Total Drama Island: Return To...

By TommyMckeehen

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A new generation of twenty teenagers arrive at a newly refounded Camp Wawanakwa to compete on a reality telev... More

Episode 1: Back To Basics- Introduction
Episode 1: Back To Basics- First Challenge Pt.1
Episode 1: Back To Basics- First Challenge Pt.2
Episode 1: Back To Basics- Downtime/Elimination
Episode 2: Smashed In- Nighttime/Waking Up
Episode 2: Smashed In-Immunity Challenge
Episode 2: Smashed In- Downtime/Elimination
Episode 3: The Power of Love- Nighttime/Breakfast
Episode 3: The Power of Love- Immunity Challenge Pt.1
Episode 3: The Power of Love- Immunity Challenge Pt.2
Episode 4: Music Madness- Nighttime/Breakfast
Episode 4: Music Madness- Immunity Challenge Pt.1
Episode 4: Music Madness- Immunity Challenge Pt.2
Episode 4: Music Madness- Immunity Challenge Pt.3
Episode 4: Music Madness- Downtime/Elimination
Episode 5: Unique Strengths- Nighttime/Breakfast
Episode 5: Unique Strengths- Immunity Challenge
Episode 5: Unique Strengths- Downtime/Elimination
Episode 6: Water We Doing?- Nighttime/Breakfast
Episode 6: Water We Doing?- Immunity Challenge
Episode 6: Water We Doing?- Downtime/Elimination
Episode 7: They're Coco-Nuts!- Nighttime/Breakfast
Episode 7: They're Coco-Nuts!-Immunity Challenge
Episode 7: They're Coco-Nuts!- Downtime/Elimination
Episode 8: The Tables Have Turned- Nighttime/Breakfast
Episode 8: The Tables Have Turned- Immunity Challenge
Episode 8: The Tables Have Turned- Deliberation/Elimination
Episode 9: Blinded By Love- Nighttime/Breakfast
Episode 9: Blinded By Love- Immunity Challenge
Episode 9: Blinded By Love- Downtime/Elimination
Episode 10: Battle Between Worlds- Nighttime/Breakfast
Episode 10: Battle Between Worlds- Immunity Challenge
Episode 10: Battle Between Worlds- Downtime/Elimination
Episode 11: Not My Cup of Tea- Nighttime/Breakfast
Episode 11: Not My Cup of Tea- Immunity Challenge
Episode 11: Not My Cup of Tea- Downtime/Elimination
Episode 12: Love Is In The Air- Nighttime/Breakfast
Episode 12: Love Is In The Air- Immunity Challenge
Episode 12: Love Is In The Air- Downtime/Elimination
Episode 13: Serving Big Plays- Nighttime/Breakfast
Episode 13: Serving Big Plays- Immunity Challenge
Episode 13: Serving Big Plays- Downtime/Elimination
Episode 14: Splitting Manipulation- Nighttime/Breakfast
Episode 14: Splitting Manipulation- Immunity Challenge
Episode 14: Splitting Manipulation- Downtime/Elimination
Episode 15: The Hopeful & The Heartbroken- Nighttime/Breakfast
Episode 15: The Hopeful & The Heartbroken- Immunity Challenge
Episode 15: The Hopeful & The Heartbroken- Downtime/Elimination
Episode 16: Swamped With Decisions- Nighttime/Breakfast
Episode 16: Swamped With Decisions- Immunity Challenge
Episode 17: Stairway to Hell- Nighttime/Morning
Episode 17: Stairway to Hell- Immunity Challenge
Episode 17: Stairway to Hell- Downtime/Elimination
Episode 18: A Half-Hearted Farewell- Nighttime/Morning
Episode 18: A Half-Hearted Farewell- Immunity Challenge
Episode 18: A Half-Hearted Farewell- Downtime/Elimination
Episode 19: The Final Countdown- Nighttime/Breakfast
Episode 19: The Final Countdown- Final Challenge Pt.1
Episode 19: The Final Countdown- Final Challenge Pt.2
TDI:RtW- Secrets of the Season

Episode 16: Swamped With Decisions- Downtime/Elimination

62 1 15
By TommyMckeehen

"Welcome back to Total Drama Island: Return to Wawanakwa!" Chris welcomed, "Before the break, Amalia fought her way to another immunity win, and that earned her a ride to a secret location. With the elimination ceremony coming up fast, who knows what'll happen next?"


With that narration, the cameras panned in on Chef Hatchet carrying Amalia through the woods. Judging by the surroundings, Amalia could tell that she was clearly on the main island again, but Chef Hatchet refused to tell her where she was going. That left her screaming and struggling to get free as Chef Hatchet carried her into a beige tent and threw her onto a sofa.

"What the-what's this?" Amalia asked as she looked all around her.

"Just stay here until Chris tells you that you can leave!" Chef Hatchet ordered before replacing the flap of the tent.

After recovering from the impact, Amalia took a good look at the contents of the tent. From her seated position on the leather couch, she saw a glass coffee table, a fridge, and a table full of snacks in front of her. But what caught her eye the most were six monitors resting on pedestals in front of her. Intrigued, she walked over and examined them; she saw her fellow five campers around the campground. Specifically, Daniel was pacing in the Mess Hall, Rhythm was pacing on the beach, and Katelyn, Kiana, & Devin gathered in the losers' cabin.

"Aw man...I hope I get back in time for the next elimination," Amalia remarked before noticing a card on the table, "What's this?"

*reads card* "Amalia, recall that you won a 'special power' in the eleventh episode. The note specified that you couldn't use the power until the final six, which is right now. Part one of your special power allows you to eavesdrop on the other campers' conversations without any of them knowing. Parts two and three will be revealed to you shortly. In the meantime, feel free to relax in the camera lounge. Sincerely, Chris." *looks at camera* "Man, Chris hooked me up! Nice!"- Amalia

"Alright then..." Amalia muttered before walking over to the fridge, "What do we got?"

Amalia opened the fridge to see an array of drinks, ranging from bottled water to light beer. As much as she was tempted to have a few swigs of alcohol, she held herself back, knowing that she needed to be at the peak of health in order to give her the best odds of winning. Alternatively, she grabbed an avocado milkshake before returning to her seat on the couch.

"Alright guys, let's see what you're all up to while we're gone," Amalia remarked before putting her feet up on the coffee table.


Amalia first turned her attention to the female's side of the losers' cabin, where Katelyn, Kiana, and Devin began talking about their plans for the upcoming elimination ceremony. With their plan to split the votes between Daniel & Amalia foiled again, they needed to come together and figure out what they wanted to do next.

"Man, Amalia can't stop winning challenges," Kiana noted.

"I guess getting rid of Tory was a bad idea," Katelyn asked, trying to prove her point.

"Now that our plan failed...again, I need to take control and finally get the vote to go the way that I want it to go."- Katelyn

"In hindsight, it would've been better to keep him around," Devin admitted, "But you know what they say: If its, ands, and buts were candy and nuts, we wouldn't be stuck in this position."

"Do they say that?" Kiana asked, having never heard of that saying.

"It's something like that," Devin claimed.

"Back to the topic: what do we want to do tonight?" Katelyn asked, "Are we continuing our push against Daniel or do we turn the tables on Rhythm?"

"If we were going to vote for Rhythm, wouldn't we have to get Amalia & Daniel on board?" Devin asked.

"That would be true if all six of us were voting," Katelyn noted, "But I've got a gut feeling that Amalia isn't gonna come back in time for the elimination ceremony."

"Maybe it'll be like when Rhythm & Tory were exiled on Boney Island," Kiana suggested.

"Yeah, like that," Katelyn agreed, "If it's just five people voting, all we need are three votes to have a majority. And how many people do we have in the room?"

"Three," Devin confirmed, seeing Katelyn's point.

"But who do we take out?" Kiana asked.

"I think we should take out Daniel," Katelyn admitted, "He's the bigger threat of the two of them. Both physically and mentally."

"I want Rhythm gone, and I think it's better for us if we get her out now," Devin insisted, "Amalia is a dominant force in this game; we need Daniel to beat her out for immunity. If we keep Daniel, he'll beat Amalia, then we get rid of her. Then Kiana can beat Daniel for immunity and then we vote him out, which places us in the final three."

"Luckily, my arguments are pretty sound. If I can keep Daniel in the game 'till the final four, I can use him to take out either Katelyn or Kiana, which puts me in a good position when I make the final three."- Devin

"I agree with Devin," Kiana agreed, "I can beat Daniel, but I'm not sure if I can beat Amalia."

"It's good to see that Devin is thinking about the future. But if my plan works out, the future will be him and I in the final two." *smirks*- Kiana

"Alright, if that's what you guys think is best, I'll go along with it," Katelyn conceded.

"Good, now if you excuse me, I'd like to take a walk alone," Kiana requested before leaving the room and shutting the door.

"That was a bit abrupt," Katelyn commented.

"Well, now that she's gone, I'd like to talk about something," Devin revealed, "Y'know, over the past few days, the two of us have gotten closer as allies."

"I agree," Katelyn admitted.

"Looking at our position in the game, I think it might be in our best interest to go to the final two together," Devin proposed.

"I want to cover all of my bases in the case that I don't win immunity for the rest of the season. And at the end of the day, I have a pretty good shot at beating Katelyn in the final two; people don't like her that much, and I've won more immunity challenges than she has. It won't be a blowout, but the odds are in my favour."- Devin

"Honestly, I'd love that," Katelyn admitted as she stuck out her hand, "Shake on it?"

"It's a deal," Devin agreed, shaking Katelyn's hand.

"If I'm gonna get to the final three with Devin & Kiana, I need to make sure that I'm guaranteed a spot in the final two. Now that Devin is set with taking me, I've just got to re-confirm my deal with Kiana to go to the final two together. That way, I'm a finalist for sure. I know that I'll have to backstab one of them eventually, but I'll cross that bridge when I get there."- Katelyn


Whether you liked it or not, if you were to make it far in the game, you were gonna have to stab at least one person in the back (metaphorically). For Kiana, she was ready to do that; after leaving the losers' cabin, she quickly ran to join Rhythm & Daniel in the Mess Hall to discuss the potential blindside.

"I think it's the best move to make for all of us," Kiana insisted, "Katelyn has to go."

"This might be my only chance to get rid of Katelyn. I don't know if Devin will be willing to go through with it, so my only option is to go to Rhythm & Daniel and convince them to vote with me. Hopefully they'll agree with me."- Kiana

"I mean, I'm obviously on the chopping block, so I'll take whatever deal I can get," Daniel admitted.

"I don't know where Amalia is and I don't know when, if ever, she's coming back. In the meantime, I've got to do whatever I've got to do to stay in this game. If this goes well, I can go to Devin tonight and confess that Kiana was behind the whole thing, allowing him and I to work together again. He could be my secret weapon as an ally, y'know?"- Daniel

"Are you alright with this, Rhythm?" Kiana asked.

"Oh absolutely," Rhythm confirmed, "I'm perfectly fine with it."

"It's comforting to hear that Kiana is willing to cannibalize on her own alliance. Yes, it's a bit worrying that Kiana is becoming a strong strategist, but I'll deal with that down the road."- Rhythm

"Here's my concern: Amalia isn't here, and I don't know if she's coming back, because I've never seen anything like this happen before on Total Drama," Daniel expressed, "If she doesn't come back, I'm all alone, and I want assurance that I count on you two to be there for me tomorrow when I need you."

"So, you want an alliance?" Rhythm asked, wanting clarification.

"I mean, I'd like an agreement that I won't be targeted next time," Daniel explained, "You two seem like good game players, and I want to finish this game while being around good game players."

"I agree," Rhythm admitted, "I don't want to be around people who don't deserve to be here."

"I wouldn't mind having this be a long-term alliance," Kiana admitted.

"I'm not 100% sure if I want to go to the final three with Daniel because he's a pretty good physical competitor. Although, I feel like I might win a popularity vote against him. And if Amalia truly is gone, I might be able to swoop in and take her place. Not as a girlfriend or anything; he's way too old for me. But an ally like him might not be that bad to have."- Kiana

"Alliance?" Daniel proposed as he stuck his hand out.

"Deal," Rhythm agreed, placing her hand over Daniel's.

"Deal," Kiana remarked, placing her hand over Rhythm's.

"Alright, it's settled," Daniel declared, "An alliance has been made."


"What are they doing?" Amalia asked to herself.

"It looks like Daniel & Rhythm are gravitating towards Kiana. Now, before any of you get worried, I'm not worried that Daniel would rather align with them two instead of me; I trust him enough to believe that he'd stick by me 'till the end. But what I am concerned about is that Kiana is really trying to make big moves. If she's willing to make this alliance and stab Katelyn in the back, who know's what she's willing to do?"- Amalia

"Ow!" Amalia explained as she felt a sharp pain in the back of her head, "What the...a paper airplane?"

"Y'know, there are much safer ways to send me a message."- Amalia

"Amalia, it is time to receive part two of your special power," Amalia read, "Be prepared to face a blast from the past."

"Buenas tardes, señorita," a hispanic man greeted as he walked into the tent.

"You ready for some advice, or what?" an asian woman asked, having walked in with the man.

"Oh my God..." Amalia muttered before turning around to face the duo, "You're Heather and Alejandro!"

"I can't believe that I'm in the presence of Total Drama royalty. Heather and Alejandro are two of the best players to ever exist in the history of the game. They are awesome!"- Amalia

"Can I hug you guys?!" Amalia asked before running over and hugging the two of them anyways.

"Hey, it's been a while since we've had this happen, eh?" Alejandro joked.

"Yeah, kinda feels good to be noticed now and again," Heather admitted, "Let's just have a seat."

"For those who are wondering at home, yes, we are together. And no, we aren't married nor do we have kids."- Heather [] "I mean, we're still young. We're not in a rush to start a family."- Alejandro [] "For once, we actually agreed on something while at Camp Wawanakwa"- Heather [] *both laugh*

"Why are you guys here again?" Amalia asked as she took a seat between them on the couch.

"We're here to give you special advice," Alejandro answered, "Mi amor, mind telling Amalia what the third part of her special power is?"

"It's not like Chris is giving us a choice," Heather remarked, "This is a first for Total Drama: you get to pick two people to 'mark' for elimination; they will be ineligible to vote, and they are the only people who can be voted for. The three people who you don't mark for elimination will vote one of those two campers out of the game."

"Wow..." Amalia muttered, unsure of what to say.

"This is a substantial power! Not only do I get to save Daniel, but I can specifically target one person to eliminate, and put them up against someone likable to get them out! This is perfect!"- Amalia

"And just to help you visualize your plans..." Alejandro began as he pulled six bobbleheads out of his bag, "Here's bobbleheads of the remaining six campers."

"Neat!" Amalia commented as she picked up Daniel's bobblehead, "Man, even his bobblehead looks hot!"

"On that note, where do you and Daniel stand?" Heather asked, curious.

"Him and I are just as close as ever," Amalia expressed confidently, "I genuinely believe that him and I will make it to the final two."

"Do you want to go with him to the final two?" Heather asked.

"Of course!" Amalia insisted, "No one else is gonna want to take me, and I trust him the most out of everyone left in the game."

"Do you think that you can beat him?" Alejandro asked, trying to pick her brain.

"That's where the toss-up is," Amalia admitted, "It'll be a fierce battle, but I'm okay with that. And as much as I value your advice, there's nothing that you two can do to convince me otherwise."

"I'm done doubting Daniel; he's given me no reason to distrust him, so I'll continue to trust him 'till the end. At the end of the day, we trust each other with our lives, and I'm not gonna betray him; not at this point."- Amalia

"If you say so," Alejandro conceded, "Just beware, love will give way to greed soon enough."

"Now, what's your backup plan?" Heather asked, "If Daniel is taken out, who do you think is your best bet for the final two?"

"I mean, I probably trust Rhythm the most out of the others," Amalia admitted, "But I feel like I have a much better shot of winning if I'm against Katelyn or Devin, because they haven't won anything big."

"What about Kiana?" Alejandro asked, "You didn't mention her."

"I don't trust her," Amalia revealed, "If anything, I'd want to get her out. She's a physical, strategic, and social threat. She needs to go before she gets any momentum."

"Alright, then let's bring her forward," Heather declared as she slid Kiana's bobblehead closer to them, "Who would you want next to her?"

"Well, not me, not Daniel, and not Rhythm," Amalia muttered as she slid those three bobbleheads off to the side, "It's between Devin & Katelyn."

"Do you think that Daniel & Rhythm would vote for Kiana to go?" Alejandro questioned, trying to prod Amalia along the strategic path.

"If it were Devin vs Kiana, Daniel would save Devin, Katelyn would save Kiana, and there's no guarantee what Rhythm would do," Amalia claimed, "If it's Katelyn vs Kiana, Daniel could save Katelyn, Devin would save Kiana, and there's no guarantee with what Rhythm would do."

"So Rhythm is the wildcard, I presume," Alejandro rationalized, "Are you sure that you trust her?"

"I don't trust her 100%," Amalia admitted, "After all she's done to try and convince me to betray Daniel, I'm not sure if she has my best interests at heart."

"No one here has your best interests at heart except for you," Heather noted, "Anyways, maybe you should consider getting rid of Rhythm."

"Heather and Alejandro are making some pretty good points. Because this is such a rare opportunity, I need to make sure that I don't put it to waste. I've got to take out the person who is the biggest threat to my game."- Amalia

"Whatever I do, I need to make it clear that I want my specific target out of the game," Amalia remarked.

"Remember, you've got to make the move that is best for your game," Heather reminded, "Not Daniel's game, not Rhythm's game, but your game."

"Attention campers!" Chris called out from the loudspeakers, "The elimination ceremony will start in five minutes!"

"You've got five minutes left before we leave you to head back and join the others," Heather warned, "You've got to make this decision."


Within the next five minutes, the five present campers made their way over to the campfire area, ready to vote. For them, this was like going back to the beginning of the game; no one among them had immunity, and they had to rely on their social and strategic skills to keep them safe. But all of their plans were about to be thrown out the window with Chris' reveal.

"Welcome to the elimination ceremony," Chris welcomed, "Now, before we get to the vote, there's something that I need to say."

"Is it about Amalia?" Daniel asked, wanting information, "Is she okay?"

"I'm sure that she can tell you herself," Chris assured, "Amalia, come on out!"

"Amalia!" Daniel exclaimed as he ran over and gave Amalia a hug, "I'm so glad that you're still here!"

"I'll always be here," Amalia assured as the two of them shared another kiss.

"Daniel, could you please sit down before this turns into a full-out smoochfest?" Chris asked, causing Daniel to sit back down, "Now, this would normally be a regular elimination ceremony, but with Amalia's win, she got a power like no other."

"I've won the right to pick two people to mark for elimination, and the other three of you must vote for one of them to leave," Amalia revealed.

"This isn't good...I've got a bad feeling that I'm gonna be marked..."- Kiana

"I have complete confidence that Amalia will make the right decision. As long as it benefits our games, I'm not gonna complain."- Daniel

*praying* "Please don't be marked. Please don't be marked. Please don't be marked!"- Rhythm

"Amalia, would you please make your decision, now?" Chris requested.

"Kiana, I think you're a really nice girl and I've enjoyed being around you during the past few weeks. But I've been given evidence that shows me that I can't trust you, and that no one here should be able to trust you, and you have to go so you can't ruin any of our games," Amalia explained, much to everyone's surprise, "Katelyn, I'm going to mark you, but only because I know that you'd be a vote for Kiana to stay, and I can't have that happen. It's nothing personal, but it has to happen. I'm very sorry, but I've decided to mark Kiana and Katelyn for elimination."

With that, Amalia took a seat next to the other campers as they processed all that Amalia had told them. This was the first time in a while that Amalia had called someone out so publicly, and that left everyone shocked, and Kiana nearly in tears. In her defense, Kiana was scared straight; all she wanted to do was try and play the game to win money for her family, and she began to feel as if she was getting karma for planning to betray Katelyn.

"Now that that's done with, it's time for the vote; only Rhythm, Devin, and Daniel will vote," Chris declared, "One at a time, you'll enter the Confession Can and vote for either Kiana or Katelyn. I will check & tally the votes, and whoever receives the most votes will have to walk down the Dock of Shame and leave the island on the Submarine of Losers. Now vote!"


"I don't know what just happened, but I've got to do what I think is right."- Rhythm

"I pledged my loyalty to you, but I had my loyalty pledged to someone else first. I'm sorry, but I hope that you get voted out."- Devin

"I'm gonna have to trust Amalia on this one..."- Daniel


"Alright, I've tallied the votes, and the person going home tonight with two votes is..." Chris began as he waved the white marshmallow above his head.

In the lag-time between Chris' sentences, Kiana and Katelyn were left to worry about their potential elimination. Both of them had reasons to be taken out, and both were hoping that the reasons to eliminate the other person were much stronger than the reasons to eliminate themselves. They all watched in silence as Chris revealed the results.

"........Kiana!" Chris declared as he tossed a marshmallow to Katelyn, "Kiana is going home tonight!"

"What?" Kiana muttered, saddened, "Aw man..."

"Kiana, I'm sorry," Katelyn apologized, tapping her friend on the right shoulder, "It should've been me..."

"No, it's not your fault," Kiana insisted.

"Want a shoulder to cry on?" Devin offered.

"Y'know what? No," Kiana declared as she stood up and turned to face her fellow campers, "I came into this game a quiet girl who didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings. But this game has given something worth wayyyy more than one million dollars: confidence. I may be leaving tonight, but I'm leaving a stronger, fiercer, and much more confident woman. I don't regret my time here, and I have to thank you all for making this experience original. Thank you."

With that, the remaining campers began clapping, eventually escalating into a standing ovation. At that moment, no one could be more proud of Kiana. They had to admit: Kiana showed arguably the biggest change in personality during her time in the competition, and knowing that she left the game with her head held high made them all happy for what she's accomplished.

"Let's go, Kiana," Chris ordered as he walked Kiana towards the Dock of Shame.


Bringing with her the memories of the game, Kiana confidently walked down the Dock of Shame, ready to accept her fate. Even though she would've loved to win the game, she couldn't be upset with sixth place. Some of the best people in Total Drama history have placed sixth: Geoff, Lindsay, Mike, and Alejandro, to name a few. To be in that category left her with nothing to be ashamed of.

"Bye guys! I'll see you all at the finale!" Kiana exclaimed as she waved goodbye before stepping into the Submarine of Losers, allowing it to drive away.

"No parting words?" Amalia asked to Daniel.

"Nah, there was no better way for her to leave than with what just happened," Daniel remarked.

"Okay, with that done with, Amalia and Daniel can get back to the mini-mansion while the rest of you go to the losers' cabin, right?"

"You betcha'," Daniel confirmed.

"Alright, you guys can go," Chris allowed, allowing the campers to return to their rooms before turning to face the main camera, "Well, that goes to show ya' that this show strives to change people's lives forever. In this case, it happened to be in a good way. How will Kiana's departure affect the game? Will Amalia win yet another immunity challenge? And who will be voted out next? Find out next time, right here, on Total...Drama...Island:... Return to Wawanakwa!"



Rhythm: Kiana

Devin: Katelyn

Daniel: Kiana

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