Lena Luthor & Kara Danvers [S...

By Vall0309

43.4K 1.5K 715

°Who would've thought, a Luthor and a Super together °This is a collection of Supercorp Stories! Most of them... More

She played the fiddle in an Irish band
Daughter of a preacher man
A parent mistery
A Parent Mistery part 2
College rivals
Blind, Love
College rivals part 2
You Again?
Speak Up
Puppy Love
A Sight For Sore Eyes
Don't I Know You?
The Nerd And The Jock
A Mother's Love
Can't Let Go Of You
The Other Side
One Cappuccino, Coming Up!
Back Off!
With You I Found My Home
Enemies For Life
I-It's me!
A Touch Of Magic
Fight for our love
Fight for our love part 2
The Matchmaker
"There's someone in my house!?"
Stop the thief!
Stop The Thief! (part 2)
5 Years Later
Package for...Miss Luthor?
And They Were Roommates
Enemies of the heir, beware!
Love, Lena
What are you, deaf?
Travelin' Soldier
The interview

College Rivals Part 3

1K 41 10
By Vall0309

Lena and Kara go on a date despite of the warnings they got from their friends. Will the date go well or end up a total disaster? (date loosly based on an episode from Unfortunately Ashley)


"So what did you tell your friends?" Lena asked as they walked side by side through the park.

"That I wanted to check out the library nearby" Kara chuckled "Lucy was to busy making a Spotify playlist for everyone to care, then there was Alex and Winn who where engaged in a long game of Monopoly"

Lena laughed wholeheartedly "that sounds like fun. I told Samantha I was going to try out the new vegan restaurant, you know that little one nearby our hotel? She's strictly a meat eater so she immediately declined my invitation when I asked het to come" she explained.

They walked in silence for a while, one that wasn't uncomfortable, soon they stopped at a cute little art gallery called Melissa's Gallery. The words were written in big golden letters and was all curved ends.

"wow that's beautiful" Kara spoke as she admired the gold on the white building. Lena took her hand, causing the blonde to look at her "not as beautiful as you are" she said and giggled when Kara's face turned red and she mumbled out a soft thanks.

"shall we go in?" Lena asked.

"yeah let's go" Kara answered.


The gallery looked bigger from the inside so Kara looked around in awe, she was already having the best time and all she did was admire the architecture and Lena. Though she'd deny the latter if you'd ask.

They were assigned to their places which were in the far back, since the girls weren't of drinking age yet the  servants had assured them that they also serve non-alcoholic drinks.

They kept stealing glances at each other as the other people moved to their own assigned seats. When everyone was seated Melissa, a tall slender woman with bright red hair walked upon the little stage and asked people's attention.

"Welcome my fellow artists! Welcome to Art and wine drawing class! My name is Melissa and this is my Art gallery!" she said with enthusiasm.

Lena cringed slightly at how high pitched it was, but when she looked over at Kara she saw the blonde watching the woman with awe. So instead of making fun of the woman she kept her mouth shut and smiled.

"Today there is a very special price at the end, because one of my clients declined my offer of hanging their art I have one free spot." she said and held one finger in the air, to indicate that she really had one spot left. She paused dramatically.

"The one who's art is the best today will get the spot. Of course it's judged by me, and you're allowed to use any material you want. It's all set up for you in the back. If you have a question or need help, don't be afraid to ask me!" Melissa said.

The guy a row in front of Lena and Kara raised his hand and spoke "I don't need any help, I'm a professional". Lena rolled her eyes and leaned in closer to Kara to whisper in her ear "if he is so good, why is he in an art class then?" she whispered, making Kara giggle. "he probably thinks he's the next Picasso" she whispered back, making Lena laugh now "yeah and I'm Beyonce"

Melissa ignored the man's comment and her big smile seemed to get even  bigger "Ready? Set? Go!" she giggled and immediately people started getting up from their seats to gather supplies.

Kara looked over at Lena and smiled" I'm so glad you invited me to this, I haven't done anything like this before but it was on my bucket list"

Lena smiled "don't say thank you for that, I wanted to do this with you remember? She said "besides I wanted to spend time with you without getting yelled at for doing so" she added and Kara giggled.

"yeah that's a big plus for me too"


An hour into the art class Lena had already consumed four mock tails and Kara was sipping her third. They had been talking almost the whole time through, when there would fall a silence it was comfortable and filled with Kara's brush strokes on her canvas or Lena's fingers moving over her own.

Kara leaned over to look at Lena's art and gasped "wow Lena, I didn't know you could draw like that" she said, surprise clear in her voice. Lena shrugged nonchalantly, she had chosen to work with soft pastels today and had started to work on her take of the galaxy.

She had mixed different shades of blue together and had added whites and yellows for the stars. She had chosen blue because it reminded her of their first meeting and Kara's eyes, though if someone were to ask she'd deny it.

"oh this" she said "this is nothing"

Kara scoffed "nothing? That is amazing! I really like how you mixed the blues together like that" she said, pointing out the places she liked the most "I love the galaxy, where did you learn to draw like this and why did you hide it from me?" she asked.

"well my parents always strived for me to be the best in everything, Art too." Lena explained. Kara nodded "well you are really good, don't give up on it okay?" she said. Lena couldn't help but smile back at the blue eyed blonde "okay." she said and leaned over to look at Kara's painting. She didn't get a chance to look at it properly since Kara moved the canvas away from her.

"hey" she pouted, making Kara giggle "sorry, no peeking" the blonde said. Lena was about to complain when the dude from the row before them turned around and shushed them "Real artists work in silence" he said and turned back around facing his own canvas.

Lena roll her eyes. "Real artists work in silence" she mocked him and Kara laughed "I bet his art isn't even that good" she added.

"well I guess we'll see in a couple of minutes" Kara answered, reminding Lena of the fact that the class was almost over.

She sighed. She didn't want this date to ever end.


"Alright class, put down your brushes, pastels, and crayons. Yes Gary I mean you. Put it down" Melissa said and growled at a nerdy looking guy on the front row who blushed and put down his red crayon.

"I'll be going around to admire your art, if I like it you're one step closer to winning the spot!" she said while enthusiastically clapping her hands together. She got of the stage and started to make her way around the room, eliminating drawings she didn't like and giving explanations as to why she didn't like it and how  people could improve their art pieces.

Melissa was at the second to last row and admiring the drawing of the annoying guy in front of them "this is really good Michael" Melissa spoke "I like it, you are up for selection!" she said with glee. The man, Michael smirked knowingly and looked behind him to mock Lena.

Lena scoffed, she knew for a fact that she would be up for selection as well. Sure enough Melissa selected her for selection not long after him and she made a face at him as if to say "I told you so". Kara shook her head and rolled her eyes at her date but couldn't help but find her adorable when she was competing like that.

Melissa stood next to Kara "so let's see your painting Darling!" she said, gesturing for Kara to turn her canvas. Lena gasped as she was met with a perfect painted image of herself.

Kara had painted her while she had been focusing on her own pastel drawing, her green eyes were focused on the canvas and the tip of her tongue was between her teeth. It was truly the most beautiful thing she'd ever seen. When she looked over at Kara she saw the blonde already looking at her and smiling. Lena blushed. Man she had it bad.

"oh! I love this!" Melissa squealed "I don't need to think about the selection any more, I think we have found our winner!" she said and held Kara's arm up in victory.

Kara smiled wide and pulled Lena in for a hug "You did it Kara!" Lena laughed in her shoulder. "no we did it! I only won because I had a lovely model" she said as she pulled back slightly to look her in the eye.

Lena felt her face heat up "you flatter me to much!" she said while smiling at Kara. Kara shrugged "I really don't, I could draw you for ages. You're beautiful and my drawings are no comparison to the real Lena" she said and rested her arms on Lena's shoulder.

"Well, then I'll be your model for as long as you want me" she said as she pulled Kara back in for the hug.


After Kara had signed her painting with her signature and had written a small description about it, Melissa had kept her promise by immediately hanging it on the free spot on the wall.

"we should take a picture together" Lena said as they soon in front of it "this is your first ever showcase at a real art gallery, it's a memorable one!"she added. Kara nodded" that's a good idea "she agreed and took out her phone, turning on her camera app. She held the phone at arm length and made sure both Lena and the painting were on display too.


They looked at the picture afterwards "this is nice, send it to me?" Lena asked. Kara immediately send it to her "we should take another one, a silly one!" she said and Lena agreed.

They took a couple of silly pictures, one of Lena sticking out her tongue and Kara making a duck face, one of Lena kissing Kara's cheek and Kara looking "shocked" and more. "okay now I'll kiss your cheek" Kara said and held out her phone again.

Kara moved her head to the side to kiss Lena's cheek but just as she took the picture Lena moved her face to Kara's and their lips connected in a sweet kiss, the camera capturing the moment perfectly. They continued to kiss, Kara moved her hands up to the back of Lena's neck and deepened the kiss while Lena's hands snaked around the blondes torso.

"if you lovebirds are quite done, I'd love to get a few pictures with my new addition and it's artist!" Melissa spoke, making them break the kiss. They both blushed, causing Melissa to giggle.

"uhm, I'll leave you two to it then" Lena said and she turned to kiss Kara's cheek "come look for me when you're done". Kara could only nod since she was still flabbergasted from their amazing kiss.


Lena looked at Michael's painting and scoffed. He had painted a horse, it wasn't bad but it wasn't that good either, she'd call it mediocre at best. She felt two strong arms wrapping themselves around her waist and she immediately smiled.

"Kara look at this painting and tell me what you see" she spoke as she leaned her head back to rest on Kara's shoulder. The blonde hummed

"uhm a horse?" she said, confusion clear in her voice.

Lena sighed "I see a painting a twelve year old could've done, he shouldn't have been up to selection at all!" she huffed. Kara laughed at that and kissed her cheek before letting go of her

"don't be dramatic Lena, you had fun right?" she asked. Lena nodded

"yeah I did"

"well then don't worry about what others painted, just think about how fun it was to be painting with me!" she said and smiled her usual charming laugh.

"you're right, I'm sorry" Lena said as she picked up one of Michael's brushes. She groaned "he has his own fucking name carved in his brush. All of his brushes"

Kara couldn't help but laugh at how silly Lena was being. "Just let it go Lena. We should go, I still want to buy you some ice cream!" she said and Lena nodded with a smile

In Kara's eagerness to get ice cream she bumped into Lena who was still holding the brush. Lena's arm shot forward and the still wet brush left a big brown smear of paint over the whole canvas.

" oh no! What have we done?" Kara asked, panic slightly audible in her voice. Lena was staring at the big blob in shock, she snapped out of it when she heard Michael return.

"Kara we have to go now!" she hissed and quickly put down the brush. Lena started to speed walk to the exit, only to look back and finding Kara still in the same spot. She rushed back, grabbed Kara's hand and yanked her to the exit."


Their laughter echoed through the streets as they ran out of the gallery. Kara was holding her stomach with her hand, While Lena was snorting through her laughter.

" I can't believe we vandalised something and then just ran!" she spoke once she catched her breath a bit.

Kara chuckled "I can. Michael was rude, he deserved what he got" she said with a grin on her face.

Their hands brushed together as the walk and for a while they just stay there. Eventually Kara build up enough courage to grab Lena's hand in hers. When she looked over Lena was smiling big at her and in that moment she knew that nothing in the entire world could stop her from wanting to see Lena Luthor again.

Not even the fact that they are school rivals...


/A/N\ Part 3 of college Rivals. Hope you enjoyed it! New prompts are being written as we speak!

Don't forget to vote on my book and leave comments!

Xx Val👑

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