All for you

By pumpkinwrites

28.1K 1.2K 485

Third (and last) book of the you series. Check out: It's you and Because of you. The stories are linked :) More

Random meows


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By pumpkinwrites


I was spent after our session, my eyes glueing themselves shut. I basked in the post orgasmic bliss, feeling all loose limbed while lying next to Jinyoung.

I gave out a little sigh, feeling Jinyoung run his fingers through my hair before getting out of bed.

"Come on darling" he called, rubbing my cheek.

"Mmm" I hummed, my eyes still glued shut. I heard Jinyoung walk away while giggling in response.

I felt him wipe me down with a warm towel and mumbled a thanks to him, Jinyoung shifting me so I laid down properly on the bed.

"Sleep" he whispered, pressing a kiss to my forehead before his footsteps faded.

I stirred as he crawled into bed, my arms reaching for him immediately, settling him onto my chest.

"Thank you" I mumbled again, enjoying his warmth surround me.

"No. Thank you" he whispered, pressing a kiss to my chest before the darkness sucked me back in.


"Seunnie" I stirred, hearing Jinyoung's soft voice calling for me while he rubbed my shoulder lightly.

"Seunnie... I'm sorry, I know you're tired but you need to eat" he continued, pressing a kiss to my forehead.

I nodded in response, reaching for him with my eyes still shut. Jinyoung obliged and crawled into my arms, raining kisses onto my face.

I snorted a laugh at his actions, my hands on his waist, loving how much affection he was showing for me.

"I'm awake. I'm awake" I laughed, still smiling as I opened my eyes to look at him.

Jinyoung smiled down at me, his long fringe brushing against my forehead as his face hovered over mine.

"Mmm. One of the best mornings ever" I whispered, leaning up to press a kiss against his lips.

Jinyoung straightened himself before I could deepen our kiss, giggling as he spotted my pout. I just want him...

I smiled at his laughter, stretching as I got out of bed.

"Good morning love. I like waking up to that" I smiled, my voice still deep from sleep.

"It's actually afternoon" he corrected, lacing my fingers with his.

"Huh?" I frowned, turning to his bedside clock to see that it was already 2pm.

"I didn't have the heart to wake you up this morning but it's late now. And I don't want you to miss anymore meals" he explained.

"You should have woken me up... I wanted to spend the whole day today with you" I frowned, disappointed in myself.

"Darling. We have the rest of our lives" he whispered, tilting my head up.

"I know we do... I just wanted to spend more time with you after the past few weeks" I sighed, pulling him into my arms.

Jinyoung wrapped his arms around my neck, tugging me closer while pressing little kisses all over my face until I laughed.

"Come on. Let's fatten you up" he smiled, tugging me out.

I let him pull me along, loving how his eyes twinkled so happily.


Jinyoung's mom prepared a feast, even packing the extra food for us to bring back to the dorm. I pushed for both Jinyoung and his mom to rest instead, taking over to do the dishes.

His mom stood by the sink, insisting on drying the dishes at least. I helped her stack all the dishes back in the cupboards while telling her about my random schedules.

"Thank you for all the food mom" I smiled, throwing my arms around her.

"There's no need to thank me. Thank you for always looking after Jinyoung. I can't wait for our grandchild" she laughs, hugging me back.

"Oh. I wasn't here when you heard" I frowned slightly, disappointed that I couldn't see her response.

"There's always number two" she smiled.

"Huh? Oh" I muttered, blushing slightly once I got what she was talking about. She laughed, tugging me into the living room where Jinyoung was sitting with his dad.


"We should go. Jackson has a schedule in the morning tomorrow" Jinyoung announced, lacing our fingers together.

I sighed lightly, resting my head on Jinyoung's shoulder. I'm going to miss our lazy time.

"Make sure you take the side dishes I made"

"Oh and the tea"

"Would you need some gloves?"

I laughed, grabbing Jinyoung's mom as she fluttered around suddenly, preparing everything for us.

"We'll be fine. Thank you"

"Are you sure? Make sure you get enough sleep. Both of you" she frowned, rubbing my cheek.

"Yes mom" I smiled, watching a smile grow on her face when I addressed her.

Jinyoung and I packed our clothes and the room, both of us done in record time as we hardly took anything out.

I slung our bags over my shoulder, his hand automatically hooking around my other arm as we left the room.

"Thank you for having us" we bowed to his parents while the two of them complained about us being too formal.

We were exchanging hugs all around when his mom tugged me down to whisper in my ear.

"Thank you for always giving in to him"

"He's my world" I whispered back, giving her a small smile.

"Thank you" she smiled, patting my head.


"What was that about?" Jinyoung asked, leaning his head on my shoulder.

"Hmm?" I hummed, enjoying his warmth.

"My mom"

"Just me declaring my love for you" I laughed as he hit my chest gently.

"Really love. Really" I murmured, holding his hand close to my chest. Jinyoung shook his head in response, his eyes shining with joy despite clamping his lips together.


The next few days were hectic, Jinyoung clearing his solo schedules that I couldn't take over while I settled most of mine in preparation.

We stuck together whenever it was a group schedule, the two of us comforted by each other's presence.

"Babe. Please don't eat that" I shuddered, staring at him.

"But it's yummy" he frowned, continuing to dip his apple slice in some salt and pepper.

"It's..." I trail off, giving up. Jinyoung was getting more and more weird cravings, the apples were just one of them.

He had been cravings apples recently and dipped his apples in everything, the only perk was that he wasn't nauseous anymore.

His appetite had been slowly increasing, the bump starting to show. I smiled to myself, watching him eat so happily.

I cleared his plate when he was done, knowing that he would probably get more apples if I didn't stop him.

"Let's go to bed love" I laughed, sticking my hand out to him. He pouted slightly and I quickly folded him into my arms before walking to his room.

I gave him a goofy grin as we brushed our teeth together, loving how something so simple could feel so intimate.

I spooned him from behind, my hands laying protectively over the little bump that was growing more each day.


Jinyoung cleared his individual schedules before I did, coming back later than I did on some days.

"I don't like you working so hard" I sulked, watching him plop himself on the sofa. Jinyoung opened his eyes as I moved to stand in front of him, looking up into my eyes.

He moaned in satisfaction when I knelt in front of him, massaging his calves and feet, grumbling about him working too hard the entire way.

"Seunnie. I'm alright. I did it. I cleared everything" he whispered, stroking the top of my head.

"At least it's over. 수고했어" I mumble. I scooped him up in my arms, his arms wrapping themselves around my neck.
A/N: You've dome well/worked hard.

I carried him into the bathroom, pressing little kisses to his forehead the entire way, loving how his head bopped with each peck, his crinkly eyes staring up at me.


"Don't forget that the doctor's appointment is next week" I reminded Jinyoung, looking up as I flipped the blanket.

"I won't. I'll get manager hyung to join me" he mumbled, his eyes downcast while he dried his hair.

"And why would you do that?" I asked.

"I... I don't want to be at the doctor's alone" he frowned, glancing at me quickly before averting his eyes.

I bit back my smile, before finally letting up.

"You have me love. I arranged my schedule so that I'll end early on that day" I replied, smiling proudly at him.

I had to jam pack my schedule for a few days but the expression he wore on his face made it all worth it. His eyes shone with joy, crinkling at the side as he looked at me surprised.

"Really?" he gaped.

"Really. Come here. It's time for bed" I nod, squeezing my eyes shut briefly. If only I can save that image of him in my mind forever.

Jinyoung happily skipped over, throwing his arms around me. He buried his face in my neck, breathing me in as I lifted him in my arms.

"Thank you darling. You're really the best" he whispered, pressing a kiss to my neck.

"Thank you for being my miracle" I whispered back, laying us down. I shifted him so that I was spooning him from behind, our usual sleeping positions changing as our little peanut grew.

"I love you. You know that?" he murmured, his eyes already shut.

"I know. You don't have to say it" I smiled, pressing a kiss to the back of his head.

"It's just nice to say it and hear it still" he smiled softly.

"Well then. I love you my parking handsome squishy Jinyoungie" I declare, mesmerised by the smile that grew on his face.

"I love you too my king, my love, my life" he smiled, wrapping my arms tighter around him.

I fell asleep with the widest grin on my face, him and his words warming me up all over.


I woke up early the next morning for my schedule, disappointed that I wouldn't be there when Jinyoung wakes up.

I quickly got ready, draping my hoodie over his bump and back before leaving.

The week passed by in a blur, my brain working in overtime while I pushed my body to participate more, wanting to prove myself to everyone.

The only perk was that filming was in Korea, meaning that I could come back to Jinyoung every night.

"You didn't have to wait up love" I sighed, scooping him up from the sofa.

"I wanted to. I can walk... I didn't mean to fall asleep" he mumbled, his arms around my neck as I carried him bridal style. He rested his head against my shoulder, his eyes still shut as he replied.

"Let me do this at least"

We had the same conversation every night and Jinyoung would force his eyes open each time I placed him on the bed.

"Thank you for your hard work today. 수고했어" he said, pressing a kiss to my forehead. His eyes shone, telling me how proud he was of me, and how glad he was that I was back.
A/N: You've done well (same as above).

I smiled back at him quietly, my heart skipping a beat each time I saw that expression. It's the best reward ever... I guess that's all I need.


"I'm back" I announced, stretching while walking through the front door.

"Welcome home darling" Jinyoung greeted, grabbing my bag from me.

I stood there stunned, taking in the food he prepared, before he nudged me to sit.

"잘 먹겠다" I muttered, picking my chopsticks up in a daze.
A/N: I'll eat well.

"많이먹어" he smiled, scooping some cheesy chicken onto my bowl.
A/N: Eat more.

I smiled my thanks at him and dug in, feeling like I have not eaten in days.

Jinyoung smiled while watching me eat, the two of us finishing at the same time. I loved that his appetite grew, knowing that he wasn't nauseous anymore made me feel better about leaving every morning.

"Thank you for cooking love. I'll do the dishes"

"Together" he smiled, helping me bring the dishes into the kitchen.

We stood side by side at the sink, our hips and elbows bumping each other's lightly as we did the dishes together.

It felt so intimate, the two of us in our own world playing around as he put some dish foam on my nose.

"You look like a little puppy" he laughed. I scrunched my eyes together, trying and failing to pout, my ever present smile growing on my lips.

I took a quick shower and grabbed my glasses, holding his hand the entire drive to the doctor's. I held his hand tight in mine, only letting go temporarily when we got out of the car.

I watched as the doctor did the same routine again, rubbing the gel over his bump before scanning it.

I squeezed Jinyoung's hand lightly, feeling more nervous that he was. He shook his head slightly, giggling at me.

"We should be able to hear the heartbeat... there" the doctor smiled, glancing at the two of us.

The fluttering thumps echoed through the room, my heartbeat racing in time with our peanut's.

I stared incredulously at the screen, glancing between Jinyoung and the screen again. Our peanut grew... our peanut isn't a peanut anymore.

"Darling" Jinyoung nudged, giggling at me.

"Hmm?" I hummed.

"Stop crying. I don't know how you'll handle the actual child when I give birth" he laughs.

"I'm not crying. There's sand in my eyes" I mumble, blinking away my tears as I continued to stare at the screen.

Jinyoung and the doctor laughed in response, shaking their heads. It's amazing. Our miracle.

"Thank you Doctor Kwon" Jinyoung smiled, the doctor handed us the photo. I held the photo in my hand, staring at it again. I'm not going to cry. I'm not going to cry.

"Thank you Doctor Kwon" I greeted, quickly snapping my eyes up to give her a handshake.

"Not at all. See you two in a few weeks again" she smiled, bowing us out.

I stared at the photo again when we were in the car, my brain and heart too overwhelmed for me to start driving.

"Oh darling. I love how you overreact" Jinyoung burst out laughing, spotting my tears again.

"But... but" I sputtered, wiping my face. Our peanut grew...

"I know. Our peanut grew. And grew healthily. That's all that matters" he whispered, rubbing my cheek.

"It's still amazing. You're amazing" I whispered, holding his hand to my cheek.

"You gave me this"

"Thank you for being a part of this miracle"

A/N: Does this make sense? Woke up in the middle of the night to finish this. Please forgive me if it doesn't. HAHA. It's Friday!

Got7's 6th win?! Omg. Only YT is horrible with the view cancelling. Can't wait for their 7th win today :3

Thank you for reading, commenting and voting. You all make my day soooooo much brighter, I hope this story does the same for you. ❤️☺️

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