Esk Stories

By NalaTheNoovle

57 1 0

*•*IMPORTANT NOTICE*•* Esk is a closed ARPG species created by Wither on Deviantart. If you'd like to know mo... More

Monthly Prompt -Rambo-Cario-
Conservator 1 -Rambo-

The Eskitement of Exploration

23 0 0
By NalaTheNoovle

Esks are spirits that do not communicate the way we do. They communicate telepathically.

As the sun beat down on the small shrubland small animal scurry from a tall annoyed esk. As the esk finds a small patch of shade by some Golden Barrel Cacti she plops down. "It's so boring here. I have nothing to do, no one to talk to but myself. I want to explore." The esk said to no one in particular. The esk fought herself in her head until making up her mind- she was going to leave. She quickly told a random lizard that was sunbathing close by, "I'll be gone for a bit, see you when I return." Then got up, and shook her to get all the sand out of her fur. The closest place she knew she hadn't been to was at least a good half an hour or an hour away. She started off twords the forest hoping to make it to her destination by noon.

As the sun sat right above her head small buildings and lights started to appear in the distance. She started to sprint, excitement of a exploring a new place filled her with questions and wonder. Her fur had become more unkempt and dirty some time back. Her cacti had disappeared the moment she stepped out of her boundary, now that she thought about it that's probably when her fur changed as well. The closer she got the more clear the houses and roads where, humans still looked like tall slightly blurry moving things. Yelling, honking, talking, screeching of the big moving things on the road, noises that the esk slowly started to recognize.

The moment her feet hit the concrete side walk she comes to a screeching stop, before landing on her butt. "That was so graceful Cairo. Way to go" The female esk now know as Cario scolds herself as she stands up, making sure she doesn't trip on her now darker green tail. A slightly taller figure just turned the corner to see the dirty tan and green esk stand up and shake off. "Are you alright? That fall must of hurt." The new esk question Cario as she stepped around the corner fully, and shook her fur clean once more. "Oh wow! Your so tall!" Cario let out a small gasp as she noticed the wings on this new esks back, "Oh My Gosh! You have WINGS! WINGS! That is so cool!" Cario excitedly 'danced' around this taller esk. "I am Ayla. If it would make you feel more comfortable I can become more your size." Ayla offered to the much smaller esk. "I'm Cario! You can become smaller?! That sounds so awsome! The size you are at is compleatly fine though!" The human sized esk exclaimed excitedly to the currently giraffe sized esk. Her gray tail dotted with rose natal grass dragged behind her, and around the corner of what looked to be a brick house. Her neck was a bright orange that faded darker as it go to the stomach, but what mesmerized Cario the most was the silky wisteria flowers that cascaded down her around her head, stopping just below her back. Just as Cario was studying Ayla, Ayla was studying Cario. The dirty tan, and green esk's Nature features where missing which intrigued, yet, also confused her. There was a green stripe that when from have way drown the esks legs and bordered her back, not going any further ghen a few inches from her neck and not going under her stomach. Ayla didn't I notice that Cario had been gushing over her wings until she hears her ask, "Can you show me what it's like to fly?" Ayla was imitatedly confused. How could she show her? It wasn't like- oh wait... "If you'd like you may get on my back and we can fly around the city for a bit." Ayla, once again, offered. Cario's black eyes lit up with excitement. "REALLY?! LIKE REALLY REALLY?! WAIT! Are you sure? I wont be hurting your by standing on your back or anything will I?" Cario's voice was filled with worry, excitement, fear, and wonder. "Yes I'm sure. You won't hurt me, most likely
Here let me lay down so you may climb on." Ayla's calm voice rang through Cario's head as the tall esk lays down to let her own. She jumps onto Ayla's back just as she starts to stand up and open her wings. "Ready?"
Off they went. Quickly Ayla flew higher and higher until buildings became medium dots. You couldn't even see the people. The sky was turning into different shades of yellows, reds, and elegant blacks blues and purples with flecks of white in all the colors. It was perfect. And romantic. But- they are friends. At least Cairo believes so.
"I wonder how many esks are seeing that and going 'That's a cute couple' then realizing we're only friends. We are friends now right?" Cario joked, yet at the same time was actually curious to know what they thought of the unusual site.

"Yeah, we are friends."


Charecters Used
Cario owned by Cloudsteps on Deviantart

Ayla owned by

Base Score: 16 AP (Writing: 843 words)
+5 AP (Personal Work Bonus)
+20 AP (Other Esk Bonus: 10 AP * 2)
+20 AP (Esk Interaction Bonus: 10 AP * 2)
+8 AP (Storyteller Bonus: 8 AP * 1)
Total AP per submission: 69

Base Score: 8 GP (Writing: 843 words)
+6 GP (Storyteller Bonus: 6 GP * 1)
Total GP per submission: 14

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