Back To You (Thranduil Fanfic)

By xTheExecuter

163K 5.3K 1.6K

"What do you mean a child jumped off the bridge?" This is where young Lúthien's story continues, after experi... More

Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine
Part Ten
Part Eleven
Part Twelve
Part Thirteen
Part Fourteen
Part Fifteen
Part Seventeen
Part Eighteen
Part Nineteen
Part Twenty
Part Twenty One
Part Twenty Two
Part Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Part Twenty Seven
Part Twenty Eight
Part Twenty Nine
Part Thirty
Part Thirty One

Part Sixteen

3.8K 144 36
By xTheExecuter

"I ripped it straight from her wretched neck."

"I....I don't know what to say."

"It's rightfully  yours, take it." Lúthien slowly stepped back

"I don't think I can."

"And why's that?"

"You risked your life...for them? Abraxsis are you insane!?"

"I thought that you'd be glad to have them back."

"I do not know how to feel right now, all I can think about is how you almost died getting these."

"I assumed that if you had your stolen memories back, you'd finally be free."

"I don't care about that, I care that you made that choice!"

"Did you not make the very same choice beneath that mountain?"

"That wasn't the same-" she tried to deny

"Weren't you the one who freed my brothers and sisters?"

"Abraxsis-" the traumatizing memories began pounding from within her mind

"Didn't you risk your own life so that we could all be saved!?"


"Didn't you? What happened to that her? The brave girl who confronted me despite my beastly appearance? Who sympathized my condition enough to heal me completely? Where did she go?"

"I don't-"

"There are people here who care about you Lúthien, you cannot just push them aside! They need you!" Without another thought, she strode up to Abraxsis and pushed him over the railing, only to catch him by his foot.

"That girl." She paused to keep her tears from falling "Died a horrible death beneath that mountain."

Lúthien immediately hauled him back over to the safe side of the railing. She let go of his foot, leaving him dumbfounded on her balcony. And she didn't take the amulet, it was still in Abraxsis's hand when she left her chambers. He wouldn't bother trying to convince Lúthien so he placed it on her nightstand before attempting to follow her.

There wasn't a single fiber in her body that wasn't ready to take that pendant and throw it away. Those memories of hers had been stolen and Lúthien wasn't sure how to feel about it. She was content with the life she had outside the walls of this kingdom. But what she wasn't aware of was the love she had for her King.

Lúthien, on the verge of spilling her furious tears began sprinting down the corridors, hoping to lose Abraxsis. She knew he'd follow her eventually, hence the swift running. The fact that he almost died to get her measly memories made her tremble with anger.

Thranduil had just been leaving a council meeting when he heard the echoing footsteps of someone running about the halls. His ears pricked slightly to the sound as it rang faintly at the opposite end of the corridor. As he turned his head to look, he saw Lúthien hurry past. As soon as she was out of sight The King shifted toward Elros who was by his side. They both glanced at each other, silently agreeing to go after her.

When they reached the end of the hallway, Abraxsis followed from the right, The King deliberately stepped in his path.

"Abraxsis, is it not?"

"It is, you'll have to excuse me." He said trying to step around the King

"Not so fast breather of fire." Thranduil said yet again, blocking his way

"You're going to tell me what has happened with Lúthien."

"I wouldn't have thought that you were one to care for her wellbeing." He retorted, the King's blood simmered in his veins

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't slay you right here in these very halls." He threatened, pulling out his sword and holding it to Abraxsis's throat

"Because if you killed me, Lúthien would never forgive you." He spoke, clearly unfazed by the King's meaningless threats "She'd mourn and become filled with grief because I, more than anyone knows how she's suffered. She'd hate you with every fiber of her being for murdering her only friend in this god forsaken world that even cares to understand her. Unlike you, I am no coward. I do not fear what I do not understand!"

Thranduil held his sword firmly, lightly pressing into Abraxsis's skin. The dragon was indeed correct, he couldn't afford to slay him. There was no denying that Lúthien valued his life, killing him would only result in driving her further away.

"So get on with it! I'd gladly die for her."

As much as Thranduil hated to admit it, killing Abraxsis wasn't the answer and it'd serve no purpose. So he lowered the sword from his neck before sheathing it swiftly.

"I won't kill you, upsetting her further is not my intention."

"Then let me pass, allow me to comfort her."

"You'll give me the honor of doing so."

"Do you honestly believe that's the best idea? Aren't you supposed to wise?" He sneered

"What would you do differently?"

"For starters I wouldn't insult her closest friend. You must acknowledge that Lúthien is broken in places you may not choose to understand, but you cannot blame her for what happened. You will purge those thoughts from your mind if you wish to win her trust."

"Alright then, can I trust you to remain here?"

"Look I know you both have...history, whether she remembers it or not. I think it's fair to attempt to smooth things over with Lúthien during our time here. We're not going to be around forever, so I won't stop you from going to her. But I cannot promise not to intervene, should anything occur."

"That's all I need."


Lúthien found herself wandering around the gardens, feeling somewhat familiar with her surroundings. Ever since she arrived in the Woodland Realm, everything seemed to feel like a hazy dream. She now understood it was because fragments of her memory had been trapped within an amulet.

As she continued roaming the grounds she thought about what Abraxsis had said about her memories. Lúthien wondered whether or not she should attempt to regain them. There was this faint voice in the back of her mind that yearned for those lost pieces, but there was also another that refused to accept them.

Lúthien hadn't realized it at the time, but while she had been entirely focused on her missing memories, she had somehow made it onto a bridge. The river flowed rapidly beneath her, and an entire sensation of overwhelming terror began consuming her. Another vision, immediately flashed through her mind, completely catching her off guard. She sank to her knees, holding her head in her palms, trying to put an end to this horrible feeling.

It was Thranduil, his face had turned terrifyingly pale. Her hand extended out to him as he desperately attempted to catch her. And then...absolutely nothing but darkness. Almost as soon as the agonizing throbbing arrived, it had disappeared, leaving her dumbfounded. Scorching tears ran down her cheeks, as she made an effort to gather herself.

Lúthien may have been confused, but she wasn't clueless. That look on the King's face, she knew what it meant. Her heart ached with remorse, even though she couldn't remember, Thranduil absolutely could. It wasn't fair to him, he didn't deserve this sort of torment.

She clenched throbbing heart and let out a sob that she had been attempting to hold back. Lúthien didn't dare open her eyes, because this nightmare of hers would become reality. Eventually, her cries grew soft and her breathing shallowed a bit. It was only then, that she was able to hear the faint calls in the distance. It called out to her from afar, at first she assumed they weren't real. But they continued growing louder and more distressed.

"Lúthien!" It called...and she recognized that voice

"Lúthien!!" It was the King, he had come

Thranduil attempted to pry Lúthien's protective wings away from her body so that he could see her face. But they refused to budge, leaving him frustrated and concerned.

"Lúthien?" He tried, placing his palm on her obsidian wing "Its alright Lurielním, I'm here." Thranduil whispered, willing his troubled heart to be still.

Abraxsis stood not far away, watching over the two of them. He knew she'd be alright, but it would only take some time. If anything got out of hand, he promised that he'd interfere.

The King placed his forehead on her stubborn wing, hoping it would move. He let out a shaky breath before speaking

"Don't fight me any longer dear one, it's alright, you can let go."

Lúthien felt the warmth from his hand on her wing, she could hear the soft sound of his voice pleading her to open up her wings. That's when she knew that it was real-he was real.

Slowly, Lúthien's great wings shifted away from her body and tucked themselves neatly behind her shoulders. Though she had opened her eyes, she remained kneeling with head low.

"I can feel it." She finally spoke "I can feel your anguish and sorrow from that day." The King knelt down so that he'd be at her level

"Lurielním..." Lúthien initially refused to raise her head. Thranduil's hand gently guided her chin so she'd be looking up at him. "There you are." He said searching her face

"You mustn't shed tears for my sake. You saved me that day Lúthien, and for some time I resented you for it. I didn't want to see a world without you in it, but now that you've returned, I couldn't be more grateful." 

Lúthien gave him a doleful glance before placing her hand above his heart. It pounded wildly beneath her palm. Though his composure remained in tact, Thranduil felt as if he were soaring.

"I might not remember much, but the absence is there...the absence of you lingers like the smell in the forest after it rains. I've always felt it within my heart, but I didn't want to admit it."

"Then perhaps it is time for me to put an end to this emptiness that ails you." Thranduil's face was so close now that Lúthien could feel her face run red with blush. "We have both become prisoners to our own hearts."

"And how would you propose we liberate ourselves?"

"I'd suggest...succumbing to one's desires."

"And what if my desires were to get off this measly bridge?"

"Then I would gladly lift you into my arms as if you were the most fragile thing in the world and carry you away to safety."  Lúthien raised her brows

"You're full of surprises your grace."

"I don't think I'm quite finished yet."

"Ahem-" Abraxsis interrupted, approaching the two of them "I'm sorry to intervene, but it's begun to rain." He said pointing up to the sky

Thranduil and Lúthien had become so distracted by one another that they hadn't realized their clothes were almost soaked. They both looked to the heavens, then back at each other and laughed. 

Hearing Lúthien laugh was something the King had not heard in years. He was content knowing that she was safe here, in the moment, with him. Thranduil remembered a time when he would do anything just to see her smiling face again.

"Shall we get inside then?" He asked her with gleaming eyes. Lúthien nodded in agreement, so Thranduil took her hand in his and helped her stand

"Don't come crying to me when you've caught a cold, you're still recovering you know." Abraxsis warned

"Recovering?" The King asked, Lúthien slowly turned to him and said,

"Abraxsis has a thing for drama. I'm alright now, but I needed rest after healing his wounds." Her friend scoffed as he walked on

"You should be reserving your strength, not wasting it. Perhaps the King would like to give his opinion." He said with a smirk, which made both of them darken a few shades


                       ~Later that evening~

"Wait a minute, so you're saying that I was almost killed by a cougar and because you came after me, I put your life in danger. And that's why I was banished?" Lúthien snorted as she sipped her glass of wine

Thranduil half laughed, trying to keep himself calm. He wasn't so easily effected by the alcohol, his tolerance was higher that Lúthien's "Yes, well you can imagine how upset the council had been-"

"Valar." She swore "I was so reckless then...." Her eyes ventured over to the raging fire Thranduil had lit, the flames swirled and danced with furious passion. Lúthien tried to be serious, but she was almost finished consuming her third glass. "Hell, I'm even more reckless now!"

"I swear one of these days, my recklessness will be the end of me." She giggled

"I regretted sending you away." He sighed "There were times where I'd drink from dusk to dawn, hoping that all feeling would cease to exist. On one occasion, I had consumed so much wine that I actually believed you were here. I followed you down the hall to your chambers, only to find out that everything had simply been a hallucination. For all I know, this very moment could just be made up inside my mind."

"Yes your grace, this is nothing but a hazy dream. You'll wake up in the morning and beg the Valar to send you back to sleep. And my touch will only be felt through pure memory."

"If this is a dream, then I pray that it'll never end." Thranduil admitted

The two of them sat side by side in front of the fireplace in her chambers, gradually drying off from the rain. There was a moment of utter silence, and Lúthien had been entranced by the flickering flames once again. The more she concentrated, the more the fire began to take the shape of a small dragon. It immediately disappeared due to the loss of focus. She could feel his eyes on her, Thranduil had broken the trance by gazing upon her as if she were the most exquisite being he had ever beheld.

"That was an interesting trick." Lúthien could see the burning fire casting dark shadows over the sharp features of his face. She never understood how the King could remain so still for moments at a time, it drove her curiosity over the edge. Though he was blanketed with shadows, his eyes reflected the illuminating light from the fire. Mixtures of bright orange and yellow swam within his captivating eyes. Despite already sitting beside a source of warmth, everything from Lúthien's cheeks to her ears started to heat up, which he was quick to notice. To her credit she didn't look away from him, her eyes never straying away.

Lúthien smiled a bit "I can create and manipulate fire-I don't do it often though-"

"How did you come by this sort of power?"

"When I fell from the river, I was rescued..." Thranduil noted the darkness growing in her eyes. "My injuries were far too great to heal on their own, I didn't have the strength to recover. The only reason I'm still alive, is because of Abraxsis. Even though he was forced, it is still his blood that runs through my veins. He saved my life. The transfusion was experimental and unpredictable, no one could tell how I'd react to it. Luckily, my body was able to withstand his dragon blood. But of course there are side effects such as my fire attribute and my wings, I don't think there have been any other developments so far."

Lúthien pulled her knees to her chest and held them firmly. She thought about the night she made her escape, how she was able to get away. The entire situation made her feel small and rather vulnerable, despite managing to put and end to Eris's life.

"Was it...painful?" Thranduil asked quietly

"I've never experienced anything more enduring in all my life. The feeling of your simmering blood is one of the most physically excruciating things in the world. In terms of pain, I don't think I've ever met it's equal."

"Do you still feel this agonizing feeling?" Lúthien nodded

"It's something you grow accustomed to." She sighed "But it isn't something you can simply forget." Lúthien then tipped her glass all the way back and swallowed her wine

"I could use some more, should I grab us another bottle?" She didn't wait for his response

Thranduil beheld Lúthien as she made her way over to her desk and picked up another bottle of wine by its narrow neck. She smiled and giggled, her words occasionally slurring, he assumed it was to mask the pain. He could clearly see her lips moving, but he couldn't hear any words. Instead of pouring herself another glass, she just drank straight from the bottle.

She laid down on the carpet next to him, gradually finishing his fine wine. Thranduil felt his heart pounding in his chest, the longer he gazed at her, the more emotional he became. Slowly, his hand absentmindedly reached out and took the bottle just as she was about to take another gulp.

"Lúthien." He breathed, she looked up at him merrily

"Thranduil." The smile she gave him made his heart ache. It took every fiber of his being to control what he so desperately wanted to make his. Her return, brought about repressed feelings that he had thought no longer existed.

"You seem...unhappy." Lúthien's smile faded as she sat up, placing a worried hand on his cheek.

"No Lurielním." He said with a tear running down his face. "I couldn't possibly be more content about anything in my entire life." With her thumb, Lúthien wiped it away

"Do not cry for me Thranduil." She said looking him in the eye and beamed with joy, and for some odd reason it was the first time he realized she had dimples. "I'm here now."

"I know." He whispered, taking her hand in his. Thranduil brought her hand up to his lips, placing a tender kiss on the inside of her wrist. "I thank the Valar everyday allowing me to be with you again."

Lúthien's eyes began to flutter, she attempted to blink away the drowsiness that started to consume her. She didn't want to sleep, to end the time she shared with Thranduil.

"You grow tired Lúthien."

"No, I just closed my eyes for a moment. I promise you that I'm not tired."

"You're also quite drunk I'm afraid." He chuckled

"Am not." Lúthien protested, lightly hitting his arm. But it wasn't long afterward that her eyes closed shut and her body began to fall over. Of course Thranduil caught her, he held her small frame against his.

He could faintly feel the light thumping of her heart. The King looked down at his little spirit, moving the stray strands of her caramel colored hair away from her face. Lúthien's head rested so peacefully on his chest, he didn't dare to move her. But he knew they couldn't remain on the ground all night, so Thranduil gracefully picked her up and walked over to the bed. After gently placing her down on the mattress, he pulled the sheets over her shoulders so she wouldn't be chilly.

"Thank you, dear one." He said softly before slipping away to his chambers. In those few moments that it took him to cross the hall, Thranduil realized that Lúthien had him wrapped around her heart. And she always would.

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