Facing Rejection & The Curse...

By Victowrite1999

117K 3.9K 183

My life was never ordinary, I was never really exposed to the normal of the world. Being a werewolf is never... More

1. Wait
2. Don't
3. Lets not
4. Attacked
5. Back from the dead
6. Blue moon change
8. This isnt Playboy
9. Sunny with a chance of disaster
10. Dark Heart
11. No paradise
12. Fae
13. Darkness follows
14. Weakness of the heart pt1
15. Weakness of the heart pt2
16. No Control
17. Everlasting pt1
18. Everlasting pain pt 2
19. V is for Vendetta
20. Icyhot
21. Moon Child
22. Moon Child Pt 2
23. Trials and Tribulations
24. Pull of the Hearts
25. Rogue
26. The Beast Within
27. Fearless Devotion
28. Tales of The Past
29. The Beginning of The End
30. Unbeatable
31. Fall of The Beast
32. The End of Damnation

7. Talk of the Town

4.7K 150 6
By Victowrite1999

           Amelia runs through the trees yipping and yapping at the rabbits. Chasing the deers and howling at the moon. Her brothers follow, just happy that their sister is alive, but with many questions still unanswered. "Let's head home Amelia, you need rest." Teagan says causing Amelia's wolf head to snap over in his direction. "Oh, okay yeah I think that's best." She replies in the link before they rush back for the house in a race to who gets home first. Amelia prances on her toes in joy of winning before she sits on her furry butt with her head held high before laughing in the link. "We let you win Amelia." Nathan says knowing he tried with all his might to beat her. "Let's just shift back and go to sleep." Teagan says shifting back with ease along with Nathan. Amelia still in wolf form watches her brothers dress before looking back at her tall frame. "Shift back Amelia ?" Nathan says before he closes his mouth and his eyes. "And you don't know how to yet." He says while her wolf head nods up and down before she lays down looking up to them both. "Okay just imagine yourself human, like your fingers and toes, and you've already shifted back......okay." Teagan says turning his body away quickly from his nude sister. "How is that possible, it took us a couple tries to even do that when we first shifted." Nathan says giving his sister clothes before turning around. "I don't know but I'm tired." Amelia says grasping on to her pant legs before pulling them up along with her shirt over her head. "Goodnight we will discuss the voodoo hoodoo that is your sister in the morning." Amelia tells them both before walking up to her room before crashing into her bed.

      The next morning Amelia opens her eyes from the sunlight that blinds her. Sitting up she wipes at her eyes before getting out of bed. Tumbling to the floor in a heap of sheets she sits up with a huff. Untangling herself she stands and head for the shower. After finishing she dries off and dressed in her cutoff sweat pant shorts, tying the draw string before throwing on a shirt with nasa on the front. "Hmm a werewolf as an astronaut." She says to herself. Heading down the stairs she stops seeing the alpha and the head of the werewolf council. "Oh boy." I say and continue down the steps to sit on the couch surrounded by my family, the alpha, and the council head. "You've come back from the dead I see." The head says and I cross my arms scared of his presence. "Yes, and before you ask..., no I have no idea why I'm back and no I'm not a zombie, I don't think." I say to him while nods laughing a little bit before looking at me. "You're a rarity young one." He says while I give him a face. "Are you Yoda ?" I ask while my brothers laugh before growing serious again with the look my father gives them. "No, it's just an old prophecy we thought to be fake has come to light." He says.

"Say what now ?!" I question standing up pointing to him then myself. "I'm a prophecy ? Like literal oh no run for the hills, world damnation all of that ?" I ask while he gives me a look causing my dad and the Alpha to chuckle slightly. "Well it depends on what type of rarity you are. It also depends on your family's history."

"A curse !!!" I shout to my father who looks at me while raising his hands. "Take a breath Amelia you're newly shifted and can't control your emotions yet, now sit down and let me speak." My dad says causing me to huff and sit my butt on the carpeted floor with crossed arms. "Some of the elders in our family became at war with faeries, it's been going on for 200 or so years and our family banished them to another realm." My dad says.

"What does that have to do with me, I didn't start a war ?" I question while my dad sucks on his bottom lip before sighing and looking up to our ceiling. "The faerie king, Nephelem set a curse for one child of our families decent to be gifted a curse to destroy not only us but the werewolf race, and so far the prophecy has come true and we're doomed." My dad says and I give him a face before I stand up. "No, no, absolutely not, just put me back in the grave !" I shout while my brothers grab my arms. "You see since you were raised from the dead, you can't be killed by your own hands or the hands of others until the prophecy has been fulfilled." My dad tells me and I look over to him. "Oh poppycock this isn't happy death day." I say before I make my brothers release me.

Since then the town knows I'm alive and question if I faked my death for publicity, if I wanted to fake my death, it wouldn't be faked. I could use the sleep. (Complete joke) these people are scared of their own shadows and they're werewolves for Christ sakes. I hear the whispers about me. Lily keeps me sane and is still planning my birthday party. The alphas son is home but hasn't been at school since his return, which I found odd. I've only talked to him a handful of times and only because of our fathers statuses. I see him running in the early mornings but it's just his toned back leaving my eyes and heart in the dust. Because that is a nice back, like really nice. And he's a looker too easy on the eyes, football star, Lady's man. But he hasn't hit my radar. Oh Lordy if I only knew my radar would be going off so hard my ovaries spun. And my heart shattered all in one.

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