Crumbs (a Tom Hiddleston fanf...

By circa1927

2M 65K 43.6K

Tom and Charlotte have only ever been friends. Really good friends. They lead totally different lives-he's a... More

Part 1
Part 2
Medium Rare
Terrible Cream Puffs
Fondant Scraps
(Lack of) Coffee
Flying Croissants
Chocolate Cherry Brownies and Whiskey to Go
Jesus, Mary and Jelly Doughnuts
Two Eggs, Over Easy
Birthday Cake
Hobnobs and Necessities
Rainwater and Mud
Missing Biscuits
Angry Desserts
Just the Coffee
Sweet, sweet, sweet
Creme Anglaise & the First Five Times
Holy Christmas Cookies
Hot Buttered Toast
Red Wine Blush
Cold Tea
Flour Bum
Macarons, Mashed Potatoes, Avenue Montaigne
Fish Eyes & Self Preservation
Second Batch
Free Cookies & Fancy Flats
Kitchen Omelettes & Text Messages
Yogi or a Sweet Tooth?
Four Dozen Cookies & Sink Tears
Take Away & Promises
Eclairs, the Moat & the Tin Man
Poison & the Bubonic Plague
Chicken Soup & The Thomas Inquisition
Crumbs & A Question

Liquid Courage & Heat Lightning

45.2K 1.3K 649
By circa1927

A/N: All the support for this story has been incredible. I really love writing it, and hearing your responses to it.  Just as a warning, the following chapter has some "mild" violence in it.  Just be aware if that is a trigger for you.  Thanks again for all your comments and support.

I’m halfway to the big house when I see a figure walking toward me.  I know right away that it’s Tom, and I am pulled from my memory of six months ago.  I falter, for only a second, and then I keep walking forward.  Tom looks infinitely tall, walking down the hill toward me.  He’s wearing what looks like jeans and a light colored shirt.  His hair is still sort of slicked back, and parted at the side, coming up in a high wave.  He looks handsome, and a bit like he walked out of an old photograph.  

If I were the sort of girl to get butterflies, I would have them now. But oh, my stomach is flipping and fluttering, and I am beginning to think I am the sort of girl to get butterflies.  I fight the strange urge to turn and run away, and I meet Tom a minute later.  We both stop, and I look up at him, holding the cake bag in one hand, my other hand is bunched nervously in my skirt.

“Hello.” He says simply.  His eyes are bright blue, and I immediately look at his mouth. 

“Hi.  You look…tall.” I blink.  He gives me a look and then nods and shrugs his shoulders.

“Thank you, that’s what I was going for.” He turns so we are both facing the house, and holds out his arm to me.  I slip my arm through his, and we start the walk toward the house.

“You look short.” He leans down and whispers in my ear, and I let out a burst of surprised laughter.  I squeeze his arm and Tom leans across me, taking the cake bag from me.

“You also look gorgeous.” He adds a second later, and I don’t laugh this time.  I can’t even look at him.

“Thank you, that’s what I was going for.” I recover a moment later, and he chuckles.  We keep walking up the hill.  I keep bunching my hands in my skirt, nervously.  Tom seems to notice, and he keep glancing at me as we walk.

“You need to relax.  That frown is going to stick to your face.  I’ve never seen you so focused on walking.” He says as we near the house. I look up at him and stick out my tongue.  He makes a similar face and then reached forward, taking me by the shoulders and shaking me gently.  I laugh, wobbling back and forth.

“Family is not…my thing.  And you’re here which makes it even more…” Words are not coming to me, and I just sort of drift off.  Tom pulls his lower lip into his mouth for a second and then he purses his lips.

“Don’t worry about me, love.  If I didn’t want to be here—truly want to be here, then I wouldn’t be.  And your family will be fine.  We will stay for dinner, and you can visit as long as you want, and then we can go to the Ink Pot and get totally pissed.  Does that sound good?” He nudges me in the side, and I feel calmer.  Put it that way, anything sounds like it’s possible.

When we arrive at the Oyster, things are a blur.  It is as if the house is bursting full of people.  I immediately see my cousins and my uncle.  My uncle grabs me in a bear hug, exclaiming about how long it’s been.  He’s a small man, only a little bit taller than I am.  I introduce him to Tom, and he seems genuinely excited to meet him.  Laura is next. She looks like I remembered, tall and slim with long, sandy brown hair.  She has her two kids with her—Kyle who is 4 and Lana who is barely 2.  She’s carrying Lana around on her hip, and Kyle is running frantically through the maze like rooms of the house.  My other cousin, Flip, shows up a bit late and he has his fiancé, Veronica, with him.  She seems sweet, and he’s as I remember.  Friendly, loud and chasing the kids around the house like he’s straight out of a monster movie.  Tom and Flip really hit it off, and they start chatting as soon as we gather in the parlor. 

Mom is surprisingly calm, though she’s made enough food to feed an army.  She keeps setting appetizers out on tables and fussing over everyone.  Steve is there, watching over everything like some sort of hillbilly king.  I’m sitting on the sofa next to Laura, watching Flip chase Kyle through the room.  Tom is standing across the way, holding Lana.  He’s talking to her and smiling, and the baby is giggling and smiling at him.  I can’t take my eyes off of him, but I’m trying really hard to focus in on what Laura is saying.

“It’s so good to see you again, Charlie.  It’s been so long.” Laura sighs and sits back on the sofa. She looks tired but happy.

“It’s good to see you too, Laura.  Your kids are…amazing. I’m a little sad that it’s the first time I’m seeing them.” I sigh.  I’ve missed more here than just my mother.  I’ve missed Laura getting married, and having two kids. 

“Well, we will just have to make up for lost time.” She smiles warmly at me, and when I look at her, there’s unspoken words there.  It’s as if she understands.  She knows why I’ve been gone.  I reach over and give her a little hug.  She hugs me back, and pats my leg.

“Will you be around for awhile?  I’ve heard Tiny Baker is really doing well with you in town.” She glances at Tom, who is sort of doing this walking dance through the room with Lana.  I glance at him, feeling something in my chest tugging. 

“I’m not sure, to be honest.  I’ve been thinking about splitting my time between here and Los Angeles.” I keep saying this.  I’m beginning to think I’m actually sort of serious about the idea.  Laura’s eyes light up and she smiles.

“That would be fantastic.  I’d love to have you around more.  Things are tough for me right now, what with Martin and I divorcing.” She presses her lips together and then leans in close to me.

“I heard about that.  I’m really so sorry.”

“It’s for the best, that cheating bastard.” She says this at a low whisper, so her kids, who are completely occupied, won’t chance at hearing her.  “But you know…we’re a family of tough cookies.  The women at least.  I won’t let it get me down.  You made it through a divorce, and look at you!” She looks at me with her warm brown eyes and I reach over and squeeze her hand.  We used to be so close as kids, and I suddenly ache for the closeness again.  To have friends, and family that I can talk to and share things with. 

“We are a pretty tough family.” I smile.  “And just let me know if you need anything. I’ll help any way I can.” I offer.  Laura smiles and her eyes go a little watery, but then she sort of shuts it off, blinking it away.  I know the feeling, not letting your emotions get the best of you.  We turn toward Tom, who is juggling holding Lana and keeping her from grabbing the chip he’s trying to eat. 

“Tom, you’re rather comfortable holding a baby.” Laura smiles at him.  Tom laughs and rocks Lana, who is still happy as can be. 

“I have a younger sister and I’ve got some nieces and nephews.” He smiles and walks over, sitting down on the edge of the chair across from us.  He sets Lana between his legs, holding her under the arms.  She balances on her chubby legs, but let’s them bend, but she doesn’t totally seem in the mood to walk around.  She seems happy just letting him hold her up and bounce her around.

“Do you want kids of your own?” Laura asks Tom. She glances at me, her eyes sparkling, and then she looks back at him.  He seems caught off guard by this question and his eyes widen for a minute.  He looks down at Lana, who is waving her chubby arms and babbling incoherently at Tom.

“She sure does have a lot to say.” He chuckles to Laura, who laughs. He then looks over at me and smiles. “Yes, I’d love to have kids.  Some day. With the right person.” He looks away and focuses back on Lana, who reaches up and starts grabbing at his face.  Tom laughs, and I feel as if I can barely breath.  Laura glances at me and smiles, and then goes back to talk to Tom.  She asks him about his job, and when he tells her he’s an actor, she lights up, suddenly realizing why he looks so familiar.

Flip comes over, and they start talking about movies.  I’m sitting in a daze, watching Tom interact with my family.  It strikes me as odd, but I realize I’ve never really brought a man around them.  When I was dating Chase, it happened so quickly, there was hardly any time for family dinners.  After we were married, things went sour so quickly that I didn’t bring him around much then either.  My family hardly knew him.  Perhaps it was why everyone was so confused when it ended so abruptly, and I quickly left the state.

The rest of dinner goes by smoothly, and I’m floored about half way through when I realize I’m having a really nice time.  My mother is on her best behavior, my uncle is hilarious, and Laura and Flip are completely charming.  Tom fits into the dynamic nicely.  My mother has already fallen in love with him weeks ago, and he and Flip seem to genuinely get along.  For a few minutes, I feel like I’m living in a television show.  We’re sitting around the table, eating a nice dinner, all talking and having a good time.  The kids are babbling, and Kyle is making everyone laugh at the silly things he will say.

“Flip, when are you and Veronica getting married?” I ask as we are finishing up dessert.  The german chocolate cake is a hit.  Flip smiles and reaches over, touching Veronica’s arm.

“Eight months. In February.” He throws an arm around her and they both grin.  “How long have you and Tom been dating?” He asks, looking from me to Tom.  I try not to let my jaw drop, but I’m a little dumb struck.  Earth to Charlie? The train has left the station.  Tom clears his throat and shifts in his chair, and he just waits.  He looks at me, waiting for an answer.  And then suddenly, everyone is looking at me, waiting for an answer.

“Um…” I don’t know how to answer that.  “We…Tom’s—“ I look at him, and I swear to pancakes, he’s laughing.  He has his hand over his mouth, and he’s just staring straight forward, but I can see his adam’s apple moving, as if he’s fighting off a laugh in his throat.

“Sorry, I thought you were—“ Flip raises an eyebrow, backtracking.  I shake my head and laugh.

“It’s fine, don’t worry about it.” I smile at Flip.  “Tom and I are…umm.” Words. Words. Words are so difficult sometimes.

“We’re, ahh, figuring it out.” Tom clears his throat. “Sometimes we like to make things complicated when they’re really quite simple. Right, Charlie?” Tom finally speaks, and he’s not really laughing anymore.  I feel my face flush and I nod and take a drink from my cup.  My mother is practically boring holes into my head, but I refuse to meet her eyes.  A minute lately, thankfully, Lana needs a diaper change, and Kyle starts whining, so the table starts to break up. 

We stay for a bit longer.  Chatting and making future plans.  I tell Laura to bring the kids to the bakery one morning.  And I tell her about the Summer Celebration, which everyone is excited about.  Tom is quiet the rest of the evening, but he’s still charming and sweet.  It’s nearly ten by the time we break away from the Smokey Oyster.  There are hugs all around, and I am honestly shocked that it turned out so well.  Tom and I are worried about being late to the bar, so we say our goodbyes quickly and then set out for town.


The walk into town is fast, as we are in a hurry to get to the Ink Pot before Marcus’ band finishes.  We don’t really talk much, and I can tell something is bothering Tom.  I know it’s not the right time to ask, and so we just hurry along through the field, and down the darkened streets of town toward the bar.  The sky above us is totally dark, and every once in awhile there is a flash of heat lightning that blazes through the sky.  I’m worried it’s going to start pouring, and I wonder if we should have driven instead of walked.   Tom doesn’t seem to notice the weather though, and he just keeps taking long, purposeful strides.  He’s got his hands tucked into his pockets, and his head down, focused on walking.

The pub is hot and crowded when we get there.  We can hear the music from halfway down the block. The Luckies are already playing, and their music is upbeat and loud.  The mood has changed between us since dinner, and Tom is much quieter and reserved, but he still seems glad to be there.

I see Mandy by the bar.  She’s wearing a short little skin tight black dress and her hair is piled on top of her head in a messy sort of bun. She sees me almost immediately, and her eyes light up.    

“You’re here!” Mandy exclaims over the music, rushing toward me and pulling me into an embrace.  She shoves a beer in my hand and then hands one to Tom, and she looks absolutely thrilled.  Tom hugs her back, and flashes her a smile.  The first one I’ve seen since we left the house.

“We’re here!” I mimic Mandy, forcing a smile. Mandy starts babbling on about Marcus and the music, and I can hardly focus on her.  All I see is her blood red lips moving, and people dancing behind her, and the cold beer in the my hand.  I glance at Tom, and he is just staring at me, not smiling. Oh cinnamon buns, what have I done?

“Do you want a shot, Charlie?” He leans forward finally, yelling in my ear to be heard over the band.  I nod and shrug my shoulders.

“Yes. Sure.” I shake my head.  He looks at Mandy and asks her the same, and she gives him the thumbs up.  We have a spot right by the bar, so Tom turns and leans against it, waiting for a bartender. 

Mandy starts dancing, swinging her hips to the sound of Marcus’ guitar.  The bar itself is full, with every seat taken.  People are dancing and sitting at tables. There’s not much light inside, and everyone is cast in this sort of eerie, unsettling red light.  I fight the urge to ask Tom if we can leave.  Something just feels off.  I’m not sure if it’s the mood, or the storm outside, or what, but the air is thick with electricity.  I quickly drink down half of my beer, feeling like I need a little liquid courage. Tom seems upset with me, and I’m not totally sure why. 

He turns back around and he hands Mandy a shot, and me a double.  I raise my eyebrows at him, and he taps his drink to mine.

“Cheers.” He says quickly, looking at me as if challenging me to say No to the double shot.  I pause only for a second before raising my glass to him.  We all take our shots, and I feel the smooth burn of the liquor slide down my throat.  I cough it off, and chase it with some beer.

“Thanks, Tom!” Mandy says cheerfully.  Has she not noticed that apparently Tom is trying to get me ridiculously, stupid drunk?  He turns back around, collects our shot glasses and appears to be ordering more.

“Oh, Tommy is ready to party!” Mandy laughs.  I nod, watching him order more shots.  We used to do stupid stuff like this when we were younger, and he was either trying to cheer me up or get my mind off of something.  If I’d been on a particularly bad date, or had been having a tough time with the bakery, he’d take me out and just start ordering me shots.  I would take them, drink them, and not protest.  I’d usually end the night drunk enough that I would be able to just spill all my thoughts out in a terrible word vomit, and then I’d pass out as soon as he would take me home.  I’d usually wake up the next morning feeling terribly hungover but emotionally better. 

Tom turns back around and hands out more shots. Mandy laughs and says “Bottoms up!”.  He’s gotten me another double and this time I lean forward, shouting into his ear so he can hear me over the blasting music.

“What are you doing?!” I ask, gesturing toward the shot.  He looks at me, licks his lips and then leans forward and kisses me, bold and passionately on the lips.  It takes me completely by surprise, but I don’t push him away.  I don’t want to.  I warm up immediately, wrap my arm around his neck and try not spill my beer that’s in one hand and my shot in the other.  He tastes like whiskey, smoky and sweet at the same time.

After a second or a minute or an hour, I’m not totally sure, he pulls away.  The music pulses around us.  He lifts his shot, which he has somehow managed not to spill at all, and he tosses it back.  I do the same, though I’m not as successful as him, and my once double shot is now a regular shot.  The rest has spilled on the floor while I was kissing him.  He takes the empty shot glass from me and then leans down, kissing me again.  His mouth is cold from the shot, and I am pretty sure I’m getting drunker off him than the liquor. 

He pulls away, abruptly, and I’m left hanging, my hands resting midair between us.  He looks at me then, his blue eyes a strange blackish gray in the red light. 

He just stares at me, and I am not sure what he wants from me.  What he wants me to say or do.  He presses his lips together and then leans back against the bar, crossing his arms over his chest.  Out of the corner of my eye, I can see Mandy.  She’s standing completely still, her mouth open, staring at us.  I suddenly need air, badly.  I can also feel my phone, vibrating in my bag which is pressed against my leg. 

I break eye contact with Tom, pulling my phone out.  It’s Alice.  It’s only 7 in Los Angeles.  What could be happening there? My mind goes to Tiny Baker.  I can’t leave the bar, not while Tom is in this terrible, stupid, angry, sexy mood, but I have to take the call.  I flash my phone at him so he can see that Alice is calling, and then I weave my way quickly through the crowd, and out into the stormy night air.

The wind has picked up and I can tell a storm is on it’s way into the area. I step outside and round the corner of the building to the alley so I can have some quiet and privacy. I answer my phone, but just a bit too late, missing Alice’s call.  I start to call her back and out of the corner of my eye, I see two figures walk by the alley.  Forks and Spoons. Chase.  And Robo-Charlie.  I freeze, but he already seems to have spotted me.  He keeps walking, and I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding.  I do no need any of that drama right now. No.

I get Alice’s voicemail and I leave her a quick message, asking if she is okay and if everything at the bakery is alright.  I hang up and lean against the brick building, feeling the shots starting to settle in. I feel relaxed and uptight at the same time.  I’m anxious and I hate feeling this way.  I brush my hair from my face and a gust of wind swirls around me, and then I turn to go back into the bar.

I’m barely out of the alley when I turn the corner and crash into someone.  For a second, I think it’s Tom, but no.  Tom is taller.  Tom smells better.  I step back, apologizing, when I come face to face with Chase.  I stumble backwards over my own feet.  I feel the alcohol swimming in my head, and I wish I hadn’t come outside. 

“Nice night.” Chase says, putting his hands casually on his hips.  He blocks the only way out of the alley, and I bump against the rough brick wall behind me.  My heart is suddenly beating so fast, I can feel the blood pounding in my ears.

“Excuse me, I was just leaving.” I say, finding my voice finally, and taking a step forward.  He blocks my way, pushing me backward when I try to move past him.  I pull my arms in, guarding myself from him.  I stumble backward.  Over us, there is a crack of thunder and lightning that lights up the dark alley.  Chase is looking at me, his harsh face set in anger.  I palm my phone in my hand and wonder if I’d possibly have time to try and call Tom or Mandy before he would be able to grab it from me.  I take a step back and Chase steps forward.

“You’re not going anywhere.” He says, his voice low.  Oh shit.  Well, it’s worth a try.  I lift up my phone, swipe it on and hastily go into my calls and push desperately on Tom’s name.  The first name at comes up.  Chase sees me moving, and lunges at me.  I am able to hold the phone out of his reach for a few seconds, but he pins me up against the wall, pressing the length of one forearm hard against my chest, and uses his other hand to wrench my phone from my hand.  I don’t know if I was able to get through to Tom.  I don’t even know if the phone call connected.  Chase takes my phone, looks at it and then throws it hard down the alley.  I hear it shatter, and then tumble down the concrete walkway.

Chases releases me, but he slams both hands on either side of my head, caging me in.  I shriek and push hard against his chest.  My cries are muffled by the loud music filtering out from the building.  He reaches up and wraps a hand hard over my mouth.  I kick hard at him, connecting with his shin.  I try to knee him in the groin, but then he pushes me against the building, slamming my head and back into the brick wall.  I’m strong, but I’m no match for him. my head smacking against the wall, mixed with the alcohol, makes me see stars for a moment.

I calm down, trying to focus on breathing, though his big hand is covering half my face.  I feel like I’m going to vomit, and I whimper, feeling hot, angry tears well in my eyes.  Chase presses himself against me, and thrust his hips into mine.  I don’t move, I don’t make a sound, I won’t give him the satisfaction.  I feel bile in the back of my throat, and I strain against him.

“You listen to me, you dumb bitch.” He lowers his head, his voice seething and low.  I feel his hot breath and flecks of spit hit my ear and the side of my neck.  I’m breathing hard, but I can’t seem to catch my breath.

“I know what my father told you.  I know he offered you the contract at the restaurant.  If you dare take it, I will make your life a living fucking hell.  Do you understand me? The shit I did to you before…it’ll be cake compared to what I’ll do to you now.  Get it, Charlotte? Cake.” He snarls in my ear and laughs a low, angry snicker.  I squeeze my eyes shut, not wanting to look at him, not wanting to feel him. 

“And if words gets out…to anyone, that I’m not in control of Chase’s Chesapeake anymore, you will be sorry.” He presses his hand harder into my mouth, and I hate myself, but I feel more tears slip from the corners of my eyes. 

“So, we have an understanding?” He grinds out, his mouth still close to my face.  How? How could I have ever felt something for this man? How could I ever have thought he was the man I wanted to spend the rest of my life with?  I nod my head, and make a tiny noise.  He grabs at my mouth, squeezing my lips and cheeks between his hand before pushing my head back and away.  He shoves me hard and then turns and disappears down the alley and toward the street.

I press myself against the wall, shaking and trying with everything still left in me, not to break down.  A few soft, angry sobs escape my mouth, but then I swallow them down.  I turn and wander down the alley a few steps, looking for my phone.  For some reason, I feel like I need to find it.  I find it a few yards away.  The screen is shattered, and I doubt it will work anymore.  I pick it up, my hands shaking, and I push at the button on the front. It turns on, but the screen is nearly impossible to read.  I turn it off, tuck it back into my bag, and then I shut something off inside of me as well.  I push my hair out of my face, smoothing it down.  I wipe roughly at my eyes, and take a few deep breaths.

I need to go inside. I don’t know what else to do.  I’m angry. I’m angry at myself.  I’m angry at Chase.  I don’t want anything to do with him or his restaurant.  I’m angry I couldn’t fight back.  I’m sickened that I let him touch me again.  I’m furious that I don’t know what to do now. I need to find Tom and I need to get out of there without letting him know what happened.  My chest aches, and I reach up, touching my lips.  I wonder if I’m going to have a fat lip from where Chase grabbed me, but I think I’ll be okay.  I will have to be okay.  I can’t seem to stop shaking but I need to go inside.  I check my clothes, take a deep breath, and then I make my way back toward the Ink Pot. 

When I get back inside, I see Chase right away.  He’s at the opposite side of the bar, and he’s with Mallory.  They are drinking, and Chase is laughing loudly at something she has said.  I look away from him, and I step into the loud bar, my head pounding. I’m disoriented by what happened and the music and the red lights are not helping.  It takes me a minute to find where I left Tom and Mandy. 

I walk toward them, feeling lightheaded. Tom is dancing with Mandy.  They’re laughing and being silly, and when he sees me, he smiles at me, his face lighting up.  I force a smile and walk over to them, finally feeling like my legs are working again.  Tom raises his arms up, dancing around Mandy.  She laughs and he twirls her.  He waits for me to come over, and then he takes me by the hands, and does his best to spin me around as well.  I let him, but I feel as if I’m going to be sick.  I stop him, resting my hands against his chest. Tom reaches up, taking my hands in his, gently.  I can’t look at him.  I don’t know what to do.

“Charlie? Sweet?” He says in my ear, and his voice, which is gentle and concerned, and nothing like Chase’s, makes me shiver.  He may be a bit tipsy as well, but he’s not drunk.

“Love, what’s wrong? Are you feeling okay?” He pulls me against his chest, and hugs me.  I press my face into his chest and let out a sob, one that I know he doesn’t hear because of the music.  And I’m eternally grateful.  He tenses around me though, sensing something is wrong.  He pulls back, and leans down so he can see my face. 

“Charlie? What happened?” He asks, his voice urgent, his eyes worried.  I shake my head.

“Can we leave? I need to go home.” I ask.  He nods immediately, and then he’s moving quickly.  He leaves me for a minute, and I see him go to the bar and pay the tab.  Mandy comes over to me, and she looks upset as well.

“Charlie, are you okay?” She asks, her brow furrowed.  I nod.

“I’m really sorry, Mandy.  I think I’m getting sick.  Maybe too much to drink.” I say, forcing a laugh.  She doesn’t seem to buy it but she nods.  I am thankful that I don’t think they have seen Chase.  If they saw him, it would be nearly impossible for me to hide the real reason I feel like shriveling up in a deep, dark hole somewhere.

“Okay, babe.  Get some rest, yeah? I hope you feel better.” She hugs me and I hug her back.  Tom comes back a second later, and he takes my hand in his.

“Let’s go, sweet.  I’ll take you home.” He says softly.  I nod and wave goodbye to Mandy.  Tom leads me outside.  A gust of wind catches us, and my skirt flutters around my bare legs.  Tom looks back at me, worried, and he stops us on the sidewalk.

“Charlie, what is going on?” He asks softly, his eyes pleading.  “Is it Alice? Did something happen in LA?” He asks.  I shake my head quickly, and then grab his hand and try to pull him down the sidewalk toward home.  I don’t want to be in town anymore.  Or anywhere near Chase.  Tom holds fast though, and refuses to budge.  I yank on him, but he doesn’t shift, his 6’2” frame isn’t easy to move.

“Let me see your phone.” He asks.  I freeze, frowning.

“No. Why?” I ask.

“I’m going to call Alice.” He says.  He thinks something is going on with Tiny Baker.  He thinks something has happened, and I’m upset about that.

“No, it’s not Alice.” I shake my head.  He leans forward, and dips his hand quickly into my purse.  I try to step back, but I’m not fast enough. He pulls my phone out and it takes him a few seconds before he looks at me, puzzled.

“What happened to your phone?” He takes a step toward me.  He smiles, thinking I must have been a klutz and dropped it.  I press my lips together.  I feel as if I will cry if I say too much.

“I dropped it.” I manage.  He laughs, looking confused, amused and worried all in one.

“You dropped it? Just now?” His brow furrows.  I nod.


“Charlie, what is going on? You’re acting really strange, and I know you’re lying to me.” He’s talking quietly, his voice going from amused to worried and sort of scared in a matter of seconds.  I shake my head and I grab his hand, pulling my phone from it and tucking it in my bag.  I hold onto his hand and pull him forward again.  This time he moves, but reluctantly.

“I just want to go home. Please.” I ask. I beg.  His eyes search mine, and he looks as if he’s going to protest, but then he relents.  We take a few steps forward, when I hear the door to the bar open, and someone calls out my name. 

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