infatuated // seungjin

By hajimahyunjin

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book 2 where hyunjin returns to korea from canada, only to become infatuated for the dandy flower boy he used... More

s u r p r i s e


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By hajimahyunjin


"Woojin hyung!" I called out.

He turned around in confusion, but waved to me when he noticed me walking towards him. I gave him a big hug since I haven't seen him in a few months.

"What are you doing here? I thought you planned on managing the cafe?" I asked him as we separated.

"I did plan on managing the cafe since Mrs Lee passed away but I decided to give university a chance." He explained.

"Who's managing the cafe if you're here on the other side of Seoul?" I questioned.

"Well it turns out, Mrs Lee actually had one daughter and she told me that she wouldn't mind managing the cafe until I finish university." He smiled.

I replied with an 'Oh' as i nodded.

"So this means your moving into an apartment to be closer to JYP U?" I asked him as the thought came into mind.

"That's right! Actually, I'm moving into an apartment today and my roommates are actually Chan and Minho." He informed.

"Oh, what a coincidence! Anyways, I have to go, but I'll hopefully see you around tomorrow!" I told him as I waved goodbye and made my way to the cashier.


I was heaving my basket full of uni supplies around when I heard a familiar voice.

"Woojin hyung!" The voice called out from the other aisle.

Seungmin? I thought to myself.

I tried to find a gap in the shelves and I eventually found one at the bottom so I had crouch down to peek through. I could only see their feet but I could tell that Seungmin and Woojin were hugging.

It's been two years but I could already feel the feeling of jealousy and regret surge through my body as Seungmin stood there, wrapped around in another boys arms.

I wanted to see him so badly but I knew that if I tried, I would certainly get caught and my plan would be ruined. So for now, I'll just have remain content with hearing his voice.

As their conversation ended, I stalled around the store until I knew he was long gone before purchasing my things.


I lay on the sofa, waiting for Seungmin to get back. I prayed that he was no longer mad because I knew from past experiences that an angry Seungmin is a dangerous Seungmin.

Ever since a year after Hyunjin disappeared, Seungmin has changed.

He's still similar in some ways - like he still loves reading. Deep inside, he's still a big baby and he is definitely still gay as fuck.

But he's also become a lot... cooler. He's become more intimidating when he wants to be and he's become more manly. You could blame his changes on puberty but I think Hyunjin leaving changed Seungmin for the better.

He's even got abs now!

If Minho wasn't already the full package, I wouldn't hesitate to tap that.

As I heard the door unlock, Jeongin and I rushed to the front door and bowed in a perfect ninety degree angle as Seungmin walked in.

"We are sorry again Seungmin, please don't kill us in our sleep!" We said in unison.

There was a silence as we awaited our doom.

"You know I can't be mad at you guys right? Don't worry about it, it was just some notebooks." He chuckled.

Jeongin and I straightened ourselves and hugged him.

"Alright, alright. Let go of me. Let's have lunch, I bought some steamed dumplings." He cringed as he tried to wriggle away.

We finally let go of him and helped him with his bags.

"Thanks hyung you're the best!" Jeongin cheered.


After the incident in the convenient store, I decided to revisit some special places.

First, I drove by the park Seungmin and I used to walk past when we would walk home together. Then his house where we watched his favorite dramas and where we cried over break up scenes. Afterwards, I drove past the school where I first saw him in the library, the gymnasium where he would cheer for me during my basketball games and the school gates where we had our first kiss.

Finally, I drove into the car park of the small cafe we would have our dates. There were so many memories we made here. I remember the conversations we used to have and how he would laugh at the jokes I made.

But I also remember that night when I left him. I remember how he broke down and screamed my name. How he rushed out and screamed for me again.

I didn't go very far, I saw him and I listened...

...I heard his heart breaking.


I shook Seungmin off my arm and walked out of the cafe as I opened my umbrella. I didn't look back. Tears flowed out of my eyes as the wind blew rain onto my face.

"HYUNJIN!" I heard him scream.

I couldn't take it anymore, I needed to fight for him. I don't care what my parents say, I can't leave Seungmin.

I turned around and ran back, only to see Seungmin sobbing on his knees...

...Woojin's arms wrapped around him, holding him close.

I dropped my umbrella as tears erupted from my eyes. I turned away and ran like a coward.

He's got someone. I thought to myself.

He doesn't need me anymore.

*end of flashback*

The scene kept on replaying in my head until I finally realized that tears were flowing from eyes and that I had been sitting in the car for almost two hours.

I started up its engine and drove off. I didn't know where I was going and I didn't care. I just needed to be alone and away from everyone else.

I finally returned home as the sun set, glowing in a mix of warm colors to contrast the deep blue sky. It was almost seven and I was lucky that uncle hadn't come home yet. I walked in through the front doors as the house staff greeted me.

I didn't pay them any attention as I walked into my room. I looked at myself in the mirror, my face and eyes were puffy from crying non stop.

I walked out onto the balcony and stood there, taking in the perfume of roses that the warm wind blew around from the rose garden.

A few minutes later, I heard the door open and the sound of my uncles voice mellowed through the room.

"Hyunjin, my son. The house staff say you only just got back. What have you been up to today?" He asked me in his deep voice.

I remained completely still and didn't answer him.

"Hyunjin look at me." He asked.

I turned around and faced him, no longer caring if he saw me crying.

"You came back for him didn't you? You came back for that boy?" He questioned.

And that was when I broke down, I crouched on the floor, covering my face.

"It's going to be alright. Do whatever you need to do to get him back. If you need longer than a year, I'll convince my brother to let you stay." He comforted me as he lowered himself to hug me.

I cried into his shoulders and he didn't mind. He sat their with me on the balcony and waited until I was okay again.

i love a cool uncle.

thanks for reading! don't forget to vote and spam commenting is okay too hahaha.

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