Unassailable: The professor.

By mid-nightcoffee

2.2M 79.2K 37.7K

This is a StudentxTeacher novel!! Un·as·sail·a·ble Adjetive: unable to be attacked, questioned, or defeated. ... More

Aesthetics & Disclaimer
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Bonus 01
Bonus 02

Chapter 20

80.4K 2.6K 1.7K
By mid-nightcoffee

🍑W a r n i n g🍑
This chapter contains explicit sexual content, read at your own expense.
I'm going to skip all the  'only for 18+' crap, because I'm not even 18 myself lmao 💀

* * *

The hotel wasn't too far away from the bar we'd been, so we walked all the way back in comfortable silence through the night in Munich. The sound of a phone notification got us out of our peaceful walking, noticing it was Vennberg's phone, he casually took it out of his pant's pocket and read the text on the screen. I watched his jaw clench tightly, his eyebrows furrowing as the air around him became visually tense. He then placed his phone back where it was.

I assumed being someone so important required getting phone service wherever you were, you had to be at anyone's reach. I caught his mood swing in a matter of seconds. He seemed strained, something was bothering him. Whatever that text had said, it mustn't have been something very pleasant.

"Do you mind?" Ethan's deep voice distracted me from my thoughts as I looked at him to try and figure out what he meant. He was holding a cigarette between his fingers, looking at me questioningly as his other hand had put back the packet into his pocket.

"Go ahead." I gave him a smile. I wasn't going to deny him the pleasure of easing his nerves. And I had to admit that, even though I didn't really like smoking-or people who did as a matter of fact-, there was something incredibly attractive about the way his prolonged fingers held the noxious thing as he inhaled the smoke, ashes starting to slowly fall down his side, fume filling the inside of his lungs only to make its way out on a misguided waft as he exhalated.

We kept walking in silence as his nerves died down as well as the cigarette on his hand. We reached the hotel and walked past the reception into the elevator. I decided to press the fourth floor, so I could stop by and see what Jacob was up to, maybe we could have a marathon of German TV, even when we didn't understand much. We had fun thinking about what the characters were saying, creating their dialogues. Mature people, I might say.

Ethan was standing behind me, we weren't touching, but I could feel the magnetism pulling into us.

"Going somewhere?" His voice was closer than I thought it would be, it sent chills down every single one of my vertebrae, switching the atmosphere in a blink of an eye.

"I think I'll visit Jacob." It turned out more like a quiet mumble than actual words. His presence was so powerful and demanding I couldn't find myself replying differently.

The elevator indicated we had reached the fourth floor as it slowly came to a stop. The doors opened, and I couldn't find myself moving. My muscles weren't reacting, and my brain was too preoccupied with the chemical reactions this man produced on me.

I felt Ethan taking one step closer to me, so our bodies were touching, just the mere act had my body completely alert, drowning in need. All previous thoughts of visiting my friend went flying out the window. All previous thoughts of doing something that wasn't paying full attention to the beast behind me soon disappeared.

The elevator's doors closed once again as I felt his breath on my neck. "You missed the floor." His deep, husky murmur reached my ears in a marvelous symphony as his nose started trailing down from my earlobe to the base of my neck.

"Hmmp." It was all I managed to say. I was completely conscious of the fact that I had missed my chance of getting out of here, but I wasn't sure what that implied exactly. His mouth connected to my nape, trailing soft and wet kisses up until it met my ear, once again. I found myself melting into the act as I tilted my head to the side to give him better access.

«What is it with elevators?»

The small space made its existence noticeable once again as it made a sound to indicate we had reached the fifteenth floor, taking Ethan's lips away from my body.

The doors opened once again, and I walked out uneasy, feeling how my stomach was tied up in knots as the obvious arousal had taken place in my core. I honestly didn't know what was holding me back from following him up to his door instead of just walking towards mine. A sudden wave of insecurity rushed through my body, realizing I knew what going with him meant. It seemed like a ridiculous contradiction not to follow him, since all I've been able to think about at night was how his body would feel against mine.

I took out the card from my pockets as I spoke shakily. "Good night, sir." I couldn't look him in the eye. I didn't want to find out what they held.

"Amalia," His voice sounded incredibly deep, my eyes snapped unconsciously, like they had their own management, only to find his deep blue orbs turned into a gray storm. They were dark, you could see the hurricane. He looked at me in hunger, the word 'predator' was hanging from his neck. "Don't test my patience, it has already run out." My whole body stiffened, reacting to his presence. "Come here." He demanded, and I couldn't dare to disobey his command.

I walked towards him cautiously, cutting the distance between us as I took each step. I felt like a prey, slowly walking into a trap of unimaginable pleasure. I reached him until I was as close as I could possibly be without touching him, I could even feel the heat emanating from his body. "Good girl." His words crushed my ears and my lips parted in anticipation. I looked down at my feet, wondering what the hell was wrong with me and where had all this shyness come from. I wanted to return all the uneasiness in exchange for my usual empowerment.

He slowly opened his hotel room, letting me inside the room first, as if he was making sure I wouldn't escape his symbolic captivity. I looked back at him, watching his every movement. He took the door's tag and turned the current green side of it to its other way around, showing a completely red page, which I assumed must've said something like 'Do not disturb' although I couldn't quite tell from the foreign language. After putting the tag on the outside of the door, he shut it, making a loud thud, deafening the actual silence consumed by the atmosphere.

I gulped.

"Do you want anything to drink?" It was a question, but we both already knew the answer. I shook my head no, unable to speak. Ethan started to unclasp his fancy watch as he rolled it off his wrist and put it down on the small kitchen's aisle. The sound of the expensive material colliding against the marble table echoed through the whole room. He was killing time, distracting ourselves from the obvious tension between us. I reacted by taking off my shoes as he did the same with his suede ones.

I made my way towards him, taking careful steps as he waited patiently. I reached close to him, invading his personal space as I looked up to meet his eyes full of lust. It was a dazzling view.

In one quick movement I was spun around and pushed against the wall next to the door. His hands found mine and in an abrupt act he had both of my wrists pinned up above my head against the partition. I gasped as his lips found the base of my neck. He bit and nibbled on my flesh, letting go from one of his hands to grab my hip as he made his way up to my earlobe. I suppressed a moan. "We've waited enough, don't you think?" We indeed had. It was a matter of time, this was unavoidable.

Something in me snapped, like a fire starting its combustion. I was yearning, I needed his lips on me. Everywhere. "Kiss me." I demanded shamelessly, surrendering completely to him. He smirked against my neck before taking his head back to stare at me.

"As you please, baby." The words left his mouth before connecting our lips in hunger. I fought to free my hands from his grip, trying to win a bit of control over the situation. I was growing desperate: I needed to touch him, feel him in every way possible.

In a moment of frustration, I decided to bite on his lower lip, asking for entrance. A deep sound resonated from his chest as his lips parted, allowing my tongue to meet with his, starting a war, battling over power.

His hand finally let my wrists go as he reached to cup my ass and I instinctively jumped to curl my legs around his hips. My now freed hands were firmly pulling from his hair. I closed my legs around him tighter, in a despairing attempt to pull him closer. In a sweet movement, Ethan thrusted his core against mine, sending a delicious rapture through my veins. A moan escaped my lips, unable to contain the pleasure the stimulation of the friction made. I felt his erect member through the material of his jeans, pressing just against the right spot. "This is what you do to me, Amalia." His mouth started sucking and nibbling through my neck as he thrusted once again. I was incapable of suppressing the new whimper coming from my mouth.

I ran my hands along his chest to find the buttons of his shirt. After a long battle to find the damn thing, I started to unbutton the material, feeling the need to touch his bare skin. I made my way to the last one as Ethan claimed my lips once again. My hands reached the hem of his now open shirt, but I kept going until I felt the thick leather of his belt.

I unfastened his belt with shaky fingers as a loud groan left his lips. He lifted me by my bottom so now I was tangled around him higher, around his waist. The act made us get more balance as he started taking a few steps back and into the room. I took that time to take small bites on his neck, savoring the mouth-watering taste of his skin.

Before I could process anything, I was softly placed down to the floor, already craving for him to fulfill the void his touch had left. He took our disjunction as a chance to remove his shirt completely.

The lights were off, but I could still make out his sculpted figure as I took in his body. He was fucking perfect. I ran my hands through his torso, feeling his hard, warm, welcoming body against my fingertips. I traced my hands down and up his body till I reached his face. I snatched my eyes off his muscles to look up at him. His eyes were formidably dark, full of need. We both felt the same burning yearning, screaming to be freed, to be consumed.

I placed my lips against his, softly flavoring the mix of cigarettes and beer his mouth possessed.

His hands gripped my ass, trying to pull me closer. "You're too fucking dressed." He uttered against my lips. His hands found the hem of my shirt as he lifted it over my head and threw it somewhere in the room. Our lips connected again as he walked forward, making me take steps back, hitting the back of my knees against the end of the bed.

He placed me down in bed gently, crawling on top of me as he reached my hips. His fingers worked on my jeans as he unzipped them to roll them down my legs immediately after, leaving me in only my underwear.

He crawled back to bed to connect our lips. I couldn't get enough of him, his mouth was addicting, as well as his touch and everything related to him. His hands found my bare legs, caressing all his way up to my stomach, until he met my chest. His hand reached from under my back as in an expert move he unclasped my bra, we parted so I could get rid of the red lacy piece of clothing.

He stayed back for a few seconds, looking at me. Exposed under his stare, I couldn't help but feel self conscious. It was inevitable. He was a man, and I was just a girl. Although I've been with older guys before, this seemed different. He was different. I felt the need to try to fulfill his expectations, even though I knew he wasn't that type of person, he was better. So much better it made me feel more pressure.

"Sacrément parfaite." I looked up to meet his oceans full of adoration, making me melt into him. My need grew even stronger as the thuds coming from my heart started to rise. I was praying for his grace to take me over.

His mouth came down to meet my clavicle as one of his hands clasped my breast. I held back a cry as his mouth kept trailing kisses until it reached my un-attended one. He took my nipple on his mouth, biting and sucking, making my toes curl in pleasure.

His touch was professional, he was an expert. He was skinning me out, knowing exactly what he was doing, leaving no room for mistakes. It was like he had known my body better than I did. I felt completely worshiped by this man, like I was in some kind of lapsus, entering the gates of the Olympus. He kissed me everywhere, taking his time on each one of my breasts, tracing, savoring, nibbling, feeling every single inch of my body, he was trying to get to know me in as many ways as possible.

His mouth kept trailing wet kisses down my stomach as he reached the band of my panties. He took them between his teeth as he slowly pulled them down. I yelped in anticipation. His hands gripped my hips tightly as his tongue made its way up my inner thighs, until he reached the end, running his tongue along my entrance tortuously, taking his time by traveling along my inner thighs and higher back and forth.

"Please." I pleaded an unspoken wish in despair. We didn't need a language to say what we wanted from each other. I was done with the teasing, the fire in my loins became impossible to suppress.

One of his hands left my side and I soon heard the ruffling of a packet. I had no idea where he had gotten the condom from, but right now I could only be thankful.

He stood up to take off his jeans and boxers graciously, his hard erection springing free.

My breath hitched at the sight. He rolled the condom along his shaft as he looked at me. His stare held a question. He wanted to know if I was sure.

I was no virgin and my body was aching for his touch. There was no way in hell I would've stopped him.

My only response was to pull him by his arm until he was on top of me once again.

He positioned himself and in a slow motion, he entered me with a measured thrust just as his mouth came to meet mine. My legs instantly curled around him, trying to cut the distance between us. I whimpered under his body, enjoying the proximity of our bodies, the closest we could ever be.

I cried out as he pushed his body against mine with another thrust, squeezing the life out of me, I wasn't able to contain myself anymore. This was the definition of nirvana, I found myself never wanting to let go.

His hands traveled along every inch of my body as my nails scratched his back carelessly. His thrusts became stronger, changing the tempo accelerando, turning the volume of our muffled sounds up as he ripped the moans out of my chest. He tried suppressing them with his mouth, but it was almost impossible.

I felt the muscles of his back rippling under my touch and the tension built inside my stomach.

The crumbling need of release turned into a more prominent one as his thrusts became even stronger.

I threw my head back against the sheets as his mouth sucked on my neck, feeling the ecstasy that existed in the limits of our tension and the electrifying intensity of our bodies pressed together.

I felt him tensioning up inside of me as a thin sweat layer started to build amongst our bodies while his husky moans collided against my mouth as his pace grew stronger, hands holding me so tightly it sent pleasurable waves of pain as my hands kept scratching his back, probably leaving marks. The only thing audible were our muffled sounds and the crack of the headboard pushing against the wall as I felt I couldn't hold it any longer.

My orgasm crushed like a wave against the shore as I cried out Ethan's name, he soon added up, moaning mine in a curse.

I felt his muscles tensing up and relaxing back again as traces of his own orgasm started to fade. The man above me let his head fall to the crook of my neck. Our erratic breaths matched the atmosphere and in an exhausted movement, my hands reached out to stroke his damp hair.

I had only enough time to compose myself as he stood up from bed to take the latex material off his manhood and toss it in the trash before grabbing another silver foil.

"I'm not done with you, sweetheart." A smirk played on his lips as one of his hands ran through his messy hair. His eyes were now ten shades darker as he spoke once again. "Turn around."

* * *

I felt his exhilarating touch run up and down my back as sleep washed away from my body. I noticed the light crashing against my closed eyelids and I found myself invaded by his intoxicating smell, amongst which I recognized coffee.

A smile formed its way into my lips as memories from last night replayed in my mind.

I snapped my eyes open, before closing them again to adjust to the lightning.

I finally grasped my eyes to find Ethan sitting against the headboard holding a book. I recognized the coffee scent from his nightstand where there was a mug placed on it.

Focusing my stare back at him, I noticed he was only in his black Calvin Klein boxers, there were some drops falling from his hair, running through his shoulder, letting me know he had recently showered. He was also wearing those glasses of his, that made him look straight out from a science magazine.

I loved him in glasses, he somehow seemed even more intelligent than he already was.

He truly was an Adonis. I took my time to roam my eyes along his body, something I couldn't do properly last night since it was dark. It was obvious that he worked out, every muscle on his torso and arms was proudly defined. His skin was perfectly tanned, shining gracefully under the sunlight coming from the window.

I was faced by the sight before me. Thinking back to the first time I had seen him, this wasn't such a different Ethan -except back then he wasn't half naked on a bed with me by his side.

He was peacefully reading a book, being completely oblivious to the world around him, just like the first time my eyes landed on him. His fingertips kept tracing unrecognizable figures against my skin, and just like that day at the coffee shop, he felt my eyes burning on him as he looked back to meet my stare.

"Morning." He gave me one of his famous heart-melting smiles before closing his book and placing it back to the nightstand, laying down next to me.

"Hi." I answered, feeling suddenly coy. "What are you reading?" I snuggled to his side as his arms firmly wrapped around me.

"Neuro. I have a conference to give at nine." He answered, glancing down at me. "How did you sleep?" His question could be taken as something absurd, given how we hadn't actually gotten much of it.

"Good." I started tracing my fingers along his chest, feeling his hard muscles tense and relax under my touch. "You?"

"Wonderfully." His hand stroked my hair in soft movements for a few moments. We enjoyed the comfortable silence created amongst us as I kept playing with his scarce chest hair. After a little eternity, I felt his muscles tense in an attempt to move. "Come." He said sitting up, taking me with him.

"I ordered room service, and given the fact I was going to fancy you half an hour more of sleep, I think it's actually still warm." I stood up from bed, feeling how my stomach hurled at the mention of food.

I walked to the bathroom, taking his shirt from last night from the floor and putting it on. It was too big for me, but it smelled like him.

I entered the bathroom to take in my reflection in the mirror. I looked annoyingly content, my eyes full of life.

Ethan watched me as I buttoned the shirt around my body, smiling at my appearance, before reducing the space between us, closing his arms around me from behind and pecking my head softly. "Let's feed you."

* * *

Here ya go, I tried my best.
It was my first time writing anything sexual, so I hope it didn't disappoint you.

Let me know your thoughts in the comments!

Laters, babes! xx.

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