Purple runes in my memories

By Veikari

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Frufus here (Freed Justine x Rufus Lore) While Freed is on a solo mission he is attacked by a mage hunter. Lu... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 10

919 27 8
By Veikari

They were sitting in a train and Freed listened what all had happened at the Fairy Tail while he was away. Apparently nothing big was going on, lots of fights, drinking and similar. Gildarts had come and gone, members from the other guilds had visited and of course there has been lots of talking about those mage hunters. Only S-class mages were allowed to travel alone anymore.

"Has there been any attacks?" Freed asked worried.

"None in Magnolia", Ever said. "But we have heard two members of the Blue Pegasus was attacked and Lamia Scale and Mermaid Heel are both missing members. They are not yet sure that they are kidnapped but they are looking for them."

"That's really alarming", Freed huffed. "And the other Guilds?"

"We're not sure", Bicks said. "Weren't they attacking Sabertooth?"

"They have attacked us", Rufus nodded. "But they mostly attacked random mages who were just passing by. They probably didn't want to take too much direct contact with us since they obviously have their headquarters somewhere near our city. But they were wrong when they assumed we wouldn't notice what they are doing."

"But we still only know some of those attacks", Magaidh said. "Who knows, they might have kidnapped hundreds of mages, all around Fiore. The roads from our town to other towns are busy with travellers, there are every day lots of mages travelling around because their missions."

Freed thought about it and gazed out from the window.

"Has anyone heard anything about Laxus?" he asked.

"He's alright", Ever smiled. "We talked with him. He's coming home, but we're not sure when he will arrive. You know he's strong, he will be alright."

"You're right", Freed smiled. "If anyone can take care of himself, it's Laxus."

Magaidh glimpsed towards Rufus quickly and he noticed how the memory mage slightly narrowed his eyes. Yes, maybe Freed just really admired Laxus and there was no romantic feelings involved, but Rufus would still be really careful. He would not lose Freed to someone else now, not even for Laxus Dreyar. Well of course if Freed would say himself that he would rather be just friends, then he had to accept it. But he would definitely try his best so things wouldn't slip to that point.

The train stopped and they stepped on the station. Freed smiled looking around, it was so nice to be back Magnolia again.

"Let's head to the Guild House right away", Bickslow grinned. "Should we ask for a ride?"

"Absolutely not", Freed said with an adamant tone. "We will walk."

"Okay, if you're sure you can."

"I can."

So they started their journey and greeted some of the townspeople on their way. Every step made Freed more and more excited and he really wanted to walk faster but his leg wasn't agreeing with him. It was frustrating.

"We are not in a hurry", Rufus chuckled. "We'll get there."

"I know", Freed said slightly embarrassed. "But it's like I only just now understand how much I have missed everyone."

It was good to hear, as Rufus remembered how depressed Freed was at the first days. It was good to see he wasn't anymore thinking that his life would be lonely. Rufus would do whatever it would take to make Freed see he was not alone and he could have happiness and love. He would give to his beautiful rune mage whatever he desired, no matter what it was or was it even possible. He would find a way to make things possible.

For Freed it felt like forever but finally he could see the familiar building with a big sign that said 'FAIRY TAIL' so everyone could see it. Everything was just like before he left. Well, maybe there was one new hole in the roof that was poorly fixed. As they stepped in front of the doors, they heard loud shouts and fighting from inside.

"It's like nothing has changed", Freed chuckled amused.

"Why would have anything changed?" Ever smiled.

"It somehow feels much longer time that I was away than it actually was", Freed said. "Not that I'm complaining my time at your house", he said to Rufus who laughed.

"I know what you mean, dear", he purred. "Let's go inside so everyone can see that you're back and alright."

Freed nodded and Bickslow grabbed the doors, swinging them open a little bit too dramatically if you asked from Freed. When the heavy doors slammed against the walls it was impossible for anyone to not notice someone was entering and silence landed on the Hall.

"Look who came back home!" Bickslow cackled and he motioned towards Freed.

"Bicks, that is not necessary –" he started but his words were drown because loud yelling erupted in the Hall.

In the next moment Freed was almost terrified what was about to happen when his guild mates rushed towards them, everybody asking something at the same time. It was funny and... So nice. So heart warming the rune mage could hardly believe it.

"Quiet already, you brats!" he heard a familiar shout and immediately everyone moved aside so Master Makarov could walk over. "It is good to see you again, Freed", he smiled softly. "We were really worried about you."

"I'm really sorry that I have caused so much worry for everyone, Master", Freed said.

"No, don't you say sorry, there's nothing you need to apologize. It is those bastards that will soon feel sorry because they dared to attack one of our family members!" Makarov yelled and the others cheered. "This is war! Fairy Tail will do whatever it can so we can get rid of those hunters!"

"Master..." Freed said and he actually needed to swallow a little.

"We will crush those jerks like they're just bugs!" Natsu howled and others cheered. "We'll get rid of them quicker than Gray loses his pants!"

"Yes – wait what?" Gray growled annoyed and Freed chuckled.

"It is so good to be back home", Greenette smiled brightly. "I have missed this."

He looked at Rufus and Magaidh.

"You remember Rufus Lore?" he said to everyone. "He was kind enough to take care of me when I needed help. And Magaidh has done wonders with her medicine and healing skills so I'm even this good of a shape right now. They and the rest of the Sabertooth have helped me a lot."

"From the bottom of my heart, I thank you that you helped one of our family members", Makarov nodded with a smile. "I'm more than honoured to welcome you two in the Guild House of Fairy Tail. Please make yourselves at home."

"Thank you so much, Master Makarov", Rufus said bowing his head with Magaidh.

"If you ever need anything, don't hesitate to ask. We will always help those who help our family in need."

"I will ask if I come up with something", Rufus chuckled mischievously looking at Freed who's cheeks turned red.

"Ooh? Do I see blushing?" Happy giggled making Freed jolt. "Do you maybe... Like him?" he purred and snickered with others.

"Now now, let's give them some space", Ever said shooing the blue exceed away and Freed was silently thanking her. It was not like he was ashamed, but... This was kind of a chaotic situation right now to announce something like that. "Come on, sweetie, let's get you something to drink", Ever smiled happily and she took Freed's hand dragging him to one of the tables. Rufus chuckled and followed them, sitting down beside Freed.

"Where can I find Porlyusica?" Magaidh asked from Makarov. "It's probably better that I go see her right away."

"She's at her cottage. Jet! Go show her the way", Makarov said and with that Jet and Magaidh exited the Guild. "Now we should party!" the old man guffawed loudly.

"Just tell us what you want", Mira smiled taking trays with Lisanna.

"I guess one glass of wine wouldn't hurt", Freed said.

"Sounds nice, I'll take one too", Rufus nodded.

There were drinking, talking and eating. At some point people were even dancing around on the tables and Freed laughed with others when there was a loud crash as the table finally gave in when Elfman tried to accompany the others on it.

"It really is lively here", Rufus smiled.

"Always", Freed nodded. He was very careful not to drink too much. He had some really bad memories what could happen if you let yourself drink too much here.

"Rufus! You would love to join me in the drinking competition, right?" Cana slurred as she was sitting on Bickslow's lap, both already drunk.

"Really? I would?" Rufus chuckled.

"You would be delighted!" Cana laughed. "You're not lightweight like our Freed, aren't you?"

"Who knows", Rufus just said mysteriously and Freed rolled his eyes.

"It's your own fault if you go down that road", he warned the red masked mage. "But it's your own head you have to carry tomorrow so you can do what you want."

"I think I might pass this time but thank you for the offer", Rufus said politely and Cana huffed.

"You are no fun", she decided and took a mighty gulp from her mug.

Rufus just chuckled and looked around. It was just as chaotic here as it was in Sabertooth when they decided to have a party. In that way they were more than similar. He could see why Freed would never want to leave his family, it was like he would never leave Sabertooth. All these little things that most of the people would find annoying and harmful were what made their guilds so special. They weren't normal people so it was only natural that they fitted in with these people who were like them.

The blond mage smiled looking how Freed talked with others and he chuckled when he noticed how despite being so careful with his drink, the swordsman was already starting to seem slightly tipsy. Not much, just a little bit but he could see it. There was a slight redness on his cheeks that could only be caused by alcohol.

"Are you feeling bad that he's not telling the others?" Bicks asked as Cana was preoccupied talking with levy and Lucy right now.

"No", Rufus assured. "He tells them when he's ready."

"You know, he only needs a little push", Bicks smirked. "And then it's over. He just doesn't like it when everybody's attention is on him. And with announce like that... Sure as hell you guys are going to be in the middle of the attention the whole evening."

"Of what?" Cana asked curiously.

"That you are always the one who has my whole attention in the moment you say something", Bickslow grinned giving her a big wet smooch, making her giggle.

"You dog", she said wrapping her arms around the seith mage's neck.

"Woof, baby", Bicks snickered.

Rufus felt a tap on his hand and he looked at Freed.

"What did you speak with Bicks?" the swordsman asked. "I can't help but be a little worried, it seemed like Bicks was giving some advices and that never ends well..."

"He might have", Rufus purred. "You don't need to worry about it. I would never push you to do something you don't want to. Everything happens when it's the right time for it."

"I'm glad you understand", Freed smiled. "You're really something."

"Oh yeah, he really is", Ever chuckled leaning against Freed who sighed. If they wouldn't say it, he was pretty sure Bickslow or Evergreen would drop hints all night if they drank more. And they obviously were going to drank more. "Rufus is sooo handsome and kind and strong", brunette chuckled elbowing Freed's ribs. "He's like a prince from daydreams. Right, sweetie?"

"Ever..." Freed sighed.

"There is love in the air!" the Tiki dolls chanted.

"Isn't that a little bit too harsh?" Lucy asked and she and Levy actually looked a little bit sympathetic because all the tormenting Freed had to take. But they still couldn't help that it was also funny.

"Oh, he knows we are just teasing", Ever chuckled mischievously. "Right, Freed?"

Freed let out a deep sigh.

"I think I need to borrow this", he said and took Rufus' hat making the memory mage lift his eyebrows confused.

With just a small amount of dramatic touch Freed moved the big red hat in front of them and then he pulled Rufus in to a kiss behind it. Rufus' eyes widened slightly but he was absolutely amazed. He did not actually wait for Freed to even mention about their relationship to anyone yet. And then this... He was more than happy to answer that kiss, caressing those soft lips with his own. Behind the hat, no-one saw them yet anyone could clearly see what was going on.

And then it felt like someone clicked the voices back on.

Freed chuckled to the kiss when he heard screaming, yelling, whistling and how feet were tampered against the floor. He opened his eyes.

"Guess there's no need to keep this as a secret", he whispered looking at the masked mage who smirked.

"You have no idea how happy that makes me", he purred kissing Freed again.

"This will be a long night, you have no idea how bad they can be."

"As long as I can still stand by you the night, they can do whatever they want", Rufus chuckled. "I hope they might tell me something about how you were when you were younger."

"Oh god no", Freed groaned and Rufus laughed putting his hat on his boyfriend's head.

"Don't worry, I promise not to listen too carefully if they are embarrassing", he smiled.

"You're lying, you fox. Obviously you will listen and memorize everything."

"You know me well, darling."

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