Me and you

By gracemadss

141K 2.4K 191

Devon is a girl that thinks with her head, not her heart. Colson is the guy that changed that completely More

The studio
Dumbass money
Toby Burch
One more
More moments
The party
Afterparty for two
827 (part one)
827 (part two)
Record breaker
Friends with benefits
Anatomy pt 2
Little things
Date night
The epitome of the honeymoon phase
EST Fest
In love
See you later
The most

The club

6.3K 118 11
By gracemadss

Conor ended up actually having to work. So I was sat with the rap guy's gang on the couches. I talked to that guy Rook for a bit. He was nice, they all seemed to be nice. I said a few brief words to the rest of them, but barely said anything to Kelly or whatever his name was. It got pretty late, 10pm, and I knew I had to leave and go to work. It seemed like they were finishing up for the day anyway. I said goodbye to all the guys, James and Conor included, called an Uber and left.

My job wasn't something I was particularly proud of. But it paid my rent, paid my college tuition and left me with some disposable income as well. I was a stripper at a club downtown. Crazy, I know; shy as fuck yet i was a stripper. I can't really remember how I got into it in the first place, but I'd been doing it for at least two years. I went into the back and got changed into my outfit, or what fabric there was for me to wear, and headed out with my friend Ronnie. I did my standard stuff, my friends did theirs, and we finished our shifts. It was 4 am at this point so we were all ready to go home. That was until a waitress came back. She had a young kid and this was one of her jobs she had to try and support her, so me and some of the other girls would babysit for free, give her some of our tips, etcetera, in order to help her out.
"Devon there's a guy out there that says he wants a private from you. He's got a lot of cash,"
I groaned "From me?" She nodded "Okay, tell him I'll be there in a minute,"

After some time of touching up my makeup, hair and putting on a new outfit, I was ready. I walked out, ready to just do my basic routine with some stuff added on until I saw who it was. Staring straight at me, was the guy from the studio. Machine Gun Kelly.

I froze. I was mortified. No one I knew ever came in here. I don't even know him, but I was still embarrassed. I stared at him for a second, before realising I had something to do. I got on with it, praying I was going to get a fat wad of cash at the end of it, and tried to avoid eye contact at all costs. The entire time, he was expressionless. No smile, no frown, nothing. He just sat there, watching me. Eventually, he handed me a stack of money and leaned in so close our noses almost touched "It was a pleasure," he said, before turning around and walking out of the club and into the dark street; leaving me standing in the dimly lit room, freezing cold and stunned. I looked down at the money, easily $300 were in my hand. Why would he pay that much? Why did he request me? What the fuck was his deal? Questions upon questions circled my head as I stood there, unable to move. Finally, I ran back into the changing rooms, where Ronnie was waiting for me.
"That was the weirdest experience ever," I said to her
"What happened?"
"Well I was doing my stuff, and he literally just sat there with no expression on his face and at the end of it he literally got this close to me," I said, before moving a few inches closer to her
"Yo that's weird," she said
I moved back to where I was originally "And then he gave me all of this and was like 'it was a pleasure' or something,"
"Holy shit. Dev that's a lot of money. Do you know how much?" Ronnie asked me
"No. Should we count it?"

It turns out there was $627 in total. A random number but I went with it. To be honest I just wanted to leave. This whole thing was giving me weird vibes. Something about him unsettled me. I wasn't sure if it was the tattoos all over him that added to his already terrifying demeanor or something else that I couldn't quite figure out. All I knew was that I would be absolutely fine not seeing him again.
"Come on, lets get out of here. It's what, 5am?" I asked Ronnie
"Oh yeah. Shit, my boyfriend has been waiting for me for like half an hour," she checked her phone "Three missed calls. Sorry Dev I should call him. Can you lock up?"
"Yeah sure,"
"Thank you so much, I'll see you tomorrow,"

I was cleaning up when I noticed someone had left their jacket here. The persons phone started to ring, and I looked to see who was calling. It said Rook XX. This was a fucking joke.
"Yo who's this? Do you have my jacket as well?" I heard someone say, I was pretty sure it was MGK
"Uh yeah. You left it at the club. You can come get it tomorrow," I told him.
"Wait I'll come now, I'll be there in 20," and the line went dead. Now I had to wait for him to come down here and get his stupid ass jacket before I could leave. Thankfully, I didn't have any lectures so I could sleep in as late as I wanted, but it was still annoying when I could be calling an uber and getting home.

More than 20 minutes later, he showed up.
"Oh, it's you," he said. In the dim light I could see a smile on his face "No pretty outfit this time,"
"Here's your jacket. Your phone is in that pocket," I told him.
"Thanks. How are you getting home?" He asked me
"I was gonna call an Uber,"
"What? No come on, I'll give you a ride,"
"I met you today. I don't even know your real name. And you could be high or drunk as fuck right now. You were at a strip club,"
"You can call me Kells, and look," he balanced in one leg "Sober. And you work at a strip club so don't go judging me. I gave you a fat tip,"
I sighed "You won't let me call an Uber, will you?"
"Nope," he said with a small smile

Sorry this chapter took a while to post😅. I'm going to try and post one very three days or so XX

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