Red and Silver ~ Peter Maximo...

By cocastyle

50.7K 1.4K 452

she walked in in a swirl of red hair and blue eyes and she seemed to radiate beauty with every step she took... More



5.8K 148 39
By cocastyle

first chapter is finally up!! I'm so excited for this book guys, like you don't understand! so how this will work is each part of the book will be based off a different movie. this first part is on First Class and it's purpose is to help develop the character, so Peter won't be in this part.

he will be in the next part and their story will go on from there. so I guess you can say this is a slow burn kind of book? anyways, I hope you all like it and let me know what you think because I love the feedback!

It had been one year since Jennifer's parents had ditched her and her twin on the steps of the ice cream shop. One year of the two fending for themselves on the streets and stealing food. One year of them trying to track down their parents who had packed up all of their things and moved after having abandoned them.

One year of the visions.

Jennifer had known since her parents left them that she had a special gift for seeing into the future. Why she couldn't have figured that out before and stopped her parents from leaving in the first place was beyond her control. But now that she knew what her powers were, she intended to use them correctly.

So when she suddenly got visions that consisted of a blue looking guy, a man who controlled metal, a man who controlled minds, and a woman who could take any form, she knew that that was going to be her future.

She had first started getting the visions after a few nights of living on the streets. They sometimes repeated themselves, but most of the time they were different, little clips of her future life with the people who she knew would eventually come to be her family.

Maybe that's why she stopped mourning for her parents upon getting the visions, because she knew there was no need to be sad. Her and her brother had a family waiting for them out there. It was only a matter of when they would get there that was the problem.

Andrew was always hesitant about the whole new family thing. He had been really affected by their parents leaving and not being able to see the visions himself and having to take his sister's word for it didn't help the situation either. But she was still his sister and his twin, so he tried to keep an open mind to the possibility of a new family.

However that didn't stop him from still missing his parents. He would sometimes wake up in the middle of the night crying as he replayed the scene of the car driving away over and over in his mind. His emotions would become too much to handle and he would have to hold onto his sister whose serene emotions would help calm him down.

The idea of a new family still worried the two. After all, Jennifer could only see so far. What if they ended up hating them? What if they ditched them just like their parents had?

Jennifer had a feeling that wouldn't happen, but every time Andrew voiced his concerns, she couldn't help but feel her own doubt and worry settle in as well. They tried not to dwell on it too much though, not wanting to get their hopes up or crush their dreams before anything had even begun.

After a year had passed, the two had become a little anxious. They were tired of having to live on the streets and steal food, Andrew especially. He would constantly ask Jennifer if she had seen anything more or if they were going to meet their new family soon. Jennifer always just looked away from him and would reply with a quick "soon" before changing the subject.

She knew that that response wouldn't work much longer. Andrew was growing restless and she was too. Luckily for her, she wouldn't have to give him that answer for much longer. For that night was the night that they would meet their new family.

And it all started with one of Jennifer's visions.

- - -

Water. The first thing she saw was water.

It was everywhere but it didn't bother her. It was like a movie in her head where she could only see the water but didn't actually feel it. She could tell it was night time, the water being black enough that there was no way it could've been during the day, but other than that, she couldn't see anything else.

Her suspicions about the time of day were correct when she finally saw the head of the man that controlled metal break through the surface and into the night sky. Her eyes adjusted to the new view before she recognized the familiar Virginia coast that she had seen many times in her visions. Her eyes then flickered back to the man who was swimming around. What was he doing?

The view seemed to change and she finally saw the boat that he was swimming a little ways away from. She watched as he swam towards the ship and, before she could see what happened, the vision changed. She now saw the man flying back into the water after being thrown off of the ship.

The view changed to the man that controlled minds. He was on a coast guard ship that was making its way towards the ship that the other man had just been thrown off of. The images started changing suddenly and she saw the metal man again who was now using his powers to lift up the anchor and wreck the ship.

Jennifer didn't have to have her brother's powers to know that this man was obviously mad about something. The lower half of the ship broke away and became a submarine. The metal man tried to use his powers to bring it up, but was only being dragged underwater by the submarine.

The telepath jumped off of the coastal guard ship after the metal man who had went fully underwater. Jennifer saw the telepath attempting to calm the metal man down, but just when she thought it was beginning to work, the two were suddenly pulled further under water and the vision went black.

"No!" Jennifer yelled as she sat up from her spot in the alley, tears streaming down her face. Andrew instantly shot up from beside her, his face filled with worry and sadness. "What's wrong? Why are you sad?" Andrew asked.

Jennifer was breathing heavily, the events of her vision still flashing through her head. "It's not going to work," Jennifer muttered. "What?" Andrew asked confused. Jennifer's eyes flickered over to her brother and she stared at him with wide eyes.

Andrew's worry washed away and he instantly had a pained and sad look on his face from being able to feel her own emotions. "It's not going to work," Jennifer told him again more persistently.

"What's not going to work?" Andrew asked. "They're going to die," was all Jennifer responded with before she quickly stood up and brushed off her clothes. She reached down for her backpack that she had luckily had on her that day her parents left and began putting the small belongings and food they had left into the bag.

Andrew stood up now, fully awake upon hearing that someone was going to die. "I'm confused. What are you talking about, Jen? Who's going to die?" Andrew asked. Jennifer stuffed the last of their things in the bag and quickly shut it before putting the bag on her back.

"I'll explain later. Right now, I need you to get us to Virginia," Jennifer told him. Andrew's nose scrunched up in confusion. "Virginia? Why Virginia?" Andrew asked.

"It's our family, Andy," Jennifer told him. Andrew's eyes widened with shock. "Mom and-?" Andrew began but Jennifer harshly cut him off. "No. Our real family. The family that's like us," she said. Andrew's face dropped slightly. "The metal guy and the one that reads minds?" Andrew asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

Jennifer nodded her head. "They're in trouble, Andrew. They're going to die if we don't get there on time," she told him. Andrew stared at her in silence for a moment before nodding his head. "Then what are we still doing here? They need us, don't they?" Andrew asked, a small smile on his face.

Jennifer smiled gratefully at him before going over to her brother. He grabbed ahold of her and held on tight before saying, "Don't let go, okay?" She nodded and Andrew took a deep breath before using his strength to push them off of the ground and into the air where the wind promptly grabbed ahold of them and began flying them in the direction of Virginia.

Jennifer may have not been able to save her first family from sticking together, but she sure wasn't about to let this one fall apart before it had even begun.

- - -

They arrived to Virginia by nightfall and Jennifer began to panic because of how close they were cutting it. "It was over there," she told her brother as she pointed towards where she had seen the vision take place. Andrew nodded and used the wind to guide them over the water. The twins began to look around and Jennifer bit her lip nervously, afraid that maybe they had been too late.

It was only when she caught sight of a man swimming in the water who was lifting his hands up as if he were trying to pull something out of the water that she let out a sigh of relief. "There!" She exclaimed and Andrew quickly flew them over there.

They reached the guy right as he went underwater. "What's he doing?" Andrew asked confused. "Trying to get revenge," Jennifer whispered out. She then looked to her brother and said, "You need to get us down there. I'll try and get him to calm down while you keep us from going under with your strength, okay?" Andrew nodded and looked down to the water before whispering, "Okay."

He then looked to his sister and gave her a small smile. "Take a deep breath," he told her. She did as he said and Andrew did the same before he used the air to send them down into the water and towards the man who was going lower and lower. Andrew used one more blast of air to get them down to the man and Jennifer quickly grabbed ahold of him.

The man looked back in shock and stared at the two kids with wide eyes before shaking his head and looking back at the submarine. He was still attempting to pull up the submarine while Jennifer attempted to pull him away. Andrew held onto his sister and used his strength to stop the three from going under, stopping the submarine as well doing so.

The man wasn't calming down, so Jennifer put a hand to his head before speaking to him. "You can't," she said in his mind causing the man to jump in shock. "You're going to drown if you keep it up. You have to let go or you're going to die. Stop, please."

The man didn't listen and Jennifer would've sighed in frustration if she weren't underwater. Instead, she closed her eyes and used her mind to search for the man's name.

As she looked into his mind, she saw a little boy in pain after having watched his mother die at the hands of the man inside the submarine. She then saw the man turn to the boy before calling him Erik and that's all she needed.

Jennifer opened her eyes and instead of pulling against Erik, she merely hugged him. "I know how much it means to you," her voice seemed to whisper in his head. "And I'm so sorry, but you can't. You'll die if you don't stop. Please, Erik. Stop."

It took a few seconds, but Erik stopped struggling and lowered his hands, letting go of his hold on the submarine. Jennifer closed her eyes in relief and hugged him a little tighter in comfort. She then looked back at her brother and nodded her head slightly. Andrew nodded back and used the air to push them up to the water's surface.

As soon as they had reached the surface, Erik was shoving the twins away. "Get off me! Get off me!" Erik yelled while Andrew quickly pulled his sister away from the man. Jennifer gripped onto her brother and looked at Erik sadly while Andrew glared at him.

"Calm down!" Andrew told him, but Erik only struggled and grew angrier. "He's not calming down," Jennifer whispered. "He will," Andrew muttered before he reached a hand out.

He grabbed onto Erik's shoulder before the man could stop him. Erik was about to slap the boy's hand away when he was suddenly overcome with a feeling of tranquility.

It was like all of his anger had gone away and had been replaced by a sense of calm. Erik looked to the boy in front of him who pulled his hand away before wrapping it back around the girl who Erik assumed was his sister.

"Who are you?" Erik asked warily as he stared at the two kids. "I'm Jennifer. This is my twin brother Andrew," Jennifer said as she gave him a small smile. Erik's eyes flickered over to Andrew who just gave him a nod in greeting.

"You did something to my emotions," Erik said as he looked at Andrew. He then looked to Jennifer and pointed a finger at her. "And you were in my head. How did you two do it?"

"You have your tricks, we have ours," Andrew responded coldly.

He was having trouble believing that this was one of the people that Jennifer had told him about. This man, the same man who had just tried to shove them away and had been yelling at them, was the man who was supposed to be a part of their new family? Andrew wasn't buying it.

"We're like you," Jennifer said excitedly. "I thought I was alone," Erik admitted as a costal ship drew near them. Jennifer looked up at the ship and caught sight of the man that controlled minds pointing down at them. She smiled slightly before looking back to Erik.

"You're not alone," she assured him. "Erik, you're not alone."

- - -

"That wasn't very smart," a voice said to Erik who was drying his hair with a towel. He brought the towel down, his hair now slightly messy, and glanced over at the newcomer. A man around his age stood before him with his hands in his pockets as he gave him an amused smile.

Erik rolled his eyes and went back to drying his hair. "I'm Charles Xavier," the man said as he held a hand out. Erik ignored it and Charles quickly let his hand drop to his side. "Listen, Erik, what happened-" Charles began, but Erik cut him off by turning to look at him confused. "How do you know my name?" Erik asked.

Charles didn't respond at first and Erik groaned. "You're like her, aren't you?" Erik asked. Charles furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "Like who?" He questioned. "The girl that was in the water," Erik said.

He then looked around before his eyes landed on Andrew and Jennifer who were a little ways away. He pointed in their direction. "There. That's her and her brother," Erik told the man.

Charles turned to see what the man was talking about. His eyes landed on the twins and he instantly felt like something was different about them. He furrowed his eyebrows and began walking over to the siblings.

Erik didn't even hesitate before following as well. He wasn't sure what was up with these kids, but he wanted to find out.

The two men approached Andrew and Jennifer right as Andrew was wrapping a towel around his sister. "Hello," Charles greeted and the two turned to look at the men. Andrew took a small step in front of his sister while Jennifer grinned at the men.

"I knew we would find you two."

Charles and Erik blinked in surprise as they stared at the nine year old girl in front of them who was looking at them as if she knew them personally. They then glanced at each other before looking back at the girl.

Jennifer could feel Charles in her mind and she opened it up more for him to be able to see everything. His eyes moved around slightly as if he were seeing everything right in front of him. He then blinked in surprise before whispering out in astonishment, "You're mutants."

Jennifer nodded. "Yeah, we are. I'm Jennifer and this is my brother Andrew," Jennifer introduced themselves again so that Charles would know. "What are your mutations, if you don't mind me asking?" Charles questioned.

"I can do things with my mind," Jennifer explained. "There's some word to describe it, but I can't remember what it is." "Telepathy," Erik muttered and Jennifer nodded. "Yeah, that!" she exclaimed happily.

She then looked around to make sure no one was watching before she held a hand out for the men to see. They watched as it began to glow a bright red before red wisps came out of her hand, dancing and swirling around as they entered he air.

"I can also shoot things from my hands," she said as she gave them a childish grin. "Oh, and I can predict the future which is how I knew we would see you." Charles bent down to look at the girl's hand before looking at her in amazement. "Astonishing," he whispered. "And you said you can predict the future as well?"

Jennifer nodded with a confident look before it slipped slightly. "Well, only some times. I can't summon the visions. The visions come to me," she explained.

"What about you?" Erik asked as he looked at Andrew. "What about me?" Andrew asked as he crossed his arms. "What are your mutations?" Erik questioned. "You sure you can handle it?" Andrew challenged. Erik and Charles chuckled before nodding.

Andrew glanced at Jennifer and she gave him a small nod to which he smirked and looked back at the men. "Okay then," he said and before the older mutants knew what was going on, Andrew had held up his hands and they were suddenly blasted by enough air to have them stumbling back and struggling to stay on their feet.

Andrew eventually dropped his hands and the twins chuckled at the sight of the now dried, but wind blown looking Erik and Charles. They looked at Andrew with wide eyes and he smiled before saying, "I can control the air."

"I can see that," Erik muttered grumpily as he ran a hand through his now untamed hair. Andrew just smiled and turned to his sister before blasting her with much calmer air until she was dry as well.

"Amazing. Is there anything else?" Charles asked. "I guess you can say I'm pretty strong. Oh, and I can feel and mess with emotions as well," Andrew said. "That's why I suddenly felt calm when you put a hand on my shoulder," Erik said. Andrew nodded.

"Wow. This is incredible. I'm sure your parents are the ones that have been helping you handle your mutations," Charles said and Andrew instantly flinched. "Not exactly," Jennifer muttered. The two adults gave them questioning looks. "They kind of left us at an ice cream shop a year back. We've been on the run ever since," Jennifer admitted.

Andrew looked to the ground and Jennifer glanced at her brother before softly taking his hand in her own, allowing him to feel her emotions instead of dwelling on his own.

Charles and Erik watched the twins sadly. Their parents had just left them?

Charles looked into their minds and sighed when he saw their parents leaving them, forcing the two to live on the streets. He could already tell that Andrew was struggling with some abandonment issues while Jennifer was struggling with feeling like she wasn't good enough. He also saw that she thought she couldn't let her brother know because she needed to be the tough one for him seeing how their parents leaving had affected him so much.

"Well then. I'm sure we can work things out," Charles said as he stood up. The twins gave him a confused look and he merely smiled. "You two can stay with us until we find you a better situation than the one you are currently in."

"Us?" Erik asked confused. "Me and Raven," Charles clarified. "She's my sister. Er. . .adoptive sister. You'll like her. She's like us as well. And in the mean time, we can try and help you manage your mutations. I can see it's still hard to control sometimes."

Andrew and Jennifer nodded, knowing there was no use denying it since the man had obviously seen the mishaps they have had with their powers. "So what do you say?" Charles asked.

Andrew and Jennifer glanced at each other and seemed to silently communicate before Andrew nodded slightly. He knew how much this opportunity meant to Jennifer and seeing as he would do anything and everything for his sister, he was willing to give this a chance. Jennifer gratefully squeezed her brother's hand in a way of thanks before turning back to Charles and Erik.

"We're in."

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