Chapter Twenty-Eight

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With Jared and Jensen in Montreal, preparing for their next convention, the kids in Austin with Gen, and Danneel plus her kids back in Austin as well, you were all alone in Vancouver- and you liked it. Jared was weary about leaving you on your own for a week, not that he didn't think you were going to be okay- just that he didn't want to miss anything with the baby. It was closer to the end of your week-long vacation to yourself when you started to feel off. You were keeping a record of your blood pressure as the doctor said. It wasn't good news. Your blood pressure slowly kept getting higher and higher throughout the week. Worrying about your blood pressure, made it go higher. But the real worry started when you noticed that your feet, legs and hands started to swell out of control, your pee was extra yellow and frothy and you had started gaining a lot of extra weight. It was early in the morning when you woke up to stomach pains and an extreme nauseous feeling. Rushing out to the washroom, you weren't sure if you needed to pee or throw up first. You figured these were all the unexpected perks of being pregnant. You squinted at the toilet, trying to regulate the fuzzy picture your eyes were seeing. Later on that day, you had already thrown up twice and you had an extreme headache! You figured you had a headache because you didn't drink your morning tea, but once you had that down into you and your headache didn't go away... you started becoming even more concerned than you already were. Your first call went to Jared, who didn't answer.

"Hey. I figured that you wouldn't pick up- I know you're really busy but, call me when you get the chance. I think something is wrong." You left this message in his voicemail.

The next call went to Danneel, who did pick up.

"Hey, Y/N! Nice to hear from you!"

"Hey. Danneel, listen." You groaned. "I have a few questions."

"Yeah, what's going on? You don't sound well."

"Well, a few days ago, I started feeling really off, bloated, my feet, legs and hands were really swollen an-and don't judge but... my pee was really weird. This morning, I woke up with a pain in my lower abdomen and a headache. I was really nauseous and I've thrown up a few times. My visions all weird too. Is this stuff normal?" You worried.

Danneel was quiet at first, you assumed that she was thinking.

"Now I can't pee either, it really hurts and only dribbles come out."

"Okay, this stuff is definitely not normal, Y/N. You need to go to the hospital." Danneel exclaimed.

"I do?" You choked. "Do you think something's wrong?"

"I don't mean to scare you, but yes. Those things are not supposed to be happening and if I were you, I'd call an ambulance."

"Oh-okay." You started to cry. "I'm scared."

"I know, I know. But you're strong, Y/N. I know that you're going to be okay. Call me back once you've called 9-1-1. I'm going to look into flights back to Vancouver."

You took Danneel's advice and called 9-1-1. You called Danneel back and she told you that she got a ticket to Vancouver, was packing a bag and that her kids would be staying with their Uncle Gino. It wasn't long before paramedics rushed you off to the hospital yet again! Dr. Mitchell ordered every test for you. Blood test, urine analysis, a fetal ultrasound and a biophysical profile, which uses an ultrasound to measure the baby's breathing, muscle tone, movement and the volume of amniotic fluid in your uterus.

"Once the results from the blood tests, the biophysical and the urine analysis come back, we'll know what it is for sure. But as of right now, you're showing signs of preeclampsia- this is what I was afraid of." Dr. Mitchell sighed. "The only cure for preeclampsia is birth."

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