The Truth

By MaryWis92

999 106 109

At the age of sixteen Camil's parents died in a tragic unexplained car accident. This accident left her and h... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27.
Chapter 29.
Chapter 30.

Chapter 28.

9 1 1
By MaryWis92

Morning comes and I wake up in a great mood. It seems like birds are singing and I want to sing a song like a Disney princes in one of the movies. I giggle to myself.

What is wrong with me?

I get up and go straight in the bathroom. I brush my teeth, brush my hair and make a messy bun, I change in my sweatpants and tank top. I leave the room and head to the living room where Lexi and Bruce are drinking tea.

"Hey Bruce!" I greet him.

"Good morning Camil." He says back with his usual soft smile. "How do you feel?" He asks.

"A lot better, I did all as you told me." I reply and you this question doesn't annoy me.

Lexi smirks at me. She has this very mystery look on her face.

"I need to make a call, so I'll leave you." She informs us and takes her phone in the hand, dealing the number and she leaves the room.

"Alright, let's see." Bruce says.

He starts to examine me, it's nothing new to me already. Times passes by quickly, he is a very nice doctor, I mean he is very professional and friendly at the same time. As soon as he is done. He seats back on the couch near me, packing all his stuff in a bag.

"Well I Camil I can say now that you're feeling better, all your health indications are much better, but you still need to rest. Since today is Thursday you better rest until Sunday, you can go to work on Monday only if you're feeling good! still remember no stress, good sleep and don't forget to take medication I prescribed you. If you feel worse just call me!" Bruce says with a small smile.

"Alright, I'll give you  a call if anything." I smile back at him.

"Now if you'll excuse me I need to go." Bruce tells me standing up from the couch.

"Sure, I'll escort you." I reply getting up as well.

Standing in the hall we say our goodbyes and Bruce leaves. I close the door and go into the kitchen. I need to eat something I need my food.

Lexi talks on her phone in the kitchen and only by her face I know that it's Daren on the line. It makes me smile. I know both of them deserve happiness and it's only them who can make it real for each other.

I make some toast and pour some tea, since I can't drink coffee for a while, I drink green tea which I love.

I put toasts with chess as well as  tea for me and coffee for Lexi on the table. I let her know that breakfast is ready, but she is too engaged in conversation that she doesn't hear me. Well I'm too hungry to wait for her. She won't mind anyways. As soon as I bite the toast and my mouth is full of these delicious food my phone starts to ring...of course it will be ringing when I have a full mouth. I quickly chew and pick up.

"Morning Love." I hear his voice and shiver goes down my spine.

"Morning." I great him with a wide smile on my face

"I just talked to Bruce, he told me he came to check on you." Theo says softly.

"Yeah, he left ten minutes ago."

"I see, so what do you say if I'll pick you up at two and we will go for a lunch? Of course if you feel better." He says and butterflies erupts in my stomach, of course I want to go with him. I'm to exited right now.

Camil you need to calm down I tell to myself.

"I'd love to." I reply shyly.

"Good, then I'll see you soon."

"Yeah see you at two." I reply awkwardly, not knowing what else to say, but I just want to talk to him a little bit.

"And Cami..." He interrupts my thoughts.


"I can't wait..." He murmurs and almost kills me with this statement. I feel like my cheeks become red and I know I'm blushing right now, but he can't see it and I guess it's a good thing.

I end the call and inhale deeply. It's only ten in the morning and I already can't wait, I need to engage myself with something and I decide to call Ben and check how is thing at work. I take my phone and deal his number.

"Hey Ben!" I greet him.

"Hey Cam! It's nice to hear you! How do you feel?" He replies with this joyful voice full  and I smile. He is always so positive and smiling. That's a great thing.

"I feel much more better, actually my doc told me that I can start work on Monday!"

"That's great news. Are you sure? Maybe you need more days to rest?!" Ben seems concerned.

"No I really want to start to work on that project,I can't wait and I feel much more better." I reply, trying to persuade him.

"Ok then, but if you start to feel worser you will tell me and without a word you'll go home and rest!" He says in a strict voice, but he fails.

"Alright, alright. I got it. So tell me what's new?"

"Nothing much, actually it's a bit boring here without you and Raley always keeps asking me about you which is kind of funny." Ben says with a small laugh.

"And what exactly he asks you?" I ask him.

"Well he asked about your condition and when are you going to be back at work. He looked very concerned..." Ben replies.

"Ok....that's...." I inhale, I don't know what to add to this. Raley behave very weird lately and I'm sure I don't like it.

"Alright I'm not going to ask...Anyways Cam I need to go now it seems like we have a meeting in five and need to be there. I'll speak to you soon." Ben says simply.

"Alright, Bye Ben." I hung up.

Well what am I suppose to do for the next few I take my laptops and decide to look through all my projects and I find one, it isn't finished. Well I actually couldn't finish it. I inhale deeply looking at the screen. It's a project of the house, my perfect house, but I couldn't finish it. I started it when I met Raley and as you can guess I stoped my work on it as soon as I found him with that girl.

I look at it and now I have no desire to work at all. Now my mood isn't that good and I starts to think about everything that happened with me and ask myself if I do the right thing.

A thought about Theo appears in my mind and I can't help but smile. It seems like I always do so when he is near me or I think about him.

But what do I know about him? I have no idea what he does for a living, where he lives. I basically know nothing about him, other than his name. Only a name, not even his last name.
What a fool am I for thinking about a man that I don't even know? For liking him?

I guess this is the very first time I admit it to myself. I like him and from here there are thousands of buts and what's if in my head...

I let this dark thought in my mind, I always do so...I can't help it I always wait for something bad to happen, but today something is different, I know Theo isn't like Raley, somehow I know it.

This is tearing me inside. I don't know...I just don't know...maybe I shouldn't get involved with him...because I know exactly how it'll ends...

Sound of my phone brings me back. I pick it up and look at the screen. J's name appears on the screen and i don't think that right now I want to talk to him, so I just put the phone back at the table.

"Who's that?" Lexi asks me. I don't reply and look at the screen once again. She approaches me and takes my phone. She narrows her eyes and answers the call.

"Hey J...yeah she is resting...yeah sure...I'll tell her...Bye." The conversation is short. Lexi puts my phone on the table. I just stare her.

"Mind to explain." She tells me. I inhale deeply and look away.

"You know I have a plenty of time." Lexi says and seats next to me.

"I just don't want to talk to him right now." I answer her and put my hands on my face, covering it with my palms.

I don't recognize my own voice.

"Cam...what's going on?" Lexi asks me, her voice is worried.

"I don't know Lexi, I just don't know..." I reply on a whisper. She looks at me, trying to figure out what's wrong, but she doesn't ask and just waits.

"Theo called me this morning and asked me if I wanted to have lunch with him..." I tell her.

"That's great, since you like him..." She replies, but I interrupt her.

"Yeah...and I really want to go, but..." I stop talking. Lexi is staring at me for a moment then she speaks.

"I know you are afraid Cam and you have every right to be... considering everything that happened to you...and with Raley, but you know...for a very long time you liked someone...and it seems like he likes you too...of course you can't be sure about anything and I guess right now you are thinking about all the bad scenarios in your head, but what if it's going to end up in a good way...I know you have your doubts and fears, I know that it isn't easy for you to let people in, but just give it a try...I have this feeling that he will make you happy...and I know that you know it too...we live only once, you know how they say it's better to do and regret then regret the need to live your life with all your mistakes and fails..." Lexi says with a soft smile and it makes me smile. She always know what's going on with my mind. She is a mind reader I'm telling you.

Maybe she is right.

"Alright when is he picking you up?" She asks.

"At two." I reply with a small smile.

"Well it's plenty of time before you go, so we can watch a movie."

"That sounds great."

So we watch a movie which is now our favorite thing to do, especially since she study in another college. I love to spend our time like this. Soon she'll go back home which means no more movies together for a long time, it makes me a bit sad.

Time flies by incredibly quickly and it's already two o'clock. I stand in the hall and look at myself in the mirror. Well I actually look good, I think so....wearing skinny jeans, olive shirt, leather jacket and my favorite white sneakers. I decided on nothing fancy today. I put my phone in my pocket, take my bag and leave the flat.

As soon as I step out from my apartment complex I see Theo. He is leaning on his car, wearing a dark blue suit. His eyes are covered with sunglasses. He sees me and smiles, it seems like as soon as I see his smile all my doubts are vanishing. What is he doing to me?

I come closer to him, he puts of his glasses and before I could say anything his hands wrap around my waist, pulling me closer to him and his lips crushes on mine. He kisses me slowly, his mouth demanding against mine. It's so unexpected, but I don't mind at all.

After a moment Theo's lips leave mine, he touches his forehead with mine and we look at each other.

"Hey." He whispers.

"Hey." I whisper back.

It seems like on this moment there is no doubts to me. It's like I have all my answers just looking in his ocean blue eyes, full of unspoken promises.

"Shall we?" Theo asks me pulling away from me, opening the car door for me.

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