The Shield (BoyxBoy) One Shots

By LS_Bravery

36.3K 572 117

This will be a collection of one shots for the group known as 'The Shield' in WWE. Although The Shield aren't... More

Ambreigns ~ Kisses & Warm Cuddles.
Ambrollins ~ I Just Wanna Take A Bath With You.
Ambrollins ~ I Just Wanna Take A Bath With You. Pt 2.
Ambreigns ~ My lips hurt.
Ambrolleigns ~ We Need To Help Jon.
Rolleigns ~ You'll Always Be My Champion.
Rolleigns ~ Wait Until We Get Home.
You Could've Got Caught.
Ambrolleigns. We Need To Help Jon. 2
Update!! 2023

Rolleigns ~ You're so warm.

6.2K 83 1
By LS_Bravery

(A/N Please send me prompts/requests for any 'The Shield' BoyxBoy one shots PLEASE)

(Also, I will be using in ring names in this story for the most part!)

Seth Rollins walked back stage after the 2014 Royal Rumble, although he was upset that he didn't win, he was also happy because right now he didn't feel so good. His muscles ached more than usual, he had a migraine and he felt as though he was going to vomit. His stomach was upset a little when he started off the Royal Rumble with CM Punk, but when Cesaro spun around in the ring -over 20 times- he knew he wouldn't last much longer. So needless to say, Seth, was quite happy when his team mate, Roman Reigns elminated him. Seth's other team mate Dean Ambrose, more less carried him backstage to their locker room.

"Seth, man you sure you're ok? You look horrible." Dean asked worriedly, setting the very sweaty boy on the bench. "Gee, thanks Dean." Seth chuckled dryly, trying to ignore the sickly feelings in his stomach. "Yeah, I'm fine, you just go finish watching the match." Seth put on a fake smile and suprisingly his team mate bought it. Dean walked out of the locker room shutting the door behind him, to give the older boy some privacy. Seth sat on the bench willing himself not to scream in pain at this point. The aching now had turned to pure pain.

Seth stripped out of his ring clothes until he was left stark naked growing more and more upset, that nothing was working to help his pain and nausea. He had a case of the cold sweats, he was freezing cold but yet sweating at the same time. His body ached and it felt as though someone was inside his skull beating it with a hammer. The two toned boy didn't know what to do, his head was throbbing. Seth scurried off the bench, and moved to the corner of the lockroom. Thinking that maybe the cold metal lockers against his skin will help bring down the rising temperature in his body. He could hear all the other superstars yelling about something in the other room which made is head hurt more.

Normally Seth would be right there with them. Cheering on his friends and colleagues. Now isn't one of those times though.

Seth moved his knees up to his chest, threading his fingers through his hair, taking the sweat covered locks into his hands, while trying to control his rather labored breathing. The two toned man cried into his knees finally letting the tears fall not really having a reason to hide his pain. All the pain is too much, which was weird. He could take a lot of pain, so normally it takes a lot to make him cry. Or maybe that just proves how horrible the pain is. Seth's body started to shake not only from the pain, but because the cold sweats were getting worse. All he wanted right now was to just disappear.

The shaking boy heard the door open but he couldn't find enough strength to look up.  "Seth?" He heard a mans voice, immediately he reconized the voice as Roman. Seth didn't know whether to be happy or sad when he heard the Samoan's voice.

Seth secretly loves the man. Not like a "brotherly love" as shown on air during WWE. This love is the type of love that makes Seth have to hold back from locking lips with Roman the first chance he gets. That and he has to stop because it would be wrong. He knew Roman would never feel the same so Seth didn't know how to feel about the samoan seeing him like this... "Seth, man are you ok? Why are you shaking?" He heard Roman ask frantically. The worry in his voice was very obvious and if he weren't in the situation he was. Seth's heart probably would've skipped a beat with how concerned his friend was. The two toned man looked up taking in the amazing beauty of his best friend, and let out a small, raspy. "No." Any other answer would've been a very bad, and obvious lie. Seth decided to use what little strength he had left and pulled his body close to Roman's as fast as his body would let him. -which wasn't fast at all-  he let out a content sigh, when he felt the body heat coming of the tattooed man.

Seth couldn't help it when his heart skipped a beat. "You're so warm. So warm." Seth murmured curling his body into his best friend, his trembling body coming to a halt almost immediatley. Seth felt Roman's arms reluctantly slip around his waist, and couldn't help but wish that this were happening for a different reason. "Seth, you're freezing, but you're covered in sweat." Roman said raising his eyebrows sligtly. Seth only nodded his head lightly not wanting to make any sudden movements, because his head was literally killing him. And if it were also because he had his head laying on his crushes shoulder, while also tucked into his warm embrace. Well then no one has to know.

"Roman, my head hurts." Seth groaned into the toned chest. Tears sprung to the younger mans eyes, when he felt more pounding in his head. "Make it stop Ro, just make it stop." He cried threading his fingers through his own hair, squeezing his eyes shut. He'd curse himself later when this ill feeling passes, that he let himself be so weak in front of his best friend.

Seth whimpered as Roman moved to get up and that's when he lost it. "No, please don't leave Ro, not now I need you. I don't know why I feel like this. Please, please." The boy cried into his knees yet again,  shaking more than ever. The samoan on the other hand was in shock, he's never seen Seth like this, weak and crying... And begging for comfort. His comfort. It's the complete opposite of what he's normally like.

Does Seth like me? The samoan thought to himself. Could that possibly, hopefully be why Seth is asking for his comfort and no one else's? No he can't. Seth is a straight man, that likes girls and only girls...


"I'm not leaving babe, I'm not leaving I'm just going to run you a shower, ok?" Roman rushed out, trying to ignore the heat creeping up on his own neck once he realized what he had just called the boy. Ignoring the slip up for the time being, Roman just helped the boy up from the ground, catching him right away when he almost fell. The dark haired man blushed even more when he realized, Seth was naked, -how he didn't realize this before he'll never know-. If this were to happen any other time it'd undoubtedly be the first thing he'd notice.

Seth on the other hand was in too much pain to care, the only thing he wanted was to go to home -which these days consisted of a random hotel or tour bus with other superstars- and possibly lay with Roman until he feels better. Although he'd never admit that out loud... Seth pulled back a little from Roman and stared up into the older man's eyes, ready to risk it all with his next question. "Carry me?" He asked with hope filling his brown eyes. "But the showers are right there, Seth." Roman chuckled thinking that the younger boy was simply just teasing. Only he realized right away that the slightly smaller man was being serious. Now guilt filled his stomach for laughing at the question, because he should've known Seth was in no state to be joking around. "Oh, ugh, oh, o-ok I guess."

Roman held his arms out ready to carry the boy bridal style, only to be shocked once again. Seth jumped onto Roman wrapping his legs and arms around the samoan, while burying his head into the mans neck. Roman would be lieing if he said he didn't like this, because lets face it he can feel the younger mans length against his stomach, and Seth wasn't small by any means, he was huge actually. In every way. He swallowed back the growing lump in his throat willing himself to ignore all the inappropriate thoughts that were flooding his brain. If his best friend is able to be in this situation without any issues, then he is as well. Clearly that means Seth isn't thinking about the intimate touch that way.

Roman carried Seth effortlessly over to the showers and set him down on a seat that was attached to the wall that would normally be used if someone were injured. He turned on the shower watching the water cascade down onto the floor . "Here you go Seth, I'll be waiting on the bench for you when you come out." Roman said, until he felt a hand grasp onto his forearm stopping him from leaving. "No, stay with me... Please." Seth asked quietly, afraid of being rejected. Is today even real?

"So you want me to take a shower, with you?" Roman asked hesitantly making sure he heard the two toned man correctly. Surely all of this is a dream. Of course they have seen eachother naked in the locker room before, they've seen nearly all the superstars in WWE naked. This though. This felt different.

"Uhm, yeah. I mean yes.. Only if you want to, uhm I'm sorry I should've never asked. You can leave if you want." Seth whispered shyly. To try and avoid further embarrassment he stood up from the seat shower seat to get under the falling stream. His back now turned to his best friend, the curvature of his back showing off his small but perfectly rounded bum.

Roman quickly thought over what he was going to do, this one decision could possibly ruin his and Seth's friendship forever. Although, he'd be lying if he said he didn't want to be in the shower with Seth. This is one of the many moments Roman has dreamed of. Sure in his dreams they wouldn't be in the locker room at work, but still. Roman shook his head to clear his thoughts and stripped from his ring clothes in a matter of seconds. If anything he could always just say that he wanted to comfort his friend in his time of need.

What he did next, was done on absolute adrenaline. With zero thoughts of what the repercussions could be. Seth's last words were ringing loud in his ears. He walked behind Seth, and pressed his body against the smaller man, wrapping his arms around the mans hips. Roman buried his head into the mans neck breathing in the faint smell of cologne that was slowly fading away, from Seth sweating and now the cascading water.

"I'm not going to leave you." Roman whispered letting his his lips ghost over Seth's smooth skin. His best friend wasn't pulling away or acting in a bad way. So maybe he feels the same? Seth laced his fingers with Roman, where they were on his hips and moved head to the side. And if he were silently giving the older man more room to his neck to explore if he wanted to, well then no one has to know.

The two toned man's heart skipped more than a couple beats, when he felt the Samoan start to kiss his neck, making him forget about all the pain throughout his body. Maybe all of this is a fever dream. It has to be. Seth raised his hand carding it through Romans hair, tugging on it gently, moaning when he felt the mans tongue slide acrossed the love bite, he's sure is laying on his skin.

Seth turned his body around looking into the taller mans eyes. He leaned in, oh so slowly, still unsure of what exactly was happening. All he knew was that he really didn't want this to end. "I'm going to kiss you now." He murmured already closing his eyes as their lips got closer. The moment he's been waiting for. When their lips touched, it felt like fire works were set off in both of their bodies.

Roman kissed back right away with zero hesitation. If anything he wanted this just as bad, if not more than Seth. Seth grabbed the tattooed man's hands that were frozen at his sides, in his own and sat them on his bum. Moaning when Roman squeezed his cheeks, into his large hands.

"I think it's only fair I leave you a love bite since you left me one." Seth said attaching his lips to Roman's neck sucking a deep purple love bite on the tan skin, before pulling away slowly. "As much as I would love for this to go further right here, I don't want my first time doing intimate things with you to be in a shower." Seth chuckled.

Though he couldn't help the redness that rose on his cheeks once he realised what just came out of his mouth, because he wasn't even sure if Roman even wanted to do anything more than kiss. Although all his doubts flew away when Roman smiled brighter than he ever has before. "That's good because I'd much rather fuck you into a mattress rather than a shower wall." Roman whispered into the shorter mans ear huskily.

Seth's mouth dropped and he absolutely couldn't help but moan at Romans words. He wasn't sure what he expected the older man to say, but that definitely wasn't it. The rest of the shower went on with the boys washing each other and little kisses. The pain and ill feeling that Seth had been feeling was suddenly gone and who knew Roman had healing powers? 

Once out of the shower the two men got dressed into normal clothes. Neither of them could keeper their eyes and hungry looks off of eachother. They'd have to get that under control at some point.

The two Shield members walked out of the locker room together getting weary looks from the people that noticed the love bites on both of the boy's necks, and the fact that Seth was shirtless. Normally that wouldn't be suspicious but the love bites made it that way. Then there were people congratulating Roman for setting a new record tonight. When they met up at the van, Dean was already inside waiting.

"Nice hickey's, boys." Dean said letting out a loud laugh. "I knew it was only a matter of time before you two sucked each others faces off. Or dicks." He said giggling softly. "Wait how'd you know we liked each other?" Seth asked in confused tone his head cocked to the side. "Ohh please the whole world can see how you two look at each other. It's alright I don't care." Dean gave the two men a reasuring smile and went about his business in the van. The men smiled back happily, Roman lacing his fingers with Seth's. Roman moved his lips to the younger man's ear. "Remember I get to fuck you into the mattress." Roman whispered quietly, biting Seth's lobe. Its official, Seth, for once in his life couldn't wait to get to the hotel.

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