
By XXrogueXlucyXX

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New town, new life, new choices. That's all Violet thought when she escaped the sunshine state. A state of to... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 25

117 10 0
By XXrogueXlucyXX

Recap: Embry got in the car and turned his car on before pulling out of the driveway as I turned to my aunt. "Come on Violet, we have some reservations at a restaurant waiting for us." My aunt said and I nodded at that before following her outside.

The place my aunt had reservations at was about a thirty minute drive. And it wasn't Petals either. The place she got reservations at was a placed called The Vine. An Italian restaurant with the parking lot bustling full of people as my aunt and I stepped out.

I closed the door of the silver primus as my aunt smiled at the sight before her. The Vine gave off it's name vibes. With a décor covered in vines and a jungle looking scene. "Come on Violet." My aunt said and I followed after her and inside we went. She held the door opened for me as we went into line. With all of these people around I felt the anxiety kick back in and I rubbed my wrists nervously before we were at the cashier and my aunt sent off that charming smile that said I'm rich. Don't mess with me.

"Reservations for June McKenna." My aunt said and the woman at the cash register nodded before a waiter brought us to the table and we took a seat. "What may I get you ladies?" She asked with a smile. "I'll has lemon infused sparkling water." My aunt said setting her big bulky red leather purse down on the seat next to her. "Sweet tea." I said rubbing my arms and the woman nodded as she set the menus down in front of us before disappearing to go get our drinks while I opened up the menu.

"I didn't expect you to be getting a boyfriend anytime soon." My aunt noted. "It just happened. . . Embry is a very sweet, and I like him a lot." I told my aunt who nodded at that. "He seems like a nice guy." My aunt said. Which was lots of praise coming from my aunt. She typically didn't care for people that I hung out with. She never cared, and if anything she discouraged me from befriending people, yet she didn't seem to mind Embry all that much. Maybe it was the charm that Embry presented so well and that I enjoyed of course.

His charm was attractive and suited him well and I liked that. Embry was a good person and I was glad that he was my boyfriend. Very glad. Not long after the waiter came with our drinks and I was happy to drink the sweet tea. "I heard about the hospital bill." My aunt said and I bit my lip. "A dog attack?" My aunt asked. "Wolf attack, I got attacked by a wolf on the way back from college." I told my aunt. "I knew I should of bought you a car." My aunt said.

"Aunt June, it's fine. I'm alive." I told her. My aunt was protective of me since she brought me up here considering what happened down south. "Your fine?" My aunt asked. "Yes, I got stitches, working well in college. I'll be adopting my dog here soon as well." I told my aunt. And I left out the part that Onyx was a wolf hybrid. She would no doubt freak out considering the fact that I was attacked by a wolf. My aunt was quick to freak out. No doubt believing Onyx would maul me in the same way.

"The apartment payment, I left the money for the landlord." My aunt said. "Speaking of that aunt. A good friend of mine from college, she lives with these girls and she invited me to come live with her. It'll be cheaper and a more effective way to live." I told my aunt. "Any bills to pay there?" My aunt asked. "I don't know, but I can talk with her. I've been thinking about it aunt June. I don't like living alone and eventually I'm going to have to get over all of that and be able to sleep with someone in the same house." I told my aunt.

Embry was a different case, something about him told me to trust him so I did. But the rest were different. And I needed to be able to overcome my fear after that event. "If that's what you need to do Violet, you have my full support. And I have news for you." My aunt said and I nodded at that. "I set up a trust fund with you. When you graduate college you'll have access to about 25,000 dollars." My aunt said and my jaw dropped at that. It was a lot of money to me. Maybe not most.

But to me it was a lot. "It's for you can buy yourself a house, something small and get a job. I trust you to put this money to use. I'll be putting bits more in it along the way. But I want you to have a good life Violet. It's the least you deserve considering what they did to you." My aunt said and I felt tears whelm up before I wiped them away. "Your a survivor Violet, and if I could of stopped them I would of." My aunt said.

"It's not your fault." I whispered and my aunt shook her head. "I visited you and never saw it. If I did I would of prosecuted them to the fullest degree and gotten custody. But I didn't, and I'm going to make it up to you. Your going to have a good life. You have a good college, and have your own dog to train. Your going to have a good life." My aunt said her eyes getting watery and I nodded at that before taking a sip out of my drink not wanting to confront this situation once more.

"And I'm starting with the trust fund. If the dog needs anything call me, I'm only a phone call away you know that." My aunt said and I nodded at that as we looked back at the menus to pick our food out. My mother had investments in companies along with a degree in criminal law. We sipped our drinks before the waiter came back and my aunt ordered. "I'll take a steak sirloin and mashed potatoes." My aunt said. "White cheddar mac and cheese and an American double cheeseburger, just cheese." I said and the waiter nodded before walking off as my aunt smiled at me and I returned it.

My aunt was a sweet woman that she was and I appreciated all she had done for me. If it wasn't for her I'd still be trapped back in my own sunny hell. So I was happy that she had done that and saved me from there. So I smiled at my aunt. "Thank you aunt June." I said and she smiled at me. "It's the least I could do." My aunt said and I smiled at her happy to have my aunt in my life. To have one normal sane relative.


After dinner at The Vine my aunt dropped me off at Embry's. I felt a bit stupid for knocking on the door but all the manners from the south were drilled into me. Seth opened it and simply let me in and I walked in to see Onyx sitting on the couch with Embry who smiled at me. Seth disappeared into the kitchen to go eat while I sat down with Onyx and gave him a hug savoring the feeling of his fur on my cheek and I loved that. Embry smiled at me as I looked over at him and he raised an eyebrow.

"How was dinner with your aunt?" Embry asked. "Fine we talked about somethings." I told Embry who nodded at that as I kissed Onyx on the nose as Embry smiled at me. "Want to head up to the room?" Embry asked and I nodded at that and up to the room we went with Onyx following me. Embry closed the door as we got up on the bed and I looked over at him and gave him a smile. "You look a little upset, did you two argue?" Embry asked catching onto that making me blush just a bit.

"No we didn't argue, she just brought up something that I don't like talking about." I told Embry. "You can talk to me if you want. I'm not pressuring you, but if you ever need someone to talk to I'm always here. And I'm a good listener." Embry said with a smile on his face. And it wasn't a seductive one that he usually had. It was a kind genuine one saying that he cared for me and always would care for me and that I was happy for to have such a caring boyfriend in my life. Someone who cared in general.

I was just going to go to sleep and let all the bad memories wash out of my head. Starting a new life. That's what I was doing, starting a really good new life and I couldn't wait to start it. And that's what I came here to do. And Embry was helping me start a new life by pulling me out of my comfort zone. Before I moved here I would of never slept in the same bed as a boy much less girl or had sex. But Embry pulled me out of my protective shell.

So I had to talk to him. "My parents used to abuse me before I moved." I said. And it felt like a weight was taken off my shoulders at telling Embry that. Embry looked generally surprised at me saying that and I felt my cheeks sting red with embarrassment. All Embry did was nod. I pulled the sleeve up on my arm showing him the red circular scars. "You probably saw them, they're not self harm that I promise you." I told Embry remembering we had sex. And he had seen me naked and no doubt saw the scars on my arms.

"My father use to his cigarettes out on my arm. These are the ones that didn't heal properly compared to the rest." I said and Embry nodded touching them. I flinched for a moment before Embry pulled his hand away. "I have sucky parents on both deals. My father is an abusive douche to both me and my mother, my mother is a drug addict and is convinced I'm the reason my father hates her and cheated on her so she took it out on me. That's why I moved here, to get away from them and out of their clutches." I said.

"I didn't want to be in that unhealthy situation and end up even worse and like them. So my aunt offered me a way out and I jumped on it. The wolf and you being a vampire is like a walk on the beach compared to what I had to go through there. Constant physical abuse from them along with mental abuse. My mother called me a useless whore, skank, slut, bitch, anorexic." I said wanting to cry just remembering my mom telling me all of those mean things. I never had the love of a mother like most did.

My mother was a short skinny women with muddy brown hair and grey eyes and my dad was short and chubby with balding gray hair and soulless brown eyes. "I didn't eat a lot and was extremely underweight. My dad actually knocked me out plenty of times." I said wiping a few tears from my eyes. "It's why I don't like people near me and have such anxiety problems. Believing that they might hit me next and betray me and play me." I said as Embry watched me a sad look in his eye while Onyx whined from the floor.

And then Embry hugged me and I tucked my head into his chin crying onto his cold skin. I didn't talk with my problems with anyone. It just didn't happen as to me it was scary letting someone know what I had gone through. All the emotional and physical trauma I had gone through by my parents no less. And all the emotional baggage, I hated telling people like that as they looked at me with pity. And I hated that look of pity that they would give me. The look of someone broken beyond repair, but I wasn't broken beyond repair.

I could be fixed and I was going to fix myself. Embry's hand caressed my head before he kissed my forehead. "Your parents were dumbasses for abusing someone as beautiful and kind as you." Embry said and I felt happy as Onyx came up. Knowing I had gotten the family and friends I had desperately needed, even if they were vampires.

2154. So it's 10-12-18 as I write and I'm looking at buying my turkey a friend. Yeah, she's lonely and doesn't know what to do so we're getting her a friend. Hope your enjoying the book so far. And yes Violet has quite the sad story about her, but needed for her character growth. Until next time shifters!

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