Someone Like You (BoyxBoy)

By live2laugh4life

21.7K 510 92


chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
chapter Ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen

chapter six

1.3K 36 5
By live2laugh4life

sorry It took so long for me to update, first I was just to lazy to wright, and know we are driving to las Vegas... from new york but I will be typing in the car more.

Ok my little skittle monsters don't forget to vote and coment, and on with the storry!

Gabe’s POV


            My wolf was still whimpering from when he say James cry, I felt like kicking myself I can’t even believe he thought I was playing with his emotions. Well it made since, just earlier that day I was with Jess. And know that we have aware feelings established for each other, he might be moving. I started getting a headache from thinking too much, I needed a run. I waked a little farther till was at the heart of the forest. The pack house wasn’t till the end of town, so I had a good forty minutes to run by my self. I took my close off and shifted. I felt my bones snap and pop into place, it still heart pretty bad since I just shifted about a year ago. I picked my close up in my mouth and started to run. I felt amazing and I let my wolf take over, the only sound was my paws hitting the ground and I felt the wind hit my face.

            I saw a dim glow in front of me and the pack house came into view. I shifted back and changed into my close. Its not that I’m self-conches in front of the pack its just I know Jess with smell me and I don’t need her mined fucking me. I waked inside and was talked by my best friend Meg.

“ Were have you bin all day, I had to hang out with Jess wile she chose her outfit for tomorrow. She said she needed an outfit to win you back.”

The only awkward thing about nine and Meg’s friendship was that she was cousins with Jess, but it was cool she hated her, she doesn’t know that I was gay though but I was going to tell her, she needed to know why I broke up with Jess. 

“I was out with my ma- friends from school, we went out after football practice.”

“don’t think I didn’t her that, you almost said mate! That’s why you broke up with Jess, what’s her name I need to meat her like, now!” She squealed and started jumping up and down, she grabbed my hand and started dragging me to the door.

“Wait!” I said, digging my heals into the ground.

“What, I need to meat her I want to know what she looks like is she small, fat, skinny, does she have brown hair, or maybe re-“ I cut her off my clamping my hand over her mouth.

            “Take it easy will you, just come up stairs with my and I will tell you everything ok?” I said.

“Ok” we started going upstairs and into my room. I locked the door behind us, the great thing about my room was that it was sound proof to humans and werewolves, so we didn’t have to whisper when I told her.

“Ok, spill, every last detail know” She said while flopping down on my bed.

“Ok well my mate is small about 5’2, pail, blond hair and big light green eyes.” I listed of feeling a smile on my face wile describing James, god he was beautiful.

“She sounds beautiful, I can’t wait to meat her.” She said a big smile spreading on her face.

“oh yea my mate is kind of a… a dude.” I said my voce shrinking with every word.

“Your mates a guy! That’s crazy, and totally hot! Fuck I need to take a pic of the two of you kissing, this is crazy know I need to meat him!” She screamed jumping up, she started jumping around my room and screaming like a crazy person.

“You can’t tell anybody though, I could get kicked out of the pack, and the only other person that knows is Jules, not my parents not anyone.”

“Don’t worry my lips are sealed, I’m your beta the last thing I need is you getting kicked out of the pack, but that doesn’t mean I’m not going to be fan girl over this and I need to talk to Jules so we can fan girl together.”  She said with this huge grin on her face while she left my room and skipped into her own. I sighed and stripped into my boxers and plopped down on my bed. Well know Meg new my mate was James. Know all I need to do was tell James he was my mate.

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