The Strong and The weak

Gostwriter663 tarafından

46.8K 1.7K 244

Bending down my fingers take ahold of the shinny warm quarter, I kissed it and spun around in a quick circle... Daha Fazla

The Strong and The weakling
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fiffteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter twenty-one
Chapter - Twenty two
Chapter- Twenty three
Chapter- twenty four

Chapter ten

1.7K 64 10
Gostwriter663 tarafından

:) hello just wanted to say how was your day and what didn't you like about your day. Sometimes people just need a simple 'how are you' to make a smile appear on your face :) I know that not a lot of people like to read a
A/N so I'd u derstand if you skipped past it to get to the story :) but if you are reading this then thank you for deciding to postpone your reading spree to read what's on my mind and heart right now your sweet. So I feel like I need to get closer to my readers so I'm going to start asking random questions at the beginning of my GW/N I hope you guys don't mind. I already asked your first are you and how's your day (let's pretend that was one whole question) comment in the comment section so I know you read the GW/N I'd be so happy. Here's chapter ten enjoy!

It's been six days since I'd got my job at both footlocker and at Victoria secret. I had days where I'd work at footlocker and Victoria secret honestly it was a sweet schedule but it made me so tired when I'd get home.

It was Sunday dad and me were at the shooting range while Mom was taking Nap and Mel out someplace. It was as though me and Nap had switched places but In Reality it was just things slowly changing around.

Something deep inside of me made me feel like this happy father-son bonding time was soon going to come to a sudden stop.

But I chose to ignore that nagging feeling that crept up my spine and left me in a cold sweat.

"Nate, focus"

Dad yelled at me. I wore a pair of thick earphones to cover the ear splitting sound of the gunshots that were flying from a couple other peoples gun as they practice shooting the pictures that hung up a little ways down.

"I am focusing"

Dad glares at me.

"Are you smart talking me boy?!"

"Because I will not hesitate to beat your ass in public boy!"

My heart thudded in my rib cage.

"No, sir I'm not smart talking you"

He glared at me for a extra second before nodding. Fucker. I thought inside of my head. My eyes focused through the clear glasses on my face as I aimed and fired. I missed.

"What the fuck!"

Dad took my gun and sat it down yanking my jaw to face him.

"How the fuck did you miss that, hm? ITS RIGHT IN YOUR FACE!"

I flinched as spit hit my cheek. He let go of my jaw no doubt bruising it as he took a deep breath in and let it out.

"Nate pay attention"

I nodded wiping the spit off my cheek while taking position again.


Dad counted. Focuse! "Two" breathe Nate.


Fire! The bullet went right through the target.

"See that wasn't hard"

He said clapping my on my shoulder making me flinch. Is he unaware that he used to abuse me? Perhaps he still is just not as prominent as before.

Was gripping my jaw tightly, abusive? Maybe not. I had no clue anymore, all these on and off days just confused me all the more.

A couple hours later dad had me in the gym that he and Nate went to regularly.

"Today I want you to work your ass off on that treadmill there's no exception for why you can't."

I sighed as I walked to a treadmill and powered it on. Dad took the one beside me and immediately began running at full speed on the treadmill while I went a steady easy past.

"You better pick up that speed boy!"

He yelled at me with a steady strong demanding tone even as he ran full speed. It was as though it was nothing at all to him. A casual walk in the park.

But I still did as I was told and picked up my past on the treadmill, yet didn't seem good enough for him.

"Turn it up on high and run, no son of mine will be scrawny!"

He yelled harshly at me. My legs burned, and my head felt heavy as my heart rate sped up while I ran full speed trying to keep up with dads strict instructions. My tongue stuck to the roof of my parched mouth. Even my throat begged for water.

I paused the machine and reached for my water bottle for a sip but before I could unscrew the cap a hand slapped it to the ground near the back of my treadmill.

"What the fuck are you doing!?"

Dad growled angrily at me.

"I-I wanted w-water"

My breath hitched in my dry throat.

"Absolutely not, its work hard first and then drink water when we're fully done! And not a moment before"

He gave me a death glare as I felt tears prickle my eyes. This was definitely not how I'd predicted our father-son bonding time to go.

It was horrible, being tortured like this. I found myself thinking yet again while I pumped my legs tears silently running down my cheeks. I was deprived the right to take a sip of water! How sad.

I quickly took my towel and wiped my tears and sweat before he could notice. When I looked up I saw a few people staring at me with pity in there eyes. My head hammered while my breathing skipped.

I felt unsteady I was seeing black splotches in my vision. When had I even eaten? Thinking back I realize I'd only ate a banana and took a few bites from my breakfast this morning because my stomach was full of butterflies, I didn't want to mess up this father-son day. Subconsciously I switched the machine off yet again and ignored my fathers yells of protest while I drank from my water bottle and sat down with my head on my hands trying to breath properly so I wouldn't pass out. I knew that it's been hours since I'd eaten any food.

"I'm beyond embarrassed of you!"

Dad shouted at me while I tried to get ahold of myself.

"I bet everyone here sees how much of a wimp you are"

I shook my head.

"I'm not a wimp"

I mumbled to him my face still in my hands.

"What the fuck did you say?"

Taking a deep shaky breath I repeated myself.

"I'm not a wimp!"

Dad takes a fistful of my hair looking around and then pulling my head back whispering in my ear.

"You are whatever the fuck I say you are, wimp do you understand!"

Silently I nodded my head. He roughly let go of my hair with a jerk.

Tears clouded my eyes as I look back down. Only catching a pair of eyes looking at me. It was a man. He was staring at me with slight shock on his face. I was so embarrassed that he had to see me like that, even though I had no clue who the man was.

Before I could register what was happening dad had a firm grip on my upper arm and yanked me to my feet roughly before taking yet another firm grip on my jaw.

"Listen to me Nate, your going to suck up whatever this shit your trying to pull and your going to go over there and lift weights for ten minutes, Understood?!"

His voice was dangerously low and sharp dripping invisible poison as he said each firm word.

"Y-yes sir"

He let go of my jaw and slightly pushed me away while he followed me to the section that had the weight equipment.

He firmly pointed to one set and I say on the seat and griped the bar my palms sweeting slightly with my nerves. Dad took one near me and immediately lifted it up after he'd set his timer on his smart watch for ten minutes.

I was scared as I lifted the bar with all my strength only managing to get it up about a inch, my arms wobbling as I tried to push more up. Tears spilled from my eyes as I grew frustrated with myself.


I whispered as I'd got it off the hooks but couldn't hold it up for much longer. The weight was going to drop and do some serious damage to me if I didn't get it on the weight hooks. I struggled but it didn't seem to work.

"D-dad help!"

Dad was lifting the weights as if it was nothing and ignored me while he focused on his task never breaking his contact from looking straight up.


The weight slipped from my hands as I embraced myself. The weight never came down on me. I opened my tear filled eyes and looked into a set of sparkling emerald green eyes.

"I've got it"

The voice was deep and had a Greek accent so rich and smooth laced in richness. It was a familiar voice.

Where had I heard it before? I tried to think back. At school? No that can't No! The mall he's the guy that I bumped into! I sat up quickly and faced him. Sure enough it was the guy I'd bumped into at the mall.

He was so handsome his hair was sweaty he wore a white beater shirt with black sweat shorts and a pair of expensive looking shoes. His muscles flexed tremendously as he sat the weight back on the hooks and looked back at me.

His green eyes sparkling as he took my appearance in closely. I could see his abs rippling through his beater the man had killer calf's and sexy strong arms.

My breathing hitched as his lips moved in what seemed like slow motion but I didn't hear what passed off of them. This man looked like a Greek god it was the only way to explain him really.

A deep dark blush covered my ears and face as I flushed at the mere sight of him.


Dad yelled at me in a warning voice that made me jump.

"T-thank you"

I hurriedly told the man he smiled at me sweetly.

"Your welcome, but there's really no need to mention it"

He gave me a charming smile that set my heart with a jolt. Damn even his teeth looked sexy.

"You didn't even have to do that sir...he could have handled it himself. Isn't that right Nate"

He said my name rather rudely.

"N-no it would have fell on me"

With even thinking about what I was saying- even though it was completely the truth I hadn't even thought of what dad would do.

"I'm glad I walked by when I did"

The man sent a dirty look to my dad before smiling again at me sweetly. I couldn't help but stare at him in complete awe. Yet again I blushed deeply. The man went on to say something but my dad snatched my arm.

"We're leaving!"

He said with anger present in his deep voice as he yanked me down the asile as the man called behind us.

"Hey, wait!"

Dad ignored the man and we walked outside to the parking lot where dad unlocked the doors and shoved me roughly inside of the backseat and got behind the wheel driving off recklessly. I stayed silent. Ten minutes passed and the car ride was silent and awkward as tension filled the air mixed with rage.

I was so in for it this time. I could feel it deep in my gut. When we pulled into the driveway beside me and Nats car he killed the engine and said two words dangerously.

"Get out"

Quickly I did I scurried out of the car and ran into the house quickly but as soon as I went for the staircase he pulled my back by my hair and threw me against a wall. A picture fell down and almost caught me on the head before I'd moved.

"You disgust me!"

He yelled at me. His fist colliding with my face repeatedly as he yelled at me.

"You dirty weak nasty fag!"

Dad kicked me in my ribs while he went for my face again but I covered it up. Dad grabbed my hand so roughly that I heard the snap before I felt the pain. Screaming in pain was something I rarely did while he beat me but this time... I was hurting badly. Cut off sobs escaped me while he delivered much more to my broken form.

"I give you a chance to prove yourself and you go and blush like a school girl at!"

He wrapped his big hands fully around my neck and cut off my air supply quickly.

"I should kill your miserable disgusting ass"

He choked me more looking into my eyes calling me more names. A while later he decided that was enough and with one last kick to my back he left the house completely slamming the door behind him loudly. Mom, Mel and Nate haven't returned home yet.

I was all alone in the big house cold and alone with nothing. Withering on the floor until I grew strength to move I dragged my self up the steps sobbing lowly.

Scared he might hear me and come back to deliver me another beating. I need to wash the blood away. I turned on the hot water and slowly took my clothes off, my bones aching tremendously while bruises began to form darkly over my light skin.

My face was bruised and swollen as was my left eye, slowly swelling shut. I stood underneath the shower and let the water soothe my bruises.

Twenty minutes of patching myself up body covered with bruise ointment and my wrist and hand bandaged in gauze I was pressing a frozen bag of peas to my swollen eye while I ate.

I knew I would not be attending dinner so I took snacks to my room after I finished eating a quick sandwich. Afraid dad would walk in and catch me. I dressed in a silk shirt and a pair of boxers.

Everything hurt so bad as I finally laid down in bed with the bottle of pain killers in my left hand while I had the water bottle in my right, the bag of peas where discarded on my night stand.

The white pill was washed down my throat by the warm-ish water bottle. I knew I'd need to make phone calls to my job. So I did quickly before the medication could kick in I told my jobs that I'll need a few days off because I'd caught the flu. They had told me to take as many days as I wanted and to come in when I felt better.

It felt nice to know that not everyone treated me the way my father does.

I fell asleep after the pills had kicked in.

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