Stony Highschool Au

By lokishiddlestoner

73.9K 2.4K 1.5K

Cute Stony fanfic 😍😍 (Boy x Boy) Also a bit of Hawsilver More

Meeting him
Getting to know him
Falling deeper
Tribute to Stan Lee
Coming out?
Family matters
You did what?
Living the dream
I don't know what to call this chapter...
Officially official
Scary Nat
Wade Wilson
Whatever it takes...
Part title
Triple date?
Puns and Fun
Vote Chapter
so its been a while...

First day of School

4.9K 169 108
By lokishiddlestoner

Hey! No ones read this yet but still wanted to update as I had an idea so......

Steve's POV:
I woke up to the sound of my alarm ringing noisily.
"Uuuuuuuuurggghhh." I grumbled.
I realised today was my first day of school and I didn't want to be late. I got up and put on my favourite blue jeans, white T-shirt and blue jacket.I trudged downstairs to the kitchen following the delicious smell of ma's famous pancakes.

"Have a good day at school Steve!"

"Thanks ma!"

I grabbed a couple of pancakes and stuffed them into my mouth before leaving. I knew the way to avengers academy so I walked there while thinking about football tryouts. When I got in the school I saw the corridors were filled with people. I suddenly felt really claustrophobic and tried to back away but I was bombarded my a bunch of students.

"OMG!! He's so hot!"

"Is he new?"

"Do you think he's single?"

"If he's gay I'd totally ask him out!"

Truth is, I am gay. No one knew except Peggy and Bucky. Bucky was really and Peggy pretended to be my girlfriend to hide the fact we were both gay. I felt really awkward and tried to get away but everyone kept bombarding me. That's when I heard pounding. Everyone moved aside to reveal a girl with bright red hair in a black outfit pounding her high heel into the ground.

"Geez! Leave the new kid alone!" She said.

She grabbed my wrist before dragging me away from the crowd.

"Thank you so much. I didn't think I'd ever get out of there."

"It's fine. The names Natasha by the way but you can call me Nat."

"Hi Nat. I'm Steve."

"So Steve, where you heading?"

"I was actually looking for the principals office."

"Cool. I'll take you there."

Nat walked with me to the principals office. We talked about her cheerleading squad and I told her I wanted to join the football team.

"This is principal fury's office."

"Thank you."

"See you later Steve"

Principal Fury gave me my timetable which said I had art first. That was great because I loved art. The day went really quickly and before I knew it was lunch. I walked into the cafeteria with my lunch on a tray and walked towards and empty table. I hadn't really made any friends because everyone seemed to stay within there 'friendship groups.' That's when I hear someone call my name.

"Hey Steve! Come sit here!" Nat yelled.

I awkwardly made my way to Nat and her friends and sat down at the end of the table. I looked around at everyone before saying, "Hi I'm Steve. Nice to meet you all."

That's this chapter complete!!!! Next chapters Tony's POV

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