Short Stories

By SoulOfWoes

39.1K 1.1K 689

Hey so I made this book because I have a lot of story ideas but I don't have books for them and don't want to... More

Hello Everyone!
Crossmare -Angst/Fluff-
Just Some Cute Kustard Pictures To Make Up For The Angst
DustBerry -Fluff-
DustBerry -Bounded Part Two-
Just a Story Cover for Someone :P
(Idk What The Ship Is But The Comic Was Cute) RottenBerry(?)
Rest Of The Comic
Screats Is Now Out!
Crossmare -I Call It Snuggle Season-
Poth -Sick-
Random Story Idea
Requests Plz
Reaper X Error (DestructiveDeath)
A Sweet Little Thought (LustBerry)
I'm Sorry... (FirstStar)
๐Ÿ’ŠToxic Love II๐Ÿ’‰ (ErrInk)
Small A/N
Just Somethung I found
Secret Love (Error x Sci)
"You Missed" (Error x Dream)
Your Perfect Just The Way You Are [Killmare]
A Red String [Errormare]
Important Read This [Trigger Warning]
Sweetheart [Little Short Story Idea Thing]
Always Remember [ErrorBerry]
Something For My Best Friend.
Small Sneak Peak At The New Book Coming Out Soon
Error x Ink -Sweet Love-
Snow Day Fun -ErrorFresh-
A Sweet Little Though -LustBerry Rewrite-

๐Ÿ’ŠToxic Love๐Ÿ’‰ (ErrInk)

1.7K 43 56
By SoulOfWoes

Ya, So I read this book called Abuse by


I thought it was a great book to be quite honest and I think you should go check it out!






The Anit-Void was quite a single black bones skeleton sat alone in the blinding white of his eternal prison. The black boned skeleton held his stitched up SOUL in his hands glaring softly at it. As of late Error had been experiencing...emotions...that he had found himself to be rather...unconfrutable with. He shoved his SOUL back into his chest carelessly, it wasn't like he could die anyways so what's the point. A moments silence passed before Error stood up the dreadful silence of the Anit-Void disturbed by his movement on shuffling of clothing that clung onto his fragile bones. Error swiped his hand through the air a portal to UnderSwap appearing before him a small smile made its way on to Error's face at the sight of the AU. His best friend called this AU home and that certain skeleton was nicknamed Blue. In Error's eyes, he's the only one that really understood him besides Lust at times. Error walked through the portal only to be tackled into a tight hug. Error glitched at the sudden contact without warning the person that had hugged him quickly let go sputtering out an apology. "E-Error?! I a-am so s-sorry!" the small skeleton cried his pale blue eye lights looking up at him with worry. The glitching soon died down, Error looked at the skeleton that was almost taller than him by a centimeter. "It'S 0k bLue." Error's voice glitched a bit before that to calmed down. The small blue-clad skeleton smiled up at Error. "Where have you been? It's been forever!" Blue cheered back to his normal innocent, happy demeanor. Error chuckled his voice only glitching softly at times "S0rry Blue, I'vE beeN buSy." Blue nodded in quick understanding "Do you want to go to another AU? You know my brother will get mad if he sees your here...or anywhere near me for that matter..." Blue whispered the last part but Error heard it clear as day. The glitchy skeleton nodded "Ya I hAve s0me quEstiOns to asK you AnywaYs." Blue nodded happily and watched as Error opened another portal to FlowerFell. Blue only like the place for the flowers otherwise everything just seemed so sad.

Error stepped through bring Blue with him before quickly closing the portal behind him. "So what did you want to ask me Error?" Blue asked in curiosity a smile plastered to his bright face. Error couldn't help but notice hoe Blue's pearl white bones seems slightly damaged, when they normally seemed to be rather untouched by any evil. Error gritted his teeth, he was the one that was supposed to take the beatings for him yet...Blue glanced down following Error's line of sight to his bruised up arm. The forever happy skeleton backed away slightly his smile dropping as he covered his arm. Before he could say anything or even move he was engulfed in a hug by his glitchy friend. Blue sighed and hugged back "I'm s0rry..." Error breathed getting a small hum of acceptance from Blue. "It's ok Error. It isn't your fault..." Blue susurrate back his face scrunched up to avoid crying. Error slowly let go of Blue and moved to sit down on the small patch of flowers "Dust w0n't be HappY." Error joked Blue stifled a laugh as he smiled weakly at Error. "I know. That's why I've been avoiding...just until the next timeline." Blue muttered his downcast attitude getting to Error slowly. Error gave Blue a smile before he tackled the slightly taller skeleton into a hug making Blue yip in surprise at the sudden action. Blue groaned as Error let out a glitched laugh "Why do you only act like this around me? You're going to make Lust jealous!" Blue yelled out dramatically making Error snicker. Blue sighed before sitting up making the short glitchy skeleton slide off of him "I kn0w, I kn0w." Error sighed, "So, what did you want to ask me?" Blue questioned looking at Error with his head tilted to the side. Error looked off into the distance before looking down at the uniquely colored buttercups. Blue waited in silence for Error to speak the glitchy skeleton hugged himself. "...I've beEn...gEttinG theSe...feeLingS." Blue rose a bone brow in confusion. "What kind of feelings?" Blue asked softly, he knew all too well that Error didn't deal with emotions very well. The glitching skeleton rather he didn't feel at all and most times...he would rather forget everything. "ThEse bUbbLy...S0UL liFting oNes...aR0uNd iNk spEciFicalLy." the glitch explained his SOUL fluttered at just the mention of his name. Blue's eye lights lit up as he hugged Error cooing in response. "Awwww! You're in love Error!" Blue teased making Error blush a bright yellow "I-In l0Ve!?" Error stammered his eyes wide in shock Blue nodded quickly. "Ya! Those feelings you've been experiencing, that's love!" Blue cheered, Error sighed his blush dying down "I sEe." he muttered looking back to the beautifully color buttercups that decorated the ground. Error plucked a flower twirling it around within the hold of his fingers. He couldn't help but get a bad feeling about this...


How long has it been...a month maybe? Error doesn't know but what he does know is that after he talked with Ink. The artistic skeleton has become rather's unnerving how nice he is now. Error sat in the blinding white of his Anit-Void he jumped as the silence of the Anit-Void was broken "Glitchy~!" a voice called out accompanied with quick footsteps. Error quickly turned around his non-existent stomach twisting up at the thought of Ink being here AGAIN. Despite how Error felt he graced Ink with a smile "HeY iNk." anger flashed in the eyes of the artistic skeleton but only for a moment. Error tilted his head only catching a glimpse of that in which he quickly brushed it off. Ink slowed his pace and walked over to Error kneeling down to the short skeleton. "I wanted to tell you something." confusion swarmed Error's features as he waited for Ink to talk the knot in Error's stomach grew the feeling of anxiety taking over his SOUL slowly. Ink smiled it held no ill intent but Error couldn't help but get the feeling he was planning something "Look Error...I really like you...I know it's soon to be saying something like that, but I wanted to let you you."Error froze his eyes widening as blush overtook his face. The feeling of anxiety leaving along with everything else being replaced by the flutter in SOUL a small smile graced Error's face

"I l0vE you Too."

The taller artistic skeleton smiled a rainbow blush coating his face he cupped Errors cheek leaning in and kissing him softly. Error glitched for a bit before it died down he soon melted into the kiss all his negative thoughts and feelings fading away and the kiss continued. Ink soon broke away and rested his forehead on Error's he closed his eyes not saying a word. Error, on the other hand, felt breathless his eyes locked on the artist in front of him clearly lovestruck. Ink laughed feeling Error's gaze on him making the smaller blush and look away "I love you" Ink repeated. Error let out a breathless giggle he smiled at the taller "I l0vE yoU to InKy." Error whispered in a soft tone


Six months. That's how long Ink and Error have been dating now. Ink had become slightly cling and in turn, so has Error, Ink being the first one he's ever been in a relationship with. Error sat in a small clearing in a forest with Ink at his side. Ink had invited him to go out with him for today Error cuddled into Ink's side, Ink wrapping his arm around the smaller in response. Error hummed happily as Ink slowly pet his skull a small wicked grin making it's way on to his skull. It however quickly faded when Error looked up at him. Ink slowly sat up bring Error up with him "Error..." Ink asked with a bit of a nervous tone as he pulled at his scarf slightly as if he was hot. Error tilted his head in confusion a small smile on his face as he looked at his lover. "Y-you know I l-love you right?" Ink studdered Error giggled in response raising a bone brow "YeS, I l0vE y0U t00!" Error said happily. Ink smiled at that "W-well--" In paused getting on one knee a bright smile on his face "I-in that case...will you m-marry me?" Ink asked softly Error's eyes widened tears coming to his eyes. This of course was rather fast for a relationship and Ink knew that but he also was all too well aware of how Error had nothing to base a relationship off of. He wouldn't have to worry about him saying no he has Error right where he wants him. Error smiled and hugged Ink tightly "YeS!" Error cried as he laughed overwhelmed by happiness. Ink hugged back before pulling away and sliding the ring onto his finger smiling softly at this. Error's smiled widened as he hugged Ink again the feeling of his arms wrapping around him gave him a sense of security and warmth. Error couldn't be happier right now, everything was turning for the better his SOUL swelled with happiness and warmth. Everything was so perfect it was almost like a fairy tale.


A year. A whole year was said to have passed, Error sat in the floor of his and Ink's living room...what had happened everything changed at the drop of a dime. Error overtime grew weak having not used his magic for so long...can he even use magic anymore?...had a year really passed?... Error whimpered as he heard the front door open the dreadful sound of footsteps seemed to thunder in Error's ears. Fear filled his SOUL as he waited for Ink to walk into the room his future husband. Could Error even call him that anymore? It wasn't like he was doing anything bad besides not allowing him to leave the house..."Glitchy~!" The awful sound of his voice rang through the air bouncing off the barren walls of the house making it sound louder than it actually was. Error slowly rose from the floor and walked into the hall leading to the front door. "InKy!" Error greeted happily. Maybe it was all just the trick of his mind? Maybe Ink was just trying to protect him...nothing wrong with that. This is normal...normal...Ink hugged Error rather tightly cooing happily "Hello my sweet little skele! How are you?" Ink asked softly Error smiled...ya just the trick of his mind..."I'm g00D iNky! h0W aRe y0U?" Error asked softly for a moment he could have sworn he saw a flash of annoyance cross Ink's face but it was quickly replaced with a bright smile...trick of the mind..."I'm great my lovely! Actually, I have a surprise for you!" Ink cooed once more Error smiled back letting Ink take the lead as he future husband lead him upstairs. Ink brought Error into a small room and pinned him against the wall and kissed Error roughly. Error gasped and Ink took this chance to force his tongue into Error's mouth. Error wiggled around trying to back away from the sudden kiss he wasn't ready for this kind of act. This level of treatment. Ink, however, paid no mind to it and continued before pulling away "Sorry Glitchy." Ink panted Error sighed and nodded not saying a word. Ink hugged Error...Just the trick of his mind...


The slamming of a door echoed throughout the house "ERROR OPEN THIS DOOR!" anger shouts came from the other side of the door. Error had locked himself inside of their room and curled up in a corner whimpering a red boney handprint on his cheek. Tears fell from his eyes the pounding on the door only got louder by the second. Error's eyes widened as a fist flew through the door "DAMMIT ERROR! YOU PIECE OF LOW LIFE TRASH!" Ink roared. Error pressed himself against the wall desperately trying to put as much distance as he could between him and Ink. The door then flew off its hinges crashing into the wall with a loud 'THUD' Error yelped and whimpered curling in on himself as Ink got closer and closer to him. "I'm going to have to teach you a lesson Error." Ink seethed as he kneeled down in front of Error grabbing his neck. Error choked out a sob as he clawed at Error's hand "I-InK plEasE!" Error cried out Ink growled tightening his grip on Error's neck make the smaller gasp for air. Ink chuckled and forced Error's face closer to his "Will you behave?" Ink sneered making Error shiver but he quickly nodded Ink letting go of him in response. Error coughed harshly, gasping for the air his lungs craved so much. Ink scoffed kicking Error who winced "Who would have thought, the destroyer worlds reduced to THIS." Ink chuckled darkly. Error wept coughing "iNk..." Error whispered Ink growled and stomped on his rib cage "Don't speak, and you will address me as master! Do. You. Understand?" Ink growled grinding his foot into Error's ribs making the smaller cry out in pain "YEs! YeS, I uNDERsTAND!" Error yelled trying to get away from Ink. The creative skeleton smiled darkly removing his foot from Error's ribs. "Good~" he cooed evilly picking up the poor glitchy skeleton and tossing him on the bed soon joining him his arms wrapping around him tightly. The imaginative skeleton placed a soft kiss on the smaller's neck. Error shivered at the feeling wiggling away from Ink as best as he could. Ink growled at this pulling Error closer to him gripping his arm tightly the bone splintering under the pressure making Error scream "StOP!" he cried out frantically trying to get away.

Ink pushed Error into the bed climbing on top of him making Error wither in fear. Ink glared down at the black-boned skeleton tightening his grip on Error's arm to which he cried out in pain tears staining his cheeks. Ink leaned down and bit into Error's neck making sure he got the metallic taste of blood before he pulled away. Error just cried his body shaking and his eyes closed tightly. Ink smirked taking advantage of that as he moved down too his pants ignoring the blood that stained on the bed from his now broken arm. With one swift movement Error's pants were off and into the floor the smaller's eyes shot open in fear. Ink chuckled as Error than began to thrash around. Ink just sat on top of him waiting from Error to tire himself out. It didn't take long for Error to slow as he panted. Ink then continued with what he was doing. Ink grabbed the hem of Error's shirt and pulled it off quickly. He forced Error to stay still while he used his shirt as a blindfold. He would have to get something for that later. Ink looked down at Error's body her growled seductively at was he saw. His cheeks tinted a dark rainbow color.

The room was filled with pained screams from Error and moans of Ink's pleasure the snapping of bones could sometimes be heard as Ink continued to take Error's virginity without mercy even as the small god called, screamed, begged for help. Nobody came. The screams slowly died down along with the moans. The room grew quite the sounds of whispers and pants could be heard. Sobbing was soon heard but no words were shared from the glitchy god as he just cried. Ink soon left the room a satisfied smile on his face as he walked to the bathroom to take a shower.


Error curled up in the bed the sticky rainbow color liquid covered his legs and stained the bed sheets below mixing with the blood. Error cried hugging himself as the cold air hit his bones. Error looked at the wall blankly all the life he had in his eyes was now gone. He felt so violated so...dirty...Error clawed at his bones as he cried he didn't feel safe, he didn't dare close his eyes and if he did he would always end up panicking. He had torn off his shirt that acted as a blindfold to scared of not being able to see. Error curled up in the blanket and waited to wither away. He SOUL felt as though it was crumbling. God how he wishes he could just curl up and die, he should've known

This was not just the trick of his mind.

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