The Unexpected Perks of Being...

Por sammwinchesterr

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Y/N is fresh out of school when she gets her first job as a nanny. After his amiable divorce from wife Genevi... Mais

Chapter One
Chapter two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Epilogue: Chapter Thirty-Five
Mother's Day Special
Father's Day Special

Chapter Twenty-Eight

856 21 1
Por sammwinchesterr

With Jared and Jensen in Montreal, preparing for their next convention, the kids in Austin with Gen, and Danneel plus her kids back in Austin as well, you were all alone in Vancouver- and you liked it. Jared was weary about leaving you on your own for a week, not that he didn't think you were going to be okay- just that he didn't want to miss anything with the baby. It was closer to the end of your week-long vacation to yourself when you started to feel off. You were keeping a record of your blood pressure as the doctor said. It wasn't good news. Your blood pressure slowly kept getting higher and higher throughout the week. Worrying about your blood pressure, made it go higher. But the real worry started when you noticed that your feet, legs and hands started to swell out of control, your pee was extra yellow and frothy and you had started gaining a lot of extra weight. It was early in the morning when you woke up to stomach pains and an extreme nauseous feeling. Rushing out to the washroom, you weren't sure if you needed to pee or throw up first. You figured these were all the unexpected perks of being pregnant. You squinted at the toilet, trying to regulate the fuzzy picture your eyes were seeing. Later on that day, you had already thrown up twice and you had an extreme headache! You figured you had a headache because you didn't drink your morning tea, but once you had that down into you and your headache didn't go away... you started becoming even more concerned than you already were. Your first call went to Jared, who didn't answer.

"Hey. I figured that you wouldn't pick up- I know you're really busy but, call me when you get the chance. I think something is wrong." You left this message in his voicemail.

The next call went to Danneel, who did pick up.

"Hey, Y/N! Nice to hear from you!"

"Hey. Danneel, listen." You groaned. "I have a few questions."

"Yeah, what's going on? You don't sound well."

"Well, a few days ago, I started feeling really off, bloated, my feet, legs and hands were really swollen an-and don't judge but... my pee was really weird. This morning, I woke up with a pain in my lower abdomen and a headache. I was really nauseous and I've thrown up a few times. My visions all weird too. Is this stuff normal?" You worried.

Danneel was quiet at first, you assumed that she was thinking.

"Now I can't pee either, it really hurts and only dribbles come out."

"Okay, this stuff is definitely not normal, Y/N. You need to go to the hospital." Danneel exclaimed.

"I do?" You choked. "Do you think something's wrong?"

"I don't mean to scare you, but yes. Those things are not supposed to be happening and if I were you, I'd call an ambulance."

"Oh-okay." You started to cry. "I'm scared."

"I know, I know. But you're strong, Y/N. I know that you're going to be okay. Call me back once you've called 9-1-1. I'm going to look into flights back to Vancouver."

You took Danneel's advice and called 9-1-1. You called Danneel back and she told you that she got a ticket to Vancouver, was packing a bag and that her kids would be staying with their Uncle Gino. It wasn't long before paramedics rushed you off to the hospital yet again! Dr. Mitchell ordered every test for you. Blood test, urine analysis, a fetal ultrasound and a biophysical profile, which uses an ultrasound to measure the baby's breathing, muscle tone, movement and the volume of amniotic fluid in your uterus.

"Once the results from the blood tests, the biophysical and the urine analysis come back, we'll know what it is for sure. But as of right now, you're showing signs of preeclampsia- this is what I was afraid of." Dr. Mitchell sighed. "The only cure for preeclampsia is birth."

"So I'm going to have preeclampsia for the rest of my pregnancy? I've still got fifteen weeks left!" You worried.

"It's too early for us to safely deliver your baby, so as of right now, I'm going to put you on some blood pressure medication, corticosteroids and an anticonvulsant medication, magnesium sulphate. Corticosteroids are to help improve your liver and platelet function. The magnesium sulphate is to prevent you from having a seizure."

You scratched your forehead and sniffed, "are these medications safe for my baby?"

"Oh, of course!" Dr. Mitchell replied. "I'm not recommending bed rest, but I definitely recommend you take it easy, Okay?"

"Okay." You nodded in agreement.

"Now I know this is your first pregnancy, but you should know that it's going to be okay. Although you have a rather aggressive form of preeclampsia, you and your baby should be perfectly fine- we caught it early."

You shot dr. Mitchell a small smile. You were extremely worried! So many things were running through your head as the doctor was listing off all the serious things that could go wrong with your pregnancy! You were more prone to a placental abruption, stroke, seizures- it was a lot to take in! Danneel wouldn't be in Vancouver for another few hours and Jared wouldn't be home from Montreal for another few days. You realized that you were just going to have to stick it out by yourself.

"You're welcome to stay here for an observation period if you feel it's absolutely necessary."

"Do you mind if I stay here until my friend gets here? She's flying in from Austin, Texas." You asked, your voice shaky.

"I definitely would recommend hospitalization for you. Even if it is until your friend gets here. I wouldn't want you to be home alone and something happen to you or your baby. I'd never forgive myself."

Dr. Mitchell moved you up to a room where she hooked you up to all the monitors while waiting for Danneel. You dozed off and slept through most of the wait. Once Danneel got there, Dr. Mitchell filled Danneel in, to the best of her ability, without breaking her doctor-patient confidentiality. Danneel sat next to your bed, playing with your hair or her iPhone until you woke up.

"Let's get you home huh?" Danneel cooed, helping you up.

You leaned up against Danneel as you walked to the front desk and signed discharge papers.

"You really gave me a scare there, Y/N. I spent my whole flight worrying about whether you and the baby were going to be okay."

"I think I freaked Arlo out." You sniffed.

You hadn't even thought about Jared's dog! Arlo was such a sweet dog and he was trained to pick up on this sort of stuff. He was probably going out of his mind.

"Well, we'll go home and make him feel better, okay?" Danneel rubbed your back.

She helped you into the passenger seat of her rental SUV and pressed a kiss against your forehead, "I'm going to take great care of you."

Danneel felt like a mom to you. She technically was old enough to be your mom. You're twenty-two and she's thirty-nine, meaning she would've been seventeen if you were biologically hers- the same age as your mother when she gave birth to you. When you got home, you curled up on the couch, cuddled into Arlo. He was lying on top of your blanket, in between your legs, with his head laid on your baby bump. You were nearly asleep when you heard Danneel on the phone.

"No, Jared. No. Listen to me."


"I'm here with her. There's no need to worry."


"Yes, Jared. I know she's twenty-five weeks pregnant."

You could only hear Danneel's side of the conversation, but you imagined that Jared was freaking out on the other end of the line.

"I think you're forgetting that I've been pregnant twice before. Y/N has preeclampsia but the doctor says she's going to be fine!"

You let out a sigh and scratched Arlo's head.

"Doctor's got her on three different types of medications. All safe for the baby. She's got to take them twice a day and when she runs out she'll need a refill."


"Trust me, Jared, you don't need to come home from Montreal. I'm going to stay with her until the convention is done."


"My kids are with Gino in Texas. It'll just be me and her. Can you put Jensen on the phone now?"


"Mmmkay. Love you, bye."

You were nearly asleep again but continued to listen.

"Hey, you" Danneel gushed. "Oh, mhmm."


"I can't wait for you to come home."


"So I can get you into bed-"

And that was when you stopped listening.

"Dee?" You called out. "Can I have some water?"

"Of course, sweetie! I'll be right there." She called back. "I gotta go, Jensen."


"Bye." She giggled.

Just a minute later, Danneel came into the family room with a glass of cold water for you.

"Did you enjoy having phone sex with your husband?" You yawned, sipping on your water.

"I-I thought you were asleep," Danneel mumbled, her cheeks heating up.

"No. I heard everything." You giggled.

For the rest of that day, you and Danneel watched movies and ate food. Three days after that, Jared flew back home. He was more worried than anything, but by that time Danneel nursed you back to health and you were feeling much better.

"I thought maybe that something bad happened to you an-and the baby! And I don't want to think about losing you or our baby." He sniffed.

Jared looked like he was about to go in an uncontrollable sob.

"I-I had to go all the conventions, worried sick- but I didn't want to say anything in case you didn't want to announce anything an-" Jared rambled on.

"Look at me, Jare. I'm fine okay? I'm feeling a lot better. Me and the baby going to be just fine. If it makes you feel better, you can make an Instagram post." You smiled, rubbing your belly.

He captioned it "After a little scare, Baby Padalecki and Momma are doing good! Preeclampsia isn't going to slow us down! In all seriousness, Y/N + Baby are going to be fine."

The comments came rolling in. Jared read a couple out to you. Jared's fans were almost always so sweet to you and that's why you liked being in such a wonderful and caring family, like the supernatural family. You spent the next couple of days alone with Jared. Danneel flew back to Texas with Jensen and the other Padalecki kids were in Texas with Gen. All of Jared's co-stars messaged you and wished that you were feeling better.

"Kim sent me a gif!" You smiled, showing Jared the little moving picture, which read 'Get Well Soon'.

Over the course of your relationship with Jared, you found out what real friendship was like. Yes, yes- you had Lacee throughout post-secondary- but now it was like you friendship had been taken to a whole other level, with so many more new people! Jared was supportive of you wanting to do things your own way and once he introduced you to some of his cast mates, he stepped back and let you make your own decisions. Which worked out for the best because you were independent and sociable. But when you're taking care of three kids, six years and younger, you've got your hands full and don't really have time to yourself or to hang out with friends. After chatting with your friends about how you were, Jared suggested the two of you put your phones up and spend some quality time together.

"Have you had a tea today?"

"Yeah." You sighed. "This morning."

"You know you're not supposed to have more than one a day." He warned, popping a bag of popcorn in the microwave.

"I know- but I'm craving it! Please Jared? The baby wants a tea." You pouted.

Jared let out a sigh as he gave in, "alright, but this is the only time I'll let you break the rules."

He gave you a grin as you laughed at him.

"Yeah, alright, big boss man."

Once the kettle was boiled, Jared brought you in a regular sized cup of tea, with the right amount of milk, plus the bag of popcorn poured out into a bowl.

"Did you choose the movie yet?"

"Yep." You smiled, scrolling through Netflix and clicked on 'What To Expect When You're Expecting'.

"I hope you know this isn't really realistic." Jared chuckled, pulling your feet into his lap.

"No, I know. But it's a comedy, Jared. It's supposed to be funny!"

You fixed the blanket around your feet and Jared's legs, then you fixed the pillow behind you and reached into the popcorn bowl.

"Have you been keeping track of your blood pressure?" Jared asked halfway through the movie.

"Shhh." You hushed him.

Once you two were finished with the popcorn, Jared laid the empty bowl on the table and lied down, cuddling into you. He rubbed circles on your belly which was very relaxing! And, as if the baby knew it was Jared, it would kick every time Jared placed a kiss against your bump or when he would talk.

"I think we're having a girl." You murmured, half-lidded.

"Yeah?" Jared asked softly. "I hope it's a girl."

Although you were nearly asleep, you were paying attention to the movie. You felt as if you related to Cameron Diaz's character, who nearly fainted and had to take it easy for the remainder of her pregnancy.

"I don't like that Anna Kendrick's character lost her baby." You sniffed. "That was sad."

When Jared looked up at you, you were looking down at him, pouting and letting a tear roll down your cheek.

"Baby, it's only a movie. Miscarriages happen. It's sad, but it happens."

"I know." You shrugged, wiping your tears. "But it's still sad!"

But little did Jared know what happened to you just a few years before. Jared's ringing phone startled you.

"It's Gen FaceTiming." He stared as he swiped right to answer the call.

He curled back into you as the wide iPhone screen read "connecting". Gen's face popped up just a moment later.

"Hey, Y/N! How are you feeling?" Gen exclaimed.

"Better. It was a little bit scary for a while, but the doctors and Danneel took great care of me." You smiled, playing with Jared's hair.

Jared cleared his throat and sarcastically said, "hello, Gen."

"Hi, Jared." She giggled. "Sorry, I called to see how Y/N was because the boys have been asking nonstop to call her, but I said they'd have to wait until she's feeling better."

"Oh, well, put them on! Y/N and I have missed them." Jared smiled.

You two went silent for a minute as the boys appeared on the screen.

"Y/N! Feel better?" Shep cooed.

"I'm feeling a lot better, thank you, Sheppy!"

"I real-really missed you guys, Y/N and Daddy! Mommy said 'Y/N have to get better before calling!' And now, you's better!" Tom cheered.

"We missed you too, buddy! You too, Shep." You grinned, blowing them kisses.

"When come to 'Couver?" Shep asked giddily.

"Soon, when mommy's done with her break." You responded.

"Okay!" He smiled, then turned to Genevieve. "I go play now mommy?"

Gen nodded, "be quiet, Odette is napping."

After having a few more minutes of conversation with Tom before he too got bored, you stayed on the line with Genevieve for a few minutes.

"It's getting harder and harder to put that girl down for a nap it seems."

You chuckled in agreement with Gen.

"Yeah, she's starting to get tired of naps!"

"So, honestly though, how are you feeling? Is your blood pressure back to normal with the medications?"

"It's normalizing, but not quite there yet. I'm still at about 146 over 95, on average." You shrugged.

"Have you decided where you're going to have the baby yet?"

"Oh, what do you mean?" You cocked your head to the side in confusion.

"Well, I know you're Canadian, but the boy's, Odette and Jared are American," Gen explained.

"I just assumed we'd have the baby in Canada. Which also reminds me, I want you to be there."

"Really? You want me to be there when the baby's coming?"

"Yeah! Of course, I do. We're friends, right?"

"Yeah, we're friends." She confirmed.

"Well, I'm going to need all the help I can get. And that includes from my best friends. So I figured I'd have you, Danneel, Lacee and Sharon on standby." You smiled.

"Sounds like a good plan." Gen grinned. "Well, I've got to go! We can talk more about this really soon, okay?"

"Okay, bye, Gen." You smiled.

"Tell Odette we love her," Jared added.

"I will. Take good care of her, Jare." Gen replied.

You realized that you and Gen came a long way since your explosive fight with her. You never even thought about whether Gen and Sharon would have a problem with each other, but you knew they were two, great women. Overall, you wouldn't have it any other way, because they're your friends and a new found family- you wanted them there. Period.

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