My Brothers Keeper

By glogangright

209K 6.5K 3K

A girl by the name of Bianca Joseph, nickname JoJo for short now lives with her brother. All she cares about... More

Be Nice‼️
Party Night‼️
I'll Change Your Life‼️
New Student‼️
Read This
A Day In School‼️
Broken Heart ‼️
Responsibility Of Gang‼️
Father Son Chat‼️
A Day with Dae Dae‼️
The Truth‼️
Stay With Me‼️
This Means War‼️
Connect The Dots‼️
Sober Thought‼️
Let It All Out‼️
Gone Forever‼️
The End‼️

It Ends Tonight‼️

8.6K 251 69
By glogangright

I woke up and my body was so sore.

"Oh my god." I mumble.

"You finally up?"

I looked over and saw a shirtless Dae Dae eating a bowl of cereal.

"My body hurts." I mumble.

"Cause I was putting that work in." He said.

"Yeah whatever." I said getting up.

I stretched and let out a deep breath.

"Our weekend is officially over. I packed your bags up for you since we leaving today." He said.

"Thank you." I said.

"Whatchu finna do?" I asked.

"Nothing really just wait for you. I handled all the business I needed to here it's just up to you to tell me when you ready to leave." He said.

I nodded my head. "Well I guess I'll go get dress." I said.

He nodded his head.

"I'm a wait for you downstairs." He replied.

I got out the bed and started limping making my way over to the bathroom. My body hurts and it's so sore from last night I just need this hot shower.

I herd a snicker and turned around and looked at Dae Dae.

"You okay?" He asked.

"My body hurts." I said.

He chuckled.

"Take a shower and then when you get out I'll give you a massage okay?" He asked.

"I'd like that thank you." I said walking to the bathroom.

I took my hot shower and put my hair in a ponytail. I threw on some basketball shorts and a T-shirt and called Dae Dae up to give me my massage.

"Just a massage right?" I asked laying down.

"Just a massage." He said. "Unless you want more." He replied.

I hit him making him laugh.

He took some baby lotion and put it in his hand

He took his hands and applied pressure in different areas of my back.

"Oh my god." I moaned.

I knew he was smirking.

He came over to my arms massaging down to my legs and it was greatest feeling ever.

"This is better than sex." I mumbled.

"You sure?" He asked.

I started laughing and so did he.

He continued massage and with the smart remarks for a whole 7 minutes till my body felt less sore and more relieved.

"All done." He said.

I sat up on the bed and stared at him.

"What?" He asked.

I gave him a long kiss on the lips.

"Thanks for everything. I know we been through some shit together, but I'm just happy we stayed through the storm for the sun to come out." I said.

He grabbed my hand smiling and kissed it gently.

"We still got a big ass storm coming our way mamas. But don't worry, the weather man is here to protect you."

"Way to kill the vibe Day." I said.

He started laughing which made me laugh.

"Alright come on. It's time to go back home." He said.

We out the last of the bags in the car and drove back to the hood.

Dae Dae claimed that he already said bye to his guys and his mom from earlier and that it would be a matter of time before we meet them again.

The ride back was quick and made me realize that we were far but not that far maybe at least an hour a way.

We finally made it back to my house and as soon as I walked in I was greeted by Baby D.

"EEEEE." He screamed as I walked in to the door.

"Awww I feel missed. It's only been like 3 days." I said.

Dae Dae walked in with bags and Baby D started stretching his arms towards him.

"Hold on lil man I'm coming to you right now." He replied.

And of course Dae Dae takes Baby D who is so ever happy in his arms.

I roll my eyes, grab the bags and made my way upstairs.

I just dropped them off in the room and went back downstairs to see Maya.

"Hey you're back." She said giving me a hug.

"Yea I am." I replied.

"How the mini vacation?" She asked.

I smiled.

"It was fun. I really enjoyed it." I replied.

She looked at me and I started smiling harder.

"Yea we're definitely gonna have to talk after I come back." She said.

"What? What are you talking about?" I asked.

"Anywaysssss. I'm taking Baby D to the doctor for a little. We should be back in the next 15 minutes or so." Maya said.

"Okay but wait where's Chino?" I asked.

"Trap." She replied going downstairs.

I followed her and when she saw Dae Dae with Baby D she smiled.

"Oh Ight so we'll just head over there then." I said.

"Alright I'll see y'all later." She said leaving with the baby.

"Where we going?" Dae asked.

"Trap to go see Chino." I said.

He nodded his head and I followed him to the car. We buckled up and headed over to the trap.


We walked in to the trap and I made my way upstairs while Dae Dae greeted the niggas downstairs.

I walked in Chino's office to see him on his phone smoking.

He looked up and when he saw me he smiled.

"Hey kid." He said getting up.

I got pulled in to a big hug.

"I missed you it's felt like forever." He said.

"Lowkey how's it been?" I asked.

He let out a sigh.

"Stressful." He said.

At that moment Dae Dae came up.

"My boy." Chino said dapping up Day and pulling him in for a hug.

"Wassup how's it going?" Day asked.


He let out a deep breath.

"Your father ain't letting up. He's plotting something big I know it. And it's coming soon." Chino said

Dae Dae clenched his jaw in anger.

"But lets not talk about that right now. How was y'all trip?" He asked.

I let off a smile. "It was good. It was well needed and we enjoyed it." I said.

Chino looked at me and then looked at Dae Dae.

"Jojo step out for a quick second." He said eyeing Dae.

I gave him a confused look but steeped out.

Dae Daes POV

"Wassup?" I asked.

"Y'all fucked?" Chino question.

"What? No? Come on now we were just chilling on our mini vacation." I said.

He looked at me and raised his eyebrows.

I tried to make it seem as little obvious as possible.

I don't feel comfortable telling him I slept with his little sister. That's weird.

"Alright so what did y'all do?" Chino questioned.

"Welll Jojo has apperently did some investigating and found out that my mother is actually alive and she thought I was dead." I said.

His eyes got big.

"Woah." He said.

"Exactly. Turns out my dad planned the whole thing. I need him dead forreal." I said stressed.

Chino nodded his head.

"Now that you're back. We not wasting no time, we'll get him as soon as possible and before he could hurt Jo." Chino said.

I nodded my head agreeing.

"How are you doing about your little situation?" I asked referring to his so called baby.

He sighed.

"I've seen shorty around and have been hearing about her and her stomach is getting bigger and bigger. The more shit I hear the more scared I get about if that's really my kid." Chino said.

I shook my head.

"You need to get that test." I said.

"I know I know." He said.

He sighed. "I did."

"You did!? So what the fuck bro are you the father or not?" I asked.

He wiped his face.

"I am. That's really my kid bro." Chino replied.


We turned around and saw Jojo.

"Jojo!" Chino said surprised.

"Look I was gonna tell you-"

"Were you really Chino? Like I honestly gave you so much time but you didn't even drop a hint. I can't believe this is really happening." She said.

I knew she was hurt because out of all the hoes that could be havin his baby. Its her ex best friend giving birth to her older brothers child.

She's gonna be her ex best friends baby Maury.

She let out a deep breath.

"You know what. I'm fine I'm fine I just need some air." She said softly walking out.

Chino let out a sigh and put his head down.

"You should go check on her. I'll catch you later I just gotta finish business here and then meet up with Baby D and Maya." He said.

I nodded my head and dapped him up.

"Stay safe."

"Aye you too." He replied.

I quickly went down to go and check up JoJo who was outside the trap looking mad as shit.

"Why you so mad?" I asked.

"I'm not mad." She blacked.

I gave her a look making her sigh.

"Just feel a little sad I guess. It's like we take two steps forward just to take five steps back." I said.

"It be like that. You just need to know how to leap forward to get back those steps." I said.

She looked at me impressed.

"Your word play today is amazing." She complimented.

"Thank you very much." I replied smiling.

We both started laughing.

"Come on let's take your mind off of this bs." I said taking her hands.

"How?" She asked.

I thought about it.

"How about we go see a movie?" I asked.

"A movie?" She asked laughing.

"Come on now we got more important shit to do than watch a movie." She said.

I shook my head.

"We got time to chill ma. Come on let's go to the theater." I said pulling her to my car.

We got in and I took her to the movie theater.


Jojo POV

We pulled up to the movie theater and bought tickets to see some random ass movie I never herd of.

"Pull up on the line to get some snacks." He said.

I followed him to the line and as soon as the cashier saw him her face brighten up.

"Hi what can I get for you?" She said.

"Yea can I get a large popcorn and two slurpes?" He asked.

"Yea sure." She said smiling.

I gave her a strange look.

"You're here with your little sister?" She asked looking at me.

Little sister are you serious?

"Girlfriend." I corrected.

She gave me a stank look while he gave me an impressed one.

"I'll be back." She said.

She went to go prepare our snacks while we stood there and waited.

"$6.00 for a box of candy. Gah dam what if a nigga was on a budget." He said.

I laughed. "I don't want no candy." I said.

He sucked his teeth. "It wasn't for you it was for me." He said.

I rolled my eyes but started laughing making him laugh.

The women came back with our popcorn. She gave us our popcorn and caressed Dae Dae hand while doing so.

"I'm gonna get your drinks right now." She said.

I looked at him who was oblivious to the fact she was trying to flirt.

He looked over at me.

"What happened mama you look a little frustrated." He said.

I couldn't help but smile.

He's so cute when he's concerned.

"Nothing." I Said.

He gave me a strange look but shrugged his shoulders.

She came back with the drinks and put it on the counter.

"Here are you drinks." She said smiling.

Dae Dae gave her a gentle smile and thanked her while I mean mugged the both of them.

"Wait here. Take this since you were being sweet, it's on the house." She said giving him a free box of candy.

He began chessing hard.

Oh please give me a break.

"Thank you. I appreciate it." He said.

"Anything for you." She replied back.

"Can we hurry up catch the movie before I throw up?" I asked.

He started laughing while she grilled me.

"Come on." He said.

I follow him in to take our seats and there was barely any one there. I followed him up the steps and to the back of the theatre.

"You want some sour patches?" Dae Dae asked.

"No." I said quickly.

"Drink? Popcorn?" He asked.

I kept quiet.

"Helloooo I'm talking to you." He said.

I rolled my eyes and sat back in the seat.

"You always do this shit." He said with an attitude.

"Do what?" I asked pissed off.

"Always get mad when lil bitches start flirting with me. It ain't my fault I look fucking good and they wanna flirt." He said.

"But it is your fault when you start acting all friendly towards them." I said.

"So what I gave the bitch a little smile. I love you not her I just wanted some extra butter and some free candy." He said.

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever I'm not finna do this." I said.

"You always catch this badass attitude and I'm a put you in your dam place." He mumbled.

"So go ahead. Put me in my place since you so big and bad." I pressed.

He put the drinks and the popcorn to the side. He grabbed me by my neck and forcefully kissed me. I couldn't help but smile and start to laugh.

"Stoppp I'm supposed to be mad at you." I said.

"Stop fronting you can't stay mad at me." He said still kissing.

He started to bite down on my lip.

"Stop freak." I Said.

He took his hand and started going in my pants.

I gasped. "Stop someone is gonna see us." I Said.

"No they not we in the back just don't moan too loud." He said smirking.

The devil himself

He unbuckles my pants and puts his hand down there. He starts to play with me through my underwear.

"Stopppp." I said smiling as he kissed me.

He started smiling too and made his way to my neck area kissing me there.

"The movies starting." I said.

He stopped kissing and took his hand out my pants.

"Good now stop with the attitude and watch." He said.

I was taken so off gaurd I couldn't do anything.

I sat back in my chair and kept my mouth shut for the whole movie.


It was about 10:00 at night and we were on our way home. Dae Dae enjoyed the movie and...other things in the theatre. He couldn't help but smile till we stepped inside the house.

"Nobody home?" Dae Dae asked.

"Nah I thought they would be home by now." I said confused.

Day nodded his head.

"Forreal. I'm a drive to the trap real quick and pick Chino up from over there. Knowing him he forgot time." Dae Dae said.

"Alright I'll stay here." I said.

"You sure?"

"Yea I'll be Ight. Plus I wanna shower." I said.

"Without me tho?" He questioned.

"You've been a horn dog lately you okay?" I asked.

"Kinda wanna fuck." He said like it was nothing.

I laughed.

"You gotta chill. We back home can't have anybody walking in on us." I said.

He rolled his eyes.

"Like I care. Anyways I'll be back." He said leaving.

I went upstairs and to a long nice warm shower. It felt good to be back home and back in an atmosphere I was use to.

I don't get out much so the little time I did down out of the neighborhood felt like a long time.

I hopped out, got dressed, and waited for Dae Dae and the rest of them to come back.

After 15 minutes I herd banging on the door. I quickly got up and got my gun making my way downstairs.

I look through the peep while and saw Day.

"Don't do that you almost gave me a heart attack." I said.

He just walked in and gave me a nervous look. I looked in his eyes and saw he was hiding something.

"Spill it. Don't hold back cause I'm a know if you lying ." I said.

He let out a sigh and wiped his face.

"I think something bad happened to Chino, Maya, and Baby D." He said.

I looked at him with wide eyes.

"Don't play." I said.

"I wish I was." He said seriously.

"What do you mean? Daquan what the fuck are you talking about?" I asked.

"Look I went to the trap. Niggas was like your brother left 20 minutes ago. I go to the doctor and the girl at the desk said they been left. I looked at my phone and saw this."

You've been on the run for too long now. We got the baby, Chino, and the girl, pull up with JoJo by 12 and they live.

I looked at the clock.


"DAY WE GOTTA HURRY UP WERE ALMOST OUT OF TIME." I yelled grabbing his hand to leave.

"Jojo listen. We gotta go back to the trap. I made a couple of calls and niggas is gonna meet us there. The place they want us to meet us at isn't far so we have time." He said.

He looked at me.

"Relax." He said softly.

I shook my head, put my head in his chest, and started crying.

"I don't want nothing bad to happen to them." I said.

"I know baby. I'm a do everything in my power to get them back ight?" He said.

I nodded my head.

"Let's go." He said.


We pulled up to the trap and it was filled to maximum capacity. There were guns all over and everyone was serious.

I saw Dae Dae friends from his old hood and I even saw his mother.

"Hi." I said greeting her.

She pulled me in for a hug.

"Don't worry. Everything is gonna be fine. It ends tonight." She said.

"Tonight for sure. They touched one of ours so we killing all of them." One of Chino friends said.

Everyone cheered and agreed.

"Everyone load up and pack up in the cars. We move out now." Dae Dae said taking charge.

I watch everyone move out as I stood there overwhelmed.

"Come on mom you rolling with me." Dae Dae said said.

I followed behind him till he stopped me.

"Where you going?" He asked.

"I wanna come." I said.

"Are you crazy? I'm not about to let you risk your life like that." He said.

Oh my god I know he not doing this right now.

"I don't care about what YOU think I want to go and help MY family even if that means I gotta risk my life. I know how to shoot a gun so don't try to tell me nothing." I said.

He opened his mouth to say something but his mom stopped him.

She handed me a gun. "Meet us in the car in 5 minutes." She said walking out with everyone else except for Dae Dae.

Dae Dae gave his mother the meanest look ever and then he looked at me.

I took the gun and check the bullets to see a full clip.

"You gonna stand there mean mugging or you gonna come and help me save my family?" I asked cocking the gun back.

He checked his gun.

"Our family." He corrected.

I looked at him and he cracked a smile making me smile.

"You so lame." I said walking out.

"As long as I'm your lame I'm fine with it." He replied.


We hopped in the car and made our way to go save our family.

It definitely ends tonight

Promise you next chapter will come quicker🤫

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