Always With You (Vampire! 2p...

By -litttle-princess-

4.4K 132 34

Vampire AU Reader is a simple human in a world that's been divided into two from a war between Vampires and... More

Chapter One: what's happening?
Chapter Two: And This Is?
Chapter Four- Beauty In the Night

Chapter Three: And You Are?

961 28 13
By -litttle-princess-

2nd pov

Your (e/c) eyes slowly began to flicker open, everything around you blurry and hazy. You blinked a few times and as your vision cleared, you could see you were in a bedroom. You were laying on a queen sized bed, the sheets were a silky, royal (f/c) color. There were several fluffy pillows around your head, swallowing you a bit in the fabric, as the pillows leaned against the large headboard. The bed was placed in the center of the wall, a large cushioned area behind the headboard, a matching royal (f/c) color. There was a large half circle mirror with white designs painted into it around the cushioned wall. Sitting up, you turned your head around to look over the room. On both sides of the head of the bed were bedside tables, a lamp on each of them that matched each other. You leaned down and pulled open one of the drawers, a little disappointed when you saw that it was empty. You continued to look around the room after pushing the drawer closed. On the right side of the room was a lounge chair, a matching (f/c) color. The chair was positioned in front of a large floor to ceiling window, the curtains drawn to show the night sky and full moon. There was a lamp behind the chair, giving off a dim glow to the room. On the left side of the room was a large white dresser like vanity. The mirror was placed on the wall, another pair of curtains was around the mirror. The vanity was made of wood, but was shining in the light from the top coat. In front of the bed was a small table, two cupboards placed in it for storage, but on top of the table was a vase filled with (f/flowers). Beside the vase were two white candles that were lit, giving off another soft glow into the room. From the bed, you could see that were three doors on the left side of the room and on the right side of the room was another door. The single door on the left side of the room led to a bathroom, the pair of double doors leading to a walk-in closet from what you could see from the bed. However, the door on the right side of the room probably lead out to the hallway.

Your eyebrows furrowed as you tried to figure out where you were. You shot up in bed, looking down at the soft sheets. You were at a complete loss, unable to recollect any memories of getting in bed. Your gazed flowed to your chest where you could see a lot more (s/t) skin showing than ever before. You squeaked a bit in shock at the sight of a silky red nightgown adorning your (petite/cubby/plush) form. You quickly shot out of the bed, your foot tangled in the sheets a bit causing you to hit the carpeted floor with a soft 'thump.' You sat up and flinched at the sight of your (h/c) hair falling into your face. You quickly stood up and rushed to the vanity, stopping at the sight of yourself. You were wearing a silky red nightgown, showing your breasts a lot more than you're used to. Your (s/t) skin was covered in goosebumps from the shift of temperature from the warm bed to the carpet, and finally to the marble floors. Your long (h/c) hair was pulled out of the bun it used to be in and was laying against your back. You could see that the gash once on your temple was completely gone, shocking you to the core because you knew from the amount of blood previously from the wound that it was more than likely a bad gash. Your face completely clean of any makeup that was once on your face. However, without the makeup on, you could see that the blackheads and few zits on your face were also completely gone as well.

"What in the world?..." Your sentence was cut off by a knock on the door, its opening to reveal a girl dressed as a maid.

She looked up at you, shock evident on her pale face, her violet eyes were wide. The girl was wearing a black and white maids outfit, a pair of black stockings on her legs to go with the dress and a pair of black pumps. Her red hair was pulled up into two pigtails, her hair slightly curling in the style. She had bangs that complimented her round face shape. There was a black headband in her hair that was keeping her other hair back. She wasn't wearing any make, something that you weren't used to seeing in your life. All in all, she was really pretty but you had no idea who she was or where you were.

"W-where am I?.." Your voice was shaking a bit as you spoke trying to figure out your surroundings.

"I'm a bit surprised that you're awake right now, I was expecting you to still be asleep." She didn't answer your question, instead walked farther into the room with a dress in her hands.

"You didn't answer my question. Where am I?.." Your voice came out firm, but you couldn't help the fear that was evident. You had no idea where you were and it was a natural response for one to fear the unknown.

"You are in the palace...Specifically the vampire's palace. I am Maddy, I'm going to be your personal maid from here on out, on the orders of the prince." Maddy, as you now know her name, walked over to the bathroom and hung the dress up on a rack beside the doors.

You stood in your spot in front of the mirror, confusion was written across your face, "what?... What the hell am I doing here?! I don't belong here!"

Maddy sighed as she turned back around to look at you, "I do not have the information you seek. The only person who can tell you that would be the prince himself. Now, I am going to prepare you to meet the prince. You are to take a bath before I dress you and make you presentable."

You stood in the same spot, looking at her like she had three heads, "I'm not allowing you to do that! I don't know you!"

Maddy growled a bit, getting rather annoyed by your attitude, "you're making this a lot fucking harder than it needs to be. Just let me clean you up."

You were about to say something more, but Maddy gave you an angered look and you could see her fangs peeking out from her upper lip. The fact that she could kill you at any moment, forced you to second guess your idea of running. You bowed your head, showing that you were done fighting her. Maddy let out a small sigh before heading into the bathroom and filling the tub with warm water. You followed her into the bathroom, crossing your arms over your chest from embarrassment. Growing up in the human world, no one has seen you in such a vulnerable state before, and it made you nervous to think that someone was going to see you naked. Maddy finished filling the tub and added a bit of bubble to it before turning around and looking at you a bit confused.

"What is that look for?" Maddy had no idea what you, a human girl whom Maddy has never seen before, is blushing the way you were.

"I-I've never done this...this is...embarrassing.." You looked down at the floor, the blush darkening a bit.

"Calm down, I'm not going to judge you or anything like that. I'm just going to wash your hair and basically pamper you a bit. Would it help if I turned around as you got into the bath?" Maddy spoke with a softer tone than she has since first meeting you.

You just nodded your head to her question, watching as Maddy did as she said she would. Once her back was turned to you, you grabbed the end of the nightgown and pulled it over your head. Your skin erupting in more goosebumps from the lack of cloth. You left the gown on the floor as you walked over to the white, clawfoot tub and stepped into the warm water. You slipped down into the water, watching the way it looked like you were being swallowed in a fluffy cloud of bubbles. Upon hearing the water splash, Maddy turned around and grabbed a bottle of shampoo and conditioner from a small counter and walked over to the side of the tub where she sat on a stool. You could feel your muscles slowly relaxing, but your mind was going crazy with thoughts. You were still filled with anxiety at the thought of meeting the vampire prince, which one it was, you had no idea. Maddy used a small cup to fill with water to wet your hair and got to work with washing your long (h/c) hair. She used her fingers to massage the shampoo into your scalp, causing you to relax a bit more than before.

You closed your eyes as you enjoyed the feeling of her washing your hair. Your sense of smell was filled with the wonderful scent of vanilla. You let out a small sigh as you calmed your racing mind. Maddy rinsed the shampoo from your hair and lathered your hair in cream rinse and folded it up a few times, using a hair clip to hold it in place on the top of your head. She then picked up one of your hands out of the water and started to file your nails, making sure that they were all even and did the same thing to your other hand. You were looking up at the ceiling as she made sure that your nails looked right. Maddy turned and grabbed a bottle of body wash and a loofa, she handed it over to you. You thanked her in a really quiet voice, waiting for her to turn around, which she did before you washed your body. You were enjoying the scent of vanilla that was filling your senses. You dipped the loofa a few times and squeezed the excess soap out of it before rinsing the suds off your (s/t) skin and the cream rinse out of your hair. Once she heard you stop moving she turned around and stood up, grabbing a red towel off of a shelf and walked back over.

"Let's dry you off, and then wax your legs, armpits and other areas." Maddy looked indifferent at the thought of waxing your body, but you flushed and looked at her a bit shocked.

"Wait, I've never been waxed before..." You bit your lip, a bit hesitant at the thought.

"Don't worry, it doesn't hurt as bad as everyone makes it out to be. It'll be over a lot sooner than you think." Maddy held the towel in her hands as she looked down at you.

"Can I just use a razor instead? I'm really not comfortable with the thought of wax." You looked up at her, crossing your arms over your chest just in case she could see anything.

Maddy sighed a bit before turning to the sink and opened the cupboard under the sink, pulling out a brand new razor. She turned back to you and pulled it out of its casing before handing it to you. You took it from her hand thanking her quietly, as you began to shave your legs, armpits and private area. Maddy left the room as you did that, getting your dress ready along with some other things to make sure that you would be at your best to meet the prince. Maddy walked back into the bathroom, noticing that you were done shaving and held out a towel for you. You stood up from the water, using your forearm to cover your breasts as you took the towel from her, wrapping it around your (petite/cubby/plush) form. Maddy helped you out of the tub so you wouldn't fall, before leaning down to drain the tub. You followed her out of the bathroom once she was done and walked over to the small desk in the room, taking a seat on the plush chair. Maddy grabbed a hair dryer and a brush and began to dry your hair. You sat there patiently, using the (scent) lotion, applying it to your legs and arms, enjoying the scent of it. Once she was done drying your hair, she grabbed a hair curler and began to style your hair in simple, yet elegant curls that flowed down your back. Once she was done with your hair she handed you a strapless, nude colored pair of panties that matched your skin tone. You slipped them on, watching as she grabbed the dress off of the hook and walked back over to you.

"When you slip this dress on, be careful with your hair please." You nodded at her statement and took the dress from her.

You slipped the form-fitting dress onto your (petite/chubby/plush) form. You held the top up as Maddy got to work lacing the back of it. The dress was absolutely beautiful. It had a sweetheart neckline and off the shoulder straps. The back of the dress was a corset style, which allowed the dress to stay up. The top of the dress was form fitting leading into a flowy skirt. The dress ended at your feet, the top material was sheer, but the underlayer of material was smooth, almost like silk but you could tell that it was cotton. The entire dress was a crimson red color, but even with that color it still matched very nicely with your curled (h/c) locks and (s/t) skin. You let a small smile slip onto your lips as you looked at yourself in the mirror. The dress was gorgeous in every way, especially with the fact that this was the first time you wore a different color than that ugly grey you used to wear in the human society. The vampires had such a different taste in everything, and it was something that really fascinated you.

"Alright, you can sit now. I'm going to apply a bit of lipstick and mascara. Then we'll squirts you a bit with some perfume and then we'll be done." You took a seat in the chair again as you sat with your back straight for her.

"Where exactly are we going after this?" You watched as she grabbed a stick of matching red lipstick and delicately started applying it to your lips.

"After this, I am going to take you to the room where you will meet the prince. From there, you can ask your questions. He will know more about your reasoning on being here than I do." Maddy finished with your lipstick and used an eyelash curler on your eyelashes before applying the mascara, making your (e/c) eyes really pop.

"Alright..thank you for everything. I really appreciate it." You gave her a small smile as she stepped back and took one last look over on your appearance.

Maddy just nodded her head and put the makeup back before turning and grabbing you a pair of black heels, handing them to you. You slipped them onto your feet, a bit surprised when they actually fit your feet, before standing up, enjoying the feeling of feeling like a princess. Maddy walked out of the room, you following close behind her. She lead you through the halls, the only sound being made was your heels clicking against the marble flooring. You were looking around the halls as you walked. The walls were painted a deep red color, and there were a few paintings here and there. The paintings looked amazing though, but you didn't want to get lost so you continued to follow Maddy.

After walking for a few more minutes, the two of you finally arrived at a pair of double doors. Maddy knocked lightly on the door, taking a step back as the doors opened to reveal a throne you. Maddy had you walk in first before stepping forward again and closing the doors behind you. You turned to look at the doors when you heard them click shut, you stood there for a moment before looking at your surroundings. The floor was white marble, shining in the light from the grand, glass chandelier hanging from the ceiling. The walls were painted a deep red color, the boards and smaller decorations were gold. There were several large windows along the sides of the room, the red curtains were drawn open to reveal the full moon outside. There were a few small tables next to the windows with vases of (f/flower) in them. In the middle of the room was a small two stepped 'stage' that had two chairs on it, a deep red curtain is drawn back around them. The chairs were cushioned but also had red. '

Wow, this looks really nice. It's so much more different than the places I've seen,' You couldn't help but think to yourself about the designs in the room. You took a few more steps forward before stopping abruptly at the sight of a male. He was wearing a black button-up shirt under a red waistcoat, black dress pants and matching black dress shoes. He had auburn hair with a bit of a red tint, but it had this awkward stray curl that seemed to not want to go back with his other hairs. He had glowing magenta eyes and a smirk on his face that seemed to widen at the sight of you standing in the room.

"Ah, mio amore, there's no need to be shy. Please do come closer," He looked at you with a smile on his face as you followed his orders walking over to him, stopping a bit away from him.

"Who are you? Wait, I'm sorry that sounded rude!" Your eyes widened at the sound of your own voice coming out in such a sassy tone.

The prince just chuckled, walking to your side where he grabbed your hand and bowed, placing a small kiss to the warm (s/t) skin on your knuckles, "My name is Luciano Vargas, I am the youngest of the Vargas brothers. Soon to be King of the vampire race, it's a pleasure to finally meet you (Name)."

You blinked a few times, a light blush spreading across your cheeks from his action, "how do you know my name? Why am I here? How did I get here? I was supposed to die in that field from that one vampire dude. How am I still alive?" You couldn't stop talking, it was like word vomit was just flowing out of your mouth.

The prince let out a small laugh at your reaction before straightening his back, looking you in the eyes, "The vampire you speak of is Kuro, he is one of my trusty seconds in commands. He brought you here to me rather than killing you in the field. Now, as to why you are here, well. That's because I want to get to know you more."

"Huh?" You looked at him like he was crazy taking a few steps away from him, only for him to reach forward and wrap his arm around your waist, pulling you against his chest.

You tried to push against him, but he just held you tighter against him. You started to struggle, stopping when he suddenly put his face into your neck, taking a deep sniff. Your entire body tensed up from this action before you brought your heel down against his foot as hard as you could in the close proximity, causing Luciano to let out a yelp and let you go. You stumbled back and went to make a run for it, only for Luciano to grab you by your wrists and pin you against the wall. His fingernails dug slightly into your wrists as he pushed you against the wall. You let out a small whimper, looking up at him with fear evident in your (e/c) eyes. Luciano paused for a moment, looking down at you. He didn't know exactly why, but for some reason, it pained him to think that you were afraid of him. Luciano released his grip a bit but kept you pinned against the wall. You looked at him, still scared but confusion and curiosity were also dancing in your eyes.

"Don't look at me with that expression. I don't want you to fear me, no, I just want you to stay by my side. Now, please do not try something like that again." Luciano leaned down again, this time though, his nose brushed yours.

"Then don't sniff me like some creep. Jeez, I get it, you may be a vampire, but that doesn't mean that I want to be sniffed like that." You moved your head to the side, uncomfortable with how close he was to you.

Luciano chuckled again before leaning back once more, pulling you against his chest again, "very well, I won't..but in return, I want you to accompany me outside in the gardens."

You nodded your head, "yeah, okay.."

"ah, meraviglioso. Andremo amore mio?" He looked at you with a smile on his face, awaiting your answer as he held his hand out for you to take. [ah, wonderful. Shall we be going my love?]

You had no idea what he said, but you were more confused with how you were reacting on the inside from his actions. You couldn't understand why your heart was beating so fast. You knew it wasn't from fear, no that wasn't it at all. Your stomach was full of butterflies and your heart seemed to flutter at the sight of his smiling face. Your (e/c) eyes were trapped in a heated gaze with his magenta ones. You slowly slid your hand into his awaiting one, flinching a bit at the feel of his cold skin against your warm one. Luciano pulled you flush against him as he walked out of the throne room, heading in the direction you could only assume as the gardens. Your gut was starting to tell you that, maybe, just maybe, this whole ordeal wasn't going to be as bad as your thoughts have been telling you. 

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