The Strong and The weak

By Gostwriter663

47.1K 1.7K 244

Bending down my fingers take ahold of the shinny warm quarter, I kissed it and spun around in a quick circle... More

The Strong and The weakling
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fiffteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter twenty-one
Chapter - Twenty two
Chapter- Twenty three
Chapter- twenty four

Chapter eighteen

1.6K 61 6
By Gostwriter663

Heyyy hope your all A ok XD today's question is....Are you a Christian? I'm a Christian but I love gay people so eh, some people mistake the way I say "I love gay people" for the term I want bxbxg relationship with a gay guy but honestly when I say I love gay people I mean I like the idea and I'm 100% supportive of anyone who's gay...because Hell I'm not even straight :,D anyway I hope none of this was offensive to anyone because honestly I wasn't being offensive or rude. I love you Guys. Enjoy the chapter :)

My eyes couldn't help but to wander up to Vincent while he ate and talked.

"....then I told the girl that I wasn't into her she was pissed I wish you could've seen her face then she slapped the hell out of me."

I laughed while he pouted.


Vincent smiled as I cooed him. The biscuit on my plate was now in my hand; I took a bite of the buttery deliciousness.

"What's up with your dad?"

Vincent suddenly asked causing my breath to pause.


My words were immediately shaky causing my voice to waver like a leaf in the wind while my hand began to shake.

Just the mere mention of dad makes cold shivers run down my body it was as though if someone even mentioned him he'd pop up and be here in a blink of an eye.

Sitting my biscuit down on my plate wiping my hands off on my pants I thought of a answer but no lie would come to mind.

"I don't want to talk about him"

Vincent nodded his head.

"I'm sorry I asked I was just curious."

I looked at him for a second and back at the table silently.

"It's okay..."

He tried to smile but I knew that he felt upset with himself that he made the conversation go to the left.

"You don't have to feel bad or...anything it was only a question"

A question that made me act as though I'd seen a ghost. Vincent let out a small sigh and reached over to take ahold of my hand.

"I know it's only been a couple days and all but...I like you and I'd like to know more about you"

Vincents eyes were so sincere and sparkled as he looked deep into my eyes.

"Will you go on a date with me? I'd understand if you don't want to we can just go get dinner as friends if you'd like...I hope you don't think I'm forcing you, oh god I'm not forcing you I swear I ju-"

I leaned forward and pecked his check making him silent.

"Yes...I'll go on a date with you!"

I smiled sweetly at his pink cheeks and glowing eyes.

"Y-you will?"

I nodded my head with a smile I couldn't hide. It was the first time I'd heard him stutter, my how it was so attractive to me.

"Excellent! When do you want to go out with me?"

His face was bright and happy as he leaned forward awaiting my answer.

" about on saterday?"

It was the most decent day I could think of in my span of timing.

"That sounds good. I can pick you up at 7?"

I nodded, my heart beating faster as the butterflies in my stomach fluttered.

"Okay Saturday at 7...on the dot"

He repeated to make sure he had it right.

"Mhm, that sounds right"

I grinned at him while he looked at me smiling flashing off his clean white teeth.

"I can't wait!"

Vincent said clasping his hands together. All these new sides of him he was showing me made me happy, it made me feel like he was open to me about anything If id ask.

I suddenly felt a pang of guilt, guilt that I couldn't even answer a simple question he'd been curious about;

But I didn't want to revel to him such a horrible thing that I'd had to indure it made me embarrassed that I couldn't really fight back or that I couldn't protect my family from dads abuse...,in all truths I was shameful of the fact that I had a abusive father.

I didn't want to come off weak and unstable to Vincent. What if he decides that I'm useless and not a good suitable companion for him? What then he'll leave me? Probably; I'm not even worth all the trouble.

I looked away as he talked to me about something I wasn't listening to. I felt bad for ignoring him but my sudden mood change effected me a lot. Was Vincent just trying to get close to me to break me?

No he wouldn't...what if he finds someone way better then me and decided that he's done hanging out with me or dating me.

I'm nothing compared to him he's everything I'm not, where two opposites, was that good? That where both so different? I'm nothing more then a weakling.

He'll get his head on straight and decide that he shouldn't be with me any longer. Everything dad had said was right.

This handsome Greek man is way to good for me he shouldn't have to be with trash such as myself.

"Nate? Nate....look at me"

Vincent's warm manly hand was on my chin lightly as he turnt my head to face him. Our eyes met.

"Are you okay?"

I nodded my head despite it being a lie.

"Then why are you crying?"

Was I crying? When did I even start crying? Stupid ass wimp! Vincent wiped my cheeks with his thumbs and stared into my eyes searching for any answers.

"Talk to me Nate, I'm here for you."

I wanted to tell him everything but I couldn't will myself to let it out.

Just a little while longer...please!

I just want to be able to see what it feels like to wake up in another mans arms...that didn't consist of it being Nats arms. I wanted Vincent's arms wrapped around me, if that made any sense. I want to know how it feels to be loved and to love.


Vincent still gently held my chin between his thumb and forefinger.


My voice quivered.

"Tell me what's got you sad"

Vincent demanded his voice deepening.

"J-just my t-thoughts"

I felt like I had to answer him when he used that deep sexy demanding was as though I had no other choice, but that was oddly fine with me.

"I think I know what will cheer you up!"

He grinned at me and offered his hand to me as I stood up. Vincent placed a twenty dollar bill as a tip for the waiter seeing as this cafe was a self paying cafe.

But when had he the time to pay for our lunch bill? The cafe was so beautiful, perfectly designed and comfortable.

"When did you have time to pay the bill?"

I finally voiced out while he helped me into the passenger seat and got in himself.

"Technically I'm not allowed to pay for a meal I have there because my grandma kinda forbid me to but I did anyway after we left the bathroom but I think you were thinking to much to see me."

I nodded and then paused.

"Wait...your grandma? What does she have to do with you not being able to pay?"

Vincent was driving with his left hand while his right arm leaned on the middle compartment that was between the both of us.

"She owns the cafe, and my mom owns that make-up store that's a walk away from the cafe"

Nodding along and face palming myself for asking simple questions that I could have put one and one together.

"Oh, Damnit I forgot you were only on your lunch break, I'll take you back to sch-"

Quickly cutting him off with a shake of my head he waits for what I say while he looked at the road then me.

"I think I should skip the rest of the day"

Vincent shifted in his seat and glanced at me yet again.

"I don't think that's a good idea though"

Vincent said looking at me again.

"Hm, and why not?"

He focused on the road for a few extra long seconds before replying.

"Because you want good grades and stuff"

I cleared my throat chuckling a little bit.

"I never took you as a goody two shoes"

Vincent gazed at me before smiling slyly.

"And I never took you as a bad boy"

Somehow him saying that made me blush and wonder.

"How am I a bad boy?"

Vincent drove past the school and continued driving.

"That's for me to know...but keep in mind, I know how to handle sexy bad boys"

Vincent winked at me when I met his gaze and smirked at my expression.

"Where are we going?"

"Its a surprise"

He said making a turn on the high way. With a playful groan I looked out of the window.

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