By FashionabelyyyyyLate

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[#9 in Dominating on 21/07/18] Why stop dreaming when you're awake? ~~~~ Welcome to the story about a girl, w... More



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By FashionabelyyyyyLate

When you feel like you can't take another round of being broken, my arms are open.

                                    - Arms open.
                                   (The script)


Ria's pov:-

"Maybe this is just how it was meant to be," Paige whispered, sniffing lightly, as she turned off the t.v.

"Maybe," I murmured.

Life seems like a cruel game at times. Just when you feel that you can take over things, stand up straight and fight away all the challenges with a smile, a new ball of problems comes rolling our way, wrecking everything in it's path, crushing every little ounce of hope and determination.

"But, I didn't want him to die; Augustus please come back," she started crying again.

"Paige, stop crying," I turned to her, well as much as I could on a hospital bed with an IV attched to my hand, "we can't always get what we want. This is what life is about; learning, seeking, losing, failing and achieving."


"No buts, stop crying this instant. He's dead, accept it and move on; plus, I don't think I can wait anymore, James Bond is ready for action!"

"Shut up! I don't like that man. He's got a bunch of weird shit he calls gadgets. I already pity his wife."

"Oh please, madame! Those gadgets are cool! So shut up!"

"Still I don't like it, so we won't watch it." She shrugged as if she is the queen of England.

"I don't care," I crossed my arms and turned to the other side.

"Well you can't do anything about it either, after all it's not me who is bound to the bed." She smirked.

That bitch.

"No, please no," I begged, "Not one of those sad movies. You are here to cheer me up and I hate to say this, but your husband did a way better job than you."

"You just didn't say that," she gasps, narrowing her eyes and focussing her angry stare at me.

"Uhh I did,"

"You got ten seconds to apologise, Ria."

"I won't," I answer bravely while eying her suspiciously. She wouldn't harm a poor innocent angel on a hospital bed, would she?

"You won't?" she asked.

"I won't," I confirmed.


And before I had the chance to comprehend the situation, I felt myself getting smacked with the fluffy pillow.


I turned my face to the other side, but the mad woman didn't stop her attacks.

"Ouch, ok I am sorry!" I yelled while trying to block her attacks.

"You are?" she asked, her brows furrowed and eyes narrowed.

She's looking constipated, I thought but decided to keep the thought to myself. Instead I said, "I am! You made me very happy. So happy that I can't stop laughing." I started laughing in the end to make my point more valid.

"See, hahaahaa, you're so funny Paige, you should seriously become a clown, hahhahhaa."


"Yea," I answered in mist of my forced giggles.

"You think I should become a clown?"

"Absolutely!" I answered and continued laughing.

"You mean I have rainbow coloured hair, creepy weird smile, a horrible dressing sense and my nose resembles an overgrown cherry?"

"Definitely!" I continued laughing.

Anything to save me from her.



"Shut up!" and she smacked my face with the pillow once again.

Oops! Mission unsuccessful.

The sudden sound of the door slamming shut scared me. I looked around only to find Paige gone.

Did I say something wrong?

"You're coming with me and that's final."

Shooting a deadly glare at him, I cross my hands in front of my chest, pushing my chin upwards in defiance.

"I am not going anywhere with you. Please feel free to take away that stinky ass of yours away from my personal bubble." I retaliated.

"Not so easily, love."

"Shut up! I am not leaving Miranda alone, not after what happened."

"She dosen't have to be alone. She will be living with her son for fucks sake!" Zeeve exclaimed, the irritation in his voice clear as day.

"You don't understand Zeeve," I spoke, shaking my head in negative to support my statement, "I just can't abandon her when she needs me. I don't know her son, and quite frankly, I don't trust him. Miranda is in shock right now. Familiar faces and a happy environment will help her recover better."

"I am concerned about your safety, kit kat," he held my shoulders and pulled me towards him. The abruptness of the action didn't allow me to push him back, and soon I found myself being crushed by his muscular frame.

"This isn't the time for bullshit Zeeve," I desperately wanted to turn around and hide under the pile of blankets he had made over my sleeping body, but I forced my body to stay still.

"I know it might sound weird but I just want to see you safe," he said.

"Too late for that. Last time we met, I clearly remember you telling me how much of a burden I am and that you were looking after me unwillingly."

"That was a mis-"

"Shut it," I interrupted him, "I am not interested in your bloody excuses. Just leave me alone. My life was way better without you in it."

Pushing him away seemed a bit difficult for my tiny and already weak body.

"Ria I know I fucked up, but please give me a chance. I really want to look after you this time." The coat of desperation lacing his voice was hard to miss.

"Too bad I don't want your help now."

"Atleast give me a chance,"

"You got more chances than you probably deserve! I don't want to burden you or make you feel responsible for something that doesn't concern you."

"Everything you do concerns me."

"That's an illusion you are living in. I am independent and very much capable of looking after myself as well as my family. Kindly fuck off."

I am pissed now. Who does he think he bloody is? The damn king?!

"Ria ples-"

"Just shut the fuck up Zeeve! Just shut up!" I yelled and got down from the hospital bed, ripping the IV off my arm, "I am so done with you. Aren't you satisfied? Haven't you hurt me enough that you keep coming back?!"

"I know I am an ass Ria, I really do. But please give me a chance, just one more chance," he said.

"Chance?" I scoffed, "a chance for what exactly?! Hurting me again? Playing with my heart?"

"For loving you,"

My eyes widened and I quickly turned my head to the other side, a feeble attempt to divert myself from his guilty vulnerable gaze.


"No Zeeve, I was a fool in the past, but that was my naiveness, if I trust you again, it will be foolishness. And, I am not stupid."

"Ria please,"

"No Zeev-" before I could complete my sentence, I was cut off, cut off by a pair of plum soft lips against mine.


Oh my god!

Despite the panic churning up at the back of my brain, my heart surrendered; surrendered to the most delightful feeling ever.

Beathing in softly through my nose, I almost moaned when I took in his minty morning breath. The feeling of his tongue swirling against mine, dancing to a beautiful tune playing in our hearts, had me melting.

Though the kiss was urgent, it didn't lack passion.

Maybe this is what we need...

Pushing him away was a hard task. I could feel my heart scream in agony as I placed my hands against his muscled chest and pushed him with great force.

"That was a fucking stupid move," I said, when in reality all I wanted to do was pull him by his hair and lock lips with him, while my hands familiarised themselves with his body.

"You enjoyed it so it doesn't really matter. Now be a good girl and get back into the bed. You need to rest."

"Just leave me alone," I glared at him but the fool turned his face towards the window and started whistling.


"Stop cursing me inside your head."

"You deserve it, I hate you." I mumbled and then made myself comfortable under the pile of blankets.

Just when I was about to drift off, I heard him whisper, "Not after that kiss, darling."


"Home sweet home," I mumbled to myself as I entered the house.

The doctors had finally agreed to discharging me in the evening. Unfortunately, Miranda's son insisted that she stayed with him for some time, leaving me all alone in the house.

The dark and silent atmosphere was slightly creepy and I now regreted not taking up Zeeve's offer.

Quickly switching on the lights, I hurriedly locked the door and looked around once to ensure everything was shut.

I can't believe I am afraid in my own house.

Dropping down my body on the sofa, I sighed loudly. Everything is a mess. Just when I thought my life is getting better, it took a turn for the worst.

Maybe, I am just unlucky.

With a lot of effort, I pulled my body off the couch and made my way towards the kitchen.
After opening and closing all the cabinets at least twice, I settled on making the only thing I can without burning the house; instant noodles.

Retriving a pack of ramen, I filled up a pot with water and set it to boil. My eyes narrowed as I could hear the slight noise the bubbles in the pot made.

Too silent...

Dropping the packet of noodles on the counter, I ran to the living room and switched on the t.v at a high volume.

Much better!

Smiling at my smart thinking, I quickly pat myself on the back and run back to the kitchen.

After putting in everything together, I was ready to dish out my noodles.


Though the television was on, I could not focus on it. The spot right beside the flat screen had all my attention.

I still remember coming into the house two days ago to that horrific scene.

"Miranda?" I walk inside the house, closing the door softly behind me, "Miranda?!" I tried again, a bit louder this time, but there was no response this time as well.

Taking a deep breath, I moved towards the switch board, while focusing at the surroundings.

I shivered slightly as the cold wind swooshed into the room, pushing the cream silk curtain aside.

Why is the window open?

The moment my hand touched the switch board, I pressed down the switches and the room was instantly illuminated.

But, nothing could have prepared me for the sight in front of my eyes; Miranda on the floor,unconscious, a pool of blood around her, and more blood gushing put of her forearm, from where a knife was sticking out.

But what freaked me out more was the bloody message on the wall.

'I am coming, darling,' it said.

A scream tore through my lips and I could barely register what was happening, but I did feel myself fall to the floor.

The rest of the night was pretty vauge, but I do remember dialing Brandon and screaming for help.

Shaking my head, I tried to clear my thoughts, but I couldn't shake the fear away.

Picking up my phone, I called the first person who came to my mind.

"Can you please come over?" I asked the moment the phone was answered, after the second bell.

"I'll be there in ten," he answered.


Firstly, I am really sorry for the very late update. I was honestly burried under piles of homework and I had exams as well. My schedule was totally packed and after hours of studying, I didn't have the energy to write.
I am really sorry.

Secondly, who do you think could do something so cruel to Ria?

I sincerely apologise for this, but I am not exactly sure when I'll update next.

I'll try to make it quick, but no promises.

But please do drop some comments, they motivate me to write.

Once again, sorry for making you wait for so long.

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