Chapter Twenty-Nine

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The following week, Tom, Shep and Odette were back and Jared was off to work. You dropped Tom off to school and then returned home with Odette and Shep.

"What do you guys want to do today?" You cooed.

"Play Ninja Turtles, Y/N!' Shep exclaimed.

"Of course!" You giggled.

You sat down on the floor, caressing your baby bump and played with Shep. Odette sat next to you, playing with her toys.

"Feel better, Y/N?" Shep asked.

"Yeah, I'm feeling a bit better."

The truth was, you felt terrible inside. You still felt bloated and nauseous- you just didn't want Jared taking another day off work to tend on you. You figured you would just have an easy day, do some light reading with the kids, make them lunch, put Odette down for a nap, play a game or watch tv with Sheppy, wake Odette up, then go get Tom. When you were playing Ninja Turtles with Shep, there was a knock at the door. You pushed yourself up off the floor carefully and answered.

"Hey, you! Long time, no see!" You grinned at Lacee.

"Yeah! Figured I'd popover with little miss here." Lacee smiled.

You let her in and closed the door behind her.

"She's getting so big!" You remarked. "Hi, Dani!"

Once Lacee got settled in the family room, she placed the couple of months old baby in your arms.

"You aren't looking too good, Y/N." Lacee worried.

"Yeah, I have preeclampsia. I'm just so exhausted and I'm just not feeling well."

"I know." Lacee sighed in dismay. "I saw on Jared's Instagram. How come you didn't text me?"

"I'm so sorry!" You exclaimed, rubbing Danielle's belly. "Pregnancy brain! I forgot."

"It's alright. But I want you to know, I'm your friend and I'm here! You can tell me anything!" Lacee offered.

"You're pretty awesome- and right. Next time, I'll definitely call you."

"Good! I just want you to be okay." Lacee smiled. "Hey, do you remember Myles Turner from school? You used to have some courses with him?"

"Yeah... I remember him."

You remembered him all too well.

"Apparently he's locked up now."

"Really?" You took a deep, sharp breath.

Myles Turner was a torture in university. He thought he could get whichever girl he wanted and get in their pants! He was much taller than you were. He had dirty blonde hair and blue eyes.

"What's he in for?"

"A couple girls from the university said that he raped them. Then a couple of high school girls came out and said that he touched them inappropriately." Lacee sighed. "I can't believe that bastard wanted to work with kids. He only wanted to work with kids so that he could hurt them, I bet!"

"That-that's crazy." Your throat dried up.

You were struggling to find the words. You had completely forgotten about what Myles had done to you and now all the memories came flooding back.

"Is something wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost." Lacee exclaimed.

"Yeah... no... I'm fine." You took a deep breath.

"Did he hurt you?" Lacee asked wearily. "If so, you need to tell someone. Tell me. Or Jared. Just don't hold it in, okay?"

"Okay." You let out a shaky breath.

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