MJ Fantasy- Traveling Soldier

By NeverToBeForgottenMJ

1.7K 65 38

Alice, a 16 year old girl, has to deal with feelings that are exposed after she meets a strange, but intrigui... More

Traveling Soldier
Ch. 1
Ch. 2
Ch. 3
Ch. 4
Ch. 5
Ch. 6
Ch. 7
Ch. 8
Ch. 9
Ch. 10
Ch. 11
Ch. 12
Ch. 14
Ch. 15
Ch. 16
Ch. 17
Ch. 18
Ch. 19
Ch. 20
Ch. 21
Ch. 22
Ch. 23
Ch. 24
Ch. 25
Ch. 26
Ch. 27
Ch. 28

Ch. 13

57 2 1
By NeverToBeForgottenMJ


Jacob’s P.O.V


When I entered my house I see my dad walking out from the kitchen with his jacket on and his keys in his hands.

“Going out to get stuff for dinner?” I ask.

He shakes his head, “I’m going to the hospital.” Hospital? What the hell?

“Why are you going to the hospital? Are you sick?”

He just laughs, “Oh Jacob you are still clueless. No I’m not sick! But…”

“But…” I ask waiting for his answer.

He laughs again, “Do I have to tell you everything son!? Obviously you should know why.” I just stare at him dumbfounded. I’m so tired and exhausted I just want to sleep. Why is he playing riddles with me? “Son,” He walks up to me and places a hand on my shoulder giving me a loving smile. “Alice is in labor. Your son or daughter is about to be born.”

My eyes widen in shock and I freeze in my spot. I stand there for a minute trying to process this information. My body acts before my brain. I grab my father’s arm and pull him out the door grabbing my shoes on the way out. I shove my dad towards the car and run barefoot towards the passenger seat. “Get in!!” I scream jumping in the car myself. “GET IN!” By the time I have my shoes on my dad has just gotten in the car.

“Son I’m not as young as I use to be.” He jokes starting the car.

“My baby is being born! HURRY!” Billy slams on the gas pedal and soon we’re speeding down the road towards the hospital. Tears spring in my eyes as I try to control my happiness. My baby is being born!!!


Alice’s P.O.V


“Owwie, Owwie! OW!” I clutch onto Emmett’s neck as he lowers me down into the wheelchair. Once in the chair, a hand flies to my stomach as I blindly reach out to grab something. Anything.

Luckily, Rose reaches out and grasp my hand tightly in hers as Bella rolls me down the hallway towards my room. “Ssh, it’s okay hunny. Just breathe and everything will be okay. The baby will be out in no time.”

I roll my eyes and mean to sound sarcastic, but between the bits of pain and contractions, it sounds harsher then intended. “That’s what you think, but your not the one going through this.” I clutch her hand hard to the point of pain and try to concentrate on the task at hand. Insulting my family, Bella and Rose wont do anything to lessen my pain. “Sorry.” I exclaim as we enter my room.

“It’s alright. Come on, get on the bed. Edward and Emmett will help you, but you have to cooperate with them.” Rose’s soothing voice instructs me.

I nod my head and feel someone’s arms grab me from behind. When I’m on the bed, dad tries to come near me, but I hold a hand out to him stopping him. “We've already discussed this. Your not delivering my baby!” He takes a step back seeing that I’m not in the proper state to argue. “Thank you!”

“Alrighty,” the doctor walks in and up to me smiling. “Lets see how we’re doing so far.” Rose and Bella help lift my legs up as the doctor looks, “Well as of now you are 4 centimeters dilated. At this rate we might have a baby in less than 2 hours.”

I sigh in relief and start breathing again as the pain increases. She smiles at me then at the others before leaving.


An Hour Later


“I still don’t understand why you wont let me be your doctor. I’ve been your doctor ever since you were born. Hell I delivered you and the boys!!”

I sigh in aggravation. I don’t want to have this discussion again. I’ve already told him he wasn’t delivering my baby. “AH!”

I grip the boy’s hands and breathe quickly and fast “Arg!!... *Breathes* Your not delivering my baby. Your my dad *Breathes* and it would be weird!” Ugh! I’ve been in labor for an hour already, when is this kid gonna get out of me! I need Michael!! I WANT MICHAEL HERE WITH ME!!!! “Where is he!? Where is he!!??” I scream referring to Michael, but of course my parents don’t know that.

This hurts so much and I cant do it! I need Michael and only Michael!! “Jacob is on his way sweetheart.” I start crying, not because of the pain, but because my family will never know the real person I’m calling. I don’t want Jacob!!

I grip Edward’s and Emmett’s hand as hard as I can taking much satisfaction at the pained grimace on their face. It makes me feel better knowing that they’re in pain as well. “Argh!! This hurts so FUCKING MUCH!!” I lean more towards Edward as I feel an uncomfortable pain on my side.

Edward’s arm circles around me as he awkwardly pats my back in a comforting manner. “Ssh, it’s gonna be okay Ali.”

From the looks on the boys’ face I can tell they don’t want to be here. Well who am I to keep them here. “Edward… Emmett, you don’t have to-“ I say breathlessly, but I’m cut off.

“Alice! Alice! I’m here!!”

Jacob runs in the room with Billy following closely behind. “Jacob!!” I exclaim letting go of my brothers’ hands and clasp onto Jacob’s instead. The room suddenly grows quiet as the tension in the room darkens. Then I finally realize what’s the problem. I cannot deal with this now and if they start fighting, I wont be there to save Jacob this time.

Luckily the doctor has just entered. After checking me her words are directed to me and only me. “Your 9 centimeters dilated. Time to deliver a baby.” She turns to my family. “Please, would you mind waiting in the waiting room. We only need the mommy and baby. Everyone else must wait outside.”

“Good luck baby girl!” Mommy kisses my cheek as the boys are the first to exit. The girls give me thumbs up and a good luck before leaving the room. Soon it’s just Jacob.

“I’ll see you in a little. I promise.” I pick my head up to kiss his cheek, but he moves his head and I end up kissing his lips. This is the first kiss I’ve ever shared with Jacob and I don’t have time to reflect on it before another contraction hits. Jacob is taken out of the room and soon my room is filled with doctors and nurses. Time to push.


An Hour Later…


“Oh my gosh! She’s so precious!”

“And tiny!”

“Can I hold her Alice?” Rosalie asks as she stares down at the baby girl in my arms. My daughter… Michael’s daughter. I nod my head and pass her off to Rose as a tear sheds. Jacob’s arm circles around me as we watch our daughter being past around.

“Sorry we’re late!” Anaiya exclaims running in the room with her boyfriend, Ethan, behind her. “Alice!” She runs up to me and hugs me. “Sorry we missed it.”

“It’s alright, you’re here now.” I pull away and reach out to hug Ethan. “Nice seeing you again.”

“Hello Alice, congratulations.”

“Thank you.”

We pull away and I hear Anaiya asks, “Where is he or she?”

I giggle and point towards my mother, “She is right there.”

“AH! A girl!” I watch as mom passes Anaiya my sweet, sleeping girl. No amount of words can explain how happy I am. I did it… I actually did it. I gave birth to a healthy, 9 pound 11 ounce baby girl.

“What’s her name?” Bella asks excitedly.

I look at my daughter and smile, “Michelle… Michelle Josephina Black.” I can feel Jacob’s happiness radiate off his body when I said Black. Good I knew it would make him happy.

Anaiya looks at me skeptically and she repeats what I just said, “Michelle Josephina?” I look away and nod. Anaiya is a lot of things, but stupid isn’t one. She knows what the names represent where as to Jacob, as of now, they are his daughter’s new first and middle name.

“Those are beautiful names sweetheart! For a beautiful baby girl!” Mommy says as daddy takes Michelle out of Anaiya’s arms.

After about an hour it’s time for everyone to go. Anaiya and Ethan were the first to leave. Billy gives me back Michelle and leaves, leaving Jacob here with me. Since Jacob refused to leave our beside.

My brothers eye him as they make their way out, whereas Rose and Bella completely ignore him as they said goodbye to Michelle and I. Soon it’s just Jacob, Michelle and I. Yawning I give Michelle to Jacob and lay back exhausted. Today was a long day! I just want some sleep and I can tell Jacob looks half as exhausted as I do. I smile as I watch Jacob playing and rocking Michelle to sleep. He’s soo good with her. I knew he would make a great father.

Jacob seems to notice my watching him. He smiles at me. “What?”

I shake my head yawning. Once I’m able to speak I only tell him, “Nothing… you just so… good with her.” My eyes cannot stay open any longer.

“Go to sleep Alice. We’ll be here when you wake.” Without being told twice the last thing I’m able to grasp is Jacob bending down and kissing Michelle’s tiny forehead. 

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