Wrong - Camren

By lalaonikix

206K 4.1K 1.1K

Unknown - Hey daddy ;) You - WHAT? More



4.8K 98 66
By lalaonikix

Suddenly there was a buzz in Lauren's back pocket.

It was only then had she realised what was about to happen.

She looked into Camila's eyes, "Sorry." She frowned. Camila looked like she was surprised with what was about to happen as well.

Lauren picked up her phone and saw she had an incoming call from Normani. She answered it.

"Hey what took you so long to answer?"

"Umm... My phone was in my back pocket and I had only just realized that it was ringing." Lauren lied a little bit. The truth was that she was too busy staring into Camila's eyes and apologising to her.

"Alright then. Where are you?"

"I'm on the beach." Lauren replied.

"The beach? Alone?"

"No." Lauren said and looked at Camila who was biting her lip, looking at the ocean.

"Who are you with?"

"Camila..." Lauren said and Camila's head shot around to look at her when she heard her name.

"Oh okay. I was just checking where you were since you I knocked on your door and you weren't home."

"You went to my house?" Lauren questioned and Normani was silent for a minute.

"Maybe..." Normani said guiltily and then carried on, "Also Dinah is going to Camila's house but obviously I'll have to text her and say that she isn't home..." Normani trailed off.

"What?" Camila said.

"Dinah's at your house." Lauren said. Camila had a confused expression on her face.

"No she's not."

"Normani, I'm talking to Camila." Lauren said.

"Oh okay. I'll see you later then. Bye!"

"Bye Mani!"

Lauren hung up and looked at Camila.

"I should be going home now." Camila said and started standing up.

"Wait, I know I've already asked lots of questions today but you can have a sleepover at my house if you want." Lauren said and Camila stopped and looked at her.

She was home alone anyway, so it would be nice to have some company, "Yeah okay, thanks Lauren." She smiled and Lauren smiled back at her, "But first I need to get clothes stuff..."

"You can wear my clothes and I have a spare toothbrush that nobody has used before." Lauren said and Camila nodded.

"Hopefully Normani isn't still at your house." Camila laughed. Lauren laughed with her.

Then Camila felt a buzz in her pocket. "It's Dinah." She said and Lauren nodded.

"Hey bitch! The fuck have you been?"

"Did Normani not text you?" Camila said, confused.

"No she did no- nevermind she just texted me there. Wait, you're with Lauren?"

Camila looked over at Lauren and nodded, but forgot Dinah couldn't actually see her nodding, "Yeah."

"Have fun! Bye!"

Dinah hung up. Camila looked at her phone, confused, and shrugged.

"Okay, to my house!" Lauren said and walked ahead of Camila and she tried to catch up.


Lauren unlocked her front door and led Camila to her bedroom.

She walked upstaurs with Camila following closely behind.

"So I thought maybe we could get changed into our pajamas and then watch Netflix?" Lauren suggested and she opened the door to her room.

"Sounds good." Camila said and smiled.

Lauren walked over to her cupboard and rummaged through it for some clothes that Camila could fit into.

She finally pulled out a koala onesie and Camila smiled brightly. Lsuren loved seeing Camila smile. It was like her whole world lit up just by one action she did.

Camila walked over to Lauren, still with that big grin on her face.

"Thank you." She smiled, "I'll change in the bathroom if you want." She looked around the room for any sign of a bathroom.

"It's out the door and to the left."

"Okay, thank you Lolo." Lauren blushed slightly when she heard Camila's nickname for her.

Canila walked out the door and towards where Lauren told her the bathroom was. She opened the door and started changing into Lauren's onesie. She could smell Lauren on it.

The older girl had Camila feeling some kind of way. The way she stared into her eyes made Camila feel like they were the only two people on this earth. The way she laughed sent shivers down Camila's spine, something nobody else could do apart from her, and when they touched, Camila could feel her heart racing and her breath become shaky. Lauren did that to Camila. She made her feel better and happier. She made her feel something else.

Once Camila had finished changing, she walked into Lauren's room to find her already in her pajamas and looking for something to watch on Netflix. She didn't know soeone could look perfect in the most simple way.

Camila sat down beside her on her bed. "Where a I going to sleep?" She asked, "Is there a guest bedroom you want me to sleep in?"

"No sleep here." Lauen said, pointing to her bed.

"With you?" Camila tried not to stutter.

"Yeah." Lauren nodded and finally found something to watch on Netflix.

Halfway through the movie, Camila found herself cuddled up next to Lauren with her head on her shoulder. Camila's heart was beating fast and she was pretty sure Lauren could hear it. Camila was then reminded of what happened earlier. If Normani didn't call Lauren, they were more than likely going to kiss. The thought of kissing Lauren made Camila's heart flutter and her stomach gain butterflies. She thought of Lauren's soft lips on hers, her hands tangled in her thick, black hair and how Lauren's hands slowly explored her body... 

Suddenly she was snapped out of her trance as Lauren tapped her head, "The movie is over, Camz." Camila blushed at the nicknae Lauren had gave her, like how earlier she had called Lauren Lolo.

Camila looked up sleepily at Lauren and smiled. "Okay." She said and nuzzeled her head ito Lauren's neck. She could feel Lauren smile. It was funny how quickly they became comfortable around each other in 6 months. First, they were texting each other, thinking they were a creepy stalker or something and now they were cuddled up in Lauren's bed.

"Are you tired?" Lauren asked Camila and she nodded "You can go to sleep if you want, I'm just going to scroll through Tumblr."

Once Lauren was sure Camila was in a deep sleep, she leaned over to her and placed a soft kiss on her cheek. The thing was that Camila wasn't sleeping. She didn't know how to sleep if the girl beside her was the one she wanted to hug most, touch most and kiss most.

When Lauren kissed her on the cheek, she swore her whole world stopped working.

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