Dirty blood

By simplyescaped

1.7K 74 67

**SEQUEL COMING SOON** A Draco Malfoy love story. Ailsa Webster and Draco Malfoy have almost always hated eac... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty

Chapter Five

102 3 9
By simplyescaped

Ailsa's Pov

Draco's gentle lips pressed against mine and without thinking I kissed back. What the flying fuck is happening. WHAT THE FUCK. My stomach tickled and my heart pounded at the thought of what was happening. I felt like I was going to throw up. Should I like this? Do I like this? He pulled away and looked at me with his dark, stormy, grey eyes with a sly little smirk. I looked back at him and blushed. "I...I..." I couldn't get my words out. "Ailsa are you okay?" He asked and I ran. I didn't know where I was running to all I knew was I had to get away. How pathetic was I. I had never been kissed before as embarrassing as that was but never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined that my first kiss would be Draco Malfoy. He hates me doesn't he? Maybe he just wanted to mess with me head? Yeh that had to be what it was. Yet a small but powerful part of me hoped it wasn't. A small part of me didn't hate Draco. At all.

Hermione's Pov

I walked back from the library and heard two people laughing from the courtyard. That's strange everyone's supposed to be in bed by now. I slowly crept over to the nearest window making sure no one heard me. I glanced down and saw Ron and Webster talking. Since when did they talk? I mean I'd heard whispers that they were friends but never did I think they were this close. For a moment they were silent then I noticed Ron looking at Ailsa in a flirty sort of way. Nothing could prepare me for what I was about to witness. Ron took a step closer to her and pulled her into a kiss and Ailsa didn't resist. Why would he do that to me? I thought, tears rushing down my face. I thought he liked me? Ugh how stupid of me how utterly stupid. I was sobbing rather loud now. I ran back to my dorm without looking back. How could they?

Draco's Pov

She ran away. She actually ran away. What was I thinking of course she didn't like me. Oh I've seriously fucked up. My chest began to hurt in a way I'd never felt before. Why did I even do that? Why did I even care? Should I check on her? No, of course not. She clearly didn't like me and I clearly don't like her. It was just spur of the moment I wasn't thinking straight but god was I stupid. Water droplets fell down my face. I don't remember a forecast for rain tonight that's odd. I looked up at the sky and realised it wasn't raining, I was in fact crying. What has gotten into me? I dried my eyes and stormed away back to my dorm passing Jasper in the corridor. "What's up with you?" He called after me but I didn't reply, after all what could I even say? I kissed a mudblood and she rejected me? Yeh right. Kissing a mudblood was bad enough for my reputation never mind being rejected by one. I got into my room and took out a piece of parchment and began to draw. Anything to take my mind off what had just happened. There was a knock at my door. Maybe it was Ailsa? Maybe she didn't hate me? The door creaked open to reveal Jasper. I really didn't need him here right now. "Hey, you didn't answer me, are you alright?" Jasper asked clearly concerned. "Yeh why wouldn't I be?!" I snapped back angrily. "Okay. Okay, sorry! No need to shout, I just saw you charge down the corridor and thought something was up that's all" Yeh right as if Cullen would actually care. We were friends but that didn't mean we cared about each other and Cullen had never expressed any concern for me at all even when last year I broke my leg playing quidditch. nope. We just went on as usual. I put the now finished drawing into the box under my bed and changed into just my boxers and a dark grey t-shirt then turned off my bedside lamp and went to sleep. Well I tried to sleep. But the dreams returned.

Ailsa's Pov

I sat on a corridor floor and began to cry. Draco wasn't my first kiss although I did count him as it. You see my first kiss was my ex-boyfriend Markus. He was anything but charming. We dated for only a year but that year was the worst year of my entire life because Markus always got what he wanted no matter the price. We met a few years back when I was on a holiday with my family in England. We were at this nice little restaurant and he was the waiter. He had been flirting with me throughout the night and on the bill he left his phone number. After months of texting back and forth and meeting up countless times we finally got together...but he changed. He started off calling me names and telling me I was useless but then he grew worse and started to physically abuse me. I even ended up in hospital once because he had hit me so hard. I never told anyone, not even my parents what he'd done. I simply said I fell off a tree I was climbing and he went along with it as well of course. When I got home from the hospital though I told my parents what had happened and after that I hadn't seen him since. Kissing Draco brought back those feelings. I felt scared again. How can I trust boys when all they have ever done is cause me so much pain? How could I tell Draco I was starting to like him when he could turn bad just like Markus did? Is there something wrong with me? I started to cry uncontrollably and didn't stop.

Author's Note

Ugh I feel so sick right now but writing this chapter made me feel better I guess. Anyways are you excited for the next chapter? I am and I already know what's going to happen!😂 my question for you guys today is... what house do you think you'd be in? I love Slytherin but honestly I feel as if I'd be in Ravenclaw based on all the quizzes I've took and my own personality 🤷🏻‍♀️ but who knows.

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