Austin Mahone Imagines

By AyeeitsBriii

133K 1.7K 93

For the mahomies that want imagines about Austin Mahone More

Your love
Not an update but please read
Sick at home part 1
Sick at home part 2
18th birthday surprise
Imagine for Brianna
Important Update
Imagine for Jackie
2nd imagine for Jackie
Today Show
Imagine for Jennie
Imagine for Breauna!
Our Life
Not an Update
Just a night
Austin Leaving
Please Read!!
Our life part 2
Our life part 3
Leaving Day
Please read.!
Need to read part 2
Oh my gosh.!
Is this the end or the start?
Is this the end or the start part 2
Is this the end or the start? Part 3
Should I?
The wars.
I need your help.!
Imagine for Kimberly
Oh my god.!!
Imagine for Isabelle
Imagine for Najla
Imagine for Crystal
Imagine for Billie
Surprise Visit?
Big news.!
You guys??
VMA's Part 2
Should I?
Contest starts.!
I need your help..
Okay So I need you guys!
Personal Imagine
Release Party
Break Up, Make Up
Personal Imagine (Kennedy)
Please Help
Surprise at Tour
New House
Do You Even Love Me...?
It Is Here
Birth of Baby Mahone
Love Sparks Again? Part One
Love Sparks Again? Part Two
Big Update


2.6K 48 7
By AyeeitsBriii

"Baby come cuddle while I'm home." Austin says to you.

"Okay fine but upstairs" you say back.

He then picked you up bridle style and walked upstairs.

But as he was walking upstairs he tripped and both you and him go flying.

As you both land on the ground with a 'thump' you just laughed.

"Y/n" Austin said through laughs as he got up.

You just laying on the ground laughing.

He tries to pick you up but you wouldn't let him.

"No, no, no Austin.! Don't you dare I'm not getting hurt again.." You say getting up yourself.

You then walk into your bedroom with Austin IN FRONT of you so you wouldn't fall again.

You get to the bed and Austin isn't there.

'Oh great' is all you can think about this one.

You just give up and lay down since you didn't have the energy to look for him.

You were so close to being asleep then you were attacked by silly string.

Not just by Austin but by Zach, Robert, and Alex too.

Oh you were gonna get them back tomorrow..

"All I wanted to do was cuddle today Austin and you did too yet we can't even do that.." You say to him

You then fell asleep.

When you wake up the next morning no one was there.

Thank god.. You got up and headed to the bathroom to get ready for the prank.

Your friends were on there way to get these boys back who by the way are in the basement.

They got here and all you guys were in just black.

You then put pillows so it looks like your still in bed and you get the key to downstairs.

You guys then walk out the house and down to the basement door.

"These bitches gonna get revenge" your best friend said

"Oh they sure are" you said back.

You then opened the door like you broke in and they all woke up terrified.

With your fake gun you told them to stay where they're at.

(A/N you took away there phones before so they don't call 911 and one of your friends are upstairs)

"Ahhhh babe help" your friend Chelsea yells since she sounds like you.

'Pow pow pow' is all Austin hears and looses it.

He breaks down thinking he lost the love of his life.

You then felt bad and pulled it all off pulling you ski mask off you ran over and hugged him.

As you were hugging you whispered in his ear "karma's a bitch"

He then said back "and so is revenge"

This is a start to a new war... 😉


Oh my gosh you guys I can't believe I hit 20k but anywho how was it??? I hope you guys loved it.

Also comment below or to the side what type of contest I should do.!

Love you guys forever and always.! 😘💕,

Bri 👌💯

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