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"Woojin hyung!" I called out.

He turned around in confusion, but waved to me when he noticed me walking towards him. I gave him a big hug since I haven't seen him in a few months.

"What are you doing here? I thought you planned on managing the cafe?" I asked him as we separated.

"I did plan on managing the cafe since Mrs Lee passed away but I decided to give university a chance." He explained.

"Who's managing the cafe if you're here on the other side of Seoul?" I questioned.

"Well it turns out, Mrs Lee actually had one daughter and she told me that she wouldn't mind managing the cafe until I finish university." He smiled.

I replied with an 'Oh' as i nodded.

"So this means your moving into an apartment to be closer to JYP U?" I asked him as the thought came into mind.

"That's right! Actually, I'm moving into an apartment today and my roommates are actually Chan and Minho." He informed.

"Oh, what a coincidence! Anyways, I have to go, but I'll hopefully see you around tomorrow!" I told him as I waved goodbye and made my way to the cashier.


I was heaving my basket full of uni supplies around when I heard a familiar voice.

"Woojin hyung!" The voice called out from the other aisle.

Seungmin? I thought to myself.

I tried to find a gap in the shelves and I eventually found one at the bottom so I had crouch down to peek through. I could only see their feet but I could tell that Seungmin and Woojin were hugging.

It's been two years but I could already feel the feeling of jealousy and regret surge through my body as Seungmin stood there, wrapped around in another boys arms.

I wanted to see him so badly but I knew that if I tried, I would certainly get caught and my plan would be ruined. So for now, I'll just have remain content with hearing his voice.

As their conversation ended, I stalled around the store until I knew he was long gone before purchasing my things.


I lay on the sofa, waiting for Seungmin to get back. I prayed that he was no longer mad because I knew from past experiences that an angry Seungmin is a dangerous Seungmin.

Ever since a year after Hyunjin disappeared, Seungmin has changed.

He's still similar in some ways - like he still loves reading. Deep inside, he's still a big baby and he is definitely still gay as fuck.

But he's also become a lot... cooler. He's become more intimidating when he wants to be and he's become more manly. You could blame his changes on puberty but I think Hyunjin leaving changed Seungmin for the better.

He's even got abs now!

If Minho wasn't already the full package, I wouldn't hesitate to tap that.

As I heard the door unlock, Jeongin and I rushed to the front door and bowed in a perfect ninety degree angle as Seungmin walked in.

"We are sorry again Seungmin, please don't kill us in our sleep!" We said in unison.

infatuated // seungjinWhere stories live. Discover now