Ocean Dreams

By silverlineage

12.4K 312 91

A merman is enthralled with the life of humans. A human girl is always drawn to the ocean. When their paths c... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 1

1.1K 17 6
By silverlineage

It was a warm, late spring night in the Caribbean Sea. Fishing went well, as it should have, but it was getting harder to find larger fish. Most have either moved on, or went deeper into hiding. The dolphins that assisted with the hunt were also concerned, but they've seen this before. The food would return, it just wouldn't happen until the turn of the year. It was either that, or they follow the food. Sometimes that happened. Tourists tended to let them stay longer with the promise of free fish. But, for their allies, most of the hunting would need to be done in deeper waters again, if they stayed with the dolphins. Squid was nice, but it was far too slippery to eat at times. Tuna would need to be found soon to meet the demands.

A scout was already sent out to search. Other pods that didn't consist of dolphins were looking, too. To take out such large fish required cooperation. A shared feast would be done, and the spoils of it would be split evenly. Such was how it worked with the Merfolk. If the dolphins helped them, they got a share in the spoils, too.

There was also another reason that the dolphins were closely in tune with the Merfolk. They had an uncanny ability to foretell future events. It was widely known how a dolphin could predict the merest outcome of a storm or a future hunt. But, the dolphins were showing signs that something was coming. That something of intense magnitude was getting ready to appear. As to what it was, they wouldn't say. They would only make suggestions for the Merfolk to remain patient. That it would happen in time.

There was one Merfolk pod that had gained their attention. Already, plans were made to safeguard the pod. It was, actually, one member of the pod that would prove the importance of what they foresaw. Not only was everything centered around this one particular Merfolk male, but the entire future of the Merfolk race would benefit from him. He was carefully safeguarded his whole life in secret. The time was coming for him to finally show why he was so important.

As it was, he was showing much promise to his rather large pod, as a whole. In human years, he was in his early twenties. In another month, he would be old enough to help with the more advanced hunting. As much as they wanted him to hunt now with his unique vocal attack, he had to wait until the proper time. It was the same as any other. He was already old enough to claim a mate, though. He simply couldn't find the right one. Until then, he had to remain to help the pod. There were a couple newborns with mothers now. There were a few older Merfolk in the pod that couldn't swim as fast as the younger ones, too, and this included the pod Elder, their leader. He had to help guide them to safety.

His matriarch and sire were both proud of him. There were other offspring, but it was this one that always impressed them. He was the oldest of their brood. They knew that he would be wanting a mate of his own, and they wanted him to get a mate, too. It was getting close to the time that, if he didn't find one soon, he would be sent off alone to find one. Their offspring was turning into a skilled hunter. He was one of the fastest swimmers. He was showing much promise to them. The last thing they wanted was for him to be forced out of the pod.

They were only concerned that none of the females they encountered seemed to appeal to him. Every full moon, any surrounding Merfolk pods gathered together to swim, dance, and court. Mating tended to happen then, too, but he just watched from afar. There was no need for him to get close. It wasn't that he was unappealing at all. He was quite attractive to the opposite sex. He just felt that he was waiting for someone. That he would find her in time.

There was a female that showed some interest and tried to force an advance on him, but he shied from her. She wasn't right to him. She was very pretty, but there was something wrong with her. He always seemed to find something wrong with every possible female. He wanted a female, but he was waiting instinctively. It made no sense to the others of his pod. None of them had ever seen this behavior before. His Elder did recall this happening to a rare few, but it was very uncommon. He was just as concerned as the rest of the pod, but he kept quiet. He knew the dolphins were watching everything, too. If they showed concern, he would take action. For now, he simply observed.

"Kilnak, you need to choose a mate," his matriarch frowned.

"None fit me here," he frowned back. Their language was compromised of rich sound and soft clicks. The small bumps on their foreheads before the elongated skull ridge was actually a fatty tissue that helped to resonate sound and receive sonar information. His matriarch ran her tail over his with a show of motherly affection. The slightly thick layer of blubber under their blue, hairless skin kept them warm. The darker mottling pattern on their backs helped to camouflage them from the sun, and it helped them blend into the ocean floor. Their lighter underbellies helped reflect the light downwards to make them practically invisible to any predators seeking an easy meal from above.

He rested a webbed hand on her shoulder with a grim look. Her large, dark, blue-black eyes sought his with concern. If he didn't find a mate, he would be known as a Lone Wanderer. She didn't want that of her offspring. It was hard enough being of the Merfolk, as it was. His sire came over now to show that he was upset with him. All of them had long, lithe upper torsos for maximum swimming speed. Their chests lacked nipples where they should be. Only small nubs were there to show what they used to have before, but the females had them slightly more developed for nursing their newborns. They were completely hairless for even faster swimming conditions. The males did have the broader shoulders to show they were experts with spears and swimming. The females were a touch more slender, but both sides held themselves gracefully when they swam.

"The moon rises again tonight. It is not yet solid. We are to hunt. You will stay here. We may have to swim deeper again. You know how to warn us, if danger appears," his sire said to him sternly.

"Yes," Kilnak nodded. Stingray stingers were harvested expertly, and long shafts of coral were broken and chiseled down. Strong ropes of seaweed were now used to bind both barb and lance together to make a frightful spear. It always worked well from their ancient history and never failed. It was time to hunt. Kilnak watched the stronger warriors of his pod leave with the more capable dolphin pod that accompanied them. Every Merfolk pod had a dolphin pod alliance. They all worked together in the hunt. There was one dolphin that stayed behind, and this one was his best friend.

"You no hunt?" the dolphin asked. A webbed hand was placed on the dolphin's head, as a gesture for friendship. "They say you no hunt?"

"Once again, I am to protect the pod. I don't see why," he frowned. "I still choose no mate."

"Still? You need mate! Mate is good! You know this!" the dolphin clicked.

"No mate calls to me."

"That says much," the dolphin squealed. "Land Dwellers come again. Feed me fish. Very good! They come again, soon. My pod will play. Get fish. All fun!"

"Tell me about the Land Dwellers? You always say something. Then you stop," he said with a frown. He was always curious about the ones that lived on land. For some reason, he felt that he wanted to know about them. To see if he could always learn more. As much as his pod frowned on it, it was something that always fascinated him. He really wanted to know as much as he could about them.

"Why you interested in them? You always interested! Can't swim fast. Always need breath. Very smart. They hunt with hooks. Not with tails. They use nets. Traps, too. Can hurt us. Can hurt you."

"I want to see one up close," he admitted.

"Is dangerous! You know this!" the dolphin squeaked. "Why?"

"I want to know more about them."

"Hmm. Okay. You helped me. I help you."

"You will?!" Kilnak asked with excitement. He knew he helped his friend heal from a shark attack when they were younger. It was how they both became such good friends. "How?"

"Land Dwellers come soon. Every seven moons to see fish. And to catch fish. Again, they come. Near that time. I will see how close is too close. How far is too far. If can't see me, you be safe. If too close, too dangerous. If too far, can't see Land Dwellers. They are used to my kind. My pod. They don't know your pod. Do as I say. Be safe."

"I understand!" he nodded. They both rose up to the surface to replenish their air supply. After that, Kilnak swam back to help his pod. As he swam off with his companion, a few lingering dolphins watched with a knowing gaze. What they foresaw would come to pass. They would do the one thing that always served them well. They would wait patiently in the sidelines and aid when needed.

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