing more. Even after one year, I still can't figure him out. A part of me wanted him to continue on persuading me, but I knew that it was better this way. Shadow didn't love me, and he didn't love me now either. When we thought that Sonic had passed away. I closed myself off, Shadow was always there or at least he was trying to since letting inside my house was complicated. Three months passed, Sticks and Shadow finally convinced me to get out of the house. The only reason I did was that they told me of the terrible state Tails and Knuckles were. I could be suffering but I wouldn't anymore suffer on my team. 

   "Alright, guys we are ready!" 

Tails came inside his workshop after this new Sonic appeared it took him six more months to finish travel machine. He didn't have an immense power like the Chaos Emeralds so getting a great amount of power to get his machine working was a challenge. Even he seemed to be more active and happy since the new Sonic came by. Knuckles and Sticks were there as well and then the blue hedgehog came along. I perfectly knew he wasn't our Sonic but by all means, he has given me so much hope. 

"Alright guys, before I open the portal there are a few things I need to tell you. The energy use to transport us can be very unstable... there's a lot of us so there's a possibility that we might get separated if that happens please use your wrist communicators"

   Everyone nodded and Tails sightly did the same. I could tell he was nervous, everyone was. We knew nothing about this world and the only one who knew about it was almost a complete stranger. 

"Sticks and I are going to stay here and protect the village from Eggman", This had already been established. There wasn't enough energy to transport a lot of people and they couldn't leave the village unattended either. So it was decided that Shadow, Tails and I would go look for our Sonic.

it's been a while ever since I saw Knuckles and Sticks this excited and bump up, it was obvious that the possibility of seeing Sonic again made them happy. Without any further due, Tails pressed one button, the machine seemed a bit shaky and it seemed like it wasn't going to work for a second, but thanks to Chaos it was all a success.  

    The portal had beautiful mixed colors, all of them flashing and crossing by each other in an instant. Like mixed paint but never really touching the colors. 

   This new Sonic didn't think twice and jumped into the portal. I don't blame him, he didn't see his friends for six months and as he told us before, he left his world in the middle of a war. Everyone was surprised for a moment but now that I think about it, it is something that our Sonic would do too.

As we said goodbye to Knuckles and Sticks, we followed Sonic. 

After jumping inside the portal, I only remember falling in an endless pit of light. However, I came back to my senses pretty quick. I looked around and I was in a strange environment. Walls made out rock and metal. No windows, a small table containing water and cookies but nothing more. I tried to stand up but as soon as I did my head felt dizzy and I took one more moment to get ready and stand up. I headed towards the metallic door and I was content to see that at least I wasn't a prisoner in some strange dimension due that my door was unlocked. I walked through the halls, all of them made out of rock and the only source of light were small light bulbs hanging everyone once 5 meters. I looked into my wrist communicator just to find that it was completely destroyed, cracks in the screen and a completely dark screen, nothing I could do to fix it. I encountered another metal door, I got closer as I wanted to sneak in quietly but to my luck, the door seemed to be an automatic one because it opens the moment I got closer. 

 "The pink ball is awake" 

    I looked into the room surprised at first for its technological advances. I hadn't even seen such inventions made by Tails. However, my intention got caught somewhere else as I noticed a not so tall Shadow the Hedgehog. His spikes were in order and more elegantly accommodated compared to her Shadow's. Two perfectly golden rings and he wasn't even wearing sports tapes on hover shoes nor body. 

"Don't call her pink ball Shadow!" 

"You are right, I should call YOU pink ball"

"You already do anyways" 

    Then I saw myself. Or what it is supposed to be me. It was a strange sight but there were clear differences between the two. She had a girly red dress that showed her petite figure. A red headband as well to have her quills in order. 

"Sorry, Shadow is like that"

"Tell me about it"

     I took one more look around the room and I was happy to see Tails was there with me.

"Tails, are you ok!?"

         I ran quickly towards him but I stopped mid-track as I noticed that he had an indifferent look on his face. 

"I am sorry but I think you have the wrong Tails"

      And yeah I was wrong, this Tails was small and looked more innocent. I took another look around and noticed no one else was in the room.

"Are you guys the only ones here?" 

"No, we are staying here to look after you and the this hidden Resistance Basemen, everyone else is on a mission"

       Tails said smiling and that brought me some comfort but I had to ask right away. I needed to know once and for all the truth. 

"In the world, I come from, my Sonic is missing, he disappeared one year ago and the-"

"He is here" 

         I turned around and I faced this world's Shadow. After one year of waiting, I finally knew how to feel. I felt relieved, the pain came off my chest and I could finally breathe again. 

"He is on the mission but he will be back soon" 

"Where did he go to? And where are my friends?"

"Sonic went to get the fake me from your universe and your other friends I don't know"




     I noticed that myself and I had responded at the same time to Tails. It was a bit awkward and cool in a way. 

"Alright, we are going to need to do something about your names. From what my Chaos energy detector could tell me, you come from a universe in where technology has yet to fully develop. You don't get energy like we do nor have the same costumes... We will call you 'Boom Amy' and our Amy will be called 'Modern Amy' since our time is more developed industrially speaking"

Actually, that didn't sound so bad, it even sounded kind cool a bit flashy but cool.

"So Modern Amy"


"Can you show Boom Amy video files of the what has happened in this past year?", Tail kindly asked her and she smiled nodding.

"Sure, I'll explain...after our Sonic disappeared Dr.Eggman declared war on our world. Six months later Eggman had taken over 98% percent of the world along Infinite", My counterpart was explaining as she showed me pictures and videos of what had happened in their world. I was baffled by so much destruction and I imagined just what they had gone through.

"We were at lost but then Boom Sonic appeared along with the Chaos Emeralds and he helped us win the war...Your Sonic really wanted to go back to his world but we begged him to stay and help us. He did, it's not like he had much choice anyway since he still couldn't manage to fully control his Chaos Powers at least not enough to transport himself to his world and even is he did, well I heard you can't have two Sonics at the same time in your world"

I looked at the pictures, even if Sonic was away for so long, I was still proud that he help another world. He never gives up and I truly admired that about him. I am glad that I kept a strong outlook for him.

"You must be proud...although he left...he still tried to come back to you and ended help the war...unlike our Sonic"

Modern Amy whispered her last words but I was close enough to hear them. Her face was not a happy one but it was a disappointed one. I knew exactly what was happening, Modern Amy was feeling alone and angry. Her Sonic had left her for a year, although he didn't do it on purpose, she still felt disillusioned. At the moment, I had no words and even if I had, right now it wasn't the time to talk to her. It was better to wait for a private moment.

"Right now, Modern Sonic and Boom Sonic are getting your friend or Boom Shadow", Tails got closer to us and smiled at the thought of him being well. I would have loved being there for reunion. Shadow and I had our differences but I knew completely that Shadow wanted to see him as well.

"How did you find Shadow?"

"We detected a signal from his wrist communicator, our Sonic and you landed in the same place so he took you here"

"I have one more friend...do you think you can find him?"

"I analyzed the area and I couldn't detect anything...I couldn't detect your wrist communicator either...its broken so that explains it"

"The impact of their fall must have broken his communicator as well"

"Tails? This is Sonic"

It had been a year since I heard his voice. I wanted to see him so bad but for some reason, my legs were trembling at the thought of seeing him again. Tails went over to the huge screen and pressed a button and began to speak.

"Yes, Boom Sonic?"

"Boom? Well whatever, we are going to need reinforcements"

"What happened?"

"We found my world's Shadow but as we did that we got ambush by Metal Sonic's robots. There's a lot of them, Shadow is unconscious, we don't think we can't escape"

"I'll send re-enforcements to your location right now"

"Copy that"

Tails then turned around to face us and spoke clearly,

"Guys, prepare for battle"











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